function assertNotValid($data, $errors) { $validator = new Validator(); $validator->check($data, $this->schema); $this->assertEquals($errors, $validator->getErrors(), print_r($validator->getErrors(), true)); $this->assertFalse($validator->isValid()); }
public function img_profil($db, $user_id, $image, $path) { $validator = new Validator($_POST); $validator->isSize($image, 'Votre photo est trop lourde.'); $validator->isExtension($image, 'Vous ne pouvez mettre que des fichiers avec les extensions suivantes : png, gif, jpg, jpeg.'); $uploadfile = basename($_FILES[$image]['name']); $uploadfile = strtr($uploadfile, 'ÀÁÂÃÄÅÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÒÓÔÕÖÙÚÛÜÝàáâãäåçèéêëìíîïðòóôõöùúûüýÿ', 'AAAAAACEEEEIIIIOOOOOUUUUYaaaaaaceeeeiiiioooooouuuuyy'); $img = $path . $uploadfile; if ($validator->isValid()) { $this->field_img($db, $user_id, $img, $image); move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$image]['tmp_name'], $img); $info_user = $this->checkId($db, $user_id); return $info_user->image = $img; } else { return $errors = $validator->getErrors(); } }
public function validate() { require_once 'validator.class.php'; $data = $_POST; // $data = array( // "emailId"=>"*****@*****.**", // "password" => "", // "fullName" => "", // ); // define the rules $rules = array("emailId" => "email", "password" => "require", "fullName" => "require"); $message = array("email" => array("require" => "Email Id is Required", "email" => 'Valid EmailId Only'), "password" => "Password is Required", "fullName" => "Full Name is Required"); $objValidator = new Validator($rules, $message); if (!$objValidator->isValid($data)) { return false; } else { return true; } }
<?php require_once '../autoload.php'; require_once '../include/results.php'; //rajouter order bye et condition si reply ou origine et recuper donner(function dans class) $tweet = new Tweet($user_id); // $tweet->getIdTweet(); /*var_dump($p = new Tweet($user_id, 2)); var_dump($p->getIdTweet());*/ // var_dump($p = new Tweet($user_id)); // var_dump($p->Tweet_follower($user_id)); if (isset($_FILES['file-input']) && !empty($_FILES['file-input']['name'])) { $uploaddir = '../view/img-user/tweet/'; $validator = new Validator($_POST); $validator->isSize('file-input', 'You picture is too oversized'); $validator->isExtension('file-input', 'You must upload a type of picture with png, gif, jpg, jpeg, please.'); $uploadfile = basename($_FILES['file-input']['name']); $uploadfile = strtr($uploadfile, 'ÀÁÂÃÄÅÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÒÓÔÕÖÙÚÛÜÝàáâãäåçèéêëìíîïðòóôõöùúûüýÿ', 'AAAAAACEEEEIIIIOOOOOUUUUYaaaaaaceeeeiiiioooooouuuuyy'); $img_tweet = $uploaddir . $uploadfile; if ($validator->isValid()) { move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file-input']['tmp_name'], $img_tweet); $tweet->newTweet($img_tweet); /*$info_user->avatar = $avatar;*/ } else { $errors = $validator->getErrors(); } } else { $tweet->newTweet(); } require_once '../view/accueil.php';
/** * @return bool */ protected function getResult() { return $this->validator->isValid($this->account); }
/** * @return bool */ protected function getResult() { return !is_null($this->validator) && $this->validator->isValid($this->account); }
/** * Delete one or more users. * @param array $data user data * @return array */ function deleteUserGenericData($data) { Debug::Arr($data, 'DataA: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); if (is_numeric($data)) { $data = array($data); } if (!is_array($data)) { return $this->returnHandler(FALSE); } Debug::Text('Received data for: ' . count($data) . ' Users', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); Debug::Arr($data, 'Data: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $total_records = count($data); $validator_stats = array('total_records' => $total_records, 'valid_records' => 0); if (is_array($data)) { foreach ($data as $key => $id) { $primary_validator = new Validator(); $lf = TTnew('UserGenericDataListFactory'); $lf->StartTransaction(); if (is_numeric($id)) { //Modifying existing object. //Get user object, so we can only modify just changed data for specific records if needed. $lf->getByUserIdAndId($this->getCurrentUserObject()->getId(), $id); if ($lf->getRecordCount() == 1) { //Object exists Debug::Text('User Generic Data Exists, deleting record: ', $id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $lf = $lf->getCurrent(); } else { //Object doesn't exist. $primary_validator->isTrue('id', FALSE, TTi18n::gettext('Delete permission denied, generic data does not exist')); } } else { $primary_validator->isTrue('id', FALSE, TTi18n::gettext('Delete permission denied, generic data does not exist')); } //Debug::Arr($lf, 'AData: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $is_valid = $primary_validator->isValid(); if ($is_valid == TRUE) { //Check to see if all permission checks passed before trying to save data. Debug::Text('Attempting to delete user generic data...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $lf->setDeleted(TRUE); $is_valid = $lf->isValid(); if ($is_valid == TRUE) { Debug::Text('User Deleted...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $save_result[$key] = $lf->Save(); $validator_stats['valid_records']++; } } if ($is_valid == FALSE) { Debug::Text('User Generic Data is Invalid...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $lf->FailTransaction(); //Just rollback this single record, continue on to the rest. if ($primary_validator->isValid() == FALSE) { $validator[$key] = $primary_validator->getErrorsArray(); } else { $validator[$key] = $lf->Validator->getErrorsArray(); } } $lf->CommitTransaction(); } if ($validator_stats['valid_records'] > 0 and $validator_stats['total_records'] == $validator_stats['valid_records']) { if ($validator_stats['total_records'] == 1) { return $this->returnHandler($save_result[$key]); //Single valid record } else { return $this->returnHandler(TRUE, 'SUCCESS', TTi18n::getText('MULTIPLE RECORDS SAVED'), $save_result, $validator_stats); //Multiple valid records } } else { return $this->returnHandler(FALSE, 'VALIDATION', TTi18n::getText('INVALID DATA'), $validator, $validator_stats); } } return $this->returnHandler(FALSE); }
<?php /// Copyright (c) 2004-2016, Needlworks / Tatter Network Foundation /// All rights reserved. Licensed under the GPL. /// See the GNU General Public License for more details. (/documents/LICENSE, /documents/COPYRIGHT) define('__TEXTCUBE_ADMINPANEL__', true); require ROOT . '/library/preprocessor.php'; importlib(''); $IV = array('POST' => array('name' => array('string', 'default' => ''), 'comment' => array('string', 'default' => ''), 'mode' => array(array('commit'), 'default' => ''), 'homepage' => array('string', 'default' => ''), 'password' => array('string', 'default' => ''), 'secret' => array(array('on'), 'default' => null))); $context = Model_Context::getInstance(); $customIV = fireEvent('ManipulateIVRules', $IV, $context->getProperty('uri.interfaceRoute')); Validator::addRule($customIV); if (!Validator::isValid()) { Respond::PrintResult(array('error' => 1, 'description' => 'Illegal parameters')); } requireStrictRoute(); if (!Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('acceptComments', 0) && !doesHaveOwnership()) { Respond::PrintResult(array('error' => 0, 'commentBlock' => '', 'recentCommentBlock' => '')); exit; } $pool = DBModel::getInstance(); if ((doesHaveMembership() || !empty($_POST['name'])) && !empty($_POST['comment']) && !empty($_POST['mode']) && $_POST['mode'] == 'commit') { if (!empty($_POST['name'])) { setcookie('guestName', $_POST['name'], time() + 2592000, $context->getProperty('') . "/"); } if (!empty($_POST['homepage']) && $_POST['homepage'] != 'http://') { if (strpos($_POST['homepage'], 'http://') === 0) { setcookie('guestHomepage', $_POST['homepage'], time() + 2592000, $context->getProperty('') . "/"); } else { setcookie('guestHomepage', 'http://' . $_POST['homepage'], time() + 2592000, $context->getProperty('') . "/"); }
include_once '../autoloader.php'; // Test data $v = new Validator(['name' => 'asdfsdf', 'age' => '20', 'phone' => '123123', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => 'wang1@']); // Validate one field with multiple rules $v->validate('name', ['notEmpty', ['greaterThan', 100], ['between', 0, 20]]); $v->validate('age', ['notEmpty', ['between', 0, 100]]); //length validation //equal validation $v->validate('name', [['length', 7]]); $v->validate('name', [['equal', true]]); // Email $v->email()->validate('age', [['EmailValidator', '']]); // Call additional validator echo $v->address()->street(3) . '<br>'; // Use getKey method to validate key value echo $v->phone()->phoneNumber('12345') . '<br>'; echo $v->phone()->phoneNumber($v->getKey('phone')) . '<br>'; echo 'street', $v->address()->validate('email', ['street']) . '<br>'; //password validation echo $v->password()->password($v->getKey('password')) . '<br>'; // Errors echo '<hr/>'; if ($v->isValid()) { echo 'all valid'; } else { echo 'error on age field: '; $v->displayError('age'); echo 'All errors'; $v->displayErrorAll(); } echo '<hr/>';
<?php echo "welcome to VALIDATOR"; class Validator { private $pattern = "Sean"; function isValid($string) { if ($string == $this->pattern) { return true; } else { return false; } } } $myValidator = new Validator(); if ($myValidator->isValid('Sean')) { echo "You are valid"; } else { echo "You are NOT valid!!!!"; }
if (preg_match($this->pattern, $string)) { return true; } else { return false; } } } $puppyValidator = new Validator(); if (isset($_SESSION["dogs"])) { $dogs = $_SESSION["dogs"]; } if (isset($_POST["pup_name"])) { $name = $_POST["pup_name"]; } if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { if ($puppyValidator->isValid($name)) { array_push($dogs, $name); $_SESSION["dogs"] = $dogs; } else { $msg = "bad puppy name"; } } foreach ($dogs as $value) { $list .= "<li>" . $value . "<button class='remove'>X</button>" . "</li>"; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8">
/** * Set log data for one or more loges. * @param array $data log data * @return array */ function setLog($data, $validate_only = FALSE) { $validate_only = (bool) $validate_only; if (!is_array($data)) { return $this->returnHandler(FALSE); } if ($validate_only == TRUE) { Debug::Text('Validating Only!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); } extract($this->convertToMultipleRecords($data)); Debug::Text('Received data for: ' . $total_records . ' Logs', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); Debug::Arr($data, 'Data: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $validator_stats = array('total_records' => $total_records, 'valid_records' => 0); if (is_array($data)) { $this->getProgressBarObject()->start($this->getAMFMessageID(), $total_records); foreach ($data as $key => $row) { $primary_validator = new Validator(); $lf = TTnew('LogListFactory'); $lf->StartTransaction(); //Can add log entries only. unset($row['id']); Debug::Arr($row, 'Data: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); Debug::Text('Setting object data...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $lf->setObjectFromArray($row); //Force Company ID to current company. $lf->setUser($this->getCurrentUserObject()->getId()); $is_valid = $lf->isValid(); if ($is_valid == TRUE) { Debug::Text('Saving data...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); if ($validate_only == TRUE) { $save_result[$key] = TRUE; } else { $save_result[$key] = $lf->Save(); } $validator_stats['valid_records']++; } if ($is_valid == FALSE) { Debug::Text('Data is Invalid...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $lf->FailTransaction(); //Just rollback this single record, continue on to the rest. if ($primary_validator->isValid() == FALSE) { $validator[$key] = $primary_validator->getErrorsArray(); } else { $validator[$key] = $lf->Validator->getErrorsArray(); } } $lf->CommitTransaction(); $this->getProgressBarObject()->set($this->getAMFMessageID(), $key); } $this->getProgressBarObject()->stop($this->getAMFMessageID()); if ($validator_stats['valid_records'] > 0 and $validator_stats['total_records'] == $validator_stats['valid_records']) { if ($validator_stats['total_records'] == 1) { return $this->returnHandler($save_result[$key]); //Single valid record } else { return $this->returnHandler(TRUE, 'SUCCESS', TTi18n::getText('MULTIPLE RECORDS SAVED'), $save_result, $validator_stats); //Multiple valid records } } else { return $this->returnHandler(FALSE, 'VALIDATION', TTi18n::getText('INVALID DATA'), $validator, $validator_stats); } } return $this->returnHandler(FALSE); }
/** * Delete one or more recurring_schedule_controls. * @param array $data recurring_schedule_control data * @return array */ function deleteRecurringScheduleControl($data) { if (is_numeric($data)) { $data = array($data); } if (!is_array($data)) { return $this->returnHandler(FALSE); } if (!$this->getPermissionObject()->Check('recurring_schedule', 'enabled') or !($this->getPermissionObject()->Check('recurring_schedule', 'delete') or $this->getPermissionObject()->Check('recurring_schedule', 'delete_own') or $this->getPermissionObject()->Check('recurring_schedule', 'delete_child'))) { return $this->getPermissionObject()->PermissionDenied(); } //Get Permission Hierarchy Children first, as this can be used for viewing, or editing. $permission_children_ids = $this->getPermissionChildren(); Debug::Text('Received data for: ' . count($data) . ' RecurringScheduleControls', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); Debug::Arr($data, 'Data: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $total_records = count($data); $validator_stats = array('total_records' => $total_records, 'valid_records' => 0); if (is_array($data)) { $this->getProgressBarObject()->start($this->getAMFMessageID(), $total_records); foreach ($data as $key => $tmp_id) { $primary_validator = new Validator(); $lf = TTnew('RecurringScheduleControlListFactory'); $lf->StartTransaction(); //Need to support deleting the entire recurring schedule, or just one user from it. if (is_array($tmp_id)) { $id = $key; $user_id = $tmp_id; Debug::Arr($tmp_id, 'ID is an array, with User ID specified as well, deleting just this one user: ID: ' . $id . ' User IDs: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); } else { $id = $tmp_id; $user_id = FALSE; } if (is_numeric($id)) { //Modifying existing object. //Get recurring_schedule_control object, so we can only modify just changed data for specific records if needed. $lf->getByIdAndCompanyId($id, $this->getCurrentCompanyObject()->getId()); if ($lf->getRecordCount() == 1) { //Object exists, check edit permissions if ($this->getPermissionObject()->Check('recurring_schedule', 'delete') or $this->getPermissionObject()->Check('recurring_schedule', 'delete_own') and $this->getPermissionObject()->isOwner($lf->getCurrent()->getCreatedBy(), $lf->getCurrent()->getID()) === TRUE or $this->getPermissionObject()->Check('recurring_schedule', 'delete_child') and $this->getPermissionObject()->isChild($user_id, $permission_children_ids) === TRUE) { //if ( $this->getPermissionObject()->Check('recurring_schedule','delete') // OR ( $this->getPermissionObject()->Check('recurring_schedule','delete_own') AND $this->getPermissionObject()->isOwner( $lf->getCurrent()->getCreatedBy(), $lf->getCurrent()->getID() ) === TRUE ) ) { Debug::Text('Record Exists, deleting record: ', $id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $lf = $lf->getCurrent(); } else { $primary_validator->isTrue('permission', FALSE, TTi18n::gettext('Delete permission denied')); } } else { //Object doesn't exist. $primary_validator->isTrue('id', FALSE, TTi18n::gettext('Delete permission denied, record does not exist')); } } else { $primary_validator->isTrue('id', FALSE, TTi18n::gettext('Delete permission denied, record does not exist')); } //Debug::Arr($lf, 'AData: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $is_valid = $primary_validator->isValid(); if ($is_valid == TRUE) { //Check to see if all permission checks passed before trying to save data. Debug::Text('Attempting to delete record...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); if ($user_id > 0) { //Remove this user_id from the user array. $new_user_ids = array_diff((array) $lf->getUser(), (array) $user_id); Debug::Arr($new_user_ids, 'Removing individual users from schedule, remaining users are: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); if (count($new_user_ids) > 0) { $lf->setUser($new_user_ids); } else { //No users left, delete the entire recurring schedule. Debug::Text('No users left in schedule, removing entire schedule...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $lf->setDeleted(TRUE); } unset($new_user_ids); } else { $lf->setDeleted(TRUE); } $is_valid = $lf->isValid(); if ($is_valid == TRUE) { Debug::Text('Record Deleted...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $save_result[$key] = $lf->Save(); $validator_stats['valid_records']++; } } if ($is_valid == FALSE) { Debug::Text('Data is Invalid...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $lf->FailTransaction(); //Just rollback this single record, continue on to the rest. if ($primary_validator->isValid() == FALSE) { $validator[$key] = $primary_validator->getErrorsArray(); } else { $validator[$key] = $lf->Validator->getErrorsArray(); } } $lf->CommitTransaction(); $this->getProgressBarObject()->set($this->getAMFMessageID(), $key); } $this->getProgressBarObject()->stop($this->getAMFMessageID()); if ($validator_stats['valid_records'] > 0 and $validator_stats['total_records'] == $validator_stats['valid_records']) { if ($validator_stats['total_records'] == 1) { return $this->returnHandler($save_result[$key]); //Single valid record } else { return $this->returnHandler(TRUE, 'SUCCESS', TTi18n::getText('MULTIPLE RECORDS SAVED'), $save_result, $validator_stats); //Multiple valid records } } else { return $this->returnHandler(FALSE, 'VALIDATION', TTi18n::getText('INVALID DATA'), $validator, $validator_stats); } } return $this->returnHandler(FALSE); }
protected function doTestIsNotValid(Validator $validator, $value, $errorMessages) { $this->assertFalse($validator->isValid($value)); $this->assertNotEquals(0, count($validator->getMessages())); $this->assertEquals($errorMessages, $validator->getMessages()); }
/** * Delete one or more UserPreferences. * @param array $data UserPreference data * @return array */ function deleteUserPreference($data) { if (is_numeric($data)) { $data = array($data); } if (!is_array($data)) { return $this->returnHandler(FALSE); } if (!$this->getPermissionObject()->Check('user_preference', 'enabled') or !($this->getPermissionObject()->Check('user_preference', 'delete') or $this->getPermissionObject()->Check('user_preference', 'delete_own') or $this->getPermissionObject()->Check('user_preference', 'delete_child'))) { return $this->getPermissionObject()->PermissionDenied(); } Debug::Text('Received data for: ' . count($data) . ' UserPreferences', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); Debug::Arr($data, 'Data: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $total_records = count($data); $validator_stats = array('total_records' => $total_records, 'valid_records' => 0); if (is_array($data)) { $this->getProgressBarObject()->start($this->getAMFMessageID(), $total_records); foreach ($data as $key => $id) { $primary_validator = new Validator(); $lf = TTnew('UserPreferenceListFactory'); $lf->StartTransaction(); if (is_numeric($id)) { //Modifying existing object. //Get UserPreference object, so we can only modify just changed data for specific records if needed. $lf->getByIdAndCompanyId($id, $this->getCurrentCompanyObject()->getId()); if ($lf->getRecordCount() == 1) { //Object exists, check edit permissions if ($this->getPermissionObject()->Check('user_preference', 'delete') or $this->getPermissionObject()->Check('user_preference', 'delete_own') and $this->getPermissionObject()->isOwner($lf->getCurrent()->getCreatedBy(), $lf->getCurrent()->getID()) === TRUE) { Debug::Text('Record Exists, deleting record: ', $id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $lf = $lf->getCurrent(); } else { $primary_validator->isTrue('permission', FALSE, TTi18n::gettext('Delete permission denied')); } } else { //Object doesn't exist. $primary_validator->isTrue('id', FALSE, TTi18n::gettext('Delete permission denied, record does not exist')); } } else { $primary_validator->isTrue('id', FALSE, TTi18n::gettext('Delete permission denied, record does not exist')); } //Debug::Arr($lf, 'AData: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $is_valid = $primary_validator->isValid(); if ($is_valid == TRUE) { //Check to see if all permission checks passed before trying to save data. Debug::Text('Attempting to delete record...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $lf->setDeleted(TRUE); $is_valid = $lf->isValid(); if ($is_valid == TRUE) { Debug::Text('Record Deleted...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $save_result[$key] = $lf->Save(); $validator_stats['valid_records']++; } } if ($is_valid == FALSE) { Debug::Text('Data is Invalid...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $lf->FailTransaction(); //Just rollback this single record, continue on to the rest. if ($primary_validator->isValid() == FALSE) { $validator[$key] = $primary_validator->getErrorsArray(); } else { $validator[$key] = $lf->Validator->getErrorsArray(); } } $lf->CommitTransaction(); $this->getProgressBarObject()->set($this->getAMFMessageID(), $key); } $this->getProgressBarObject()->stop($this->getAMFMessageID()); if ($validator_stats['valid_records'] > 0 and $validator_stats['total_records'] == $validator_stats['valid_records']) { if ($validator_stats['total_records'] == 1) { return $this->returnHandler($save_result[$key]); //Single valid record } else { return $this->returnHandler(TRUE, 'SUCCESS', TTi18n::getText('MULTIPLE RECORDS SAVED'), $save_result, $validator_stats); //Multiple valid records } } else { return $this->returnHandler(FALSE, 'VALIDATION', TTi18n::getText('INVALID DATA'), $validator, $validator_stats); } } return $this->returnHandler(FALSE); }
/** * Delete one or more users. * @param array $data user data * @return array */ function deleteUser($data) { if (is_numeric($data)) { $data = array($data); } if (DEMO_MODE == TRUE) { return $this->returnHandler(TRUE); } if (!is_array($data)) { return $this->returnHandler(FALSE); } if (!$this->getPermissionObject()->Check('user', 'enabled') or !($this->getPermissionObject()->Check('user', 'delete') or $this->getPermissionObject()->Check('user', 'delete_own') or $this->getPermissionObject()->Check('user', 'delete_child'))) { return $this->getPermissionObject()->PermissionDenied(); } //Get Permission Hierarchy Children first, as this can be used for viewing, or editing. $permission_children_ids = $this->getPermissionChildren(); Debug::Text('Received data for: ' . count($data) . ' Users', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); Debug::Arr($data, 'Data: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $total_records = count($data); $validator_stats = array('total_records' => $total_records, 'valid_records' => 0); if (is_array($data)) { $this->getProgressBarObject()->start($this->getAMFMessageID(), $total_records); foreach ($data as $key => $id) { $primary_validator = new Validator(); $lf = TTnew('UserListFactory'); $lf->StartTransaction(); if (is_numeric($id)) { if ($this->getPermissionObject()->Check('company', 'view') == TRUE) { $lf->getById($id); //Allow deleting employees in other companies. } else { $lf->getByIdAndCompanyId($id, $this->getCurrentCompanyObject()->getId()); } if ($lf->getRecordCount() == 1) { //Object exists, check edit permissions //Debug::Text('User ID: '. $user['id'] .' Created By: '. $lf->getCurrent()->getCreatedBy() .' Is Owner: '. (int)$this->getPermissionObject()->isOwner( $lf->getCurrent()->getCreatedBy(), $lf->getCurrent()->getID() ) .' Is Child: '. (int)$this->getPermissionObject()->isChild( $lf->getCurrent()->getId(), $permission_children_ids ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); if ($this->getPermissionObject()->Check('user', 'delete') or $this->getPermissionObject()->Check('user', 'delete_own') and $this->getPermissionObject()->isOwner($lf->getCurrent()->getCreatedBy(), $lf->getCurrent()->getID()) === TRUE or $this->getPermissionObject()->Check('user', 'delete_child') and $this->getPermissionObject()->isChild($lf->getCurrent()->getId(), $permission_children_ids) === TRUE) { Debug::Text('Record Exists, deleting record: ', $id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $lf = $lf->getCurrent(); } else { $primary_validator->isTrue('permission', FALSE, TTi18n::gettext('Delete permission denied')); } } else { //Object doesn't exist. $primary_validator->isTrue('id', FALSE, TTi18n::gettext('Delete permission denied, record does not exist')); } } else { $primary_validator->isTrue('id', FALSE, TTi18n::gettext('Delete permission denied, record does not exist')); } //Debug::Arr($lf, 'AData: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $is_valid = $primary_validator->isValid(); if ($is_valid == TRUE) { //Check to see if all permission checks passed before trying to save data. Debug::Text('Attempting to delete record...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $lf->setDeleted(TRUE); $is_valid = $lf->isValid(); if ($is_valid == TRUE) { Debug::Text('Record Deleted...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $save_result[$key] = $lf->Save(); $validator_stats['valid_records']++; } } if ($is_valid == FALSE) { Debug::Text('Data is Invalid...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $lf->FailTransaction(); //Just rollback this single record, continue on to the rest. if ($primary_validator->isValid() == FALSE) { $validator[$key] = $primary_validator->getErrorsArray(); } else { $validator[$key] = $lf->Validator->getErrorsArray(); } } $lf->CommitTransaction(); $this->getProgressBarObject()->set($this->getAMFMessageID(), $key); } $this->getProgressBarObject()->stop($this->getAMFMessageID()); if ($validator_stats['valid_records'] > 0 and $validator_stats['total_records'] == $validator_stats['valid_records']) { if ($validator_stats['total_records'] == 1) { return $this->returnHandler($save_result[$key]); //Single valid record } else { return $this->returnHandler(TRUE, 'SUCCESS', TTi18n::getText('MULTIPLE RECORDS SAVED'), $save_result, $validator_stats); //Multiple valid records } } else { return $this->returnHandler(FALSE, 'VALIDATION', TTi18n::getText('INVALID DATA'), $validator, $validator_stats); } } return $this->returnHandler(FALSE); }
/** * @return bool */ protected function getResult() { return strlen(ltrim($this->account, '0')) === 10 && $this->account[0] !== '8' && $this->validator->isValid($this->account); }