Пример #1
            $val = "<no ssid>";
        $j = 1;
        $t_children = array();
        $title = strlen($val) > 30 ? substr($val, 0, 30) . '...' : $val;
        $title .= ' <font style="font-size:80%; font-weight:normal">(' . $v->BSSID . ')</font>';
        $tooltip = Util::utf8_encode2(Util::htmlentities($val)) . ' ' . $v->BSSID;
        $tree['children'][] = array('title' => $title, 'tooltip' => $tooltip, 'key' => "key1{$i}", 'isFolder' => TRUE, 'icon' => "../../pixmaps/theme/wifi.png", 'expand' => FALSE, 'hideCheckbox' => TRUE, 'isLazy' => FALSE);
        foreach ($v as $k1 => $v1) {
            if ($k1 == 'wireless-client') {
                foreach ($v1 as $k2 => $v2) {
                    if ($k2 == 'client-mac') {
                        $title = Util::utf8_encode2($v2);
                        $t_children[] = array('title' => $title, 'key' => "key1{$i}{$j}", 'isFolder' => TRUE, 'icon' => "../../pixmaps/theme/net.png");
        if (is_array($t_children) && !empty($t_children)) {
            $tree['children'][$i - 1]['children'] = $t_children;
$json_encode = @json_encode($tree);
if (json_last_error() != JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
    $tree = array('title' => '', 'key' => 'tree_error', 'isFolder' => TRUE, 'icon' => '../../pixmaps/any.png', 'hideCheckbox' => TRUE, 'expand' => TRUE, 'noLink' => TRUE, 'hideCheckbox' => TRUE, 'addClass' => 'size12', 'children' => array('title' => '<span>' . Util::utf8_encode2(_('Load error')) . '</span>', 'key' => 'load_error', 'icon' => '', 'hideCheckbox' => TRUE, 'noLink' => TRUE, 'hideCheckbox' => TRUE, 'addClass' => 'bold_red dynatree-statusnode-error'));
    $json_encode = @json_encode($tree);
echo $json_encode;
// Open selected
if ($only_open) {
    $groups = retrieve_groups($only_open);
    $file = Alarm_groups::change_status($groups, "open");
    @system("php /usr/share/ossim/scripts/alarms/bg_alarms.php {$user} {$file} > /dev/null 2>&1 &");
$entities = array();
if (Session::is_pro()) {
    $_entities = Acl::get_entities($conn);
    foreach ($_entities[0] as $e_id => $e) {
        $entities[$e_id] = Util::utf8_encode2($e['name']);
$entity_types = Session::get_entity_types($conn, TRUE);
$name = $name == _('Unknown Directive') ? '' : $name;
list($list, $num_rows) = Alarm_groups::get_alarms($conn, $sensor_query, $src_ip, $dst_ip, $hide_closed, "", $from, $top, $from_date, $to_date, $name, "", $directive_id, $tag, TRUE, $num_events, $num_events_op);
$tz = Util::get_timezone();
$colspan = Session::is_pro() && $mssp ? 11 : 10;

<table class='t_agr table_list'>	
echo _("Alarm Name");
    $results = array();
    foreach ($groups as $group) {
        // Alarms
        $alarms = $group->has_alarms($conn);
        $alarms_icon = $alarms ? "<img src='" . AV_PIXMAPS_DIR . "/assets_tick_gray.png'/>" : '-';
        // Vulns
        $vulns = $group->get_vulnerability_number($conn, $group->get_id());
        $vulns_icon = $vulns > 0 ? "<img src='" . AV_PIXMAPS_DIR . "/assets_tick_gray.png'/>" : '-';
        // Events
        $events = $group->has_events($conn);
        $events_icon = $events ? "<img src='" . AV_PIXMAPS_DIR . "/assets_tick_gray.png'/>" : '-';
        // COLUMNS
        $_res = array();
        $_res['DT_RowId'] = $group->get_id();
        $_res[] = Util::utf8_encode2($group->get_name());
        $_res[] = Util::utf8_encode2($group->get_owner());
        $_res[] = $group->get_num_host($conn);
        $_res[] = $alarms_icon;
        $_res[] = $vulns_icon;
        $_res[] = $events_icon;
        $_res[] = $detail;
        $results[] = $_res;
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $response = array();
    $response['sEcho'] = intval($sec);
    $response['iTotalRecords'] = 0;
    $response['iTotalDisplayRecords'] = 0;
    $response['aaData'] = array();
    $response['iDisplayStart'] = 0;
    echo json_encode($response);
Пример #4
    $devices = $_devices->get_devices();
    if ($_os == 'Windows') {
        $_dev = 'windows_';
    } elseif (is_array($devices[1]) && !empty($devices[1])) {
        if ($_os == 'Linux') {
            $_dev = 'linux_server';
        } else {
            $_dev = '_';
    } elseif (is_array($devices[4]) && !empty($devices[4])) {
        $_dev = '_networkdevice';
    } elseif (count($devices) > 0) {
        $_dev = '_';
    $_res[] = Util::utf8_encode2($asset_data['name']);
    $_res[] = Asset::format_to_print($asset_data['ips']);
    $_res[] = $_dev;
    $_res[] = '';
    $_res['DT_RowId'] = $_id;
    $results[] = $_res;
// datatables response json
$response = array();
$response['sEcho'] = $sec;
$response['iTotalRecords'] = $total;
$response['iTotalDisplayRecords'] = $total;
$response['aaData'] = $results;
$response['iDisplayStart'] = 0;
echo json_encode($response);
Пример #5
function service_list($conn, $page, $search)
    $return['error'] = TRUE;
    $return['msg'] = '';
    $filters = array();
    $filters['limit'] = get_query_limits($page);
    $filters['order_by'] = 'port';
    if ($search != '') {
        $search = utf8_decode($search);
        $search = escape_sql($search, $conn);
        $filters['where'] = " (s.port LIKE '%{$search}%'  OR s.service LIKE '%{$search}%'";
        //Filter by protocol name
        $protocol_list = Protocol::get_list($search);
        $protocol_list = array_keys($protocol_list);
        $protocol_list = implode(',', $protocol_list);
        if (!empty($protocol_list)) {
            $filters['where'] .= " OR s.protocol IN ({$protocol_list})";
        $filters['where'] .= ")";
    try {
        list($services, $total) = Asset_host_services::get_services_available($conn, $filters, TRUE);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $return['error'] = TRUE;
        $return['msg'] = $e->getMessage();
        return $return;
    if ($total > 0) {
        $selected = get_selected_values(10);
    $list = array();
    //Going through the list to format the elements properly:
    foreach ($services as $service) {
        $_serv = array();
        $id = $service['port'] . ';' . $service['protocol'] . ';' . $service['service'];
        $md5 = md5($id);
        $name = $service['port'] . '/' . $service['prot_name'] . ' (' . $service['service'] . ')';
        $_chk = $selected[$md5] != '' ? TRUE : FALSE;
        $_serv = array('id' => $id, 'name' => Util::utf8_encode2($name), 'checked' => $_chk);
        $list[$md5] = $_serv;
    $data['total'] = intval($total);
    $data['list'] = $list;
    $return['error'] = FALSE;
    $return['data'] = $data;
    return $return;
Пример #6
require_once 'av_init.php';
Session::logcheck_ajax('environment-menu', 'PolicyHosts');
$validate = array('asset_type' => array('validation' => 'OSS_LETTER', 'e_message' => 'illegal:' . _('Asset Type')));
$asset_type = POST('asset_type');
$validation_errors = validate_form_fields('POST', $validate);
if (!empty($validation_errors)) {
    Util::response_bad_request(_('Sorry, asset data was not loaded due to a validation error'));
$db = new ossim_db();
$conn = $db->connect();
$ctx = Asset_host::get_common_ctx($conn);
if (!empty($ctx)) {
    $ctx_name = Session::get_entity_name($conn, $ctx);
    $ctx_name = Util::utf8_encode2($ctx_name);
    //Check asset context
    $ext_ctxs = Session::get_external_ctxs($conn);
    if (!empty($ext_ctxs[$ctx])) {
        // CTX is external, this CTX could not be edited
        $ctx = NULL;
    } else {
        //Server related to CTX
        $server_obj = Server::get_server_by_ctx($conn, $ctx);
        $s_name = '';
        $s_ip = '';
        if ($r_server) {
            $s_name = $server_obj->get_name();
            $s_ip = $server_obj->get_ip();
Пример #7
$data = array();
foreach ($groups as $_group_id => $_group_object) {
    $_res = array();
    $_res['DT_RowId'] = $_group_id;
    try {
        $_can_edit = $_group_object->can_i_edit($conn);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $_can_edit = FALSE;
    $_res['DT_RowData']['editable'] = $_can_edit;
    $_res[] = '';
    // Checkbox
    $_res[] = Util::utf8_encode2($_group_object->get_name());
    $_res[] = $_group_object->get_owner();
    $_res[] = $_group_object->get_num_host($conn);
    $_res[] = '';
    // Action
    $data[] = $_res;
$response['sEcho'] = $sec;
$response['iTotalRecords'] = $total;
$response['iTotalDisplayRecords'] = $total;
$response['aaData'] = $data;
echo json_encode($response);
/* End of file dt_groups.php */
/* Location: /av_asset/asset/providers/dt_groups.php */
Пример #8
    /* Nessus
       if ($scan_list = Net_group_scan::get_list($conn, "WHERE net_group_name = '$name' AND plugin_id = 3001")) {
           $scan_types = "<img src='../pixmaps/tables/tick.png'>";
       } else {
           $scan_types = "<img src='../pixmaps/tables/cross.png'>";
       $xml.= "<cell><![CDATA[" . $scan_types . "]]></cell>"; */
    $desc = $net_group->get_descr();
    if ($desc == "") {
        $desc = "&nbsp;";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . Util::utf8_encode2($desc) . "]]></cell>";
    // KDB
    $rep = '';
    if ($linkedocs = Repository::have_linked_documents($conn, $id, 'net_group')) {
        $rep .= "<a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"GB_edit('../repository/repository_list.php?keyname=" . $id . "&type=net_group&nosize=1')\" class=\"blue\" target=\"main\">[" . $linkedocs . "]</a>&nbsp;";
    $rep .= "<a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"GB_edit('../repository/asset_repository.php?id=" . $id . "&name=" . urlencode($name) . "&linktype=net_group')\"><img src=\"../pixmaps/tables/table_row_insert.png\" border=0 title=\"Add KDB\" alt=\"Add KDB\" align=\"absmiddle\"></a>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . Util::utf8_encode2($rep) . "]]></cell>";
    // Notes
    $rep = '';
    if ($notes = Notes::howmanynotes($conn, $id, 'net_group')) {
        $rep .= "<a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"GB_notes('../av_asset/common/views/notes.php?asset_type=net_group&asset_id=" . $id . "')\" class=\"blue\" target=\"main\">[" . $notes . "]</a>&nbsp;";
    $rep .= "<a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"GB_notes('../av_asset/common/views/notes.php?asset_type=net_group&asset_id=" . $id . "')\"><img src=\"../pixmaps/notes.png\" border=0 title=\"View Notes\" alt=\"View Notes\" width='16px' align=\"absmiddle\"></a>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . Util::utf8_encode2($rep) . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "</row>\n";
$xml .= "</rows>\n";
echo $xml;
Пример #9
$db = new ossim_db();
$conn = $db->connect();
if ($from != "") {
    $length_hn = 50;
    if ($host_list = Host::get_list($conn, "", "ORDER BY hostname")) {
        foreach ($host_list as $host) {
            $hostname = strlen($host->get_hostname()) > $length_hn ? substr($host->get_hostname(), 0, $length_hn) . "..." : $host->get_hostname();
            $ossim_hosts[$host->get_ip()] = $hostname;
    // Json properties data
    $props = Host::get_latest_properties($conn, date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $from), 20);
    foreach ($props as $prop) {
        $prop["value"] = str_replace("'", "\\'", $prop["value"]);
        $prop["extra"] = str_replace("'", "\\'", $prop["extra"]);
        $buffer .= "{\n\t\t\tip:'" . $prop["ip"] . "',\n\t\t\tref:'p" . $prop["property_ref"] . "',\n\t\t\tvalue:'" . Util::utf8_encode2($prop["value"]) . "',\n\t\t\tkey:'" . md5($prop["value"]) . "',\n\t\t\textra:'" . Util::utf8_encode2($prop["extra"]) . "',\n\t\t\tname:'" . ($ossim_hosts[$prop["ip"]] != "" ? $prop["ip"] . " <font style=\"font-size:80%\">(" . $ossim_hosts[$prop["ip"]] . ")</font>" : $host_ip) . "'\n\t\t},";
    $buffer = "[ " . preg_replace("/,\$/", "", $buffer) . " ]";
} else {
    // Default tree
    $props = Host::get_properties_types($conn);
    $buffer .= "[ {title: '" . _("Asset by Property") . " <img src=\"../pixmaps/sem/loading.gif\" style=\"display:none\" id=\"refreshing\" border=0>', isFolder: true, key:'main', icon:'../../pixmaps/theme/any.png', expand:true, children:[\n";
    $icons = array("software" => "software", "operating-system" => "host_os", "cpu" => "cpu", "service" => "ports", "memory" => "ram", "department" => "host_group", "macaddress" => "mac", "workgroup" => "net_group", "role" => "server_role", "acl" => "acl", "storage" => "storage", "route" => "route");
    foreach ($props as $prop) {
        $png = $icons[strtolower($prop["name"])];
        $png = empty($png) ? "folder" : $png;
        $buffer .= "{ key:'p" . $prop["id"] . "', isFolder:true, expand:true, icon:'../../pixmaps/theme/{$png}.png', title:'" . _($prop["description"]) . "' },\n";
    $buffer .= "{ key:'all', expand:false, icon:'../../pixmaps/theme/host_add.png', title:'" . _("All Hosts") . "' }\n";
    $buffer .= "] } ]";
Пример #10
$first_login = $conf->get_conf('first_login');
$cnd_1 = !isset($user) || empty($user);
$cnd_2 = $first_login == 'yes' || $first_login === 1;
if ($cnd_1 || $cnd_2) {
    $ossim_link = $conf->get_conf('ossim_link');
    $login_location = $ossim_link . '/session/login.php';
    header("Location: {$login_location}");
$pass_1 = base64_decode(POST('pass1'));
$pass_2 = base64_decode(POST('pass2'));
$c_pass = base64_decode(POST('current_pass'));
$pass_1 = Util::utf8_encode2(trim($pass_1));
$pass_2 = Util::utf8_encode2(trim($pass_2));
$c_pass = Util::utf8_encode2(trim($c_pass));
$flag = POST('flag');
$changeadmin = POST('changeadmin');
$expired = POST('expired');
ossim_valid($c_pass, OSS_PASSWORD, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _('Current Password'));
ossim_valid($pass_1, OSS_PASSWORD, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _('Password'));
ossim_valid($pass_2, OSS_PASSWORD, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _('Rewrite Password'));
ossim_valid($flag, OSS_DIGIT, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _('Flag'));
ossim_valid($changeadmin, OSS_DIGIT, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _('Change Admin Password'));
ossim_valid($expired, OSS_DIGIT, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _('Expired'));
if (ossim_error()) {
$version = $conf->get_conf('ossim_server_version');
$opensource = !preg_match("/.*pro.*/i", $version) && !preg_match("/.*demo.*/i", $version) ? TRUE : FALSE;
if ($flag != '') {
Пример #11
$owner = $group->get_owner() != '' ? $group->get_owner() : '<i>' . _('unknown') . '</i>';
echo Util::utf8_encode2($owner);
    <div id='tray_host_description' class='tray_section'>
        <div class='tray_title'>
echo _('Description');
        <div class='tray_content'>
$descr = $group->get_descr() != "" ? $group->get_descr() : '<i>' . _('none') . '</i>';
echo Util::utf8_encode2($descr);
    <div class='tray_button_list'>
        <input type='button' class='tray_button' onclick='link_to("<?php 
echo $group_id;
");' value="<?php 
echo _('Details');
    <div style='width:100%;clear:both'></div>
Пример #12
if (Session::get_session_user() != '') {
    header("Location: /ossim");
$embed = REQUEST('embed');
$user = REQUEST('user');
$pass = base64_decode(REQUEST('pass'));
$pass1 = base64_decode(REQUEST('pass1'));
$accepted = POST('first_login');
$email = REQUEST("email");
$mobile = REQUEST("mobile");
$fullname = REQUEST('fullname');
//Bookmark string
$bookmark = REQUEST('bookmark_string');
$pass = Util::utf8_encode2(trim($pass));
$pass1 = Util::utf8_encode2(trim($pass1));
$email = trim($email);
$fullname = trim($fullname);
if ($fullname == '') {
    $fullname = 'AlienVault admin';
$company = REQUEST('company');
$location = REQUEST('search_location');
$lat = REQUEST('latitude');
$lng = REQUEST('longitude');
$country = REQUEST('country');
$track_usage_information = intval(REQUEST('track_usage_information'));
ossim_valid($embed, 'true', OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _('Embed'));
ossim_valid($user, OSS_USER, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _('User name'));
ossim_valid($mobile, OSS_LETTER, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _('Mobile'));
ossim_valid($accepted, OSS_NULLABLE, 'yes', 'no', 'illegal:' . _('First login'));
Пример #13
$results = array();
foreach ($nets as $_id => $net) {
    $_res = array();
    $cidr_list = explode(',', $net['ips']);
    $ip_count = 0;
    foreach ($cidr_list as $cidr) {
        list($dir, $mask) = explode('/', $cidr);
        if ($mask > 0 && $mask <= 32) {
            $ip_count += 1 << 32 - $mask;
    $cidrs = implode(', ', $cidr_list);
    $_res[] = '<input class="net_input" type="checkbox" value="' . $_id . '">';
    $_res[] = Util::utf8_encode2($net['name']);
    $_res[] = $cidrs;
    $_res[] = Util::number_format_locale($ip_count);
    $_res[] = Util::utf8_encode2($net['descr']);
    $_res[] = '';
    $_res['DT_RowId'] = $_id;
    $results[] = $_res;
// datatables response json
$response = array();
$response['sEcho'] = $sec;
$response['iTotalRecords'] = $total;
$response['iTotalDisplayRecords'] = $total;
$response['aaData'] = $results;
$response['iDisplayStart'] = 0;
echo json_encode($response);
Пример #14
    $events = Asset_net::has_events($conn, $_id);
    $events_icon = $events ? "<img src='" . AV_PIXMAPS_DIR . "/assets_tick_gray.png'/>" : '-';
    // Sensors
    $sensors = Asset_net_sensors::get_sensors_by_id($conn, $_id);
    $sensors_string = '';
    foreach ($sensors as $sensor_id => $sensor_data) {
        if ($sensors_string != '') {
            $sensors_string .= ', ';
        $sensors_string .= $sensor_data['name'];
    // COLUMNS
    $_res = array();
    $_res['DT_RowId'] = $_id;
    $_res[] = $net_data['name'];
    $_res[] = Util::utf8_encode2($net_data['owner']);
    $_res[] = Asset::format_to_print($net_data['ips']);
    $_res[] = $sensors_string;
    $_res[] = $alarms_icon;
    $_res[] = $vulns_icon;
    $_res[] = $events_icon;
    $_res[] = $detail;
    $results[] = $_res;
// datatables response json
$response = array();
$response['sEcho'] = intval($sec);
$response['iTotalRecords'] = $total;
$response['iTotalDisplayRecords'] = $total;
$response['aaData'] = $results;
$response['iDisplayStart'] = 0;
Пример #15
    $filters['where'] = count($where) > 0 ? implode(' AND ', $where) : '';
    // Get Groups
    list($groups, $total) = Asset_group::get_list($conn, '', $filters);
    $results = array();
    foreach ($groups as $group) {
        // COLUMNS
        $_res = array();
        $_res['DT_RowId'] = $group->get_id();
        try {
            $_can_edit = $group->can_i_edit($conn);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $_can_edit = FALSE;
        $_res['DT_RowData']['editable'] = $_can_edit;
        $_res[] = Util::utf8_encode2($group->get_name());
        $_res[] = '';
        $results[] = $_res;
} catch (Exception $e) {
// datatables response json
$response['sEcho'] = intval($sec);
$response['iTotalRecords'] = $total;
$response['iTotalDisplayRecords'] = $total;
$response['aaData'] = $results;
echo json_encode($response);
/* End of file dt_groups_asset.php */
Пример #16
$data = array();
foreach ($host_list as $host_id => $host_data) {
    $devices = Asset_host_devices::get_devices_to_string($conn, $host_id);
    // Asset Group details format
    if ($asset_type == 'group') {
        try {
            $delete_link = '<a href="javascript:;" onclick="del_asset_from_group(\'' . $host_id . '\');return false">';
            $delete_link .= '<img class="delete_small tipinfo" txt="' . _('Remove this asset from group') . '" src="/ossim/pixmaps/delete.png" border="0"/>';
            $delete_link .= '</a>';
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $title = $e->getMessage();
            $delete_link = '<img class="delete_small img_disabled tipinfo" txt="' . $title . '" src="/ossim/pixmaps/delete.png" border="0"/>';
        $data[] = array($host_data['name'], $host_data['ips'], $host_data['fqdns'], $devices, Util::utf8_encode2($host_data['descr']), $delete_link);
    } elseif ($asset_type == 'net') {
        $data[] = array($host_data['name'], $host_data['ips'], $host_data['fqdns'], $devices, Util::utf8_encode2($host_data['descr']));
    } elseif ($asset_type == 'othergroups') {
        $checkbox = "<input type='checkbox' id='check_{$host_id}' class='check_host' value='1'/>";
        $data[] = array($checkbox, $host_data['name'], '', $host_data['ips'], $devices, $host_data['fqdns']);
$response['sEcho'] = $sec;
$response['iTotalRecords'] = $total;
$response['iTotalDisplayRecords'] = $total;
$response['aaData'] = $data;
echo json_encode($response);
/* End of file get_hosts.php */
/* Location: ./asset_details/ajax/get_hosts.php */
Пример #17
function get_subcategories($conn, $data)
    $ctx = empty($data['ctx']) ? Session::get_default_ctx() : $data['ctx'];
    $id = $data['id'];
    ossim_valid($ctx, OSS_HEX, 'illegal:' . _("CTX"));
    ossim_valid($id, OSS_HEX, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _("Category ID"));
    if (ossim_error()) {
        $info_error = "Error: " . ossim_get_error();
        $return['error'] = TRUE;
        $return['msg'] = $info_error;
        return $return;
    $result = "<option value='0' selected='selected'>" . _("ANY") . "</option>";
    $query = "SELECT id, name FROM subcategory where cat_id = ?";
    $params = array($id);
    $rs = $conn->Execute($query, $params);
    if (!$rs) {
        $return['error'] = TRUE;
        $return['msg'] = $conn->ErrorMsg();
        return $return;
    } else {
        while (!$rs->EOF) {
            $result .= "<option value='" . $rs->fields["id"] . "'>" . Util::utf8_encode2($rs->fields["name"]) . "</option>\n";
    $return['error'] = FALSE;
    $return['data'] = $result;
    return $return;