Пример #1
// Rules list display
$ajax = new AjaxFilter(urlStrRedirect("shorewall/shorewall/ajax_" . $page));
$t = new TitleElement(_T("Rules"), 2);
// Add rule form
print '<script type="text/javascript" src="modules/shorewall/includes/functions.js"></script><br />';
$t = new TitleElement(_T("Add rule"), 2);
$f = new ValidatingForm(array("id" => "rule"));
$f->push(new Table());
$decisionTpl = new SelectItem("decision");
$decisionTpl->setElements(array(_T("Accept"), _T("Drop")));
$decisionTpl->setElementsVal(array("ACCEPT", "DROP"));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Decision"), $decisionTpl));
$src_zones = getZonesInterfaces($src);
if (count($src_zones) > 1) {
    $sources = array("All");
    $sourcesVals = array("all");
    foreach ($src_zones as $zone) {
        $sources[] = sprintf("%s (%s)", $zone[0], $zone[1]);
        $sourcesVals[] = $zone[0];
    $sourcesTpl = new SelectItem("source");
    $f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Source"), $sourcesTpl));
} else {
    $tr = new TrFormElement(_T("Source"), new HiddenTpl("source"));
    $tr->setStyle("display: none");
Пример #2
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with MMC; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
require "modules/samba/includes/machines.inc.php";
require "modules/samba/includes/samba.inc.php";
require "modules/samba/mainSidebar.php";
require "graph/navbar.inc.php";
if (isset($_POST["baddmach"])) {
    $machine = $_POST["machine"];
    $comment = stripslashes($_POST["comment"]);
    add_machine($machine, $comment);
    if (!isXMLRPCError()) {
        new NotifyWidgetSuccess(sprintf(_T("Computer %s successfully added"), $machine));
        header("Location: " . urlStrRedirect("samba/machines/index"));
$p = new PageGenerator(_T("Add a computer"));
$f = new ValidatingForm();
$f->addSummary(_T("The computer name can only contains letters lowercase and numbers, and must begin with a letter."));
$f->push(new Table());
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Computer name"), new NetbiosInputTpl("machine")), array("value" => $machine, "required" => True));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Comment"), new InputTpl("comment")), array("value" => $comment));
Пример #3
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with MMC.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/* common ajax includes */
require "../includes/ajaxcommon.inc.php";
$t = new TitleElement(_T("Imaging server configuration", "imaging"), 3);
$config = xmlrpc_getImagingServerConfig($location);
$imaging_server = $config[0];
$default_menu = $config[1];
$f = new ValidatingForm(array("action" => urlStrRedirect("imaging/manage/save_configuration")));
$f->add(new HiddenTpl("is_uuid"), array("value" => $imaging_server['imaging_uuid'], "hide" => True));
$lang = xmlrpc_getAllKnownLanguages();
$lang_choices = array();
$lang_values = array();
$lang_id2uuid = array();
foreach ($lang as $l) {
    $lang_choices[$l['imaging_uuid']] = $l['label'];
    $lang_values[$l['imaging_uuid']] = $l['imaging_uuid'];
    $lang_id2uuid[$l['id']] = $l['imaging_uuid'];
$language = new SelectItem("language");
if ($imaging_server['fk_language']) {
Пример #4
$ajax = new AjaxFilter(urlStrRedirect("shorewall/shorewall/ajax_" . $page));
$t = new TitleElement(_T("Rules"), 2);
// Add rule form
print '<script type="text/javascript" src="modules/shorewall/includes/functions.js"></script><br />';
$t = new TitleElement(_T("Add rule"), 2);
$f = new ValidatingForm(array("id" => "rule"));
$f->push(new Table());
$decisionTpl = new SelectItem("decision");
$decisionTpl->setElements(array(_T("Accept"), _T("Drop")));
$decisionTpl->setElementsVal(array("ACCEPT", "DROP"));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Decision"), $decisionTpl));
$src_zones = getZonesInterfaces($src);
if (count($src_zones) > 1) {
    $sources = array("All");
    $sourcesVals = array("all");
    foreach ($src_zones as $zone) {
        $sources[] = sprintf("%s (%s)", $zone[0], $zone[1]);
        $sourcesVals[] = $zone[0];
    $sourcesTpl = new SelectItem("source");
    $f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Source zone"), $sourcesTpl));
} else {
    $tr = new TrFormElement(_T("Source zone"), new HiddenTpl("source"));
Пример #5
// Add NAT rule form
$t = new TitleElement(_T("Add NAT rule"), 2);
$f = new ValidatingForm();
$f->push(new Table());
$zones_types = getZonesTypes();
$external = array();
$externalVals = array();
foreach (getZonesInterfaces($zones_types["external"]) as $zone) {
    $external[] = sprintf("%s (%s)", $zone[0], $zone[1]);
    $externalVals[] = $zone[1];
$externalTpl = new SelectItem("external_if");
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("External network (Internet)"), $externalTpl));
$internal = array();
$internalVals = array();
foreach (getZonesInterfaces($zones_types["internal"]) as $zone) {
    $internal[] = sprintf("%s (%s)", $zone[0], $zone[1]);
    $internalVals[] = $zone[1];
$internalTpl = new SelectItem("internal_if");
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Internal network"), $internalTpl));
$f->addButton("badd", _T("Add NAT rule"));
if (!servicesModuleEnabled()) {
    echo '<br/>';
Пример #6
} else {
    // add rule mode
    $rule[] = array("operand1" => "Network/IP", "operand2" => "/.*/", "entitie" => $entityroot, "aggregator" => "", "operator" => "match", "actif" => 1, "numRule" => $datarule['nb_regle'] + 1);
if (!isset($regle)) {
    $newnumRule = $datarule['nb_regle'] + 1;
} else {
    $newnumRule = $regle;
$p = new PageGenerator(_T("Add rule", 'inventory'));
$f = new ValidatingForm();
$f->push(new Table());
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Active", "inventory"), new CheckboxTpl('active')), array("value" => $rule[0]['actif'] == 1 ? 'checked' : ''));
$selectOperatorType = new SelectItemtitle("operator[]", _T('selection from this item', 'inventory') . "\n");
$aggregator_select = new SelectItemtitle("aggregator", _T('aggregator a rule', 'inventory') . "\n" . _T('AND all rules TRUE select entitie', 'inventory') . "\n" . _T('OR one rule TRUE select entitie', 'inventory') . "\n" . _T('NONE rule TRUE select entitie', 'inventory'));
$aggregator_select->setElements(array('AND', 'OR', 'NONE'));
$aggregator_select->setElementsVal(array('AND', 'OR', ''));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T('Aggregator', 'inventory'), $aggregator_select), array("value" => $rule[0]['aggregator']));
// or sans aggregator
//$f->add(new HiddenTpl("aggregator"), array("value" => "", "hide" => True));
$operator_select = new SelectItemtitle("operators[]", _T('Match', 'inventory') . ":\n" . _T(' regular expression', 'inventory') . "\n" . _T(' special characters must be escaped in regular expressions', 'inventory') . "\n" . _T(' .^$*+?()[{\\|') . "\n" . _T(' not start with word   /^(?!my string).*$/', 'inventory') . "\n" . _T(' start with my string /^my string.*$/', 'inventory') . "\n" . _T(' does not contain /^((?!my string).)*$/', 'inventory') . "\n" . _T(' egal to or contains', 'inventory') . "/my string/" . "\n" . _T(' finishes by  /.*(my string)$/', 'inventory') . "\n\n" . _T('Equal or noequal', 'inventory') . ":\n" . _T(' strictly equal or inequality', 'inventory') . "\n\n" . _T('Contains or NoContains', 'inventory') . ":\n" . _T(' has value or not', 'inventory') . "\n\n" . _T('Starts by or Finishes', 'inventory') . ":\n" . _T(' begins or ends with value', 'inventory'));
$operators = array("match" => _T('matches (regex)', 'inventory'), "equal" => _T('equal', 'inventory'), "noequal" => _T('not equal', 'inventory'), "contains" => _T('contains', 'inventory'), "nocontains" => _T('not contains', 'inventory'), "starts" => _T('starts by', 'inventory'), "finishes" => _T('finishes by', 'inventory'));
$locations_select = new SelectItemtitle("target_location[]", _T('entities list', 'inventory'));
$location_list = array();
Пример #7
    $a_href_open = "<a href=''>";
    print "<p>";
    print sprintf(_T("Boot menu generation is still in progress for the following items : %s. Please wait or reload the page %shere%s.", "imaging"), join($running_on, ', '), $a_href_open, '</a>');
    print "</p>";
if (count($initerror_on) > 0) {
    print "<p>";
    print _T("The registering in the imaging server has failed.", "imaging");
    print "</p>";
if (count($todo_on) > 0) {
    # DISPLAY the sync link
    print "<table><tr><td><b>";
    print sprintf(_T('You have modified the boot menu for the following items : %s. If you are done please click on "Generate Menu" to update the computer boot menu.', 'imaging'), join($todo_on, ', '));
    print "</b></font></td><td>";
    $f = new ValidatingForm();
    $f->add(new HiddenTpl("location_uuid"), array("value" => $location, "hide" => True));
    $f->addButton("bsync", _T("Generate Menu", "imaging"));
    print "</td></tr></table>";
} elseif (isExpertMode()) {
    print "<table><tr><td>";
    print _T('Click on "Force Generation" if you want to force the update of the boot menu', 'imaging');
    print "</td><td>";
    $f = new ValidatingForm();
    $f->add(new HiddenTpl("location_uuid"), array("value" => $location, "hide" => True));
    $f->addButton("bsync", _T("Force Generation", "imaging"));
    print "</td></tr></table>";
Пример #8
 $name = quick_get('ltitle');
 if (!isset($name) || $name == '') {
     $name = getPackageLabel($p_api, quick_get('pid'));
 // form design
 $f = new ValidatingForm();
 // display top label
 if (isset($_GET['uuid']) && $_GET['uuid']) {
     $hostname = $_GET['hostname'];
     $uuid = $_GET['uuid'];
     $machine = getMachine(array('uuid' => $uuid), True);
     $hostname = $machine->hostname;
     $label = new RenderedLabel(3, sprintf(_T('Single advanced launch : action "%s" on "%s"', 'msc'), $name, $machine->hostname));
     $f->push(new Table());
     $f->add(new HiddenTpl("uuid"), array("value" => $uuid, "hide" => True));
     $f->add(new HiddenTpl("name"), array("value" => $hostname, "hide" => True));
 } else {
     $gid = $_GET['gid'];
     $group = new Group($gid, true);
     if ($group->exists != False) {
         if (quick_get('convergence')) {
             $label = new RenderedLabel(3, sprintf(_T('Software Convergence: action "%s" on "%s"', 'msc'), $name, $group->getName()));
         } else {
             $label = new RenderedLabel(3, sprintf(_T('Group Advanced launch : action "%s" on "%s"', 'msc'), $name, $group->getName()));
         $f->push(new Table());
         $f->add(new HiddenTpl("gid"), array("value" => $gid, "hide" => True));
Пример #9
$services = array(array('Start computer', 'Boot on system hard drive', true), array('Create rescue image', 'Backup system hard drive', true), array('Create master', 'Backup system hard drive as a master', true), array('Memtest', 'Launch RAM checking utility', false));
$id = $_GET['itemid'];
if (count($_POST) == 0) {
    // get current values
    if ($services[$id][2] == true) {
        $in_bootmenu = 'CHECKED';
    $label = $services[$id][0];
    $desc = $services[$id][1];
    $p = new PageGenerator(_T("Edit service : ", "imaging") . $label);
    $f = new ValidatingForm();
    $f->push(new Table());
    $f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Label", "imaging"), new InputTpl("service_label")), array("value" => $label));
    $f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Description", "imaging"), new InputTpl("service_desc")), array("value" => $desc));
    $f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("In default bootmenu", "imaging"), new CheckboxTpl("service_bootmenu")), array("value" => $in_bootmenu));
    $f->addButton("bvalid", _T("Validate"));
} else {
    // set new values
    foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
    $label = $_POST['service_label'];
    $str = sprintf(_T("Service <strong>%s</strong> modified with success", "imaging"), $label);
    new NotifyWidgetSuccess($str);
    // goto menu boot list
    header("Location: " . urlStrRedirect("imaging/manage/service"));
Пример #10
         new NotifyWidgetFailure(sprintf(_T("Failed to unregister the computer %s", 'imaging'), $target_name));
     $is_unregistering = True;
 } else {
      * type: 'group' for a profile, '' for a single computer
     $type = $_GET["type"];
     $target_uuid = $_GET['target_uuid'];
     $target_name = $_GET['target_name'];
     $f = new ValidatingForm();
     // Set title
     if ($type == '') {
         // Computer
         if (!xmlrpc_isComputerRegistered($target_uuid) && !xmlrpc_isComputerInProfileRegistered($target_uuid)) {
             $f->add(new TitleElement(sprintf(_T("Register computer '%s'", "imaging"), $target_name)));
     } else {
         // Profile
         if (!xmlrpc_isProfileRegistered($target_uuid)) {
             $f->add(new TitleElement(sprintf(_T("Imaging activation for group '%s'", "imaging"), $target_name)));
     // Get boot menu
     if ($type == '') {
         // Computer
         $ret = xmlrpc_getMyMenuComputer($target_uuid);
     } else {
         // Profile
         $ret = xmlrpc_getMyMenuProfile($target_uuid);
Пример #11
require "../../../includes/config.inc.php";
require "../../../includes/i18n.inc.php";
require "../../../includes/acl.inc.php";
require "../../../includes/session.inc.php";
require "../../../includes/PageGenerator.php";
require "../includes/data_Windows_Answer_File_Generator.inc.php";
<!--Click on to validate disposed of the response file
.on smb: // ipPulse / postinst / sysprep /-->
if (isset($_SESSION['parameters'])) {
    //If this session exists : editing file, else creating file
    $parameters = $_SESSION['parameters'];
$f = new ValidatingForm(array("id" => "formxml"));
$f->add(new HiddenTpl("codeToCopy"), array("value" => "", "hide" => True));
$f->add(new HiddenTpl("infobulexml"), array("value" => '', "hide" => True));
//==== NEW SECTION ====
// Installation Notes
//Add section title
$f->add(new TitleElement(_T("Installation Notes", "imaging")));
$f->add(new TrFormElement("", new Iconereply('Installation_Notes', $InfoBule_Installation_Notes)));
$f->push(new Table());
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T('Title', 'imaging'), new InputTplTitle('Location', "name file xml")), array("required" => True, 'value' => isset($parameters) ? $parameters['Title'] : ''));
$f->add(new TrFormElement("Notes" . ":", new OptTextareaTpl(array('name' => 'Comments', 'value' => isset($parameters) ? $parameters['Notes'] : 'Enter your comments here...'))));
//Add empty line for separation
$f->add(new SepTpl());
Пример #12
$f = new ValidatingForm();
$f->push(new Table());
$trOptions = array('firstColWidth' => '200px');
$rb = new RadioTpl("proxy_mode");
$rb->setChoices(array(_T('Single with fallback', 'msc'), _T('Multiple', 'msc')));
$rb->setvalues(array('single', 'multiple'));
if (!empty($_POST["proxy_mode"])) {
    $proxy_mode = $_POST["proxy_mode"];
    // to prevent hidden field setting below
} else {
    $proxy_mode = web_local_proxy_mode();
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T('Local Proxy Mode', 'msc'), $rb, $trOptions));
if (!empty($_POST["max_clients_per_proxy"])) {
    $max_clients_per_proxy_value = $_POST["max_clients_per_proxy"];
    // to prevent hidden field setting below
} else {
    $max_clients_per_proxy_value = web_max_clients_per_proxy();
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T('Maximum number of simultaneous connections to a proxy', 'msc'), new MyNumericInputTpl("max_clients_per_proxy"), $trOptions), array("value" => $max_clients_per_proxy_value, "required" => True));
if (!empty($_POST["proxy_number"])) {
    $proxy_number = $_POST["proxy_number"];
    // to prevent hidden field setting below
} else {
    $proxy_number = web_proxy_number();
Пример #13
//New page with side menu, create and show
$p = new PageGenerator($main_title);
//Create a list of informations
$n = new ListInfos($arrB, $title_datagrid);
$n->first_elt_padding = 1;
//Add action on list and show list
$n->addActionItem(new ActionPopupItem(_T("Delete"), $del_page, "delete", "eltdata"));
//Create Title and show
$t = new TitleElement($sub_title, 2);
//Create Form to get informations
$f = new ValidatingForm();
//Create table inside Form
$f->push(new Table());
//Add element input in table
$f->add(new TrFormElement($elt_label, new InputTpl("eltdata"), array("tooltip" => $elt_help)), array("value" => "", "required" => true));
//Add Botton in Form and show
$f->addButton("btAdd", _T("Add"));
if (!servicesModuleEnabled()) {
    echo '<br/>';
    $f = new ValidatingForm(array("id" => "service"));
    $f->addButton("btApply", _T("Apply configuration"));
Пример #14
            new NotifyWidgetSuccess(_T("SSH public keys updated.", "sshlpk"));
    } else {
        if (!$showSshkeys && hasSshKeyObjectClass($uid)) {
            if (!isXMLRPCError()) {
                new NotifyWidgetSuccess(_T("SSH public keys attributes deleted.", "sshlpk"));
$p = new PageGenerator(_T("Change your SSH keys", "sshlpk"));
$show = hasSshKeyObjectClass($uid);
$f = new ValidatingForm();
$f->push(new Table());
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Enable SSH keys management", "sshlpk"), new CheckboxTpl("showusersshkey")), array("value" => $show ? "checked" : "", "extraArg" => 'onclick="toggleVisibility(\'sshkeydiv\');"'));
$sshkeydiv = new Div(array("id" => "sshkeydiv"));
if ($show) {
    $sshkeys = getAllSshKey($uid);
} else {
    $sshkeys = array("0" => "");
$f->add(new TrFormElement('', new MultipleInputTpl("sshuserkeys", _T("Public SSH Key", "sshlpk"))), $sshkeys);
Пример #15
     $_SESSION['PACKAGEAPI'] = array();
 foreach ($res as $mirror) {
     $list_val[$mirror['uuid']] = $mirror['uuid'];
     $list[$mirror['uuid']] = $mirror['mountpoint'];
     $_SESSION['PACKAGEAPI'][$mirror['uuid']] = $mirror;
 $span = new SpanElement(_T("Choose package source", "pkgs"), "pkgs-title");
 $selectpapi = new SelectItem('p_api');
 $_SESSION['pkgs_selected'] = array_values($list_val)[0];
 $f = new ValidatingForm();
 $f->push(new Table());
 // Step title
 $f->add(new TrFormElement("", $span), array());
 $r = new RadioTpl("package-method");
 $vals = array("package", "upload", "empty");
 $keys = array(_T("Already uploaded on the server", "pkgs"), _T("Upload from this web page", "pkgs"), _T("Make an empty package", "pkgs"));
 // Package API
 $f->add(new TrFormElement("<div id=\"p_api_label\">" . _T("Package API", "pkgs") . "</div>", $selectpapi), array("value" => $p_api_id, "required" => True));
 $f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Package source", "pkgs"), $r), array());
 $f->add(new TrFormElement("<div id='directory-label'>" . _T("Files directory", "pkgs") . "</div>", new Div(array("id" => "package-temp-directory"))), array());
 $f->add(new HiddenTpl("mode"), array("value" => "creation", "hide" => True));
 $span = new SpanElement(_T("Package Creation", "pkgs"), "pkgs-title");
 $f->add(new TrFormElement("", $span), array());
 // fields
 $fields = array(array("label", _T("Name", "pkgs"), array("required" => True, 'placeholder' => _T('<fill_package_name>', 'pkgs'))), array("version", _T("Version", "pkgs"), array("required" => True)), array('description', _T("Description", "pkgs"), array()));
 $command = _T('Command:', 'pkgs') . '<br /><br />';
Пример #16
$t = new TitleElement(_T("Report creation", 'report'));
$f = new ValidatingForm();
 * $_SESSION['report_files']
 * Used to store datas for PDF/XLS reports
 * $_SESSION['report_files'][mmc_plugin_name][report_name]
if (!isset($_SESSION['report_files'])) {
    $_SESSION['report_files'] = array();
// first step, display selectors
if (!array_intersect_key($_POST, array('generate_report' => '', 'get_xls' => '', 'get_pdf' => ''))) {
    $f->push(new Table());
    /* Period */
    $f->add(new TrFormElement(_T('Period', 'report'), new periodInputTpl(_T('from', 'report'), 'period_from', _T('to', 'report'), 'period_to')), array("value" => $values, "required" => True));
    /* Entities */
    $entities = new SelectMultiTpl('entities[]');
    list($list, $values) = getEntitiesSelectableElements();
    if (count($list) > 15) {
    } else {
    $f->add(new TrFormElement(_T('Entities', 'report'), $entities), array("required" => true));
    /* Modules indicators */
    foreach ($report as $module_name => $sections) {
        $moduleObj = $MMCApp->getModule($module_name);
        if ($moduleObj) {
Пример #17
 * along with MMC.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

/* common ajax includes */

    $t = new TitleElement(_T("Imaging server configuration", "imaging"), 3);

    $config = xmlrpc_getImagingServerConfig($location);
    $imaging_server = $config[0];
    $default_menu = $config[1];

    $f = new ValidatingForm(array("action"=>urlStrRedirect("imaging/manage/save_configuration"),));

    $f->add(new HiddenTpl("is_uuid"),                       array("value" => $imaging_server['imaging_uuid'], "hide" => True));
    /* We dont have this information right now in the database schema

    $f->add(new TitleElement(_T("Traffic control", "imaging")));
    $f->push(new Table());
    $interfaces = array("eth0" => "eth0", "eth1" => "eth1");
    $ifaces = new SelectItem("net_int");
        new TrFormElement(_T("Network interface on which traffic shaping is done", "imaging"),
        new TrFormElement(_T("Network interface theorical throughput (Mbit)", "imaging"),
        new InputTpl("net_output")), array("value" => "1000")
Пример #18
        if ($ret['id'] == $SYNCHROSTATE_RUNNING) {
            $p = new PageGenerator(sprintf(_T("%s's profile imaging", 'imaging'), $group->getName()));
            $a_href_open = "<a href=''>";

            $msg = sprintf(_T("The synchro is currently running, please wait or reload the page %shere%s.<br/>", "imaging"), $a_href_open, '</a>');
            $t1 = new TitleElement($msg, 3);
            $msg = sprintf(_T("If the synchro runs since more than 5 minutes, please reset the synchro state of this computer's menu.", "imaging"));
            $t2 = new TitleElement($msg, 3);

            $f = new ValidatingForm();
            $f->add(new HiddenTpl("gid"),                    array("value" => $params['target_uuid'],            "hide" => True));
            $f->add(new HiddenTpl("groupname"),                    array("value" => $params['target_name'],            "hide" => True));
            $f->add(new HiddenTpl("type"),                           array("value" => $params['type'],                   "hide" => True));
            $f->addButton("bresetsynchrostate", _T("Reset Synchro state", "imaging"));

        } else {
            # do nothing special if $SYNCHROSTATE_DONE
            $p = new TabbedPageGenerator();
            global $stateid;
            $stateid = $ret['id'];

            $params['groupname'] = $group->getName();
            $params['target_name'] = $params['groupname'];
Пример #19
    $ro = False;
    if ($is_image) {
        $default_name = $item['image']['default_name'];
    } else {
        $default_name = $item['boot_service']['default_name'];
        if (!isset($item['is_local'])) {
            $ro = True;
    $p = new PageGenerator(sprintf(_T("Edit : %s", "imaging"), $label));
    $f = new ValidatingForm();
    $f->push(new Table());
    $f->add(new HiddenTpl("location"), array("value" => $location, "hide" => True));
    $input = new TrFormElement(_T('Default menu item label', 'imaging'), new InputTpl("default_name"));
    $f->add($input, array("value" => $default_name, "disabled" => $ro ? 'disabled' : ''));
    $f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Selected by default", "imaging"), new CheckboxTpl("default")), array("value" => $is_selected));
    $f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Displayed", "imaging"), new CheckboxTpl("displayed")), array("value" => $is_displayed));
    $f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Selected by default on WOL", "imaging"), new CheckboxTpl("default_WOL")), array("value" => $is_wol_selected));
    $f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Displayed on WOL", "imaging"), new CheckboxTpl("displayed_WOL")), array("value" => $is_wol_displayed));
    $f->addButton("bvalid", _T("Validate"));
} else {
    $is_image = True;
    if ($item['boot_service']) {
        $bs_uuid = $item['boot_service']['imaging_uuid'];
        $is_image = False;
Пример #20
     //$p->addTab("tabfromfile", _T("Static imaging group from import", "dyngroup"), "", "modules/dyngroup/dyngroup/import_from_file.php", $params);
     echo '<style type="text/css">';
     echo '.tabselector { display: none;}';
     echo '</style>';
     if (!isset($_GET['tab'])) {
         $params['tab'] = 'tabsta';
         header("Location: " . urlStrRedirect("imaging/manage/computersprofilecreator", $params));
     $p->addTab("tabsta", _T("Static imaging group", "dyngroup"), "", "modules/dyngroup/dyngroup/add_groups.php", $params);
 } else {
     $p = new PageGenerator(_T('Imaging server selection', 'dyngroup'));
     require_once "modules/pulse2/includes/profiles_xmlrpc.inc.php";
     $f = new ValidatingForm();
     $f->add(new HiddenTpl("id"), array("value" => $gid, "hide" => True));
     $f->push(new Table());
     $imss = xmlrpc_getAllImagingServersForProfiles(true);
     $elt = array();
     $elt_values = array();
     foreach ($imss as $uuid => $imaging_server) {
         $elt[$uuid] = $imaging_server['name'];
         $elt_values[$uuid] = $uuid;
     $imss = new SelectItem("imaging_server");
     $f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Select an imaging server for this group", "dyngroup"), $imss));
Пример #21
 function display_ordered($orders)
     $f = new ValidatingForm();
     $f->push(new Table());
     foreach ($this->members as $pid => $plabel) {
         $select = new SelectItem($this->input_pre . base64_encode($pid));
         $f->add(new TrFormElement($plabel, $select, array()));
     foreach ($this->getHidden() as $w) {
         $f->add($w[0], $w[1]);
     foreach ($this->buttons as $b) {
         $f->addButton($b[0], $b[1], $b[2]);
Пример #22
$p->addTab($prefix . "tab{$i}", _T($tab, 'inventory'), "", "modules/inventory/inventory/view_part.php", array('uuid' => $_GET['uuid'], 'hostname' => $_GET['hostname'], 'part' => $tab, 'gid' => $gid, 'groupname' => $groupname));
$tab = 'Hardware';
$i = 0;
$p->addTab($prefix . "tab{$i}", _T($tab, 'inventory'), "", "modules/inventory/inventory/view_part.php", array('uuid' => $_GET['uuid'], 'hostname' => $_GET['hostname'], 'part' => $tab, 'gid' => $gid, 'groupname' => $groupname));
$tab = 'Storage';
$i = 8;
$p->addTab($prefix . "tab{$i}", _T($tab, 'inventory'), "", "modules/inventory/inventory/view_part.php", array('uuid' => $_GET['uuid'], 'hostname' => $_GET['hostname'], 'part' => $tab, 'gid' => $gid, 'groupname' => $groupname));
/* $tab = 'Bios';
  $i = 5;
  $p->addTab($prefix . "tab$i", _T($tab, 'inventory'), "", "modules/inventory/inventory/view_part.php", array('uuid' => $_GET['uuid'], 'hostname' => $_GET['hostname'], 'part' => $tab, 'gid' => $gid, 'groupname' => $groupname));
$i = 1;
foreach (array('Network', 'Software', 'Registry') as $tab) {
    // , 'Administrative'
    $p->addTab($prefix . "tab{$i}", _T($tab, 'inventory'), "", "modules/inventory/inventory/view_part.php", array('uuid' => $_GET['uuid'], 'hostname' => $_GET['hostname'], 'part' => $tab, 'gid' => $gid, 'groupname' => $groupname));
$tab = 'History';
$p->addTab($prefix . "tab{$i}", _T('History', 'inventory'), "", "modules/inventory/inventory/history.php", array('uuid' => $_GET['uuid'], 'hostname' => $_GET['hostname'], 'part' => $tab, 'gid' => $gid, 'groupname' => $groupname));
$uuid = $_GET['uuid'];
if (isset($uuid)) {
    $f = new ValidatingForm();
    print "<br><br>";
    $result['xls_path'] = getReport($uuid, $_SESSION['lang']);
    $link = new SpanElement(sprintf('<br /><a class="btn btn-primary" href="%s">%s</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;', urlStrRedirect("base/computers/get_file", array('path' => $result['xls_path'])), _T("Get XLS Report", "inventory")));
Пример #23
                $result .= _T(" The quota of all users of this mail domain have been reset.") . "<br />";
            // Display result message
            if ($result && !isXMLRPCError()) {
                new NotifyWidgetSuccess($result);
$p = new PageGenerator($title);
$f = new ValidatingForm();
$f->push(new Table());
if ($mode == "add") {
    $domainTpl = new DomainInputTpl("domainname");
} else {
    $domainTpl = new HiddenTpl("domainname");
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Mail domain"), $domainTpl), array("value" => $domainname, "required" => true));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Description"), new InputTpl("description")), array("value" => $description));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Default mail quota for users created in this domain (in kB)"), new QuotaTpl("domainquota", '/^[0-9]*$/')), array("value" => $domainquota));
if ($mode == "add") {
    $f->addButton("badd", _("Create"));
} else {
    $f->addExpertButton("breset", _T("Reset users quota to default", "mail"));
    $f->addButton("bedit", _("Confirm"));
Пример #24
require "modules/samba4/mainSidebar.php";
require "graph/navbar.inc.php";
$p = new PageGenerator(_T("General options"));
$smb = get_smbconf();
#print $smb;
$f = new ValidatingForm();
$f->push(new Table());
#if ($smb["pdc"])
#    $workgroupTpl = new HiddenTpl("workgroup");
$workgroupTpl = new HiddenTpl("realm");
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Domain name"), $workgroupTpl), array("value" => $smb["realm"], "required" => True));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Server name"), new HiddenTpl("netbios name")), array("value" => $smb["netbios name"], "required" => True));
$value = "";
#if ($smb["pdc"]) $value = "checked";
#        new TrFormElement(_T("This server is a PDC"),new CheckboxTpl("pdc")),
#        array("value" => $value)
#        new TrFormElement(_T("This server is a WINS server"),new CheckboxTpl("wins support")),
#        array("value" => getCheckedState($smb, "wins support"))
$value = "";
#if ($smb["hashomes"]) $value = "checked";
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Share user's homes"), new CheckboxTpl("hashomes")), array("value" => $value));
$value = "";
Пример #25
        $authoritative = "CHECKED";
    } else {
        $authoritative = "";
    $poolsRanges = getPoolsRanges($subnet);
    $hasSubnetPools = count($poolsRanges) ? "checked" : "";
if ($_GET["action"] == "subnetadd") {
    $formElt = new IPInputTpl("subnet");
    $authoritative = "";
} else {
    $formElt = new HiddenTpl("subnet");
$f = new ValidatingForm();
$f->push(new Table());
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("DHCP subnet address"), $formElt), array("value" => $subnet, "required" => True));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Netmask"), new NetmaskInputTpl("netmask")), array("value" => $netmask, "required" => True, "extra" => _T("(e.g. 24 for a /24 network)")));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Description"), new IA5InputTpl("description")), array("value" => $description));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Authoritative"), new CheckboxTpl("authoritative")), array("value" => $authoritative));
$f->push(new Table());
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("DHCP options related to clients network parameters"), new HiddenTpl("")));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Broadcast address"), new IPInputTpl("broadcast-address")), array("value" => $options["broadcast-address"]));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Domain name"), new IA5InputTpl("domain-name"), array("tooltip" => _T("Domain name that will be appended to the client's hostname to form a fully-qualified domain-name (FQDN).") . "<br/>" . _T("If the domain name is a registered DNS domain, the subnet will be associated to the DNS domain.") . "<br/>" . _T("You can set more than one domain, separated by spaces. They will be added to the DHCP client DNS domain search path."))), array("value" => $options["domain-name"], "extra" => _T("Links the subnet to a DNS zone")));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Routers"), new HostIpListInputTpl("routers"), array("tooltip" => _T("List of routers (gateways) on client's subnet."))), array("value" => $options["routers"]));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Domain name servers"), new HostIpListInputTpl("domain-name-servers"), array("tooltip" => _T("DNS name servers available to the client. Separate servers addresses with ','."))), array("value" => $options["domain-name-servers"]));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("NTP servers"), new HostIpListInputTpl("ntp-servers"), array("tooltip" => _T("Network Time Protocol servers available to the client. Separate servers addresses with ','."))), array("value" => $options["ntp-servers"]));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Proxy auto config URL"), new IA5InputTpl("local-pac-server"), array("tooltip" => _T("Automatic proxy configuration URL (PAC)."))), array("value" => $options["local-pac-server"]));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("WINS servers"), new HostIpListInputTpl("netbios-name-servers"), array("tooltip" => _T("Netbios name servers available to Windows clients, listed in order of preference. Separate servers addresses with ','."))), array("value" => $options["netbios-name-servers"]));
$winsclient = new SelectItem("netbios-node-type");
$types = array("" => "Auto", "1" => _T("Broadcast only"), "2" => _T("WINS only"), "4" => _T("Broadcast, then WINS"), "8" => _T("WINS, then broadcast"));
Пример #26
if ($_GET["action"] == "add") {
    if (in_array("pulse2", $_SESSION["modulesList"])) {
          Be more permissive for Pulse 2 computer name, as it will be checked
        $formElt = new InputTpl("computername");
    } else {
        $formElt = new DomainInputTpl("computername");
} else {
    $formElt = new HiddenTpl("computername");
$computername = isset($_POST["computername"]) ? $_POST["computername"] : '';
$computerdescription = isset($_POST["computerdescription"]) ? $_POST["computerdescription"] : '';
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_("Computer name"), $formElt), array("value" => $computername, "required" => True));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_("Description"), new InputTpl("computerdescription")), array("value" => $computerdescription));
$addParams = neededParamsAddComputer();
foreach ($addParams as $p) {
    if ($p[1] == 'string') {
        /* Protect input fields according to the field type */
        switch ($p[0]) {
            case "computerip":
                $input = new IPInputTpl($p[0]);
            case "computermac":
                $input = new MACInputTpl($p[0]);
            case "computernet":
                $input = new IPInputTpl($p[0]);
Пример #27
'<cpi:offlineImage cpi:source="catalog:d:/sources/install_windows 81 ultimate.clg" xmlns:cpi="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:cpi" />',

require "../../../includes/config.inc.php";
require "../../../includes/i18n.inc.php";
require "../../../includes/acl.inc.php";
require "../../../includes/session.inc.php";
require "../../../includes/PageGenerator.php";
require "../includes/data_Windows_Answer_File_Generator.inc.php";
$f = new ValidatingForm();
$f->add(new HiddenTpl("codeToCopy"), array("value" => "", "hide" => True));
$tableformAWFG = new Table();
$f->add(new TrFormElement("", new multifieldTpl(array(new SpanElement(_T("Installation Notes", "imaging")), new Iconereply('Installation_Notes', $InfoBule_Installation_Notes)))));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T('Title', 'imaging'), new InputTplTitle('Location', "name file xml")), array("required" => True));
$f->add(new TrFormElement("Notes" . ":", new TextareaTpl('Comments')));
$f->add(new TrFormElement("", new multifieldTpl(array(new SpanElement(_T("General Settings", "imaging")), new Iconereply('General_Settings', $InfoBule_General_Settings)))));
$key1 = new InputTplTitle('ProductKey1', $InfoBule_ProductKey);
Пример #28
$ID = intval(@max($_GET['id'], $_POST['id']));
$NAME = $_GET['Label'];
$PARENTID = intval(@max($_GET['parentId'], $_POST['parentId']));
if (isset($_POST['bconfirm'])) {
    $cfg = array('name' => $_POST['name'], 'id' => $_POST['id'], 'parentId' => $_POST['parentId']);
    if ($ID && $ID != 1) {
        deleteEntities($cfg['id'], $cfg['name'], $cfg['parentId']);
        if (!isXMLRPCError()) {
            header('location: main.php?module=base&submod=computers&action=entityList');
        } else {
            new NotifyWidgetFailure(_T("The entity has not been deleted.", "inventory"));
$p = new PageGenerator(_T("Delete entity", "inventory"));
if ($ID == 1) {
    header('location: main.php?module=base&submod=computers&action=entityList');
$f = new ValidatingForm();
$f->push(new Table());
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T('Name', 'inventory'), new InputTpl('name')), array("value" => $NAME, "required" => True));
if ($ID) {
    $f->add(new HiddenTpl("id"), array("value" => $ID, "hide" => True));
    $f->add(new HiddenTpl("parentId"), array("value" => $PARENTID, "hide" => True));
Пример #29
$t = new TitleElement(_T("Port forwarding rules"), 2);
// Add rule form
print '<script type="text/javascript" src="modules/shorewall/includes/functions.js"></script><br />';
$t = new TitleElement(_T("Add port forwarding rule"), 2);
$f = new ValidatingForm(array("id" => "rule"));
$f->push(new Table());
$macros = getServices();
$services = array("", _T("Custom...")) + $macros;
$servicesVals = array("", "custom") + $macros;
$serviceTpl = new SelectItem("service", "toggleCustom");
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Service"), $serviceTpl));
$customDiv = new Div(array("id" => "custom"));
$f->push(new Table());
$protoTpl = new SelectItem("proto");
$protoTpl->setElements(array("", "TCP", "UDP"));
$protoTpl->setElementsVal(array("", "tcp", "udp"));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Protocol"), $protoTpl));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Port(s)"), new InputTpl("port", "/^[0-9:,]+\$/"), array("tooltip" => _T("You can specify multiple ports using ',' as separator (eg: 22,34,56). Port ranges can be defined with ':' (eg: 3400:3500 - from port 3400 to port 3500)."))), array("value" => ""));
$f->push(new Table());
$zones = getZonesInterfaces($src);
if (count($zones) > 1) {
Пример #30
require "modules/samba/mainSidebar.php";
require "graph/navbar.inc.php";
$p = new PageGenerator(_T("General options"));
$smb = get_smbconf();
$f = new ValidatingForm();
$f->push(new Table());
if ($smb["pdc"]) {
    $workgroupTpl = new HiddenTpl("workgroup");
} else {
    $workgroupTpl = new NetbiosUppercaseInputTpl("workgroup");
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Domain name"), $workgroupTpl), array("value" => $smb["workgroup"], "required" => True));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Server name"), new NetbiosUppercaseInputTpl("netbios name")), array("value" => $smb["netbios name"], "required" => True));
$value = "";
if ($smb["pdc"]) {
    $value = "checked";
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("This server is a PDC"), new CheckboxTpl("pdc")), array("value" => $value));
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("This server is a WINS server"), new CheckboxTpl("wins support")), array("value" => getCheckedState($smb, "wins support")));
$value = "";
if ($smb["hashomes"]) {
    $value = "checked";
$f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Share user's homes"), new CheckboxTpl("hashomes")), array("value" => $value));
$value = "";
$hasProfiles = false;
if ($smb['logon path']) {