public function modelAction($offset = 0) { $this->_view->title = 'Model Database MVC'; $users = new Users(); $users->select('count(user_id) As Total'); $row = $users->query()->fetch(); $items_per_page = 15; $offset = $offset % $items_per_page != 0 ? 0 : $offset; $users->select(); $users->orderBy('user_id', 'DESC'); $users->limit($offset, $items_per_page); $rs = $users->query(); $pages = new Paginator(); $pages->current_url = base_url() . 'database/model/model/%d'; $pages->offset = $offset; $pages->items_per_page = $items_per_page; $pages->items_total = $row['Total']; $pages->mid_range = 7; $pages->paginate(); $this->_view->pages = $pages; $this->_view->rs = $rs; $this->_view->add_link = base_url() . 'database/model/add-model/'; $this->_view->edit_link = base_url() . 'database/model/edit-model/'; $this->_view->delete_link = base_url() . 'database/model/delete-model/'; $this->renderView('database/model/index'); }
public function create_user() { // If there are no users then let's create one. $db = Database::get_instance(); $db->query('SELECT * FROM `users` LIMIT 1'); if ($db->has_rows() && !Auth::get_instance()->logged_in()) { Flash::set('<p class="flash validation">Sorry but to create new users, you must be logged in.</p>'); Core_Helpers::redirect(WEB_ROOT . 'login/'); } $validator = Error::instance(); if (isset($_POST['email'])) { $validator->email($_POST['email'], 'email'); $validator->blank($_POST['username'], 'username'); $validator->blank($_POST['password'], 'password'); $validator->passwords($_POST['password'], $_POST['confirm_password'], 'confirm_password'); $user = new Users(); if ($user->select(array('username' => $_POST['username']))) { $validator->add('username', 'The username <strong>' . htmlspecialchars($_POST['username']) . '</strong> is already taken.'); } if ($validator->ok()) { $user = new Users(); $user->load($_POST); $user->level = 'admin'; $user->insert(); Flash::set('<p class="flash success">User created successfully.</p>'); Core_Helpers::redirect(WEB_ROOT . 'login/'); } } $this->data['error'] = $validator; $this->load_template('create_user'); }
function indexAction() { $this->metas(array('DC.Title' => 'Administration')); $this->actions->append("Paramètres du site", array('action' => 'parametres')); $this->view->indicateurs = $m = new Wtk_Table_Model('label', 'url', 'compteur', 'level'); $config = Zend_Registry::get('config'); $m->append('Version', null, Strass_Version::PROJET, array('version-produit', 'notice')); $m->append('Version des données', null, Strass_Version::dataCurrent(), array('version-data', strass_admin_count_level(Strass_Version::DATA - Strass_Version::dataCurrent(), 1, 1))); $m->append('Association', null, strtoupper($config->system->association), 'notice'); $t = new Inscriptions(); $count = $t->countRows(); $m->append("Inscriptions à valider", $this->_helper->Url('valider', 'membres'), $count, strass_admin_count_level($count, 1, 5)); $t = new Unites(); $count = $t->countRows(); $m->append("Unités", $this->_helper->Url('unites'), $count, strass_admin_count_level(0 - $count, 0, 0)); $t = new Individus(); $count = $t->countRows(); $m->append("Fiches d'individu", $this->_helper->Url('index', 'individus'), $count, 'notice'); $t = new Users(); $count = $t->countRows(); $m->append("Membres", $this->_helper->Url('index', 'individus', null, array('filtre' => 'membres')), $count, 'notice'); $t = new Citation(); $count = $t->countRows(); $m->append("Citations", $this->_helper->Url('index', 'citation'), $count, 'notice'); $this->view->log = $m = new Wtk_Table_Model('date', 'level', 'logger', 'label', 'url', 'prenom-nom', 'fiche', 'detail-url'); $t = new Logs(); $events = $t->fetchAll($t->select()->order('date DESC')->limit(20)); foreach ($events as $e) { $url = $this->_helper->Url('event', null, null, array('id' => $e->id)); $u = $e->findParentUsers(); if ($u) { $i = $u->findParentIndividus(); $pn = $i->getFullname(); $fiche = $this->_helper->Url('fiche', 'individus', null, array('individu' => $i->slug)); } else { $pn = 'Visiteur'; $fiche = null; } $m->append($e->date, strtolower($e->level), $e->logger, $e->message, $e->url, $pn, $fiche, $url); } $this->view->connexions = $m = new Wtk_Table_Model('date', 'prenom-nom', 'fiche'); $t = new Users(); $users = $t->fetchAll($t->select()->where('last_login')->order('last_login DESC')->limit(8)); foreach ($users as $u) { $i = $u->findParentIndividus(); $m->append($u->last_login, $i->getFullname(false, false), $this->_helper->Url('fiche', 'individus', null, array('individu' => $i->slug))); } }
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: just * Date: 16.03.16 * Time: 07:11 */ require_once 'autoload.php'; $user = new Users(); //var_dump(isset($_POST['login'])); if (!empty($_POST['login'])) { $_POST['table'] = 'users'; $_POST['where'] = 'username'; $_POST['has'] = $_POST['username']; $result = $user->select($_POST, 1); // var_dump($result); // die; // if (!$result) { echo 'Няма открит потребител'; } else { if ($result->user_pass !== md5($_POST['pass'])) { echo 'Грешна парола'; } else { // $_SESSION['user'] = $result; foreach ($result as $k => $v) { if ($k !== 'user_pass') { $_SESSION[$k] = $v; } if ($k === 'user_about') {
<?php class Users extends Table { } require_once 'Mysql.class.php'; $db = new Mysql('localhost', 'root', 'root', 'test'); Table::setDefaultAdapter($db); $users = new Users(); print_r($users->select()->where('id%2=0')->limit(5)->fetchAll()); abstract class Table { protected $_table; protected static $_db; public function __construct() { $this->_table = get_class($this); $this->_init(); } public static function setDefaultAdapter($db) { self::$_db = $db; } protected function _init() { } function insert($bind) { return self::$_db->insert($this->_table, $bind); } function update($bind, $where = NULL)
<?php require_once 'tables.php'; // header('Content-Type: text/event-stream'); // header('Cache-Control: no-cache'); /* code=0 ----------> pagination code=1 ----------> delete code=2 ----------> edit */ $user = new Users(); $totalRes = $user->select(); if ($_GET['code'] == "1") { $user->uid = $_GET['UID']; // echo "hiiiiiii" ; // echo $_GET['UID'] ; $user->delete(); } /* else if ($_GET['code'] == "2"){};*/ $limit = isset($_GET['limit']) ? $_GET['limit'] : 0; $res = $user->selectLimit($limit, 4); $usersArray = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($res); $i++) { $usersArray[$i]['name'] = $res[$i][1]; $usersArray[$i]['room'] = $res[$i][6]; $usersArray[$i]['image'] = $res[$i][4]; $usersArray[$i]['ext'] = $res[$i][5]; } $replayArr["allRowsNum"] = count($totalRes); $replayArr["usersArray"] = $usersArray;
public function executeSearch() { // $this->validAjaxRequest(); $ajax = new \AjaxResponse(); $query = \Users::select(); $keyword = $this->get('keyword'); $section = $this->get('section'); $status = $this->get('status'); $banned = $this->get('banned', 'INT', -1); $ordering = $this->get('ordering', 'STRING', 'username'); //paging $page = $this->get('page', 'INT', 1); //search by keyword if ($keyword) { if (is_numeric($keyword)) { $query->andWhere('`id` = :keyword'); $query->setParameter(':keyword', $keyword, \PDO::PARAM_INT); } else { if (Util::isValidEmail($keyword)) { $query->andWhere('`email` = :keyword'); $query->setParameter(':keyword', $keyword, \PDO::PARAM_STR); } else { $keyword = explode(' ', $keyword); foreach ($keyword as $k) { $k = trim($k); if ($k) { $query->orWhere('`username` LIKE "%' . $k . '%"')->orWhere('`name` LIKE "%' . $k . '%"'); } } } } } //search by section if ($section) { $query->andWhere("`section` = :section")->setParameter(':section', $section, \PDO::PARAM_STR); } //search by status if ($status) { $query->andWhere('`status` = :status')->setParameter(':status', $status, \PDO::PARAM_STR); } //search by is banned if (-1 != $banned) { $query->andWhere('`banned` = :banned')->setParameter(':banned', $banned, \PDO::PARAM_INT); } switch ($ordering) { case 'last_visit_time': $query->orderBy('last_visit_time', 'DESC'); break; case 'register_time': $query->orderBy('register_time', 'DESC'); break; default: $query->orderBy('username', 'ASC'); } //count for paging $countQuery = clone $query; $total = $countQuery->count('id')->execute(); $query->setMaxResults($this->maxRecordPerPage)->setFirstResult(($page - 1) * $this->maxRecordPerPage); /** @var \Users[] $users */ $users = $query->execute(); $result = array(); if (!empty($users)) { foreach ($users as $user) { $t = $user->toArray(); unset($t['password']); unset($t['secret']); if (!$user->getBirthday()->isEmpty()) { $t['birthday'] = $user->getBirthday()->format('d/m/Y'); } else { $t['birthday'] = null; } $t['deleted'] = $user->isDeleted(); $t['avatar'] = \Toxotes\Util::gravatar($user->getEmail(), '32'); $t['edit_link'] = $this->createUrl('user/edit', ['id' => $user->getId()]); $result[] = $t; } } $ajax->type = \AjaxResponse::SUCCESS; $ajax->users = $result; $ajax->total = $total; $ajax->page_size = $this->maxRecordPerPage; $ajax->page = $page; return $this->renderText($ajax->toString()); }
/** * get roles's members by ids * @param $roles_id * @return \Users[] */ public static function getRolesMembers($roles_id) { $roles_id = (array) $roles_id; $result = []; if (!empty($roles_id)) { $result = \Users::select()->where('`id` IN (SELECT user_id FROM `user_role` WHERE `role_id` IN (' . implode(',', $roles_id) . '))')->execute(); } return $result; }
<?php require 'tables.php'; if (isset($_GET['oid'])) { $orders = new Orders(); $orders->oid = $_GET['oid']; $orders->status = 'canceled'; $orders->updateStatus(); } else { //selectbykey $users = new Users(); if (isset($_GET['uid']) && $_GET['uid'] != 'all') { $usersData->uid = $_GET['uid']; $usersData = $users->selectbykey(); } else { $usersData = $users->select(); } //echo $usersData; $allusersData = array(); for ($u = 0; $u < count($usersData); $u++) { $orders = new Orders(); $orders->uid = $usersData[$u][0]; if (isset($_GET['from']) && isset($_GET['to'])) { $data = $orders->selectbydate($_GET['from'], $_GET['to']); } else { //all orders for define user $data = $orders->selectbyId(); } $allusersData[$u]['uid'] = $usersData[$u][0]; $allusersData[$u]['name'] = $usersData[$u][1]; $response = array();
public function browseAction() { $form = new Modules_Admin_Controllers_Users_Browse_Form(); $cache = Zend_Registry::get('cache'); $roles = $cache->load(md5(UNIQUE_HASH . 'roles')); if ($roles === false) { $rolesTable = new Roles(); $roles = $rolesTable->fetchAll(); $cache->save($roles, md5(UNIQUE_HASH . 'roles')); } foreach ($roles as $role) { if ($role->id != 1) { $form->getElement('role')->addMultiOption($role->id, $role->name); } } $router = $this->getFrontController()->getRouter(); if ($page = (int) $this->getRequest()->getParam('page')) { $router->setGlobalParam('page', $page); } if ($belongs = (int) $this->getRequest()->getParam('belongs')) { $router->setGlobalParam('belongs', $belongs); } if ($role = $this->getRequest()->getParam('role')) { $router->setGlobalParam('role', $role); } if ($order = $this->getRequest()->getParam('order')) { $router->setGlobalParam('order', $order); } if ($sort = $this->getRequest()->getParam('sort')) { $router->setGlobalParam('sort', $sort); } $form->getElement('role')->setValue($role); $form->getElement('belongs')->setValue($belongs); $this->view->form = $form; $usersTable = new Users(); #fetching the data from table $select = $usersTable->select()->from(array('u' => 'users')); $select->setIntegrityCheck(false); $select->where(' > ?', 1); if ($role) { if ($belongs) { $select->join(array('ur' => 'users_roles'), ' AND ur.role=' . (int) $role); } else { $select->joinLeft(array('ur' => 'users_roles'), ' AND ur.role=' . (int) $role); $select->where('ur.role is null'); } } switch ($sort) { case 'desc': $sort = 'DESC'; break; default: $sort = 'ASC'; } switch ($order) { case 'username': $select->order(' ' . $sort); break; case 'email': $select->order(' ' . $sort); break; case 'dateOfRegistration': $select->order('u.registered_timestamp ' . $sort); break; } $this->view->usersPaginator = new Zend_Paginator(new Zend_Paginator_Adapter_DbSelect($select)); $this->view->usersPaginator->setItemCountPerPage(50); $this->view->usersPaginator->setCurrentPageNumber($page); }
/** * * @param unknown_type $userId * @param unknown_type $newAvatar */ public static function changeAvatar($userId, $newAvatar = 0) { // save information into people table (users) $people = new Users(); $rowPeople = $people->fetchRow("id = " . $userId); if (isset($rowPeople)) { // store old avatar $oldAvatar = $rowPeople->avatar; // update avatar $dataUsers = array('avatar' => $newAvatar); if (!$people->update($dataUsers, "id = " . $userId)) { return false; } // link avatar to system folder if ($newAvatar > 0) { self::linkAvatarToSystemFolder($newAvatar); } // if old avatar, check if another user has the same avatar if ($oldAvatar > 0) { // search avatar $select = $people->select()->where('avatar = ?', $oldAvatar); $rowsetPeople = $people->fetchAll($select); // if no avatar found, clean link between avatar and folder if (count($rowsetPeople) == 0) { $objectFolder = new Filfolders(); // get id of filfolders "adminpeople" and isSystemFolder "1" $rowFolder = $objectFolder->getFoldersByModule('adminpeople'); $objectLinkFolder = new FilfoldersFilfiles(); $objectLinkFolder->delete('filfiles_id = ' . $oldAvatar . ' AND filfolders_id = ' . $rowFolder->id); } } return true; } }
function verify_api_token($token) { $user = new Users(); return $user->select(array('api_token' => $token)); }