public function postProcess() { if (Tools::isSubmit('submitSmsTest')) { $number = (string) Tools::getValue('campaign_last_tester'); if (empty($number) || !Validate::isPhoneNumber($number)) { $this->errors[] = $this->module->l('Invalid gsm number !', 'adminmarketingsstep6'); return false; } $prefixe = EMTools::getShopPrefixeCountry(); $number = EMTools::cleanNumber($number, $prefixe); if ($number[0] != '0' && $number[0] != '+') { $this->errors[] = $this->module->l('Invalid gsm number !', 'adminmarketingsstep6'); return false; } $response_array = array(); $parameters = array('campaign_id' => $this->campaign_api_message_id, 'recipient' => $number, 'text' => $this->module->l('[TEST]', 'adminmarketingsstep6') . ' ' . $this->campaign_sms_text); if ($this->session_api->call('sms', 'campaign', 'send_test', $parameters, $response_array)) { // We store the last fax number // ---------------------------- Db::getInstance()->update('expressmailing_sms', array('campaign_last_tester' => pSQL($number)), 'campaign_id = ' . $this->campaign_id); $this->confirmations[] = sprintf($this->module->l('Please wait, your sms is processing to %s ...', 'adminmarketingsstep6'), $number); return true; } $this->errors[] = sprintf($this->module->l('Error while sending sms to the API : %s', 'adminmarketingsstep6'), $this->session_api->getError()); return false; } }
public function initContent() { parent::initContent(); if (Tools::isSubmit('submitMessage')) { $message = Tools::getValue('message'); // Html entities is not usefull, iscleanHtml check there is no bad html tags. $phone = Tools::getValue('tel'); $mobile = Tools::getValue('mobile'); if (!($from = trim(Tools::getValue('from'))) || !Validate::isEmail($from)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Invalid email address.'); } else { if (!$message) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('The message cannot be blank.'); } else { if (!Validate::isCleanHtml($message)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Invalid message'); } else { if (!Validate::isPhoneNumber($phone)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Invalid phone number.'); } else { if (!Validate::isPhoneNumber($mobile)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Invalid Mobile number.'); } } } } } // var_dump($this->errors,empty($this->errors)); if (empty($this->errors)) { $id_product = Tools::getValue('product_id'); //var_dump($id_product); $product = new Product($id_product); //var_dump($product); $product_name = ''; $item_number = ''; if (Validate::isLoadedObject($product) && isset($product->name[(int) $this->context->language->id])) { $product_name = $product->name[(int) $this->context->language->id]; $item_number = $product->item_number; } $data = array('{name}' => Tools::getValue('name'), '{phone}' => $phone, '{mobile}' => $mobile, '{message}' => $message, '{item_number}' => $item_number, '{product}' => $product_name, '{date}' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), '{email}' => $from); $sampleObj = new requestsample(); $sampleObj->sendmail($data, $from, (int) $this->context->language->id, 'request_quote', 'New Request for Quote'); $this->context->smarty->assign('confirmation', 1); } } $this->context->smarty->assign('product_id', $_GET['pr_id']); $this->setTemplate('quote_form.tpl'); }
public function __construct(SimpleXMLElement $order_xml = null) { if (!$order_xml) { return; } /** Backward compatibility */ require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../backward_compatibility/backward.php'; list($this->firstname, $this->familyname) = $this->_formatShippingAddressName($order_xml->ShippingAddress->Name); $this->id_order_ref = (string) $order_xml->OrderID; $this->amount = (string) $order_xml->AmountPaid; $this->status = (string) $order_xml->CheckoutStatus->Status; $this->name = (string) $order_xml->ShippingAddress->Name; $this->address1 = (string) $order_xml->ShippingAddress->Street1; $this->address2 = (string) $order_xml->ShippingAddress->Street2; $this->city = (string) $order_xml->ShippingAddress->CityName; $this->state = (string) $order_xml->ShippingAddress->StateOrProvince; $this->country_iso_code = (string) $order_xml->ShippingAddress->Country; $this->country_name = (string) $order_xml->ShippingAddress->CountryName; $this->postalcode = (string) $order_xml->ShippingAddress->PostalCode; $this->shippingService = (string) $order_xml->ShippingServiceSelected->ShippingService; $this->shippingServiceCost = (string) $order_xml->ShippingServiceSelected->ShippingServiceCost; $this->payment_method = (string) $order_xml->CheckoutStatus->PaymentMethod; $this->id_order_seller = (string) $order_xml->ShippingDetails->SellingManagerSalesRecordNumber; if (count($order_xml->TransactionArray->Transaction)) { $this->email = (string) $order_xml->TransactionArray->Transaction[0]->Buyer->Email; } $phone = (string) $order_xml->ShippingAddress->Phone; if (!$phone || !Validate::isPhoneNumber($phone)) { $this->phone = '0100000000'; } else { $this->phone = $phone; } $date = substr((string) $order_xml->CreatedTime, 0, 10) . ' ' . substr((string) $order_xml->CreatedTime, 11, 8); $this->date = $date; $this->date_add = $date; if ($order_xml->TransactionArray->Transaction) { $this->product_list = $this->_getProductsFromTransactions($order_xml->TransactionArray->Transaction); } }
/** * Initialize order opc controller * @see FrontController::init() */ public function init() { parent::init(); if ($this->nbProducts) { $this->context->smarty->assign('virtual_cart', $this->context->cart->isVirtualCart()); } $this->context->smarty->assign('is_multi_address_delivery', $this->context->cart->isMultiAddressDelivery() || (int) Tools::getValue('multi-shipping') == 1); $this->context->smarty->assign('open_multishipping_fancybox', (int) Tools::getValue('multi-shipping') == 1); if ($this->nbProducts) { if (Tools::isSubmit('ajax')) { if (Tools::isSubmit('method')) { switch (Tools::getValue('method')) { case 'updateMessage': if (Tools::isSubmit('message')) { $txtMessage = urldecode(Tools::getValue('message')); $this->_updateMessage($txtMessage); if (count($this->errors)) { die('{"hasError" : true, "errors" : ["' . implode('\',\'', $this->errors) . '"]}'); } die(true); } break; case 'updateCarrierAndGetPayments': if ((Tools::isSubmit('delivery_option') || Tools::isSubmit('id_carrier')) && Tools::isSubmit('recyclable') && Tools::isSubmit('gift') && Tools::isSubmit('gift_message')) { $this->_assignWrappingAndTOS(); if ($this->_processCarrier()) { $carriers = $this->context->cart->simulateCarriersOutput(); $return = array_merge(array('HOOK_TOP_PAYMENT' => Hook::exec('displayPaymentTop'), 'HOOK_PAYMENT' => $this->_getPaymentMethods(), 'carrier_data' => $this->_getCarrierList(), 'HOOK_BEFORECARRIER' => Hook::exec('displayBeforeCarrier', array('carriers' => $carriers))), $this->getFormatedSummaryDetail()); Cart::addExtraCarriers($return); // die(Tools::jsonEncode($return)); } else { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while updating the cart.'); } if (count($this->errors)) { die('{"hasError" : true, "errors_discount" : ["' . implode('\',\'', $this->errors) . '"]}'); } exit; } break; case 'updateTOSStatusAndGetPayments': if (Tools::isSubmit('checked')) { $this->context->cookie->checkedTOS = (int) Tools::getValue('checked'); die(Tools::jsonEncode(array('HOOK_TOP_PAYMENT' => Hook::exec('displayPaymentTop'), 'HOOK_PAYMENT' => $this->_getPaymentMethods()))); } break; case 'getCarrierList': die(Tools::jsonEncode($this->_getCarrierList())); break; case 'editCustomer': if (!$this->isLogged) { exit; } if (Tools::getValue('years')) { $this->context->customer->birthday = (int) Tools::getValue('years') . '-' . (int) Tools::getValue('months') . '-' . (int) Tools::getValue('days'); } $_POST['lastname'] = $_POST['customer_lastname']; $_POST['firstname'] = $_POST['customer_firstname']; $this->errors = $this->context->customer->validateController(); //var_dump($this->errors); if (Tools::getValue('delivery_form')) { $address = new Address($this->context->cart->id_address_delivery); if (empty($_POST['city'])) { $this->errors['city_courier'] = Tools::displayError('Город обязателен'); } if (empty($_POST['street'])) { $this->errors['street_courier'] = Tools::displayError('Улица обязательна'); } if (empty($_POST['house'])) { $this->errors['house_courier'] = Tools::displayError('Дом обязателен'); } if (!Tools::getValue('phone')) { $this->errors['phone'] = Tools::displayError('Телефон обязателен'); } else { if (!Validate::isPhoneNumber(Tools::getValue('phone'))) { $this->errors['phone'] = Tools::displayError('мобильный телефон неверный'); } } if (!empty($_POST['date_dilivery'])) { $address->other = 'Удобная дата доставки: ' . $_POST['date_dilivery']; } if (!count($this->errors) && is_object($address) && isset($address->id_customer)) { $address->address1 = $_POST['city'] . ' ' . $_POST['street'] . ' ' . $_POST['house']; $address->city = $_POST['city']; $address->firstname = $_POST['firstname']; $address->phone_mobile = $_POST['phone']; $delivery_pickup = array('delivery_city' => $_POST['city'], 'delivery_street' => $_POST['street'], 'delivery_house' => $_POST['house'], 'delivery_date' => isset($_POST['delivery_date']) ? $_POST['delivery_date'] : ''); $address->other = $delivery_pickup['delivery_date']; foreach ($delivery_pickup as $k => $v) { $this->context->cookie->{$k} = $v; } $address->save(); } //else //$this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Невозможно загрузить адресс'); } $this->context->customer->newsletter = (int) Tools::isSubmit('newsletter'); $this->context->customer->optin = (int) Tools::isSubmit('optin'); // foreach($this->errors as $key=> $value){ // // if($key=="lastname")$key="customer_lastname"; // // if($key=="firstname")$key="customer_firstname"; // $this->val_errors[$key]=$value; // } $return = array('hasError' => !empty($this->errors), 'errors' => $this->errors, 'id_customer' => (int) $this->context->customer->id, 'token' => Tools::getToken(false)); if (!count($this->errors)) { $url = ''; $url .= '&fields[email]=' . trim($_POST['email']); $url .= '&fields[Name]=' . urlencode($_POST['firstname'] . ' ' . $_POST['lastname']); $url .= '&fields[phone]=' . trim($_POST['phone']); $url .= '&tags=dev_etagerca'; $url .= '&double_optin=3'; $curl = curl_init($url); curl_setopt_array($curl, array(CURLOPT_HEADER => false, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true)); $result = json_decode(curl_exec($curl), true); // var_dump($url);var_dump($result);exit(); if ($result['result'] && $result['result']['person_id']) { setcookie('subscribe', '1', time() + 31536000); $_COOKIE['subscribe'] = '1'; } $return['isSaved'] = (bool) $this->context->customer->update(); } else { $return['isSaved'] = false; } die(Tools::jsonEncode($return)); break; case 'getAddressBlockAndCarriersAndPayments': if ($this->isLogged) { // check if customer have addresses if (!Customer::getAddressesTotalById($this->context->customer->id)) { die(Tools::jsonEncode(array('no_address' => 1))); } if (file_exists(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'blockuserinfo/blockuserinfo.php')) { include_once _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'blockuserinfo/blockuserinfo.php'; $blockUserInfo = new BlockUserInfo(); } $this->context->smarty->assign('isVirtualCart', $this->context->cart->isVirtualCart()); $this->_processAddressFormat(); $this->_assignAddress(); if (!($formatedAddressFieldsValuesList = $this->context->smarty->getTemplateVars('formatedAddressFieldsValuesList'))) { $formatedAddressFieldsValuesList = array(); } // Wrapping fees $wrapping_fees = $this->context->cart->getGiftWrappingPrice(false); $wrapping_fees_tax_inc = $wrapping_fees = $this->context->cart->getGiftWrappingPrice(); $return = array_merge(array('order_opc_adress' => $this->context->smarty->fetch(_PS_THEME_DIR_ . 'order-address.tpl'), 'block_user_info' => isset($blockUserInfo) ? $blockUserInfo->hookDisplayTop(array()) : '', 'formatedAddressFieldsValuesList' => $formatedAddressFieldsValuesList, 'carrier_data' => $this->_getCarrierList(), 'HOOK_TOP_PAYMENT' => Hook::exec('displayPaymentTop'), 'HOOK_PAYMENT' => $this->_getPaymentMethods(), 'no_address' => 0, 'gift_price' => Tools::displayPrice(Tools::convertPrice(Product::getTaxCalculationMethod() == 1 ? $wrapping_fees : $wrapping_fees_tax_inc, new Currency((int) $this->context->cookie->id_currency)))), $this->getFormatedSummaryDetail()); die(Tools::jsonEncode($return)); } die(Tools::displayError()); break; case 'makeFreeOrder': /* Bypass payment step if total is 0 */ if (($id_order = $this->_checkFreeOrder()) && $id_order) { $order = new Order((int) $id_order); $email = $this->context->customer->email; if ($this->context->customer->is_guest) { $this->context->customer->logout(); } // If guest we clear the cookie for security reason die('freeorder:' . $order->reference . ':' . $email); } exit; break; case 'updateAddressesSelected': if ($this->context->customer->isLogged(true)) { $address_delivery = new Address((int) Tools::getValue('id_address_delivery')); $this->context->smarty->assign('isVirtualCart', $this->context->cart->isVirtualCart()); $address_invoice = (int) Tools::getValue('id_address_delivery') == (int) Tools::getValue('id_address_invoice') ? $address_delivery : new Address((int) Tools::getValue('id_address_invoice')); if ($address_delivery->id_customer != $this->context->customer->id || $address_invoice->id_customer != $this->context->customer->id) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('This address is not yours.'); } elseif (!Address::isCountryActiveById((int) Tools::getValue('id_address_delivery'))) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('This address is not in a valid area.'); } elseif (!Validate::isLoadedObject($address_delivery) || !Validate::isLoadedObject($address_invoice) || $address_invoice->deleted || $address_delivery->deleted) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('This address is invalid.'); } else { $this->context->cart->id_address_delivery = (int) Tools::getValue('id_address_delivery'); $this->context->cart->id_address_invoice = Tools::isSubmit('same') ? $this->context->cart->id_address_delivery : (int) Tools::getValue('id_address_invoice'); if (!$this->context->cart->update()) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while updating your cart.'); } $infos = Address::getCountryAndState((int) $this->context->cart->id_address_delivery); if (isset($infos['id_country']) && $infos['id_country']) { $country = new Country((int) $infos['id_country']); $this->context->country = $country; } // Address has changed, so we check if the cart rules still apply $cart_rules = $this->context->cart->getCartRules(); CartRule::autoRemoveFromCart($this->context); CartRule::autoAddToCart($this->context); if ((int) Tools::getValue('allow_refresh')) { // If the cart rules has changed, we need to refresh the whole cart $cart_rules2 = $this->context->cart->getCartRules(); if (count($cart_rules2) != count($cart_rules)) { $this->ajax_refresh = true; } else { $rule_list = array(); foreach ($cart_rules2 as $rule) { $rule_list[] = $rule['id_cart_rule']; } foreach ($cart_rules as $rule) { if (!in_array($rule['id_cart_rule'], $rule_list)) { $this->ajax_refresh = true; break; } } } } if (!$this->context->cart->isMultiAddressDelivery()) { $this->context->cart->setNoMultishipping(); } // As the cart is no multishipping, set each delivery address lines with the main delivery address if (!count($this->errors)) { $result = $this->_getCarrierList(); // Wrapping fees $wrapping_fees = $this->context->cart->getGiftWrappingPrice(false); $wrapping_fees_tax_inc = $wrapping_fees = $this->context->cart->getGiftWrappingPrice(); $result = array_merge($result, array('HOOK_TOP_PAYMENT' => Hook::exec('displayPaymentTop'), 'HOOK_PAYMENT' => $this->_getPaymentMethods(), 'gift_price' => Tools::displayPrice(Tools::convertPrice(Product::getTaxCalculationMethod() == 1 ? $wrapping_fees : $wrapping_fees_tax_inc, new Currency((int) $this->context->cookie->id_currency))), 'carrier_data' => $this->_getCarrierList(), 'refresh' => (bool) $this->ajax_refresh), $this->getFormatedSummaryDetail()); die(Tools::jsonEncode($result)); } } if (count($this->errors)) { die(Tools::jsonEncode(array('hasError' => true, 'errors' => $this->errors))); } } die(Tools::displayError()); break; case 'multishipping': $this->_assignSummaryInformations(); $this->context->smarty->assign('product_list', $this->context->cart->getProducts()); if ($this->context->customer->id) { $this->context->smarty->assign('address_list', $this->context->customer->getAddresses($this->context->language->id)); } else { $this->context->smarty->assign('address_list', array()); } $this->setTemplate(_PS_THEME_DIR_ . 'order-address-multishipping-products.tpl'); $this->display(); die; break; case 'cartReload': $this->_assignSummaryInformations(); if ($this->context->customer->id) { $this->context->smarty->assign('address_list', $this->context->customer->getAddresses($this->context->language->id)); } else { $this->context->smarty->assign('address_list', array()); } $this->context->smarty->assign('opc', true); $this->setTemplate(_PS_THEME_DIR_ . 'shopping-cart.tpl'); $this->display(); die; break; case 'noMultiAddressDelivery': $this->context->cart->setNoMultishipping(); die; break; default: throw new PrestaShopException('Unknown method "' . Tools::getValue('method') . '"'); } } else { throw new PrestaShopException('Method is not defined'); } } } elseif (Tools::isSubmit('ajax')) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('No product in your cart.'); die('{"hasError" : true, "errors" : ["' . implode('\',\'', $this->errors) . '"]}'); } }
private function _postProcess() { $errors = array(); if (Tools::isSubmit('submitSecuvadEdit')) { return false; } if (Tools::isSubmit('submitSecuvadConfiguration')) { if (Tools::getValue('forme') != 'SARL' and Tools::getValue('forme') != 'SA' and Tools::getValue('forme') != 'EURL' and Tools::getValue('forme') != 'SAS' and Tools::getValue('forme') != 'Entreprise individuelle' and Tools::getValue('forme') != 'SNC') { $errors[] = $this->l('Company type is invalid'); } if (Tools::getValue('societe') == NULL or !Validate::isName(Tools::getValue('societe'))) { $errors[] = $this->l('Company name is invalid'); } if (Tools::getValue('capital') != NULL and !Validate::isGenericName(Tools::getValue('capital'))) { $errors[] = $this->l('Capital is invalid'); } if (Tools::getValue('web_site') == NULL or !Validate::isUrl(Tools::getValue('web_site'))) { $errors[] = $this->l('WebSite is invalid'); } if (Tools::getValue('address') != NULL and !Validate::isAddress(Tools::getValue('address'))) { $errors[] = $this->l('Address is invalid'); } if (Tools::getValue('code_postal') != NULL and !Validate::isPostCode(Tools::getValue('code_postal'))) { $errors[] = $this->l('Zip/ Postal Code is invalid'); } if (Tools::getValue('ville') != NULL and !Validate::isCityName(Tools::getValue('ville'))) { $errors[] = $this->l('City is invalid'); } if (Tools::getValue('pays') != NULL and !Validate::isCountryName(Tools::getValue('pays'))) { $errors[] = $this->l('Country is invalid'); } if (Tools::getValue('rcs') != NULL and !Validate::isGenericName(Tools::getValue('rcs'))) { $errors[] = $this->l('RCS is invalid'); } if (Tools::getValue('siren') != NULL and !Validate::isGenericName(Tools::getValue('siren'))) { $errors[] = $this->l('Siren is invalid'); } if (!is_array(Tools::getValue('categories')) or !sizeof(Tools::getValue('categories'))) { $errors[] = $this->l('You must select at least one category.'); } if (Tools::getValue('civilite') != 'M' and Tools::getValue('civilite') != 'Mme' and Tools::getValue('civilite') != 'Mlle') { $errors[] = $this->l('Title is invalid'); } if (Tools::getValue('nom') == NULL or !Validate::isName(Tools::getValue('nom'))) { $errors[] = $this->l('Last name is invalid'); } if (Tools::getValue('prenom') == NULL or !Validate::isName(Tools::getValue('prenom'))) { $errors[] = $this->l('First name is invalid'); } if (Tools::getValue('fonction') != NULL and !Validate::isGenericName(Tools::getValue('fonction'))) { $errors[] = $this->l('Function name is invalid'); } if (Tools::getValue('email') == NULL or !Validate::isEmail(Tools::getValue('email'))) { $errors[] = $this->l('E-mail name is invalid'); } if (Tools::getValue('telephone') == NULL or !Validate::isPhoneNumber(Tools::getValue('telephone'))) { $errors[] = $this->l('Telephone is invalid'); } if (!sizeof($errors)) { return true; } else { $this->_html .= $this->displayError(implode('<br />', $errors)); return false; } } if (Tools::isSubmit('submitSecuvadPostConfiguration')) { $errors = array(); if (!Validate::isGenericName(Tools::getValue('secuvad_login'))) { $errors[] = $this->l('Invalid login'); } if (!Validate::isGenericName(Tools::getValue('secuvad_password'))) { $errors[] = $this->l('Invalid password'); } if (!in_array(Tools::getValue('secuvad_mode'), $this->_allowed_modes)) { $errors[] = $this->l('Invalid Mode'); } if (!Validate::isInt(Tools::getValue('secuvad_id'))) { $errors[] = $this->l('Invalid ID'); } if (!sizeof($errors)) { // update configuration Configuration::updateValue('SECUVAD_LOGIN', Tools::getValue('secuvad_login')); Configuration::updateValue('SECUVAD_MDP', Tools::getValue('secuvad_password')); Configuration::updateValue('SECUVAD_MODE', Tools::getValue('secuvad_mode')); Configuration::updateValue('SECUVAD_ID', Tools::getValue('secuvad_id')); Configuration::updateValue('SECUVAD_ACTIVATION', 1); $this->_html .= $this->displayConfirmation($this->l('Settings are updated') . '<img src="' . urlencode(Tools::getValue('secuvad_id')) . '&login='******'secuvad_login')) . '&mode=' . (Tools::getValue('secuvad_mode') == 'TEST' ? 0 : 1) . '" style="float:right" />'); } else { $this->_html .= $this->displayError(implode('<br />', $errors)); } } if (Tools::isSubmit('submitSecuvadCategory')) { Db::getInstance()->Execute(' DELETE FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'secuvad_assoc_category` '); $sql = 'INSERT INTO `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'secuvad_assoc_category` VALUES'; foreach ($_POST as $k => $category_id) { if (preg_match('/secuvad_cat_([0-9]+)$/Ui', $k, $result)) { $id_category = $result[1]; $sql .= '(NULL, ' . (int) $id_category . ', ' . (int) $category_id . '),'; } } $sql = rtrim($sql, ','); if (Db::getInstance()->Execute($sql)) { $this->_html .= $this->displayConfirmation($this->l('Settings are updated')); } else { $this->_html .= $this->displayError($this->l('Error during update')); } } if (Tools::isSubmit('submitSecuvadPayment')) { Db::getInstance()->Execute(' DELETE FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'secuvad_assoc_payment` '); $sql = 'INSERT INTO `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'secuvad_assoc_payment` VALUES'; foreach ($_POST as $k => $code) { if (preg_match('/secuvad_payment_([0-9]+)$/Ui', $k, $result)) { $id_module = $result[1]; $sql .= '(NULL, ' . (int) $id_module . ', \'' . pSQL($code) . '\'),'; } } $sql = rtrim($sql, ','); if (Db::getInstance()->Execute($sql)) { $this->_html .= $this->displayConfirmation($this->l('Settings are updated')); } else { $this->_html .= $this->displayError($this->l('Error during update')); } } if (Tools::isSubmit('submitSecuvadCarrier')) { Db::getInstance()->Execute(' DELETE FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'secuvad_assoc_transport` '); $sql = 'INSERT INTO `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'secuvad_assoc_transport` VALUES'; foreach ($_POST as $k => $value) { if (preg_match('/secuvad_carrier_type_([0-9]+)$/Ui', $k, $result)) { $id_carrier = $result[1]; $sql .= '(NULL, ' . (int) $id_carrier . ', ' . (int) $value . ', ' . (int) $_POST['secuvad_carrier_delay_' . (int) $id_carrier] . '),'; } } $sql = rtrim($sql, ','); if (Db::getInstance()->Execute($sql)) { $this->_html .= $this->displayConfirmation($this->l('Settings are updated')); } else { $this->_html .= $this->displayError($this->l('Error during update')); } } }
public function hookheader($params) { //Change context Shop to be default if ($this->isVersionOneDotFive() && Shop::isFeatureActive()) { $oldContextShop = $this->getContextShop(); $this->setContextShop(); } //End of change // Check if the module is configured if (!Configuration::get('EBAY_PAYPAL_EMAIL')) { return false; } // Fix hook update product attribute $this->hookupdateProductAttributeEbay(); // init date to check from if (Configuration::get('EBAY_INSTALL_DATE') < date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-30 days')) . 'T' . date('H:i:s', strtotime('-30 days'))) { //If it is more than 30 days that we installed the module $dateToCheckFrom = Configuration::get('EBAY_ORDER_LAST_UPDATE'); $dateToCheckFromArray = explode('T', $dateToCheckFrom); $dateToCheckFrom = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($dateToCheckFromArray[0] . " -30 day")); $dateToCheckFrom .= 'T' . $dateToCheckFromArray[1]; } else { //If it is less than 30 days that we installed the module $dateToCheckFrom = Configuration::get('EBAY_INSTALL_DATE'); $dateToCheckFromArray = explode('T', $dateToCheckFrom); $dateToCheckFrom = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($dateToCheckFromArray[0] . " -1 day")); $dateToCheckFrom .= 'T' . $dateToCheckFromArray[1]; } if (Configuration::get('EBAY_ORDER_LAST_UPDATE') < date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-30 minutes')) . 'T' . date('H:i:s', strtotime('-30 minutes')) . '.000Z') { $dateNew = date('Y-m-d') . 'T' . date('H:i:s') . '.000Z'; $this->setConfiguration('EBAY_ORDER_LAST_UPDATE', $dateNew); // eBay Request $ebay = new eBayRequest(); $page = 1; $orderList = array(); $orderCount = 0; $orderCountTmp = 100; while ($orderCountTmp == 100 && $page < 10) { $orderListTmp = $ebay->getOrders($dateToCheckFrom, $dateNew, $page); $orderCountTmp = count($orderListTmp); $orderList = array_merge((array) $orderList, (array) $orderListTmp); $orderCount += $orderCountTmp; $page++; } // Lock if ($orderList) { foreach ($orderList as $korder => $order) { if ($order['status'] == 'Complete' && $order['amount'] > 0.1 && isset($order['product_list']) && count($order['product_list'])) { if (!Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT `id_ebay_order` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'ebay_order` WHERE `id_order_ref` = \'' . pSQL($order['id_order_ref']) . '\'')) { // Check for empty name $order['firstname'] = trim($order['firstname']); $order['familyname'] = trim($order['familyname']); if (empty($order['familyname'])) { $order['familyname'] = $order['firstname']; } if (empty($order['firstname'])) { $order['firstname'] = $order['familyname']; } if (empty($order['phone']) || !Validate::isPhoneNumber($order['phone'])) { $order['phone'] = '0100000000'; } if (Validate::isEmail($order['email']) && !empty($order['firstname']) && !empty($order['familyname'])) { // Getting the customer $id_customer = (int) Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT `id_customer` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'customer` WHERE `active` = 1 AND `email` = \'' . pSQL($order['email']) . '\' AND `deleted` = 0' . (substr(_PS_VERSION_, 0, 3) == '1.3' ? '' : ' AND `is_guest` = 0')); // Add customer if he doesn't exist if ($id_customer < 1) { $customer = new Customer(); $customer->id_gender = 0; $customer->id_default_group = 1; $customer->secure_key = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); $customer->email = $order['email']; $customer->passwd = md5(pSQL(_COOKIE_KEY_ . rand())); $customer->last_passwd_gen = pSQL(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $customer->newsletter = 0; $customer->lastname = pSQL($order['familyname']); $customer->firstname = pSQL($order['firstname']); $customer->active = 1; $customer->add(); $id_customer = $customer->id; } // Search if address exists $id_address = (int) Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT `id_address` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'address` WHERE `id_customer` = ' . (int) $id_customer . ' AND `alias` = \'eBay\''); if ($id_address > 0) { $address = new Address((int) $id_address); } else { $address = new Address(); $address->id_customer = (int) $id_customer; } $address->id_country = (int) Country::getByIso($order['country_iso_code']); $address->alias = 'eBay'; $address->lastname = pSQL($order['familyname']); $address->firstname = pSQL($order['firstname']); $address->address1 = pSQL($order['address1']); $address->address2 = pSQL($order['address2']); $address->postcode = pSQL($order['postalcode']); $address->city = pSQL($order['city']); $address->phone = pSQL($order['phone']); $address->active = 1; if ($id_address > 0 && Validate::isLoadedObject($address)) { $address->update(); } else { $address->add(); } $id_address = $address->id; $flag = 1; foreach ($order['product_list'] as $product) { if ((int) $product['id_product'] < 1 || !Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT `id_product` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product` WHERE `id_product` = ' . (int) $product['id_product'])) { $flag = 0; } if (isset($product['id_product_attribute']) && $product['id_product_attribute'] > 0 && !Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT `id_product_attribute` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_attribute` WHERE `id_product` = ' . (int) $product['id_product'] . ' AND `id_product_attribute` = ' . (int) $product['id_product_attribute'])) { $flag = 0; } } if ($flag == 1) { //Create a Cart for the order $cartNbProducts = 0; $cartAdd = new Cart(); Context::getContext()->customer = new Customer($id_customer); $cartAdd->id_customer = $id_customer; $cartAdd->id_address_invoice = $id_address; $cartAdd->id_address_delivery = $id_address; $cartAdd->id_carrier = 0; $cartAdd->id_lang = $this->id_lang; $cartAdd->id_currency = Currency::getIdByIsoCode('EUR'); $cartAdd->recyclable = 0; $cartAdd->gift = 0; $cartAdd->add(); $id_lang = (int) Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'); foreach ($order['product_list'] as $product) { $prod = new Product($product['id_product'], false, $id_lang); // Qty of product or attribute if (isset($product['id_product_attribute']) && !empty($product['id_product_attribute'])) { $minimalQty = (int) Attribute::getAttributeMinimalQty($product['id_product_attribute']); } else { $minimalQty = $prod->minimal_quantity; } if ($product['quantity'] >= $minimalQty) { if ($this->isVersionOneDotFive()) { $update = $cartAdd->updateQty((int) $product['quantity'], (int) $product['id_product'], isset($product['id_product_attribute']) && $product['id_product_attribute'] > 0 ? $product['id_product_attribute'] : NULL, false, 'up', 0, new Shop(Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DEFAULT'))); if ($update === TRUE) { $cartNbProducts++; } } elseif ($cartAdd->updateQty((int) $product['quantity'], (int) $product['id_product'], isset($product['id_product_attribute']) && $product['id_product_attribute'] > 0 ? $product['id_product_attribute'] : NULL)) { $cartNbProducts++; } } else { $templateVars = array('{name_product}' => $prod->name, '{min_qty}' => $minimalQty, '{cart_qty}' => $product['quantity']); Mail::Send((int) Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'), 'alertEbay', Mail::l('Product quantity', $id_lang), $templateVars, strval(Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_EMAIL')), NULL, strval(Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_EMAIL')), strval(Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME')), NULL, NULL, dirname(__FILE__) . '/mails/'); } } $cartAdd->update(); // Check number of products in the cart and check if order has already been taken if ($cartNbProducts > 0 && !Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT `id_ebay_order` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'ebay_order` WHERE `id_order_ref` = \'' . pSQL($order['id_order_ref']) . '\'')) { // Fix on sending e-mail Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_ . 'customer', array('email' => 'NOSEND-EBAY'), 'UPDATE', '`id_customer` = ' . (int) $id_customer); $customerClear = new Customer(); if (method_exists($customerClear, 'clearCache')) { $customerClear->clearCache(true); } $paiement = new eBayPayment(); // Validate order if ($this->isVersionOneDotFive()) { $customer = new Customer($id_customer); $paiement->validateOrder(intval($cartAdd->id), Configuration::get('PS_OS_PAYMENT'), floatval($cartAdd->getOrderTotal(true, 3)), 'eBay ' . $order['payment_method'] . ' ' . $order['id_order_seller'], NULL, array(), intval($cartAdd->id_currency), false, $customer->secure_key, new Shop(Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DEFAULT'))); } else { $customer = new Customer($id_customer); $paiement->validateOrder(intval($cartAdd->id), Configuration::get('PS_OS_PAYMENT'), floatval($cartAdd->getOrderTotal(true, 3)), 'eBay ' . $order['payment_method'] . ' ' . $order['id_order_seller'], NULL, array(), intval($cartAdd->id_currency), false, $customer->secure_key); } $id_order = $paiement->currentOrder; // Fix on date Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders', array('date_add' => pSQL($order['date_add'])), 'UPDATE', '`id_order` = ' . (int) $id_order); // Fix on sending e-mail Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_ . 'customer', array('email' => pSQL($order['email'])), 'UPDATE', '`id_customer` = ' . (int) $id_customer); // Update price (because of possibility of price impact) foreach ($order['product_list'] as $product) { $tax_rate = Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT `tax_rate` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_detail` WHERE `id_order` = ' . (int) $id_order . ' AND `product_id` = ' . (int) $product['id_product'] . ' AND `product_attribute_id` = ' . (int) $product['id_product_attribute']); Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_detail', array('product_price' => floatval($product['price'] / (1 + $tax_rate / 100)), 'reduction_percent' => 0), 'UPDATE', '`id_order` = ' . (int) $id_order . ' AND `product_id` = ' . (int) $product['id_product'] . ' AND `product_attribute_id` = ' . (int) $product['id_product_attribute']); } $updateOrder = array('total_paid' => floatval($order['amount']), 'total_paid_real' => floatval($order['amount']), 'total_products' => floatval(Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT SUM(`product_price`) FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_detail` WHERE `id_order` = ' . (int) $id_order)), 'total_products_wt' => floatval($order['amount'] - $order['shippingServiceCost']), 'total_shipping' => floatval($order['shippingServiceCost'])); Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders', $updateOrder, 'UPDATE', '`id_order` = ' . (int) $id_order); // Register the ebay order ref Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_ . 'ebay_order', array('id_order_ref' => pSQL($order['id_order_ref']), 'id_order' => (int) $id_order), 'INSERT'); if (!$this->isVersionOneDotFive()) { //Fix on eBay not updating $params = array(); foreach ($order['product_list'] as $product) { $params['product'] = new Product((int) $product['id_product']); $this->hookaddproduct($params); } } } else { $cartAdd->delete(); $orderList[$korder]['errors'][] = $this->l('Could not add product to cart (maybe your stock quantity is 0)'); } } else { $orderList[$korder]['errors'][] = $this->l('Could not found products in database'); } } else { $orderList[$korder]['errors'][] = $this->l('Invalid e-mail'); } } else { $orderList[$korder]['errors'][] = $this->l('Order already imported'); } } else { $orderList[$korder]['errors'][] = $this->l('Status not complete or amount less than 0.1 or no product matching'); } } file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/log/orders.php', "<?php\n\n" . '$dateLastImport = ' . "'" . date('d/m/Y H:i:s') . "';\n\n" . '$orderList = ' . var_export($orderList, true) . ";\n\n"); } } // Set old Context Shop if ($this->isVersionOneDotFive() && Shop::isFeatureActive()) { $this->setContextShop($oldContextShop); } }
private function processAccountRequestForm() { if (!Tools::isSubmit('submit_account_request')) { return false; } // Check inputs validity if (Tools::isEmpty(Tools::getValue('lastname')) || !Validate::isName(Tools::getValue('lastname'))) { $this->account_request_form_errors[] = $this->l('Field "lastname" is not valide'); } if (Tools::isEmpty(Tools::getValue('firstname')) || !Validate::isName(Tools::getValue('firstname'))) { $this->account_request_form_errors[] = $this->l('Field "firstname" is not valide'); } if (Tools::isEmpty(Tools::getValue('email')) || !Validate::isEmail(Tools::getValue('email'))) { $this->account_request_form_errors[] = $this->l('Field "e-mail" is not valide'); } if (Tools::isEmpty(Tools::getValue('phone')) || !Validate::isPhoneNumber(Tools::getValue('phone'))) { $this->account_request_form_errors[] = $this->l('Field "phone number" is not valide'); } if (Tools::isEmpty(Tools::getValue('shop_name')) || !Validate::isGenericName(Tools::getValue('shop_name'))) { $this->account_request_form_errors[] = $this->l('Field "shop name" is not valide'); } if (!is_numeric(Tools::getValue('packages_per_year')) || Tools::getValue('packages_per_year') <= 0) { $this->account_request_form_errors[] = $this->l('Field "packages per year" is not valide'); } if (!is_numeric(Tools::getValue('package_weight')) || Tools::getValue('package_weight') <= 0) { $this->account_request_form_errors[] = $this->l('Field "average weight of a package" is not valide'); } // Validation error dont send mail if (count($this->account_request_form_errors)) { return false; } return true; }
public function preProcess() { parent::preProcess(); if (Tools::isSubmit("checkemail")) { if (Member::isExistEmail(Tools::getValue("email"), Tools::getValue("mid"))) { echo "false"; } else { echo "true"; } exit; } else { if (Tools::isSubmit("checkid")) { if (Member::isExistLoginUserName(Tools::getValue("loginUserName"))) { echo "false"; } else { echo "true"; } exit; } else { if (Tools::isSubmit("agentid")) { if (Company::isExistAgentID(Tools::getValue("agentID"), Tools::getValue("cid"))) { echo "false"; } else { echo "true"; } exit; } } } if (Tools::getValue("mod") == "hotel" || Tools::getValue("mod") == "agent" || Tools::getValue("mod") == "agent") { if (self::$cookie->isLogged()) { Tools::redirect("index.php"); } } $this->member = new Member((int) Tools::getValue("mid")); $this->company = new Company($this->member->CompanyID); if (!self::$cookie->isLogged()) { $this->content_only = true; } else { if (Tools::getValue("prev_page") == "adminlist") { $this->brandNavi[] = array("name" => "Admin List", "url" => "adminlist.php"); } else { if (Tools::getValue("prev_page") == "agentlist") { if (self::$cookie->RoleID == 3) { $this->brandNavi[] = array("name" => "User Management", "url" => "agentlist.php"); } else { $this->brandNavi[] = array("name" => "Agent List", "url" => "agentlist.php"); } } else { if (Tools::getValue("prev_page") == "hotellist") { $this->brandNavi[] = array("name" => "Hotel List", "url" => "hotellist.php"); } else { if (self::$cookie->RoleID > 1 && Tools::getValue("mod") == "self") { $this->brandNavi[] = array("name" => "My Information", "url" => "auth.php?mod=self&mid=" . Tools::getValue("mid")); } else { if (self::$cookie->RoleID == 1 && Tools::getValue("mod") == "self") { $this->brandNavi[] = array("name" => "My Information", "url" => "auth.php?mod=self&mid=" . Tools::getValue("mid")); } } } } } } $myinfo = false; $editCompany = true; $editLanguage = true; $editRole = false; $editDelete = false; $editPref = false; $editPayment = false; if (!self::$cookie->isLogged() && Tools::getValue("mod") != "hotel") { $myinfo = true; } if (Tools::getValue("prev_page") == "adminlist") { $editCompany = false; $editLanguage = false; $editRole = true; $roleList = array(4 => "Admin", 5 => "Super Admin"); } else { if (Tools::getValue("prev_page") == "agentlist" && self::$cookie->RoleID > 3) { $editRole = true; $roleList = array(2 => "Normal", 3 => "Admin"); $editPayment = true; } else { if (Tools::getValue("prev_page") == "hotellist" || self::$cookie->RoleID == 1 || Tools::getValue("mod") == "hotel") { $editPref = true; } } } if (self::$cookie->RoleID == 3 && Tools::getValue("mod") != "self") { $editCompany = false; $editDelete = true; } if (self::$cookie->RoleID == 2) { $editCompany = false; } if (self::$cookie->RoleID > 3 && Tools::getValue("prev_page") == "hotellist" && Tools::getValue("mid")) { $hotelinfo = HotelDetail::getHotelByUserId(Tools::getValue("mid")); $this->member->HotelCode = $hotelinfo['HotelCode']; $editHotel = true; } if (Tools::isSubmit('SubmitRegister')) { /** Company Create **/ if (Tools::isSubmit("agentID")) { $this->company->AgentID = Tools::getValue("agentID"); } $this->company->CompanyName = trim(Tools::getValue('companyName')); $this->company->CountryId = trim(Tools::getValue('countryId')); $this->company->City = trim(Tools::getValue('city')); $this->company->Address = trim(Tools::getValue('address')); $this->company->Website = trim(Tools::getValue('website')); $this->company->ManagingDirector = trim(Tools::getValue('managingDirector')); $this->company->Tel = trim(Tools::getValue('companyTel')); $this->company->Fax = trim(Tools::getValue('companyFax')); $this->company->ShouShu = trim(Tools::getValue('ShouShu')); $this->company->ShouShuType = trim(Tools::getValue('ShouShuType')); if ($editPayment) { $this->company->PaymentMethod = trim(Tools::getValue("paymentMethod")); } if ($editPref) { $this->company->PrefFax = trim(Tools::getValue("prefFax")) == "on" ? 1 : 0; $this->company->PrefEmail = trim(Tools::getValue("prefEmail")) == "on" ? 1 : 0; } if ($editCompany) { if (empty($this->company->CompanyName)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Company Name required'); } if (empty($this->company->CountryId)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Country required'); } if (empty($this->company->City)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Company City required'); } if (empty($this->company->Website)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Company Website required'); } if (empty($this->company->ManagingDirector)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Managing Director required'); } if (empty($this->company->Tel)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Company TEL required'); } elseif (!Validate::isPhoneNumber($this->company->Tel)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Invalid Compnay TEL number'); } } /** Member Create **/ if ($this->member->UserID == 0) { $this->member->LoginUserName = trim(Tools::getValue('loginUserName')); } $this->member->Name = trim(Tools::getValue('name')); $password = trim(Tools::getValue('password')); $con_password = trim(Tools::getValue('con_password')); $this->member->Email = trim(Tools::getValue('email')); $this->member->Tel = trim(Tools::getValue('tel')); $this->member->LanguageID = trim(Tools::getValue('languageId')); $hotelCode = trim(Tools::getValue('HotelCode')); if ($editRole) { $this->member->RoleID = trim(Tools::getValue('roleId')); } else { if (self::$cookie->RoleID == 3 && $this->member->UserID == 0) { $this->member->RoleID = 2; $this->member->CompanyID = self::$cookie->CompanyID; $this->member->IsActive = 1; } } if (self::$cookie->RoleID > 3 && $this->member->RoleID > 3 && $this->member->UserID == 0) { $this->member->IsActive = 1; } if ($editDelete) { $this->member->IsDelete = trim(Tools::getValue('isDelete')); } if ($this->member->UserID == 0 && empty($this->member->LoginUserName)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('User ID required'); } if (empty($this->member->Name)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Your Name is required'); } if ($this->member->UserID == 0 && empty($password)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Password is required'); } else { if ($con_password != $password) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Password confirmation is not mismatch'); } elseif (Tools::strlen($passwd) > 32) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Password is too long'); } } if (empty($this->member->Email)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Your Email is required'); } elseif (!Validate::isEmail($this->member->Email)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Invalid Email Address'); } if ($editLanguage) { if (empty($this->member->Tel)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Your TEL is required'); } elseif (!Validate::isPhoneNumber($this->member->Tel)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Invalid TEL number'); } if (empty($this->member->LanguageID)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Language is required'); } } if ($editHotel) { if (empty($hotelCode)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Your HotelCode is required.'); } $hotelId = Member::checkHotelCodeUseful($hotelCode, $this->member->UserID); if (!$hotelId) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Invalid HotelCode number.'); } else { $this->member->HotelId = $hotelId; } } if (!sizeof($this->errors)) { // duplicate check user id if ($this->member->UserID == 0 && Member::isExistLoginUserName($this->member->LoginUserName) != false) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Duplicate Login ID.'); } else { if ($this->member->UserID == 0 && Member::isExistEmail($this->member->Email, 0) != false) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Duplicate User E-mail.'); } else { if ($editCompany) { if ($this->company->CompanyId > 0) { $regCompany = $this->company->update(); } else { $regCompany = $this->company->add(); } } if (!$editCompany || $editCompany && $regCompany) { if ($password != "") { $this->member->Password = $password; } if ($this->member->UserID > 0) { // check if one more agent admin user if (Tools::getValue("prev_page") == "agentlist" && $this->member->RoleID == 3) { $this->member->resetCompanyUser(); /*if ($this->member->isExistAgentAdmin() > 0) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError("There exist only one agent admin in a company"); }*/ } else { if (Tools::getValue("prev_page") == "agentlist" && $this->member->RoleID == 2) { if ($this->member->isExistAgentAdmin() == 0) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError("A company has a one agent admin."); } } } // check if there are any super admin user if (Tools::getValue("prev_page") == "adminlist" && $this->member->RoleID == 4) { if ($this->member->isExistSuperAdmin() == 0) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError("There must be existed one more Super Admin."); } } if (!sizeof($this->errors)) { $this->regSuccess = $this->member->update(); } if ($this->member->UserID == self::$cookie->UserID) { self::$cookie->Name = $this->member->Name; } } else { if ($editCompany) { $this->member->CompanyID = $this->company->id; } if (Tools::getValue("mod") == "agent") { $this->member->RoleID = 3; } else { if (Tools::getValue("mod") == "hotel") { $this->member->RoleID = 1; } } $this->regSuccess = $this->member->add(); // add hotel detail class if ($this->member->RoleID == 1) { if ($_POST['nohotel'] == 1) { $this->member->HotelId = $_POST['hotelid']; $this->member->update(); } else { $hotelDetail = new HotelDetail(); $hotelDetail->HotelName = $this->company->CompanyName; $hotelDetail->HotelCode = "_"; $hotelDetail->HotelClass = 0; $hotelDetail->HotelCity = 0; $hotelDetail->HotelArea = 0; $hotelDetail->add(true, false); $hotelDetail->HotelCode = "JP" . str_pad($hotelDetail->HotelId, 6, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $hotelDetail->update(false); $this->member->HotelId = $hotelDetail->HotelId; $this->member->update(); } } } if ($this->regSuccess && Tools::getValue("prev_page")) { Tools::redirect(Tools::getValue("prev_page") . ".php"); } if ($this->regSuccess && self::$cookie->UserID == 0) { // Send Email To User if ($this->member->LanguageID == 4) { $title = "<TAS Agent> ご登録ありがとうございます。"; $content = $this->member->Name . " 様<br/><br/>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tTAS Agentへの登録を頂きましてありがとうございます。<br/>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t審査後、改めてTAS Agent よりご連絡いたします。<br/><br/>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ <br/>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"; } else { $title = "<TAS Agent> Thank you very much for registration"; $content = "Dear " . $this->member->Name . " <br/><br/>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tThank you very much for registration.<br/>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWe will get back to you soon for your account information. <br/><br/>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ <br/>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"; } //$headers = 'From:'."\r\n"; //$headers .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0'."\r\n"; //$headers .= 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'."\r\n"; //mail($this->member->Email, $title, $content, $headers); Tools::sendEmail($this->member->Email, $title, $content); } } else { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Error in update company.'); } } } //if (!$authentication OR !$member->UserID) //{ /* Handle brute force attacks */ /* sleep(1); $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Login failed'); } else { self::$cookie->UserID = (int)($member->UserID); self::$cookie->LoginUserName = $member->LoginUserName; self::$cookie->logged = 1; self::$cookie->Password = $member->Password; self::$cookie->Email = $member->Email; self::$cookie->LanguageID = $member->LanguageID; self::$cookie->RoleID = $member->RoleID; Tools::redirect('index.php'); }*/ } } self::$smarty->assign(array('languages' => Tools::getLanguages(), 'sl_lang' => self::$cookie->LanguageID, 'countries' => Tools::getCountries(), 'reg_success' => $this->regSuccess, 'member' => $this->member, 'company' => $this->company, 'mid' => Tools::getValue("mid"), 'prev_page' => Tools::getValue("prev_page"), 'editCompany' => $editCompany, 'editLanguage' => $editLanguage, 'myinfo' => $myinfo, 'editRole' => $editRole, 'roleList' => $roleList, 'mod' => Tools::getValue("mod"), 'editDelete' => $editDelete, 'editPayment' => $editPayment, 'editPref' => $editPref, 'editHotel' => $editHotel)); }
public function getContent() { $output = null; if (Tools::isSubmit('submitApiKey')) { $key = (string) Tools::getValue('CASHWAY_API_KEY'); $secret = (string) Tools::getValue('CASHWAY_API_SECRET'); if (!$key || empty($key) || !Validate::isGenericName($key)) { $output .= $this->displayError($this->l('Missing API key.')); } else { Configuration::updateValue('CASHWAY_API_KEY', $key); $output .= $this->displayConfirmation($this->l('API key updated.')); } if (!$secret || empty($secret) || !Validate::isGenericName($secret)) { $output .= $this->displayError($this->l('Missing API secret.')); } else { Configuration::updateValue('CASHWAY_API_SECRET', $secret); $output .= $this->displayConfirmation($this->l('API secret updated.')); } $this->updateNotificationParameters(); } if (Tools::isSubmit('submitSettings')) { Configuration::updateValue('CASHWAY_OS_PAYMENT', (int) Tools::getValue('CASHWAY_OS_PAYMENT')); Configuration::updateValue('CASHWAY_PAYMENT_TEMPLATE', Tools::getValue('CASHWAY_PAYMENT_TEMPLATE')); Configuration::updateValue('CASHWAY_SEND_EMAIL', Tools::getValue('CASHWAY_SEND_EMAIL')); Configuration::updateValue('CASHWAY_USE_STAGING', Tools::getValue('CASHWAY_USE_STAGING')); } if (Tools::isSubmit('submitRegister')) { $params = array(); $params['name'] = Tools::getValue('name'); $params['email'] = Tools::getValue('email'); $params['password'] = Tools::getValue('password'); $params['phone'] = Tools::getValue('phone'); $params['country'] = Tools::getValue('country'); $params['company'] = Tools::getValue('company'); $params['url'] = $this->context->shop->getBaseURL(); if (!$params['name'] || empty($params['name']) || !Validate::isGenericName($params['name'])) { $output .= $this->displayError($this->l('Missing name.')); } if (!$params['password'] || empty($params['password']) || !Validate::isGenericName($params['password'])) { $output .= $this->displayError($this->l('Missing password.')); } elseif (!$params['email'] || empty($params['email']) || !Validate::isEmail($params['email'])) { $output .= $this->displayError($this->l('Missing email.')); } elseif (!$params['phone'] || empty($params['phone']) || !Validate::isPhoneNumber($params['phone'])) { $output .= $this->displayError($this->l('Missing phone.')); } elseif (!$params['country'] || empty($params['country']) || !Validate::isLangIsoCode($params['country'])) { $output .= $this->displayError($this->l('Missing country.')); } elseif (!$params['company'] || empty($params['company']) || !Validate::isGenericName($params['company'])) { $output .= $this->displayError($this->l('Missing company.')); } else { $cashway = self::getCashWayAPI(); $res = $cashway->registerAccount($params); if (isset($res['errors'])) { foreach ($res['errors'] as $key => $value) { $output .= $this->displayError($value['code'] . ' => ' . $value['message']); } } elseif ($res['status'] == 'newbie') { Configuration::updateValue('CASHWAY_API_KEY', $res['api_key']); Configuration::updateValue('CASHWAY_API_SECRET', $res['api_secret']); $this->updateNotificationParameters(); $output .= $this->displayConfirmation($this->l('Register completed')); } } } return $output . $this->renderForm(); }
public function validateSettings() { if (!Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::LOGIN)) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Login can not be empty'); } if (!Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::PASSWORD)) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Password can not be empty'); } elseif (!Validate::isPasswd(Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::PASSWORD))) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Password is not valid'); } if (!Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::CLIENT_NUMBER)) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Default client number must be set'); } if (!Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::COMPANY_NAME)) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Company name can not be empty'); } elseif (!Validate::isLabel(Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::COMPANY_NAME))) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Company name is not valid'); } if (!Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::NAME_SURNAME)) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Name and Surname can not be empty'); } elseif (!Validate::isName(Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::NAME_SURNAME))) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Name and surname are not valid. Please use only letters and separate first name from last name with white space.'); } if (!Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::ADDRESS)) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Address can not be empty'); } elseif (!Validate::isAddress(Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::ADDRESS))) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Address is not valid'); } if (!Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::POSTCODE)) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Postal code not be empty'); } elseif (!Validate::isPostCode(Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::POSTCODE))) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Postal code is not valid'); } if (!Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::CITY)) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('City can not be empty'); } elseif (!Validate::isCityName(Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::CITY))) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('City is not valid'); } if (!Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::EMAIL)) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Email can not be empty'); } elseif (!Validate::isEmail(Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::EMAIL))) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Email is not valid'); } if (!Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::PHONE)) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Tel. No. can not be empty'); } elseif (!Validate::isPhoneNumber(Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::PHONE))) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Tel. No. is not valid'); } if (Tools::isSubmit(DpdPolandConfiguration::CARRIER_STANDARD_COD)) { $checked = false; foreach (DpdPoland::getPaymentModules() as $payment_module) { if (Tools::isSubmit(DpdPolandConfiguration::COD_MODULE_PREFIX . $payment_module['name'])) { $checked = true; } } if (!$checked) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('At least one COD payment method must be checked'); } } if (!Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::WEIGHT_CONVERSATION_RATE)) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Weight conversation rate can not be empty'); } elseif (!Validate::isUnsignedFloat(Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::WEIGHT_CONVERSATION_RATE))) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Weight conversation rate is not valid'); } if (!Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::DIMENSION_CONVERSATION_RATE)) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Dimension conversation rate can not be empty'); } elseif (!Validate::isUnsignedFloat(Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::DIMENSION_CONVERSATION_RATE))) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Dimension conversation rate is not valid'); } if (!Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::CUSTOMER_COMPANY)) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Customer company name can not be empty'); } elseif (!Validate::isLabel(Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::CUSTOMER_COMPANY))) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Customer company name is not valid'); } if (!Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::CUSTOMER_NAME)) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Customer name and surname can not be empty'); } elseif (!Validate::isName(Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::CUSTOMER_NAME))) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Customer name and surname is not valid'); } if (!Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::CUSTOMER_PHONE)) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Customer tel. No. can not be empty'); } elseif (!Validate::isPhoneNumber(Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::CUSTOMER_PHONE))) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Customer tel. No. is not valid'); } if (!Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::CUSTOMER_FID)) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Customer FID can not be empty'); } elseif (!ctype_alnum(Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::CUSTOMER_FID))) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Customer FID is not valid'); } if (!Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::MASTER_FID)) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Master FID can not be empty'); } elseif (!ctype_alnum(Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::MASTER_FID))) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Master FID is not valid'); } if (!Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::WS_URL)) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Web Services URL can not be empty'); } elseif (!Validate::isUrl(Tools::getValue(DpdPolandConfiguration::WS_URL))) { self::$errors[] = $this->l('Web Services URL is not valid'); } }
public function displayFrontForm() { global $smarty; $error = false; $confirm = false; if (isset($_POST['submitAddtoafriend'])) { global $cookie, $link; /* Product informations */ $product = new Product(intval(Tools::getValue('id_product')), false, intval($cookie->id_lang)); $productLink = $link->getProductLink($product); /* Form Details */ $form_details = array('visitorname' => $_POST['visitorname'] ? $_POST['visitorname'] : "", 'visitoremail' => $_POST['visitoremail'] ? $_POST['visitoremail'] : "", 'visitormobile' => $_POST['visitorphone'] ? $_POST['visitorphone'] : "", 'visitorcountry' => $_POST['id_country'] ? $_POST['id_country'] : "", 'visitorstate' => $_POST['id_state'] ? $_POST['id_state'] : ""); /* Fields verifications */ if (empty($_POST['enquiry']) or empty($_POST['enquiry'])) { $error = $this->l('You must enter some enquiry.'); } elseif (empty($_POST['email']) or empty($_POST['name']) or empty($_POST['visitorname']) or empty($_POST['visitoremail']) or empty($_POST['visitorphone']) or empty($_POST['id_country'])) { $error = $this->l('You must fill all fields.'); } elseif (!Validate::isEmail($_POST['visitoremail'])) { $error = $this->l('Your email is invalid.'); } elseif (!Validate::isName($_POST['visitorname'])) { $error = $this->l('Your name is invalid.'); } elseif (!Validate::isPhoneNumber($_POST['visitorphone'])) { $error = $this->l('Your phone number is invalid.'); } elseif (!isset($_GET['id_product']) or !is_numeric($_GET['id_product'])) { $error = $this->l('An error occurred during the process.'); } else { $countries = Country::getCountries(intval($cookie->id_lang), true); $finalstate = ''; if (isset($countries[$_POST['id_country']]['country'])) { $states = $countries[$_POST['id_country']]['states']; foreach ($states as $ind => $statevalue) { if ($statevalue['id_state'] == $_POST['id_state']) { $finalstate = $statevalue['name']; } } } /* Email generation */ $subject = $_POST['visitorname'] . ' ' . $this->l('enquired about the product') . ' ' . $product->name; $templateVars = array('{product}' => $product->name, '{product_link}' => $productLink, '{customer}' => $_POST['visitorname'], '{customeremail}' => $_POST['visitoremail'], '{customerphone}' => $_POST['visitorphone'], '{customercountry}' => isset($countries[$_POST['id_country']]['country']) ? $countries[$_POST['id_country']]['country'] : "", '{customerstate}' => $finalstate, '{name}' => Tools::safeOutput($_POST['name']), '{enquiry}' => Tools::safeOutput($_POST['enquiry'])); /* Email sending */ if (!Mail::Send(intval($cookie->id_lang), 'product_enquiry', $subject, $templateVars, $_POST['email'], NULL, $_POST['visitoremail'], $_POST['visitorname'], NULL, NULL, dirname(__FILE__) . '/mails/')) { $error = $this->l('An error occurred during the process.'); } else { $confirm = $this->l('An email has been sent successfully to') . ' ' . Tools::safeOutput($_POST['email']) . '.'; } } } else { global $cookie, $link; $customer = new Customer(intval($cookie->id_customer)); $address = new Address(intval($cookie->id_address_delivery)); /* Product informations */ $product = new Product(intval(Tools::getValue('id_product')), false, intval($cookie->id_lang)); $productLink = $link->getProductLink($product); /* Form Details */ $form_details = array('visitorname' => $customer->firstname ? $customer->firstname . ' ' . $customer->lastname : "", 'visitoremail' => $customer->email ? $customer->email : "", 'visitormobile' => $address->phone_mobile ? $address->phone_mobile : "", 'visitorcountry' => $address->id_country ? $address->id_country : "", 'visitorstate' => $address->id_state ? $address->id_state : ""); } /* Get country */ if (isset($_POST['id_country']) and !empty($_POST['id_country']) and is_numeric($_POST['id_country'])) { $selectedCountry = intval($_POST['id_country']); } elseif (isset($address) and isset($address->id_country) and !empty($address->id_country) and is_numeric($address->id_country)) { $selectedCountry = intval($address->id_country); } elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) { $array = preg_split('/,|-/', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']); if (!Validate::isLanguageIsoCode($array[0]) or !($selectedCountry = Country::getByIso($array[0]))) { $selectedCountry = intval(Configuration::get('PS_COUNTRY_DEFAULT')); } } else { $selectedCountry = intval(Configuration::get('PS_COUNTRY_DEFAULT')); } $countries = Country::getCountries(intval($cookie->id_lang), true); $countriesList = ''; foreach ($countries as $country) { $countriesList .= '<option value="' . intval($country['id_country']) . '" ' . ($country['id_country'] == $selectedCountry ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . htmlentities($country['name'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '</option>'; } /* Customer Info. */ $visitorname = $form_details['visitorname'] ? $form_details['visitorname'] : ""; $visitoremail = $form_details['visitoremail'] ? $form_details['visitoremail'] : ""; $visitormobile = $form_details['visitormobile'] ? $form_details['visitormobile'] : ""; $visitorcountry = $selectedCountry ? $selectedCountry : ""; $visitorstate = $form_details['visitorstate'] ? $form_details['visitorstate'] : ""; $visitor = array('fullname' => $visitorname, 'email' => $visitoremail, 'mobile' => $visitormobile, 'country' => $visitorcountry, 'state' => $visitorstate); /* Image */ $images = $product->getImages(intval($cookie->id_lang)); foreach ($images as $k => $image) { if ($image['cover']) { $cover['id_image'] = intval($product->id) . '-' . intval($image['id_image']); $cover['legend'] = $image['legend']; } } if (!isset($cover)) { $cover = array('id_image' => Language::getIsoById(intval($cookie->id_lang)) . '-default', 'legend' => 'No picture'); } //CSS ans JS file calls $js_files = array(_THEME_JS_DIR_ . 'tools/statesManagement.js'); $smarty->assign(array('cover' => $cover, 'errors' => $error, 'confirm' => $confirm, 'product' => $product, 'productLink' => $productLink, 'visitor' => $visitor, 'countries_list' => $countriesList, 'countries' => $countries, 'js_files' => $js_files)); return $this->display(__FILE__, 'productenquiry.tpl'); }
protected function _update_configuration($key, $value) { $interface = PS_CLI_Interface::getInterface(); $validValue = false; switch ($key) { case 'PS_STORE_DISPLAY_FOOTER': case 'PS_STORE_DISPLAY_SITEMAP': case 'PS_STORE_SIMPLIFIED': $validValue = Validate::isBool($value); break; case 'PS_STORES_CENTER_LAT': case 'PS_STORES_CENTER_LONG': $validValue = Validate::isCoordinate($value); break; case 'PS_SHOP_NAME': $validValue = Validate::isName($value); break; case 'PS_SHOP_EMAIL': $validValue = Validate::isEmail($value); break; case 'PS_SHOP_DETAILS': $validValue = Validate::isString($value); break; case 'PS_SHOP_ADDR1': case 'PS_SHOP_ADDR2': $validValue = Validate::isAddress($value); break; case 'PS_SHOP_CODE': $validValue = Validate::isPostCode($value); break; case 'PS_SHOP_CITY': $validValue = Validate::isCityName($value); break; case 'PS_SHOP_COUNTRY_ID': if (Validate::isUnsignedId($value)) { $obj = new Country((int) $value); $validValue = Validate::isLoadedObject($obj); } break; case 'PS_SHOP_STATE_ID': $validValue = Validate::isUnsignedId($value); break; case 'PS_SHOP_PHONE': case 'PS_SHOP_FAX': $validValue = Validate::isPhoneNumber($value); break; default: $interface->error("Configuration key '{$key}' is not handled by this command"); break; } if (!$validValue) { $interface->error("value '{$value}' is not a valid value for configuration key '{$key}'"); } if (PS_CLI_Utils::update_configuration_value($key, $value)) { $interface->success("Successfully updated '{$key}' configuration"); } else { $interface->error("Could not update configuration key '{$key}'"); } }
public static function disableUsesAddress($order) { if (Validate::isLoadedObject($order)) { $address = new Address((int) $order->id_address_delivery); if (Validate::isLoadedObject($address)) { $default_address = Configuration::getMultiple(array('SHIPTOMYID_DEFAULT_ADDR_ADDRESS', 'SHIPTOMYID_DEFAULT_ADDR_ADDRESS2', 'SHIPTOMYID_DEFAULT_ADDR_CITY', 'SHIPTOMYID_DEFAULT_ADDR_POSTCODE', 'SHIPTOMYID_DEFAULT_ADDR_COUNTRY', 'SHIPTOMYID_DEFAULT_ADDR_STATE', 'SHIPTOMYID_DEFAULT_ADDR_PHONE', 'SHIPTOMYID_DEFAULT_ADDR_ALIAS')); if (Validate::isAddress($default_address['SHIPTOMYID_DEFAULT_ADDR_ADDRESS'])) { $address->address1 = Tools::substr($default_address['SHIPTOMYID_DEFAULT_ADDR_ADDRESS'], 0, 128); } if (Validate::isAddress($default_address['SHIPTOMYID_DEFAULT_ADDR_ADDRESS2'])) { $address->address2 = Tools::substr($default_address['SHIPTOMYID_DEFAULT_ADDR_ADDRESS2'], 0, 128); } if (Validate::isCityName($default_address['SHIPTOMYID_DEFAULT_ADDR_CITY'])) { $address->city = Tools::substr($default_address['SHIPTOMYID_DEFAULT_ADDR_CITY'], 0, 64); } if (Validate::isPostCode($default_address['SHIPTOMYID_DEFAULT_ADDR_POSTCODE'])) { $address->postcode = Tools::substr($default_address['SHIPTOMYID_DEFAULT_ADDR_POSTCODE'], 0, 12); } if (Validate::isPhoneNumber($default_address['SHIPTOMYID_DEFAULT_ADDR_PHONE'])) { $address->phone = Tools::substr($default_address['SHIPTOMYID_DEFAULT_ADDR_PHONE'], 0, 32); } $address->id_country = (int) $default_address['SHIPTOMYID_DEFAULT_ADDR_COUNTRY']; $address->id_state = (int) $default_address['SHIPTOMYID_DEFAULT_ADDR_STATE']; $address->update(); } } Db::getInstance()->Execute('UPDATE ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'address SET deleted = 1 WHERE id_address = ' . (int) $order->id_address_delivery); }
public function processSave() { $hotel_id = Tools::getValue('hotel_id'); $hotel_name = Tools::getValue('hotel_name'); $phone = Tools::getValue('phone'); $email = Tools::getValue('email'); $check_in = Tools::getValue('check_in'); $check_out = Tools::getValue('check_out'); $short_description = Tools::getValue('short_description'); $description = Tools::getValue('description'); $rating = Tools::getValue('hotel_rating'); $city = Tools::getValue('hotel_city'); $state = Tools::getValue('hotel_state'); $country = Tools::getValue('hotel_country'); $policies = Tools::getValue('hotel_policies'); $zipcode = Tools::getValue('hotel_postal_code'); $address = Tools::getValue('address'); $active = Tools::getValue('ENABLE_HOTEL'); if ($hotel_name == '') { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Hotel name is required field.'); } else { if (!Validate::isGenericName($hotel_name)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError($this->l('Hotel name must not have Invalid characters <>;=#{}')); } } if (!$phone) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Phone number is required field.'); } else { if (!Validate::isPhoneNumber($phone)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Please enter a valid phone number.'); } } if ($email == '') { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Email is required field.'); } else { if (!Validate::isEmail($email)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Please enter a valid email.'); } } if ($check_in == '') { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Check In time is required field.'); } if ($check_out == '') { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Check Out Time is required field.'); } if ($zipcode == '') { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Postal Code is required field.'); } else { if (!Validate::isPostCode($zipcode)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Enter a Valid Postal Code.'); } } if (!$rating) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Rating is required field.'); } if ($address == '') { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Address is required field.'); } if (!$country) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Country is required field.'); } if (!$state) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('State is required field.'); } if ($city == '') { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('City is required field.'); } else { if (!Validate::isCityName($city)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Enter a Valid City Name.'); } } //validate hotel main image if (isset($_FILES['hotel_image']) && $_FILES['hotel_image']['name']) { $obj_htl_img = new HotelImage(); $error = $obj_htl_img->validAddHotelMainImage($_FILES['hotel_image']); if ($error) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('<strong>' . $_FILES['hotel_image']['name'] . '</strong> : Image format not recognized, allowed formats are: .gif, .jpg, .png', false); } } //validate Hotel's other images if (isset($_FILES['images']) && $_FILES['images']) { $obj_htl_img = new HotelImage(); $error = $obj_htl_img->validAddHotelOtherImage($_FILES['images']); if ($error) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('<strong>' . $_FILES['hotel_image']['name'] . '</strong> : Image format not recognized, allowed formats are: .gif, .jpg, .png', false); } } if (!count($this->errors)) { if ($hotel_id) { $obj_hotel_info = new HotelBranchInformation($hotel_id); } else { $obj_hotel_info = new HotelBranchInformation(); } if ($obj_hotel_info) { if (!$active) { $obj_htl_rm_info = new HotelRoomType(); $ids_product = $obj_htl_rm_info->getIdProductByHotelId($obj_hotel_info->id); if (isset($ids_product) && $ids_product) { foreach ($ids_product as $key_prod => $value_prod) { $obj_product = new Product($value_prod['id_product']); if ($obj_product->active) { $obj_product->toggleStatus(); } } } } } $obj_hotel_info->active = $active; $obj_hotel_info->hotel_name = $hotel_name; $obj_hotel_info->phone = $phone; $obj_hotel_info->email = $email; $obj_hotel_info->check_in = $check_in; $obj_hotel_info->check_out = $check_out; $obj_hotel_info->short_description = $short_description; $obj_hotel_info->description = $description; $obj_hotel_info->rating = $rating; $obj_hotel_info->city = $city; $obj_hotel_info->state_id = $state; $obj_hotel_info->country_id = $country; $obj_hotel_info->zipcode = $zipcode; $obj_hotel_info->policies = $policies; $obj_hotel_info->address = $address; $obj_hotel_info->save(); $new_hotel_id = $obj_hotel_info->id; $hotel_img_path = _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'hotelreservationsystem/views/img/hotel_img/'; //upload hotel's image if (isset($_FILES['hotel_image']) && $_FILES['hotel_image']) { $obj_htl_img = new HotelImage(); $obj_htl_img->uploadMainImage($_FILES['hotel_image'], $new_hotel_id, $hotel_img_path); } //upload hotel's other images if (isset($_FILES['images']) && $_FILES['images']) { $obj_htl_img = new HotelImage(); $obj_htl_img->uploadOtherImages($_FILES['images'], $new_hotel_id, $hotel_img_path); } if ($new_hotel_id) { $grp_ids = array(); $obj_grp = new Group(); $data_grp_ids = $obj_grp->getGroups(1, $id_shop = false); foreach ($data_grp_ids as $key => $value) { $grp_ids[] = $value['id_group']; } $country_name = (new Country())->getNameById(Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'), $country); $cat_country = $this->addCategory($country_name, false, $grp_ids); if ($cat_country) { $state_name = (new State())->getNameById($state); $cat_state = $this->addCategory($state_name, $cat_country, $grp_ids); } if ($cat_state) { $cat_city = $this->addCategory($city, $cat_state, $grp_ids); } if ($cat_city) { $cat_hotel = $this->addCategory($hotel_name, $cat_city, $grp_ids, 1, $new_hotel_id); } if ($cat_hotel) { $obj_hotel_info = new HotelBranchInformation($new_hotel_id); $obj_hotel_info->id_category = $cat_hotel; $obj_hotel_info->save(); } } if (Tools::isSubmit('submitAdd' . $this->table . 'AndStay')) { if ($hotel_id) { Tools::redirectAdmin(self::$currentIndex . '&id=' . (int) $new_hotel_id . '&update' . $this->table . '&conf=4&token=' . $this->token); } else { Tools::redirectAdmin(self::$currentIndex . '&id=' . (int) $new_hotel_id . '&update' . $this->table . '&conf=3&token=' . $this->token); } } else { if ($hotel_id) { Tools::redirectAdmin(self::$currentIndex . '&conf=4&token=' . $this->token); } else { Tools::redirectAdmin(self::$currentIndex . '&conf=3&token=' . $this->token); } } } else { if ($hotel_id) { $this->display = 'edit'; } else { $this->display = 'add'; } } }
/** * Start forms process * @see FrontController::postProcess() */ public function postProcess() { //var_dump($_POST);exit(); $customer = new Customer(); $mail = trim(Tools::getValue('email')); if (Validate::isEmail($mail)) { $customer->getByEmail($mail, trim(Tools::getValue('passwd'))); } if (Tools::isSubmit('SubmitCreate')) { $this->processSubmitCreate(); } if (Tools::isSubmit('submitAccount') && $customer->id) { if (!Tools::getValue('customer_firstname')) { $this->val_errors['customer_firstname'] = Tools::displayError('Имя обязательно'); } if (!Tools::getValue('phone_mobile')) { $this->val_errors['phone_mobile'] = Tools::displayError('Телефон обязателен'); } else { if (!Validate::isPhoneNumber(Tools::getValue('phone_mobile'))) { $this->val_errors['phone_mobile'] = Tools::displayError('мобильный телефон неверный'); } } if (isset($_POST['delivery_form']) && $_POST['delivery_form'] == 1) { if (empty($_POST['city'])) { $this->val_errors['city_courier'] = Tools::displayError('Город обязателен'); } if (empty($_POST['street'])) { $this->val_errors['street_courier'] = Tools::displayError('Улица обязательна'); } if (empty($_POST['house'])) { $this->val_errors['house_courier'] = Tools::displayError('Дом обязателен'); } } if (count($this->val_errors)) { $return = array('hasError' => !empty($this->val_errors), 'errors' => $this->errors, 'isSaved' => false, 'id_customer' => 0, 'val_errors' => $this->val_errors); die(Tools::jsonEncode($return)); $this->context->smarty->assign('account_error', $this->errors); } else { $this->processSubmitLogin(); } } else { if (Tools::isSubmit('submitAccount') || Tools::isSubmit('submitGuestAccount')) { // if($customer->id)$this->processSubmitLogin(); $this->processSubmitAccount(); } } //$this->processSubmitAccount(); if (Tools::isSubmit('SubmitLogin')) { $this->processSubmitLogin(); } }
private function textmasterWebPageActions() { if (Tools::getValue('login_to_textmaster_system_action')) { Tools::safePostVars(); $email = Tools::getValue('login_email', ''); $password = Tools::getValue('login_password', ''); $errors = array(); if ($email == '') { $errors[] = $this->l('Email is required'); } elseif (!Validate::isEmail($email)) { $errors[] = $this->l('Email must be valid'); } if ($password == '') { $errors[] = $this->l('Password is required'); } elseif (!Validate::isPasswd($password)) { $errors[] = $this->l('Password must be valid'); } if (!empty($errors)) { return $this->_html .= $this->displayErrors($errors); } $result = $this->getTextMasterOAuth2Token($email, $password); $result = Tools::jsonDecode($result, true); if (!isset($result['access_token'])) { return $this->_html .= $this->displayErrors(array($this->l('Wrong login / password'))); } $result = $this->getTextMasterAPIKeys($result['access_token']); $result = Tools::jsonDecode($result, true); if (!isset($result['api_info']['api_key']) || !isset($result['api_info']['api_secret'])) { return $this->_html .= $this->displayErrors(array($this->l('Could not get API key / secret'))); } $textmaster_settings_obj = new TextMasterConfiguration(); $textmaster_settings_obj->api_key = $result['api_info']['api_key']; $textmaster_settings_obj->api_secret = $result['api_info']['api_secret']; if ($textmaster_settings_obj->updateConfiguration()) { Tools::redirectAdmin(self::CURRENT_INDEX . Tools::getValue('token') . '&configure=' . $this->name . '&token=' . Tools::getAdminTokenLite('AdminModules')); } else { return $this->_html .= $this->displayErrors(array($this->l('Could not save API key / secret'))); } } if (Tools::getValue('register_to_textmaster_system')) { Tools::safePostVars(); $email = Tools::getValue('register_email', ''); $password = Tools::getValue('register_password', ''); $password_confirm = Tools::getValue('register_password_confirm', ''); $register_phone = Tools::getValue('register_phone', ''); $errors = array(); if ($email == '') { $errors[] = $this->l('Email is required'); } elseif (!Validate::isEmail($email)) { $errors[] = $this->l('Email must be valid'); } if ($password == '') { $errors[] = $this->l('Password is required'); } elseif ($password !== $password_confirm) { $errors[] = $this->l('Password and Confirm password must be the same'); } elseif (!Validate::isPasswd($password)) { $errors[] = $this->l('Password must be valid'); } if ($register_phone != '') { if (!Validate::isPhoneNumber($register_phone)) { $errors[] = $this->l('Phone number must be valid'); } } if (!empty($errors)) { return $this->_html .= $this->displayErrors($errors); } $token = $this->getTextMasterOAuth2TokenForUserCreation(); $token = Tools::jsonDecode($token, true); if (!isset($token['access_token'])) { return $this->_html .= $this->displayErrors(array($this->l('Could not get access token'))); } $user_info = $this->createNewTextMasterUser($token['access_token'], $email, $password); $user_info = Tools::jsonDecode($user_info, true); $errors = array(); if (isset($user_info['errors'])) { foreach ($user_info['errors'] as $key => $error) { foreach ($error as $error_key => $value) { $errors[] = $key . ' ' . $this->l('-') . ' ' . $value; } } } if (!empty($errors)) { return $this->_html .= $this->displayErrors($errors); } if (!isset($user_info['api_info']['api_key']) || !isset($user_info['api_info']['api_secret'])) { return $this->_html .= $this->displayErrors(array('Could not get API key / secret')); } $textmaster_settings_obj = new TextMasterConfiguration(); $textmaster_settings_obj->api_key = $user_info['api_info']['api_key']; $textmaster_settings_obj->api_secret = $user_info['api_info']['api_secret']; if ($textmaster_settings_obj->updateConfiguration()) { Tools::redirectAdmin(self::CURRENT_INDEX . Tools::getValue('token') . '&configure=' . $this->name . '&token=' . Tools::getAdminTokenLite('AdminModules')); } else { return $this->_html .= $this->displayErrors(array($this->l('Could not save API key / secret'))); } } }
public function hookbackOfficeTop($params) { // Check if the module is configured if (!Configuration::get('EBAY_PAYPAL_EMAIL')) { return false; } // If no update yet if (!Configuration::get('EBAY_ORDER_LAST_UPDATE')) { Configuration::updateValue('EBAY_ORDER_LAST_UPDATE', date('Y-m-d') . 'T' . date('H:i:s') . '.000Z'); } // init Var $dateNew = date('Y-m-d') . 'T' . date('H:i:s') . '.000Z'; if (Configuration::get('EBAY_ORDER_LAST_UPDATE') < date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-30 minutes')) . 'T' . date('H:i:s', strtotime('-30 minutes')) . '.000Z') { // Lock Configuration::updateValue('EBAY_ORDER_LAST_UPDATE', $dateNew); // eBay Request $ebay = new eBayRequest(); $page = 1; $orderList = array(); $orderCount = 0; $orderCountTmp = 100; while ($orderCountTmp == 100 && $page < 10) { $orderListTmp = $ebay->getOrders(date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-30 days')) . 'T' . date('H:i:s', strtotime('-30 days')) . '.000Z', $dateNew, $page); $orderCountTmp = count($orderListTmp); $orderList = array_merge((array) $orderList, (array) $orderListTmp); $orderCount += $orderCountTmp; $page++; } if ($orderList) { foreach ($orderList as $korder => $order) { if ($order['status'] == 'Complete' && $order['amount'] > 0.1 && isset($order['product_list']) && count($order['product_list'])) { if (!Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT `id_ebay_order` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'ebay_order` WHERE `id_order_ref` = \'' . pSQL($order['id_order_ref']) . '\'')) { $id_customer = (int) Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT `id_customer` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'customer` WHERE `active` = 1 AND `email` = \'' . pSQL($order['email']) . '\' AND `deleted` = 0' . (substr(_PS_VERSION_, 0, 3) == '1.3' ? '' : ' AND `is_guest` = 0')); // Check for empty name $order['firstname'] = trim($order['firstname']); $order['familyname'] = trim($order['familyname']); if (empty($order['familyname'])) { $order['familyname'] = $order['firstname']; } if (empty($order['firstname'])) { $order['firstname'] = $order['familyname']; } if (empty($order['phone']) || !Validate::isPhoneNumber($order['phone'])) { $order['phone'] = '0100000000'; } if (Validate::isEmail($order['email']) && !empty($order['firstname']) && !empty($order['familyname'])) { // Add customer if he doesn't exist if ($id_customer < 1) { $customer = new Customer(); $customer->id_gender = 9; $customer->id_default_group = 1; $customer->secure_key = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); $customer->email = $order['email']; $customer->passwd = md5(pSQL(_COOKIE_KEY_ . rand())); $customer->last_passwd_gen = pSQL(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $customer->newsletter = 0; $customer->lastname = pSQL($order['familyname']); $customer->firstname = pSQL($order['firstname']); $customer->active = 1; $customer->add(); $id_customer = $customer->id; } // Search if address exists $id_address = (int) Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT `id_address` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'address` WHERE `id_customer` = ' . (int) $id_customer . ' AND `alias` = \'eBay\''); if ($id_address > 0) { $address = new Address((int) $id_address); } else { $address = new Address(); $address->id_customer = (int) $id_customer; } $address->id_country = (int) Country::getByIso($order['country_iso_code']); $address->alias = 'eBay'; $address->lastname = pSQL($order['familyname']); $address->firstname = pSQL($order['firstname']); $address->address1 = pSQL($order['address1']); $address->address2 = pSQL($order['address2']); $address->postcode = pSQL($order['postalcode']); $address->city = pSQL($order['city']); $address->phone = pSQL($order['phone']); $address->active = 1; if ($id_address > 0 && Validate::isLoadedObject($address)) { $address->update(); } else { $address->add(); } $id_address = $address->id; $flag = 1; foreach ($order['product_list'] as $product) { if ((int) $product['id_product'] < 1 || !Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT `id_product` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product` WHERE `id_product` = ' . (int) $product['id_product'])) { $flag = 0; } if (isset($product['id_product_attribute']) && $product['id_product_attribute'] > 0 && !Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT `id_product_attribute` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_attribute` WHERE `id_product` = ' . (int) $product['id_product'] . ' AND `id_product_attribute` = ' . (int) $product['id_product_attribute'])) { $flag = 0; } } if ($flag == 1) { $cartNbProducts = 0; $cartAdd = new Cart(); $cartAdd->id_customer = $id_customer; $cartAdd->id_address_invoice = $id_address; $cartAdd->id_address_delivery = $id_address; $cartAdd->id_carrier = 1; $cartAdd->id_lang = $this->id_lang; $cartAdd->id_currency = Currency::getIdByIsoCode('EUR'); $cartAdd->recyclable = 0; $cartAdd->gift = 0; $cartAdd->add(); foreach ($order['product_list'] as $product) { if ($cartAdd->updateQty((int) $product['quantity'], (int) $product['id_product'], isset($product['id_product_attribute']) && $product['id_product_attribute'] > 0 ? $product['id_product_attribute'] : NULL)) { $cartNbProducts++; } } $cartAdd->update(); // Check number of products in the cart if ($cartNbProducts > 0) { // Fix on sending e-mail Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_ . 'customer', array('email' => 'NOSEND-EBAY'), 'UPDATE', '`id_customer` = ' . (int) $id_customer); $customerClear = new Customer(); if (method_exists($customerClear, 'clearCache')) { $customerClear->clearCache(true); } // Validate order $paiement = new eBayPayment(); $paiement->validateOrder(intval($cartAdd->id), Configuration::get('PS_OS_PAYMENT'), floatval($cartAdd->getOrderTotal(true, 3)), 'eBay ' . $order['payment_method'] . ' ' . $order['id_order_seller'], NULL, array(), intval($cartAdd->id_currency)); $id_order = $paiement->currentOrder; // Fix on date Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders', array('date_add' => pSQL($order['date_add'])), 'UPDATE', '`id_order` = ' . (int) $id_order); // Fix on sending e-mail Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_ . 'customer', array('email' => pSQL($order['email'])), 'UPDATE', '`id_customer` = ' . (int) $id_customer); // Update price (because of possibility of price impact) $updateOrder = array('total_paid' => floatval($order['amount']), 'total_paid_real' => floatval($order['amount']), 'total_products' => floatval($order['amount']), 'total_products_wt' => floatval($order['amount']), 'total_shipping' => floatval($order['shippingServiceCost'])); Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_ . 'orders', $updateOrder, 'UPDATE', '`id_order` = ' . (int) $id_order); foreach ($order['product_list'] as $product) { Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_detail', array('product_price' => floatval($product['price']), 'tax_rate' => 0, 'reduction_percent' => 0), 'UPDATE', '`id_order` = ' . (int) $id_order . ' AND `product_id` = ' . (int) $product['id_product'] . ' AND `product_attribute_id` = ' . (int) $product['id_product_attribute']); } // Register the ebay order ref Db::getInstance()->autoExecute(_DB_PREFIX_ . 'ebay_order', array('id_order_ref' => pSQL($order['id_order_ref']), 'id_order' => (int) $id_order), 'INSERT'); } else { $cartAdd->delete(); $orderList[$korder]['errors'][] = $this->l('Could not add product to cart (maybe your stock quantity is 0)'); } } else { $orderList[$korder]['errors'][] = $this->l('Could not found products in database'); } } else { $orderList[$korder]['errors'][] = $this->l('Invalid e-mail'); } } else { $orderList[$korder]['errors'][] = $this->l('Order already imported'); } } else { $orderList[$korder]['errors'][] = $this->l('Status not complete or amount less than 0.1 or no product matching'); } } file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/log/orders.php', "<?php\n\n" . '$dateLastImport = ' . "'" . date('d/m/Y H:i:s') . "';\n\n" . '$orderList = ' . var_export($orderList, true) . ";\n\n"); } } }
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/quickorder.php'; class QuickOrderCreate extends PaymentModule { public $active = true; } $context = Context::getContext(); $quickorder = new QuickOrder(); if (Tools::isSubmit('submitQorder')) { $errors = array(); if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($context->cart)) { $errors[] = $quickorder->l('Cart not found', 'ajax'); } if (Cart::getNbProducts($context->cart->id) <= 0) { $errors[] = $quickorder->l('You must add minimum 1 quantity', 'ajax'); } if (!Tools::getValue('phone') || !Validate::isPhoneNumber(Tools::getValue('phone'))) { $errors[] = $quickorder->l('You must register at least one phone number', 'ajax'); } if (!Tools::getValue('firstname') || !Validate::isName(Tools::getValue('firstname'))) { $errors[] = $quickorder->l('Name is empty or contains error', 'ajax'); } if (!Tools::getValue('time')) { $errors[] = $quickorder->l('Time is empty or contains error', 'ajax'); } if (!empty($errors)) { die(Tools::jsonEncode(array('hasError' => true, 'errors' => $errors))); } else { if (Configuration::get('QUI_CREATE_ORDER')) { if (!$context->customer->isLogged()) { $customer = new Customer(); $customer->passwd = md5(time() . _COOKIE_KEY_);
public function postProcess() { // On construit un login pour le compte // ------------------------------------ // Si PS_SHOP_EMAIL = // Alors login = ps-info-axalone // 1/ On ajoute 'ps-' devant l'email // 2/ On retire l'extention .com à la fin // 3/ On remplace toutes les lettres accentuées par leurs équivalents sans accent // 4/ On remplace tous les sigles par des tirets // 5/ Enfin on remplace les doubles/triples tirets par des simples // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $company_login = '******' . Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_EMAIL'); $company_login = Tools::substr($company_login, 0, strrpos($company_login, '.')); $company_login = EMTools::removeAccents($company_login); $company_login = Tools::strtolower($company_login); $company_login = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9-]/', '-', $company_login); $company_login = preg_replace('/-{2,}/', '-', $company_login); $cart_product = (string) Tools::getValue('product', ''); // Initialisation de l'API // ----------------------- if (Tools::isSubmit('submitInscription')) { // On prépare l'ouverture du compte // -------------------------------- $company_name = (string) Tools::getValue('company_name'); $company_email = (string) Tools::getValue('company_email'); $company_phone = (string) Tools::getValue('company_phone'); $company_address1 = (string) Tools::getValue('company_address1'); $company_address2 = (string) Tools::getValue('company_address2'); $company_zipcode = (string) Tools::getValue('company_zipcode'); $company_city = (string) Tools::getValue('company_city'); $country_id = (int) Tools::getValue('country_id'); $country = new Country($country_id); if (!is_object($country) || empty($country->id)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Country is invalid'); } else { $company_country = Country::getNameById($this->context->language->id, $country_id); } if (!Validate::isGenericName($company_name)) { $this->errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('The %s field is required.'), '« ' . Translate::getAdminTranslation('Shop name', 'AdminStores') . ' »'); } if (!Validate::isEmail($company_email)) { $this->errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('The %s field is required.'), '« ' . Translate::getAdminTranslation('Shop email', 'AdminStores') . ' »'); } if (!Validate::isPhoneNumber($company_phone)) { $this->errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('The %s field is required.'), '« ' . Translate::getAdminTranslation('Phone', 'AdminStores') . ' »'); } if (!Validate::isAddress($company_address1)) { $this->errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('The %s field is required.'), '« ' . Translate::getAdminTranslation('Shop address line 1', 'AdminStores') . ' »'); } if ($country->zip_code_format && !$country->checkZipCode($company_zipcode)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Your Zip/postal code is incorrect.') . '<br />' . Tools::displayError('It must be entered as follows:') . ' ' . str_replace('C', $country->iso_code, str_replace('N', '0', str_replace('L', 'A', $country->zip_code_format))); } elseif (empty($company_zipcode) && $country->need_zip_code) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('A Zip/postal code is required.'); } elseif ($company_zipcode && !Validate::isPostCode($company_zipcode)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('The Zip/postal code is invalid.'); } if (!Validate::isGenericName($company_city)) { $this->errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('The %s field is required.'), '« ' . Translate::getAdminTranslation('City', 'AdminStores') . ' »'); } // We save these informations in the database // ------------------------------------------ Db::getInstance()->insert('expressmailing_order_address', array('id_address' => 1, 'company_name' => pSQL($company_name), 'company_email' => pSQL($company_email), 'company_address1' => pSQL($company_address1), 'company_address2' => pSQL($company_address2), 'company_zipcode' => pSQL($company_zipcode), 'company_city' => pSQL($company_city), 'country_id' => $country_id, 'company_country' => pSQL($company_country), 'company_phone' => pSQL($company_phone), 'product' => pSQL($cart_product)), false, false, Db::REPLACE); // If form contains 1 or more errors, we stop the process // ------------------------------------------------------ if (is_array($this->errors) && count($this->errors)) { return false; } // Open a session on Express-Mailing API // ------------------------------------- if ($this->session_api->openSession()) { // We create the account // --------------------- $response_array = array(); $base_url = Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED') == 0 ? Tools::getShopDomain(true, true) : Tools::getShopDomainSsl(true, true); $module_dir = Tools::str_replace_once(_PS_ROOT_DIR_, '', _PS_MODULE_DIR_); $parameters = array('login' => $company_login, 'info_company' => $company_name, 'info_email' => $company_email, 'info_phone' => $company_phone, 'info_address' => $company_address1 . "\r\n" . $company_address2, 'info_country' => $company_country, 'info_zipcode' => $company_zipcode, 'info_city' => $company_city, 'info_phone' => $company_phone, 'info_contact_firstname' => $this->context->employee->firstname, 'info_contact_lastname' => $this->context->employee->lastname, 'email_report' => $this->context->employee->email, 'gift_code' => 'prestashop_' . Translate::getModuleTranslation('expressmailing', '3320', 'session_api'), 'INFO_WWW' => $base_url . $module_dir . $this->module->name . '/campaigns/index.php'); if ($this->session_api->createAccount($parameters, $response_array)) { // If the form include the buying process (field 'product') // We initiate a new cart with the product selected // -------------------------------------------------------- if ($cart_product) { Tools::redirectAdmin('index.php?controller=AdminMarketingBuy&submitCheckout&campaign_id=' . $this->campaign_id . '&media=' . $this->next_controller . '&product=' . $cart_product . '&token=' . Tools::getAdminTokenLite('AdminMarketingBuy')); exit; } // Else we back to the mailing process // ----------------------------------- Tools::redirectAdmin($this->next_action); exit; } if ($this->session_api->error == 11) { // Account already existe, we print the rescue form (with password input) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $response_array = array(); $parameters = array('login' => $company_login); $this->session_api->resendPassword($parameters, $response_array); $this->generateRescueForm(); return; } else { // Other error // ----------- $this->errors[] = sprintf($this->module->l('Unable to create an account : %s', 'adminmarketinginscription'), $this->session_api->getError()); return false; } } else { $this->errors[] = sprintf($this->module->l('Error during communication with Express-Mailing API : %s', 'adminmarketinginscription'), $this->session_api->getError()); return false; } } elseif (Tools::isSubmit('submitRescue')) { // Rescue form : ask for existing password // --------------------------------------- if ($this->session_api->openSession()) { $response_array = array(); $password = trim((string) Tools::getValue('api_password')); $parameters = array('login' => $company_login, 'password' => $password); if ($this->session_api->connectUser($parameters, $response_array)) { Db::getInstance()->insert('expressmailing', array('api_login' => pSQL($company_login), 'api_password' => pSQL($password)), false, false, Db::REPLACE); // If the form include the buying process (field 'product') // We initiate a new cart with the product selected // -------------------------------------------------------- if ($cart_product) { Tools::redirectAdmin('index.php?controller=AdminMarketingBuy&submitCheckout&campaign_id=' . $this->campaign_id . '&media=' . $this->next_controller . '&product=' . $cart_product . '&token=' . Tools::getAdminTokenLite('AdminMarketingBuy')); exit; } // Else we back to the mailing process // ----------------------------------- Tools::redirectAdmin($this->next_action); exit; } } $this->errors[] = sprintf($this->module->l('Error during communication with Express-Mailing API : %s', 'adminmarketinginscription'), $this->session_api->getError()); return false; } }
public function postProcess() { if (Tools::isSubmit('submitFaxTest')) { $number_or_email = (string) Tools::getValue('campaign_last_tester'); if (empty($number_or_email)) { $this->errors[] = $this->module->l('Invalid fax number !', 'adminmarketingfstep7'); return false; } if (Tools::strpos($number_or_email, '@')) { if (!Validate::isEmail($number_or_email)) { $this->errors[] = $this->module->l('Invalid email address !', 'adminmarketingfstep7'); return false; } } else { $prefixe = EMTools::getShopPrefixeCountry(); $number_or_email = EMTools::cleanNumber($number_or_email, $prefixe); if (!Validate::isPhoneNumber($number_or_email)) { $this->errors[] = $this->module->l('Invalid fax number !', 'adminmarketingfstep7'); return false; } if ($number_or_email[0] != '0' && $number_or_email[0] != '+') { $this->errors[] = $this->module->l('Invalid fax number !', 'adminmarketingfstep7'); return false; } } $response_array = array(); $parameters = array('campaign_id' => $this->campaign_api_message_id, 'recipient' => $number_or_email); if ($this->session_api->call('fax', 'campaign', 'send_test', $parameters, $response_array)) { // We store the last fax number // ---------------------------- Db::getInstance()->update('expressmailing_fax', array('campaign_last_tester' => pSQL($number_or_email)), 'campaign_id = ' . $this->campaign_id); $this->confirmations[] = sprintf($this->module->l('Please wait, your fax is processing to %s ...', 'adminmarketingfstep7'), $number_or_email); return true; } $this->errors[] = sprintf($this->module->l('Error while sending fax to the API : %s', 'adminmarketingfstep7'), $this->session_api->getError()); return false; } }
private function checkAddress() { $company_name = (string) Tools::getValue('company_name'); $company_email = (string) Tools::getValue('company_email'); $company_phone = (string) Tools::getValue('company_phone'); $company_address1 = (string) Tools::getValue('company_address1'); $company_address2 = (string) Tools::getValue('company_address2'); $company_zipcode = (string) Tools::getValue('company_zipcode'); $company_city = (string) Tools::getValue('company_city'); $country_id = (int) Tools::getValue('country_id'); $country = new Country($country_id); if (!is_object($country) || empty($country->id)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Country is invalid'); } else { $company_country = Country::getNameById($this->context->language->id, $country_id); } if (!Validate::isGenericName($company_name)) { $this->errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('The %s field is required.'), '« ' . Translate::getAdminTranslation('Shop name', 'AdminStores') . ' »'); } if (!Validate::isEmail($company_email)) { $this->errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('The %s field is required.'), '« ' . Translate::getAdminTranslation('Shop email', 'AdminStores') . ' »'); } if (!Validate::isPhoneNumber($company_phone)) { $this->errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('The %s field is required.'), '« ' . Translate::getAdminTranslation('Phone', 'AdminStores') . ' »'); } if (!Validate::isAddress($company_address1)) { $this->errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('The %s field is required.'), '« ' . Translate::getAdminTranslation('Shop address line 1', 'AdminStores') . ' »'); } if ($country->zip_code_format && !$country->checkZipCode($company_zipcode)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Your Zip/postal code is incorrect.') . '<br />' . Tools::displayError('It must be entered as follows:') . ' ' . str_replace('C', $country->iso_code, str_replace('N', '0', str_replace('L', 'A', $country->zip_code_format))); } elseif (empty($company_zipcode) && $country->need_zip_code) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('A Zip/postal code is required.'); } elseif ($company_zipcode && !Validate::isPostCode($company_zipcode)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('The Zip/postal code is invalid.'); } if (!Validate::isGenericName($company_city)) { $this->errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError('The %s field is required.'), '« ' . Translate::getAdminTranslation('City', 'AdminStores') . ' »'); } // We save these informations in the database // ------------------------------------------ Db::getInstance()->insert('expressmailing_order_address', array('id_address' => 1, 'company_name' => pSQL($company_name), 'company_email' => pSQL($company_email), 'company_address1' => pSQL($company_address1), 'company_address2' => pSQL($company_address2), 'company_zipcode' => pSQL($company_zipcode), 'company_city' => pSQL($company_city), 'country_id' => (int) $country_id, 'company_country' => pSQL($company_country), 'company_phone' => pSQL($company_phone)), false, false, Db::REPLACE); // If no error we update the cart // ------------------------------ if (!count($this->errors)) { $response = array(); $parameters = array('order_session' => $this->order_session, 'account_email' => $company_email); $this->session_api->callExternal('', 'common', 'order', 'update', $parameters, $response); } return !count($this->errors); }