/** * Adds a 'View Admin As: Reset view' link to the Meta sidebar widget if the admin bar is hidden * * @since 1.6 * @access public */ public function action_wp_meta() { if (!is_admin_bar_showing() && $this->store->get_viewAs()) { $link = __('View Admin As', 'view-admin-as') . ': ' . __('Reset view', 'view-admin-as'); $url = VAA_API::get_reset_link(); echo '<li id="vaa_reset_view"><a href="' . esc_url($url) . '">' . esc_html($link) . '</a></li>'; } }
/** * Add options to the access denied page when the user has selected a view and did something this view is not allowed * * @since 1.3 * @since 1.5.1 Check for SSL * @since 1.6 More options and better description * @access public * * @param string $function_name function callback * @return string $function_name function callback */ public function die_handler($function_name) { if (false != $this->store->get_viewAs()) { $options = array(); if (is_network_admin()) { $dashboard_url = network_admin_url(); $options[] = array('text' => __('Go to network dashboard', 'view-admin-as'), 'url' => $dashboard_url); } else { $dashboard_url = admin_url(); $options[] = array('text' => __('Go to dashboard', 'view-admin-as'), 'url' => $dashboard_url); $options[] = array('text' => __('Go to homepage', 'view-admin-as'), 'url' => get_bloginfo('url')); } // Reset url $options[] = array('text' => __('Reset the view', 'view-admin-as'), 'url' => VAA_API::get_reset_link()); ?> <div> <h3><?php _e('View Admin As', 'view-admin-as'); ?> :</h3> <?php _e('The view you have selected is not permitted to view this page, please choose one of the options below.', 'view-admin-as'); ?> <ul> <?php foreach ($options as $option) { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $option['url']; ?> "><?php echo $option['text']; ?> </a></li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> <hr> <?php } return $function_name; }