public function postDispatch() { $vaversion = $this->getVAVersion(true); //Create image list for unpubished working version if ($vaversion->published === false && $vaversion->archived === false && $vaversion->enabled === true && $vaversion->status === "init") { VMCaster::createImageList($vaversion->id, "unpublished"); } else { if ($vaversion->published === true && $vaversion->archived === false && $vaversion->enabled === true && $vaversion->status === "verified") { VMCaster::createImageList($vaversion->id, "published"); } else { if ($this->state->toBeIntegrityChecked()) { VMCaster::startIntegrityCheck($vaversion->id); } } } return true; }
public static function convertImage($result, $format = 'xml') { return VMCaster::convertImage($result, $format); }
public static function cleararchivedvappversions($appid, $fromindex) { if (!is_numeric($appid) || $appid <= 0) { return "Invalid vapplication id"; } if (!is_numeric($fromindex) || $fromindex <= 0) { return "Invalid index value"; } if ($fromindex < 20) { //Make sure it will never delete all of the vapp archived versions $fromindex = 20; } db()->setFetchMode(Zend_Db::FETCH_BOTH); $res = db()->query("select vapp_old_archived_versions(?,?);", array($appid, $fromindex))->fetchAll(); $result = array(); if (count($res) > 0) { foreach ($res as $r) { $vappversions = new Default_Model_VAversions(); $vappversions->filter->id->equals($r[0]); if (count($vappversions->items) > 0) { $vappversion = $vappversions->items[0]; $deleted = VMCaster::deleteVersion($vappversion); if ($deleted !== true) { error_log("[VMCaster::cleararchivedvappversions]: " . $deleted); } else { $result[] = $vappversion->id; } } } } return implode(",", $result); }
public function cleararchivedvappversionsAction() { $this->_helper->layout->disableLayout(); $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(); $islocal = localRequest(); $appid = isset($_GET["id"]) ? $_GET["id"] : "0"; $fromindex = isset($_GET["fromindex"]) ? $_GET["fromindex"] : "200"; if (!is_numeric($appid) || intval($appid) <= 0 || !$islocal) { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); header("Status: 404 Not Found"); return; } $appid = intval($appid); $fromindex = intval($fromindex); echo VMCaster::cleararchivedvappversions($appid, $fromindex); }
public function voimageAction() { $this->_helper->layout->disableLayout(); $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(); $format = $this->getRequest()->getParam("format"); $guid = trim($this->getRequest()->getParam("guid")); $accesstoken = trim($this->getRequest()->getParam("accesstoken")); $strict = isset($_GET["strict"]) ? true : false; if ($format === null || $format === "json") { header('Content-type: application/json'); } else { if ($format === "xml") { header('Content-type: application/xml'); } } if ($guid !== "") { $imageid = null; if (strpos($guid, ":") !== false) { $tmp = explode(":", $guid); if (count($tmp) > 1) { $guid = $tmp[0]; $imageid = $tmp[1]; } } if ($imageid !== null) { $result = VoAdmin::getImageInfoById($imageid, $guid, $strict); } else { $result = VoAdmin::getImageInfoByIdentifier($guid); } $canaccessvadata = false; if ($result !== null) { $result["isprivateimage"] = false; $result["canaccessprivate"] = true; $vapp = $result["va"]; if ($vapp->imglstprivate) { $result["isprivateimage"] = true; $result["canaccessprivate"] = false; $vapp = $result["va"]; $app = $vapp->getApplication(); if ($privs !== null) { $canaccessvadata = $privs->canAccessVAPrivateData($app->guid); } $result["canaccessprivate"] = $canaccessvadata; } } if ($result !== null && isset($result['image'])) { $im = $result['image']; $result['sites'] = VMCaster::getSitesByVMI($im->guid, $im->id); } if ($result !== null && $format == null) { //UI call $result["result"] = "success"; $va = $result["va"]; $app = $va->getApplication(); $version = $result["version"]; $image = $result["image"]; $vo = $result["vo"]; $voimage = $result["voimage"]; $voimagelist = $result["voimagelist"]; $result["app"] = array("id" => $app->id, "name" => $app->name, "cname" => $app->cname); $result["va"] = array("id" => $va->id); $result["version"] = array("id" => $version->id, "version" => $version->version, "published" => $version->published, "archived" => $version->archived, "enabled" => $version->enabled); $result["image"] = array("id" => $image->id, "identifier" => $voimage->guid, "baseidentifier" => $image->guid); $result["vo"] = array("id" => $vo->id, "name" => $vo->name, "domain" => $vo->domain->name); $result["voimagelist"] = array("id" => $voimagelist->id, "state" => $voimagelist->state); $result["voimage"] = array("id" => $voimage->id, "state" => $voimage->state); echo json_encode($result, JSON_HEX_TAG | JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); return; } else { if ($format !== null) { if ($result !== null) { $result = VMCaster::convertImage($result, $format); } if ($result !== null) { echo $result; } else { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); header("Status: 404 Not Found"); } return; } } } echo json_encode(array("result" => "error", "message" => "Image not found")); }
public function parse($xml) { $vapp = null; $app = null; $originalxml = '' . $xml; if (!is_null($this->_user)) { try { $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml); $xml->registerXPathNamespace('virtualization', ''); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->_error = RestErrorEnum::RE_INVALID_REPRESENTATION; $this->_extError = 'Could not parse xml'; return new Default_Model_VA(); } $this->_xml = $xml; if (count($xml->xpath("//vmc2appdb")) > 0) { $xml = VMCaster::transformXml($originalxml); try { $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml); $xml->registerXPathNamespace('virtualization', ''); $this->isexternalrequest = true; } catch (Exception $e) { $this->_error = RestErrorEnum::RE_INVALID_REPRESENTATION; $this->_extError = 'Could not parse xml'; return new Default_Model_VA(); } } if (count($xml->xpath("./virtualization:appliance")) > 0) { $xml = $xml->xpath("./virtualization:appliance"); $xml = $xml[0]; } $vapp = $this->parseVAppliance($xml); if ($vapp === false) { return false; } /* * Check if an external action is required, such as publishing a version */ $service = $this->createVApplianceService(); $result = $service->dispatch(); if ($result !== true) { $this->_setErrorMessage($result); return false; } return $vapp; } else { $this->_error = RestErrorEnum::RE_ACCESS_DENIED; return false; } }