Пример #1
  * Post the title of Question or Answer to Twitter
  * Usually this method is called as a shutdown_function
  * @todo if space allows add "prefixes" to Tweets
  * Prefixes will be strings, in translation...
  * @todo if space allows also add "via @ourname" to tweet if the
  * value of TWITTER_USERNAME exists if setting
  * @param \Lampcms\Twitter $oTwitter
  * @param \Lampcms\Bitly $oBitly
  * @param object $Resource object of type Question or Answer
  * @return mixed null if exception was caught or array returned
  * by Twitter API
 public function post(\Lampcms\Twitter $oTwitter, \Lampcms\Bitly $oBitly, $Resource)
     if (!$Resource instanceof \Lampcms\Question && !$Resource instanceof \Lampcms\Answer) {
         e('Resource not Question and not Answer');
     $ret = null;
      * $title is already guaranteed to be
      * in utf-8
     $title = $Resource['title'];
      * Short url from bit.ly is guaranteed
      * to be in utf-8
     $short = $oBitly->getShortUrl($Resource->getUrl());
      * Our own url is in utf8 unless...
      * Unless this site is on some weird international
      * domain name that includes non-utf8 chars
      * This is super unlikely
      * We can assume that all components of
      * the tweet is already in utf-8
     $url = $short ? $short : $Resource->getUrl(true);
      * Test what the length of tweet will be
      * if we concatinate title + space + url
      * @var int
     $testLength = \mb_strlen($url . ' ' . $title, 'utf-8');
     if ($testLength > 140) {
         d('need to shorten title');
         $title = Utf8String::factory($title, 'utf-8', true)->truncate(139 - \mb_strlen($url, 'utf-8'))->valueOf();
         $text = $title . ' ' . $url;
     } else {
         $text = $title . ' ' . $url;
     d('going to tweet this text: ' . $text);
     try {
         $ret = $oTwitter->postMessage($text);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         e('Tweet not sent because of exception: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' in file: ' . $e->getFile() . ' on line: ' . $e->getLine());
     return $ret;
Пример #2
  * Get value of requested param converted
  * to Utf8String object
  * @param string $name
  * @param mixed $default fallback value in case
  * the param $name does not exist if Request
  * @return object of type Utf8String representing the value
  * of requested param
 public function getUTF8($name, $default = null)
     if (empty($this->aUTF8[$name])) {
         $res = $this->get($name, 's', $default);
         $ret = Utf8String::factory($res);
         $this->aUTF8[$name] = $ret;
     return $this->aUTF8[$name];
Пример #3
 public static function factory(Utf8String $str)
     return new self($str->toLowerCase()->trim()->valueOf());
Пример #4
     * Factory method
     * Makes the object is this class
     * and load the html string, first wraps the html
     * string into the <div class="newsItem">
     * @param object of type Utf8String $sHtml html string to load
     * usually this is the feed item from rss feed.
     * by being an object of type Utf8String it's guaranteed
     * to be an already in utf-8 charset
     * @return object of this class
     * @throws LampcmsDevException is unable to load the string
    public static function loadFeedItem(Utf8String $oHtml, $sBaseUri = '', $bAddNoFollow = true, $parseCodeTags = true)
        $oDom = new self('1.0', 'utf-8');
        $oDom->encoding = 'UTF-8';
        $oDom->preserveWhiteSpace = true;
        $oDom->recover = true;
        $sHtml = $oHtml->valueOf();
         * @todo
         * maybe we should add class to this div and
         * then in the getFeedItem() don't remove the div at all,
         * so it will always be part of feed item's html,
         * it's just going to wrap the entire item.
         * So when we add item to a page we know it will always be wrapped
         * in this additional div
         * Extremely important to add the
         * <META CONTENT="text/html; charset=utf-8">
         * This is the ONLY way to tell the DOM (more spefically
         * the libxml) that input is in utf-8 encoding
         * Whithout this the DOM will assume that input is in the
         * default ISO-8859-1 format and then
         * will try to recode it to utf8
         * essentially it will do its own conversion to utf8,
         * messing up the string because it's already in utf8 and does not
         * need converting
         * IMPORTANT: we are also wrapping the whole string in <div>
         * so that it will be easy to get back just the contents of
         * the first div
        $sHtml = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
  			<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=utf-8">
			<body><div>' . $sHtml . '</div></body></html>';
        $ER = error_reporting(0);
        if (false === @$oDom->loadHTML($sHtml)) {
            throw new DevException('Error. Unable to load html string: ' . $sHtml);
         * If $sBaseUrl begins with http
         * then set the $this->baseUri value to this value
         * and make sure it always ends with forward slash
        if (!empty($sBaseUri) && 'http' === substr($sBaseUri, 0, 4) && strlen($sBaseUri) > 12) {
            $oDom->baseUri = rtrim($sBaseUri, '/') . '/';
        if ($parseCodeTags) {
        return $oDom;
Пример #5
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see Lampcms.SubmittedAnswer::getBody()
 public function getBody()
     if (!isset($this->Body)) {
         $this->Body = Utf8String::factory($this->aData['qbody']);
     return $this->Body;
Пример #6
  * Set tags for this question
  * It will also update "a_edited" array
  * to record the retag action, records
  * user who retagged, and "Retag" as reason for edit
  * Will also update lastModified
  * @param User $user object User who retagged this question
  * @param array $tags array of tags
 public function retag(User $user, array $tags)
     parent::offsetSet('a_tags', $tags);
     parent::offsetSet('tags_html', \tplQtags::loop($tags, false));
     $b = $this->offsetGet('b');
     d('b: ' . $b);
     $oHtmlParser = \Lampcms\String\HTMLStringParser::factory(Utf8String::factory($b, 'utf-8', true));
     $body = $oHtmlParser->unhilight()->hilightWords($tags)->valueOf();
     $this->offsetSet('b', $body);
     $this->setEdited($user, 'Retagged')->touch();
     return $this;
  * Returns Tags which is
  * object of type Utf8String
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see Lampcms.SubmittedQuestion::getTags()
 public function getUtf8Tags()
     if (!isset($this->Tags)) {
         $this->Tags = Utf8String::factory($this->aData['tags']);
     return $this->Tags;
 public function getHtml()
     $edit = '';
     $lastActive = $this->User['i_lm_ts'];
     $lastActive = !empty($lastActive) ? $lastActive : $this->User['i_reg_ts'];
     $pp = $this->User->getProfitPoint();
     d('pp: ' . $pp);
     $uid = $this->User->getUid();
     $isSameUser = $this->Registry->Viewer->getUid() === $uid;
     if ($isSameUser || $this->Registry->Viewer->isModerator()) {
         $edit = '<div class="fl middle"><span class="icoc key">&nbsp;</span><a href="/editprofile/' . $uid . '" class="edit middle">Edit profile</a></div>';
     $desc = \trim($this->User['description']);
     $desc = empty($desc) ? '' : Utf8String::factory($desc, 'utf-8', true)->linkify()->valueOf();
     $vars = array('editLink' => $edit, 'username' => $this->User->username, 'avatar' => $this->User->getAvatarImgSrc(), 'profitpoint' => $pp, 'name' => $this->User->getDisplayName(), 'genderLabel' => 'Gender', 'gender' => $this->getGender(), 'since' => date('F j, Y', $this->User->i_reg_ts), 'lastActivity' => TimeAgo::format(new \DateTime(date('r', $lastActive))), 'website' => $this->User->getUrl(), 'twitter' => '<div id="my_tw">' . $this->getTwitterAccount($isSameUser) . '</div>', 'age' => $this->User->getAge(), 'facebook' => '<div id="my_fb">' . $this->getFacebookAccount($isSameUser) . '</div>', 'tumblr' => '<div id="my_tm">' . $this->getTumblrAccount($isSameUser) . '</div>', 'blogger' => '<div id="my_bg">' . $this->getBloggerAccount($isSameUser) . '</div>', 'linkedin' => '<div id="my_li">' . $this->getLinkedInAccount($isSameUser) . '</div>', 'location' => $this->User->getLocation(), 'description' => \wordwrap($desc, 50), 'editRole' => Usertools::getHtml($this->Registry, $this->User), 'followButton' => $this->makeFollowButton(), 'followers' => ShowFollowers::factory($this->Registry)->getUserFollowers($this->User), 'following' => ShowFollowers::factory($this->Registry)->getUserFollowing($this->User));
     return \tplUserInfo::parse($vars);
Пример #9
  * Checks in username of twitter user
  * already exists in our regular USERS table
  * and if it does then prepends the @ to the username
  * otherwise returns twitter username
  * The result is that we will use the value of
  * Twitter username as our username OR the @username
  * if username is already taken
  * @todo change this to use MONGO USERS and use something like
  * $any
  * @return string the value of username that will
  * be used as our own username
 public function makeUsername($displayName, $isUtf8 = false)
     d('going to auto_create username based on displayName: ' . $displayName);
      * Make 100% sure that displayName is in UTF8 encoding
      * Commenting this out for now since it was causing
      * a problem once.
      * So for now we going to trust that Facebook give us results
      * as a valid UTF-8 String
     if (!$isUtf8) {
         $displayName = Utf8String::factory($displayName)->valueOf();
     $coll = $this->Registry->Mongo->USERS;
     $res = null;
     $username = null;
     $aUsernames = array(preg_replace('/\\s+/', '_', $displayName), preg_replace('/\\s+/', '', $displayName), preg_replace('/\\s+/', '.', $displayName), preg_replace('/\\s+/', '-', $displayName));
     $aUsernames = \array_unique($aUsernames);
     d('$aUsernames: ' . print_r($aUsernames, 1));
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($aUsernames); $i++) {
         $name = \mb_strtolower($aUsernames[$i], 'utf-8');
         $res = $coll->findOne(array('username_lc' => $name));
         d('$res: ' . $res);
         if (empty($res)) {
             $username = $aUsernames[$i];
      * If still could not find username then
      * use brute force and try appending numbers
      * to username untill succeed
     if (null === $username) {
         $i = 1;
         do {
             $name = \mb_strtolower($aUsernames[0], 'utf-8') . $i;
             $res = $coll->findOne(array('username_lc' => $name));
             if (empty($res)) {
                 $username = $aUsernames[0] . $i;
             d('$res: ' . $res);
         } while (null === $username);
     return $username;
  * Sets an inflected word in the cache.
  * @param   string  $singular  The singular form of the word.
  * @param   string  $plural    The plural form of the word. If omitted, it is assumed the singular and plural are identical.
  * @return  void
  * @since   2.0
 private function setCache($singular, $plural = null)
     $singular = Utf8String::strtolower($singular);
     if ($plural === null) {
         $plural = $singular;
     } else {
         $plural = Utf8String::strtolower($plural);
     $this->cache[$singular] = $plural;
Пример #11
  * Get clean UTF8String object representing
  * trimmed and clean of html tags
  * @param string $string
  * @return object of type UTF8String
 protected function getClean($string)
     if (empty($string)) {
         return Utf8String::stringFactory('', 'ascii', true);
     return Utf8String::stringFactory($string)->trim()->stripTags();
Пример #12
  * Factory method. This class should be instantiated
  * ONLY through this method
  * @param Utf8String $Tags
  * @internal param \Lampcms\of $object type Utf8string $Tags
  * @return object of this class
 public static function factory(Utf8String $Tags)
     $str = $Tags->toLowerCase()->trim()->valueOf();
     return new self($str);
Пример #13
 public function testStripLow()
     $s = "String with tab\tand \nNew Line1\nNew Line2";
     $this->assertEquals($s, Utf8String::stripLow($s));
Пример #14
  * Removes the tag name from the array of a_f_t
  * of User object and increases the i_f_t by one
  * if USER already follow this tag
  * also decreases the i_flwrs in QUESTION_TAGS collection
  * by one for this tag
  * @param User $User
  * @param string $tag
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if $tag is not a string
 public function unfollowTag(User $User, $tag)
     if (!is_string($tag)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$tag must be a string');
     $tag = Utf8String::factory($tag)->toLowerCase()->stripTags()->trim()->valueOf();
     $aFollowed = $User['a_f_t'];
     d('$aFollowed: ' . print_r($aFollowed, 1));
     if (false !== ($key = array_search($tag, $aFollowed))) {
         d('cp unsetting key: ' . $key);
         array_splice($aFollowed, $key, 1);
         $User['a_f_t'] = $aFollowed;
         $this->Registry->Mongo->QUESTION_TAGS->update(array('tag' => $tag), array('$inc' => array('i_flwrs' => -1)));
         $this->Registry->Dispatcher->post($User, 'onTagUnfollow', array('tag' => $tag));
     } else {
         d('tag ' . $tag . ' is not among the followed tags of this userID: ' . $User->getUid());
     return $this;