Пример #1
  * Get an avatar given an email address
  * See http://en.gravatar.com/site/implement/images/ and http://en.gravatar.com/site/implement/hash/
  * @return string
 public function getAvatarFromEmail($size = 50, $email = null)
     if ($email === null) {
         $email = $this->session->get('email');
     // TODO return standard avatar
     if (empty($email)) {
     $user = $this->getUserByEmail($email);
     if (isset($user['attrprofilePhoto']) && !empty($user['attrprofilePhoto'])) {
         return $user['attrprofilePhoto'];
     $utilityObj = new Utility();
     if (empty($this->config->site->cdnPrefix)) {
         $hostAndProtocol = sprintf('%s://%s', $utilityObj->getProtocol(false), $utilityObj->getHost(false));
     } else {
         $hostAndProtocol = sprintf('%s%s', $utilityObj->getProtocol(false), $this->config->site->cdnPrefix);
     if (!$this->themeObj) {
         $this->themeObj = getTheme();
     $defaultUrl = sprintf('%s%s', $hostAndProtocol, $this->themeObj->asset('image', 'profile-default.png', false));
     $hash = md5(strtolower(trim($email)));
     return sprintf("http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/%s?s=%s&d=%s", $hash, $size, urlencode($defaultUrl));
Пример #2
 public function renderHead()
     $page = $this->plugin->getData('page');
     if ($page !== 'photos' && $page !== 'photo-detail' && $page !== 'albums') {
     $photo = null;
     if ($page === 'photos') {
         $photo = array_shift($this->plugin->getData('photos'));
     } elseif ($page === 'photo-detail') {
         $photo = $this->plugin->getData('photo');
     } elseif ($page === 'albums') {
         $albums = $this->plugin->getData('albums');
         if (count($albums) > 0 && !empty($albums[0]['cover'])) {
             $photo = $albums[0]['cover'];
     if (empty($photo)) {
     $utility = new Utility();
     $tags = '';
     $title = $photo['title'] !== '' ? $photo['title'] : "{$photo['filenameOriginal']} on Trovebox";
     $tags .= $this->addTag('twitter:card', 'photo');
     $tags .= $this->addTag('twitter:site', '@openphoto');
     $tags .= $this->addTag('twitter:url', sprintf('%s://%s%s', $utility->getProtocol(false), $utility->getHost(), $utility->getPath()));
     $tags .= $this->addTag('twitter:title', $title);
     $tags .= $this->addTag('twitter:description', 'Trovebox lets you keep all your photos from different services and mobile devices safe in one spot.');
     $tags .= $this->addTag('twitter:image', $photo['pathBase']);
     $tags .= $this->addTag('twitter:image:width', '1280');
     return $tags;
Пример #3
 public function renderHead()
     $userObj = new User();
     $utilityObj = new Utility();
     $page = $this->plugin->getData('page');
     if ($page !== 'photos' && $page !== 'photo-detail' && $page !== 'albums') {
     $metaTags = '';
     $username = $utilityObj->safe($userObj->getNameFromEmail($this->config->user->email), false);
     if ($page === 'photos') {
         $photos = array_slice($this->plugin->getData('photos'), 0, 4);
         $filters = $this->plugin->getData('filters');
         $metaTags .= $this->addTag('twitter:card', 'gallery');
         $title = sprintf('%s\'s photos on @Trovebox', $username);
         if (array_search('album', $filters) !== false) {
             $album = $this->plugin->getData('album');
             $title = sprintf('%s from %s on @Trovebox', $utilityObj->safe($album['name'], false), $username);
         } elseif (array_search('tags', $filters) !== false) {
             $tags = implode(',', $this->plugin->getData('tags'));
             $title = sprintf('Photos tagged with %s from %s on @Trovebox', $utilityObj->safe($tags, false), $username);
         $cnt = 0;
         foreach ($photos as $photo) {
             $metaTags .= $this->addTag(sprintf('twitter:image%d', $cnt++), $photo['pathBase']);
     } elseif ($page === 'photo-detail') {
         $photo = $this->plugin->getData('photo');
         $photoTitle = $photo['title'] !== '' ? $utilityObj->safe($photo['title'], false) : $photo['filenameOriginal'];
         $title = sprintf('%s from %s on @Trovebox', $photoTitle, $username);
         $metaTags .= $this->addTag('twitter:card', 'photo');
         $metaTags .= $this->addTag('twitter:image', $photo['pathBase']);
     } elseif ($page === 'albums') {
         $albums = $this->plugin->getData('albums');
         if (count($albums) > 0 && !empty($albums[0]['cover'])) {
             $photo = $albums[0]['cover'];
         $title = sprintf('%s\'s albums on @Trovebox', $username);
         $metaTags .= $this->addTag('twitter:card', 'photo');
         $metaTags .= $this->addTag('twitter:image', $photo['pathBase']);
     if (empty($photo)) {
     $metaTags .= $this->addTag('twitter:site', '@Trovebox');
     $metaTags .= $this->addTag('twitter:url', sprintf('%s://%s%s', $utilityObj->getProtocol(false), $utilityObj->getHost(), $utilityObj->getPath()));
     $metaTags .= $this->addTag('twitter:title', $title);
     $metaTags .= $this->addTag('twitter:description', 'Trovebox lets you keep all your photos from different services and mobile devices safe in one spot.');
     $metaTags .= $this->addTag('twitter:image:width', '1280');
     return $metaTags;
Пример #4
 public function uploadNotify($token)
     $shareTokenObj = new ShareToken();
     $tokenArr = $shareTokenObj->get($token);
     if (empty($tokenArr) || $tokenArr['type'] != 'upload') {
         return $this->forbidden('No permissions with the passed in token', false);
     $albumId = $tokenArr['data'];
     $albumResp = $this->api->invoke(sprintf('/album/%s/view.json', $albumId), EpiRoute::httpGet, array('_GET' => array('token' => $token)));
     if ($albumResp['code'] !== 200) {
         return $this->error('Could not get album details', false);
     $uploader = $count = null;
     if (isset($_POST['uploader'])) {
         $uploader = $_POST['uploader'];
     if (isset($_POST['count'])) {
         $count = $_POST['count'];
     $utilityObj = new Utility();
     $albumName = $albumResp['result']['name'];
     $albumUrl = sprintf('%s://%s/photos/album-%s/token-%s/list??sortBy=dateUploaded,desc', $utilityObj->getProtocol(false), $utilityObj->getHost(false), $albumId, $token);
     $tokenOwner = $tokenArr['actor'];
     $emailer = new Emailer();
     if (!empty($albumName)) {
         $emailer->setSubject(sprintf('Photos uploaded to %s', $albumName));
     } else {
         $emailer->setSubject('New photos were uploaded for you');
     $markup = $this->theme->get('partials/upload-notify.php', array('albumId' => $albumId, 'albumName' => $albumName, 'albumUrl' => $albumUrl, 'uploader' => $uploader, 'count' => $count));
     $res = $emailer->send($markup);
     return $this->success('Email probably sent', true);
Пример #5

$utilityObj = new Utility();
$configFile = sprintf('%s/configs/%s.ini', getConfig()->get('paths')->userdata, $utilityObj->getHost());
$currentConfigAsString = getConfig()->getString($configFile);
// this regex is covered in src/texts/libraries/models/UpgradeTest.php gh-1279
$updatedConfigAsString = preg_replace('/^name ?\\= ?"?.+"?$/m', 'name="fabrizio1.0"', $currentConfigAsString);
$status = getConfig()->write($configFile, $updatedConfigAsString);
return $status;
Пример #6
  * Return profile information for the site and the viewer
  * TODO: separate the viewer into a separate API and call it from here
  *  for backwards compatability
  * @return string Standard JSON envelope
 public function profile()
     $email = $this->user->getEmailAddress();
     $user = $this->user->getUserRecord();
     if (empty($user)) {
         return $this->notFound('Could not load user profile');
     $utilityObj = new Utility();
     $photos = $this->api->invoke('/photos/list.json', EpiRoute::httpGet, array('_GET' => array('pageSize' => 1)));
     $albums = $this->api->invoke('/albums/list.json', EpiRoute::httpGet, array('_GET' => array('pageSize' => 1)));
     $tags = $this->api->invoke('/tags/list.json', EpiRoute::httpGet, array('_GET' => array('pageSize' => 1)));
     $profile = array('id' => $utilityObj->getHost(), 'photoUrl' => $this->user->getAvatarFromEmail(100, $this->config->user->email), 'counts' => array('photos' => empty($photos['result']) ? 0 : $photos['result'][0]['totalRows'], 'albums' => empty($albums['result']) ? 0 : $albums['result'][0]['totalRows'], 'tags' => count($tags['result'])), 'name' => $this->user->getNameFromEmail($this->config->user->email));
     if ($this->user->isAdmin()) {
         $profile['email'] = $this->user->getEmailAddress();
         $profile['counts']['storage'] = $this->user->getStorageUsed() * 1024;
         // convert from kilobytes to bytes
         $profile['counts']['storage_str'] = strval($this->user->getStorageUsed() * 1024);
         // workaround for bug in ios json parser #1150
     $profile['isOwner'] = $this->user->isAdmin();
     // should we include the viewer?
     if (isset($_GET['includeViewer']) && $_GET['includeViewer'] == '1') {
         // check if the viewer == owner
         // if so then we just copy the owner in
         // else we have to build the viewer array
         if ($this->user->isOwner()) {
             $profile['viewer'] = $profile;
         } else {
             $viewer = null;
             if ($email !== null) {
                 $viewer = $this->user->getUserByEmail($email);
             if ($viewer !== null) {
                 $profile['viewer'] = array('id' => $viewer['id'], 'photoUrl' => $this->user->getAvatarFromEmail(100, $viewer['id']), 'name' => $this->user->getNameFromEmail($viewer['id']));
             } else {
                 $profile['viewer'] = array('id' => null, 'photoUrl' => $this->user->getAvatarFromEmail(100, null), 'name' => User::displayNameDefault);
     return $this->success('User profile', $profile);
Пример #7
  * Get an avatar given an email address
  * See http://en.gravatar.com/site/implement/images/ and http://en.gravatar.com/site/implement/hash/
  * @return string
 public function getAvatarFromEmail($size = 50, $email = null)
     if ($email === null) {
         $email = $this->session->get('email');
     // TODO return standard avatar
     if (empty($email)) {
     $utilityObj = new Utility();
     $protocol = $utilityObj->getProtocol(false);
     if (empty($this->config->site->cdnPrefix)) {
         $hostAndProtocol = sprintf('%s://%s', $protocol, $utilityObj->getHost(false));
     } else {
         $hostAndProtocol = sprintf('%s:%s', $protocol, $this->config->site->cdnPrefix);
     if (!$this->themeObj) {
         $this->themeObj = getTheme();
     $defaultUrl = sprintf('%s%s', $hostAndProtocol, $this->themeObj->asset('image', 'profile-default.png', false));
     $user = $this->getUserByEmail($email);
     if (isset($user['attrprofilePhoto']) && !empty($user['attrprofilePhoto'])) {
         return $user['attrprofilePhoto'];
     // if gravatar support is disabled and no profile photo exists then we immediately return the default url
     if ($this->config->site->useGravatar == 0) {
         return $defaultUrl;
     if ($protocol === 'https') {
         $gravatarUrl = 'https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/';
     } else {
         $gravatarUrl = 'http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/';
     $hash = md5(strtolower(trim($email)));
     return sprintf('%s%s?s=%s&d=%s', $gravatarUrl, $hash, $size, urlencode($defaultUrl));