public function indexAction() { $p = $_REQUEST; if (!count($p)) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('参数错误'); } $pPhone = empty($p['phone']) ? '' : trim($p['phone']); if (!Tool_Validate::mo($pPhone)) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('手机号不正确'); } //判断手机号是否是白求恩 $tBUserInfo = Oci_User::isPhone($pPhone); if (empty($tBUserInfo)) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('非白求恩用户,下一步完善必须资料', 1, array('user_type' => 0)); } $pPassword = empty($p['ptxt']) ? '' : trim($p['ptxt']); #客户端发送的必须是md5的 密码 $pCode = empty($p['code']) ? '0' : trim($p['code']); $pDid = empty($p['did']) ? '' : trim($p['did']); $tTime = time(); if (empty($pPassword)) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('密码不能为空'); } if (empty($pCode)) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('验证码不能为空'); } if (!Tool_Validate::integer($pCode)) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('验证码格式错误'); } if (strlen($pPassword) != 32) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('接口发送的必须是密文密码'); } if (empty($pDid) || !Tool_Validate::az09($pDid)) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('did error'); } $tUMO = new UserModel(); $tUMO->begin(); $tRow = $tUMO->field('count(0) c')->where('phone = \'' . $pPhone . '\'')->fRow(); if (!empty($tRow['c'])) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('该手机已被他人使用,请重新输入'); } $tKey = Tool_Fnc::newrand(4); $tMd5str = Tool_Fnc::markmd5($pPassword, $tKey); $tCodeMO = new PhonecodeModel(); $tCodeCRow = $tCodeMO->check($pPhone, 1, $pCode); if ($tCodeCRow['status'] == 0) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg($tCodeCRow['msg']); } $tData = array('phone' => $pPhone, 'reg_ip' => Tool_Fnc::realip(), "passwd" => $tMd5str, "reg_time" => $tTime, 'private_key' => $tKey, 'reg_did' => $pDid, 'user_type' => 1); if (!($tID = $tUMO->insert($tData))) { $tUMO->back(); Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('错误异常 001'); } //did入库 $tUDMO = new UserdidModel(); $tUDRow = $tUDMO->field('count(0) c')->where('uid = ' . $tID . ' and did = \'' . $pDid . '\'')->fRow(); if (empty($tUDRow['c'])) { $tData = array('uid' => $tID, 'did' => $pDid, 'created' => $tTime, 'ip' => Tool_Fnc::realip()); if (!$tUDMO->insert($tData)) { $tUMO->back(); Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('错误异常 002'); } } $tTokenarr = $this->creattoken($tID); //获取数据 $tSex = $tBUserInfo['SEX'] == '男' ? 1 : 0; $tPatientId = $tBUserInfo['PATIENT_ID']; //提取干体重 $tDryWeight = Oci_User::getDryWeight($tPatientId); $tDatas = array('id' => $tID, 'nickname' => $tBUserInfo['NAME'], 'sex' => $tSex, 'dry_weight' => $tDryWeight['BODY_WEIGHT'], 'date_of_birth' => $tBUserInfo['DATE_OF_BIRTH'], 'headimg' => $tBUserInfo['PHOTO']); if (!$tUMO->update($tDatas)) { $tUMO->back(); Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('错误异常 003'); } //新建健康档案 $tUserAssessment = Oci_User::getAssessment($tPatientId); $tUserAssessment['uid'] = $tID; $tUserAssessment['name'] = $tBUserInfo['NAME']; //his系统数据更新 $tCMO = new CenterModel(); $tCRow = $tCMO->field('id,name')->where(' center_id = \'' . $tBUserInfo['CENTER_ID'] . '\'')->fRow(); if (!empty($tCRow['id'])) { $tUserAssessment['medical_id'] = $tCRow['id']; //用户透析中心字段更新 $tUMedicalData = array('id' => $tID, 'center_id' => $tCRow['id'], 'medical_addr' => $tCRow['name']); if (!$tUMO->update($tUMedicalData)) { $tUMO->back(); Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('错误异常 003'); } } else { $tCenterdict = Oci_User::getCenterdict($tBUserInfo['CENTER_ID']); $tCData = array('center_id' => $tCenterdict['CENTER_ID'], 'center_code' => $tCenterdict['CENTER_CODE'], 'name' => $tCenterdict['CENTER_NAME'], 'position' => $tCenterdict['POSITION'], 'created' => $tTime); if (!($tUserAssessment['medical_id'] = $tCMO->insert($tCData))) { $tUMO->back(); Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('错误异常 008'); } //用户透析中心字段更新 $tUMedicalData = array('id' => $tID, 'center_id' => $tUserAssessment['medical_id'], 'medical_addr' => $tCenterdict['CENTER_NAME']); if (!$tUMO->update($tUMedicalData)) { $tUMO->back(); Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('错误异常 003'); } } //健康档案 $tUA = new UserassessmentModel(); foreach ($tUserAssessment as $k => $v) { $tUserAssessmentData[strtolower($k)] = $v; } $tUserAssessmentData['created'] = $tTime; //添加透析方式默认值 $tUserAssessmentData['method'] = 1; if (!$tUA->insert($tUserAssessmentData)) { $tUMO->back(); Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('错误异常 004'); } //干重记录表数据更新 $tDWMO = new DryweightlogModel(); /*$tDryWeightLog = array( 'uid' => $tID, 'weight' => $tDryWeight['BODY_WEIGHT'], 'date' => $tDryWeight['TREATE_DATE'], 'month' => date('Y-m',strtotime($tDryWeight['TREATE_DATE'])), 'year' => date('Y',strtotime($tDryWeight['TREATE_DATE'])), 'patient_id' => $tPatientId, 'created' => time(), );*/ $tSql = 'update ' . $tDWMO->table . ' set uid=' . $tID . ' where patient_id = \'' . $tPatientId . '\''; if (!$tDWMO->exec($tSql)) { $tUMO->back(); Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('错误异常 005'); } #更新白求恩排班表 $tSDMO = new BqeschedulingdetailModel(); $tSql = 'update ' . $tSDMO->table . ' set uid = ' . $tID . ' where patient_id = \'' . $tPatientId . '\''; if (!$tSDMO->exec($tSql)) { $tUMO->back(); Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('错误异常 006'); } #透析 - 治疗单主记录 $tTRMO = new BqetreatmentrecordModel(); $tSql = 'update ' . $tTRMO->table . ' set uid = ' . $tID . ' where patient_id = \'' . $tPatientId . '\''; if (!$tTRMO->exec($tSql)) { $tUMO->back(); Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('错误异常 007'); } $tUMO->commit(); //匿名转实名 $tUMO->incognito_real($pDid, $tID); $tTokenarr = array_merge($tTokenarr, array('user_type' => 1)); Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg("注册成功,白求恩用户", 1, $tTokenarr); //注册成功返回token }
public function indexAction() { $p = $_REQUEST; //判断用户是否为白求恩用户 $tUMO = new UserModel(); $tURow = $tUMO->field('user_type')->where(' id = ' . $this->tUid)->fRow(); if (empty($tURow) || $tURow['user_type'] == 1) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('操作错误'); } $tData = array(); $pPatientId = !isset($p['patient_id']) ? '' : ($tData['patient_id'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['patient_id'])); $pInpNo = !isset($p['inp_no']) ? '' : ($tData['inp_no'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['inp_no'])); $pMedicalDate01 = !isset($p['medical_date_01']) ? '' : ($tData['medical_date_01'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['medical_date_01'] . '-01')); $pMedicalDate02 = !isset($p['medical_date_02']) ? '' : ($tData['medical_date_02'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['medical_date_02'] . '-01')); $pMedicalDate03 = !isset($p['medical_date_03']) ? '' : ($tData['medical_date_03'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['medical_date_03'] . '-01')); $pMedicalDate04 = !isset($p['medical_date_04']) ? '' : ($tData['medical_date_04'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['medical_date_04'] . '-01')); $pPresent01 = !isset($p['present_01']) ? '' : ($tData['present_01'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['present_01'])); $pPresent02 = !isset($p['present_02']) ? '' : ($tData['present_02'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['present_02'])); $pPresent03 = !isset($p['present_03']) ? '' : ($tData['present_03'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['present_03'])); $pPresent04 = !isset($p['present_04']) ? '' : ($tData['present_04'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['present_04'])); $pPresent05 = !isset($p['present_05']) ? '' : ($tData['present_05'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['present_05'])); $pPresent06 = !isset($p['present_06']) ? '' : ($tData['present_06'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['present_06'])); $pPresent07 = !isset($p['present_07']) ? '' : ($tData['present_07'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['present_07'])); $pPresent08 = !isset($p['present_08']) ? '' : ($tData['present_08'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['present_08'])); $pPresent09 = !isset($p['present_09']) ? '' : ($tData['present_09'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['present_09'])); $pPresent10 = !isset($p['present_10']) ? '' : ($tData['present_10'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['present_10'])); $pPresent11 = !isset($p['present_11']) ? '' : ($tData['present_11'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['present_11'])); $pPresent12 = !isset($p['present_12']) ? '' : ($tData['present_12'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['present_12'])); $pPresent13 = !isset($p['present_13']) ? '' : ($tData['present_13'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['present_13'])); $pPresent14 = !isset($p['present_14']) ? '' : ($tData['present_14'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['present_14'])); $pPresent15 = !isset($p['present_15']) ? '' : ($tData['present_15'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['present_15'])); $pPresent16 = !isset($p['present_16']) ? '' : ($tData['present_16'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['present_16'])); $pPresent17 = !isset($p['present_17']) ? '' : ($tData['present_17'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['present_17'])); $pPresent18 = !isset($p['present_18']) ? '' : ($tData['present_18'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['present_18'])); $pPresent19 = !isset($p['present_19']) ? '' : ($tData['present_19'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['present_19'])); $pPresent20 = !isset($p['present_20']) ? '' : ($tData['present_20'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['present_20'])); $pPresent21 = !isset($p['present_21']) ? '' : ($tData['present_21'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['present_21'])); $pPresent22 = !isset($p['present_22']) ? '' : ($tData['present_22'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['present_22'])); $pPresent23 = !isset($p['present_23']) ? '' : ($tData['present_23'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['present_23'])); $pPresent24 = !isset($p['present_24']) ? '' : ($tData['present_24'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['present_24'])); $pComplication01 = !isset($p['complication_01']) ? '' : ($tData['complication_01'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['complication_01'])); $pComplication02 = !isset($p['complication_02']) ? '' : ($tData['complication_02'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['complication_02'])); $pComplication03 = !isset($p['complication_03']) ? '' : ($tData['complication_03'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['complication_03'])); $pComplication04 = !isset($p['complication_04']) ? '' : ($tData['complication_04'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['complication_04'])); $pComplication05 = !isset($p['complication_05']) ? '' : ($tData['complication_05'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['complication_05'])); $pComplication06 = !isset($p['complication_06']) ? '' : ($tData['complication_06'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['complication_06'])); $pMedPast011 = !isset($p['med_past_011']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_011'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_011'])); $pMedPast012 = !isset($p['med_past_012']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_012'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_012'])); $pMedPast013 = !isset($p['med_past_013']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_013'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_013'])); $pMedPast021 = !isset($p['med_past_021']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_021'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_021'])); $pMedPast022 = !isset($p['med_past_022']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_022'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_022'])); $pMedPast031 = !isset($p['med_past_031']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_031'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_031'])); $pMedPast032 = !isset($p['med_past_032']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_032'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_032'])); $pMedPast033 = !isset($p['med_past_033']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_033'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_033'])); $pMedPast034 = !isset($p['med_past_034']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_034'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_034'])); $pMedPast035 = !isset($p['med_past_035']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_035'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_035'])); $pMedPast036 = !isset($p['med_past_036']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_036'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_036'])); $pMedPast037 = !isset($p['med_past_037']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_037'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_037'])); $pMedPast041 = !isset($p['med_past_041']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_041'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_041'])); $pMedPast042 = !isset($p['med_past_042']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_042'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_042'])); $pMedPast043 = !isset($p['med_past_043']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_043'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_043'])); $pMedPast044 = !isset($p['med_past_044']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_044'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_044'])); $pMedPast045 = !isset($p['med_past_045']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_045'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_045'])); $pMedPast046 = !isset($p['med_past_046']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_046'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_046'])); $pMedPast05 = !isset($p['med_past_05']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_05'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_05'])); $pMedPast06 = !isset($p['med_past_06']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_06'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_06'])); $pMedPast07 = !isset($p['med_past_07']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_07'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_07'])); $pMedPast08 = !isset($p['med_past_08']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_08'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_08'])); $pMedPast09 = !isset($p['med_past_09']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_09'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_09'])); $pMedPast10 = !isset($p['med_past_10']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_10'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_10'])); $pMedPast11 = !isset($p['med_past_11']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_11'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_11'])); $pMedPast12 = !isset($p['med_past_12']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_12'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_12'])); $pMedPast13 = !isset($p['med_past_13']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_13'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_13'])); $pBodyHeight = !isset($p['body_height']) ? '' : ($tData['body_height'] = floatval($p['body_height'])); $pDialysisNo = !isset($p['dialysis_no']) ? '' : ($tData['dialysis_no'] = floatval($p['dialysis_no'])); $pAnticoagulation = !isset($p['anticoagulation']) ? '' : ($tData['anticoagulation'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['anticoagulation'])); $pIfIn = !isset($p['if_in']) ? '' : ($tData['if_in'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['if_in'])); $pWeeks = !isset($p['weeks']) ? '' : ($tData['weeks'] = floatval($p['weeks'])); $pPresent101 = !isset($p['present_10_1']) ? '' : ($tData['present_10_1'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['present_10_1'])); $pPresent041 = !isset($p['present_04_1']) ? '' : ($tData['present_04_1'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['present_04_1'])); $pPresent201 = !isset($p['present_20_1']) ? '' : ($tData['present_20_1'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['present_20_1'])); $pPresent241 = !isset($p['present_24_1']) ? '' : ($tData['present_24_1'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['present_24_1'])); $pMedPast051 = !isset($p['med_past_05_1']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_05_1'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_05_1'])); $pMedPast061 = !isset($p['med_past_06_1']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_06_1'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_06_1'])); $pMedPast071 = !isset($p['med_past_07_1']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_07_1'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_07_1'])); $pMedPast081 = !isset($p['med_past_08_1']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_08_1'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_08_1'])); $pMedPast091 = !isset($p['med_past_09_1']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_09_1'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_09_1'])); $pMedPast101 = !isset($p['med_past_10_1']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_10_1'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_10_1'])); $pMedPast111 = !isset($p['med_past_11_1']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_11_1'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_11_1'])); $pMedPast121 = !isset($p['med_past_12_1']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_12_1'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_12_1'])); $pMedPast131 = !isset($p['med_past_13_1']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_13_1'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_13_1'])); $pMedPast102 = !isset($p['med_past_10_2']) ? '' : ($tData['med_past_10_2'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['med_past_10_2'])); $pMethod = !isset($p['method']) ? '' : ($tData['method'] = intval($p['method'])); $pMedicalType = !isset($p['medical_type']) ? '' : ($tData['medical_type'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['medical_type'])); $pProvinces = !isset($p['provinces']) ? '' : ($tData['provinces'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['provinces'])); $pCities = !isset($p['cities']) ? '' : ($tData['cities'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['cities'])); $pMedicalAddr = !isset($p['medical_addr']) ? '' : ($tData['medical_addr'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['medical_addr'])); $pName = !isset($p['name']) ? '' : ($tData['name'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['name'])); $tTime = time(); $pAssessTime = !isset($p['assess_time']) ? '' : ($tData['assess_time'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['assess_time'])); $pAssessWeek = !isset($p['assess_week']) ? '' : ($tData['assess_week'] = Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['assess_week'])); $pAssesstimecode = !isset($p['assess_time_code']) ? '' : ($tData['assess_time_code'] = intval($p['assess_time_code'])); //判断是否有数据 if (!count($tData)) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('数据异常'); } //更新用户表字段用户名 if (isset($tData['name']) && !empty($tData['name'])) { $tUMO = new UserModel(); $tUData = array('id' => $this->tUid, 'nickname' => $tData['name'], 'updated' => $tTime); if (!$tUMO->update($tUData)) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('更新失败'); } } //先更新透析中心 $tCMO = new CenterModel(); $tCData = array(); if (isset($tData['medical_addr']) && !empty($tData['medical_addr'])) { $tCData = array_merge($tCData, array('name' => $tData['medical_addr'])); } if (isset($tData['provinces']) && !empty($tData['provinces'])) { $tCData = array_merge($tCData, array('provinces' => $tData['provinces'])); } if (isset($tData['cities']) && !empty($tData['cities'])) { $tCData = array_merge($tCData, array('cities' => $tData['cities'])); } if (!empty($tCData)) { $sql = "select id from {$tCMO->table} where name = '{$tData['medical_addr']}' and provinces = '{$tData['provinces']}' and cities ='{$tData['cities']}' and type = 0"; $tCMOList = $tCMO->query($sql); if (empty($tCMOList[0]['id'])) { $tCData = array_merge($tCData, array('created' => $tTime)); $tCData = array_merge($tCData, array('type' => 0)); //获取天气 $tWeatherCities = array('北京', '天津', '上海', '重庆'); if (in_array($tCData['provinces'], $tWeatherCities)) { $tWeatherCity = $tCData['provinces']; } else { $tWeatherCity = $tCData['cities']; } $tWeather = Tool_Fnc::weather_juhe($tWeatherCity); $tCData['today_weather'] = $tWeather['today_weather']; $tCData['tomorrow_weather'] = $tWeather['tomorrow_weather']; if (!($tMedicalId = $tCMO->insert($tCData))) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('插入失败'); } $tUData = array('id' => $this->tUid, 'center_id' => $tMedicalId, 'medical_addr' => $tData['medical_addr'], 'updated' => $tTime); } else { $tUData = array('id' => $this->tUid, 'center_id' => $tCMOList[0]['id'], 'medical_addr' => $tData['medical_addr'], 'updated' => $tTime); } //更新用户表字段 $tUMO = new UserModel(); if (!$tUMO->update($tUData)) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('更新失败'); } } //更新普通会员的透析时间 $tODTMO = new OrdinarydialysistimeModel(); $tODTData = array(); if (isset($tData['assess_time'])) { $tData['assess_time'] = empty($tData['assess_time']) ? '' : Tool_Fnc::safe_string($tData['assess_time']); $tODTData = array_merge($tODTData, array('time' => Tool_Fnc::safe_string($tData['assess_time']))); } if (isset($tData['assess_week'])) { $tData['assess_week'] = empty($tData['assess_week']) ? '' : Tool_Fnc::safe_string($tData['assess_week']); $tODTData = array_merge($tODTData, array('week' => Tool_Fnc::safe_string($tData['assess_week']))); } if (isset($tData['assess_time_code'])) { $tData['assess_time_code'] = empty($tData['assess_time_code']) ? 0 : intval($tData['assess_time_code']); $tODTData = array_merge($tODTData, array('time_code' => intval($tData['assess_time_code']))); } if (!empty($tODTData)) { $tODTRow = $tODTMO->field('id')->where(' uid = ' . $this->tUid)->fRow(); if (empty($tODTRow['id'])) { $tODTData = array_merge($tODTData, array('created' => $tTime)); $tODTData = array_merge($tODTData, array('uid' => $this->tUid)); if (!$tODTMO->insert($tODTData)) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('插入失败'); } } else { $tODTData = array_merge($tODTData, array('updated' => $tTime)); $tODTData = array_merge($tODTData, array('id' => $tODTRow['id'])); if (!$tODTMO->update($tODTData)) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('更新失败'); } } } //判断是更新还是插入健康档案 $tUAMO = new UserassessmentModel(); $tRow = $tUAMO->field('id,medical_id')->where(' uid = ' . $this->tUid)->fRow(); $tData['uid'] = $this->tUid; $tRow['medical_id'] = empty($tRow['medical_id']) ? 0 : $tRow['medical_id']; $tData['medical_id'] = isset($tMedicalId) ? $tMedicalId : $tRow['medical_id']; if (empty($tRow['id'])) { $tData = array_merge($tData, array('created' => $tTime)); if (!$tUAMO->insert($tData)) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('插入失败'); } } else { $tData['id'] = $tRow['id']; $tData['updated'] = $tTime; if (!$tUAMO->update($tData)) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('更新失败'); } } Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('数据操作成功', 1); }
public function editAction() { $p = $_REQUEST; $tUMO = new UserModel(); $tURow = $tUMO->field('user_type')->where(' id = ' . $this->tUid)->fRow(); if ($tURow['user_type'] == 1) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('操作异常'); } $tData = array(); if (isset($p['name'])) { $tData = array_merge($tData, array('nickname' => Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['name']))); } if (isset($p['date_of_birth'])) { $tData = array_merge($tData, array('date_of_birth' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime($p['date_of_birth'])))); } if (isset($p['sex'])) { $tData = array_merge($tData, array('sex' => intval($p['sex']))); } $tTime = time(); //存在干体重修改,则更新干体重记录 $pDryWeight = !isset($p['dry_weight']) ? '' : floatval($p['dry_weight']); $tUMO->begin(); if (!empty($pDryWeight)) { $tData = array_merge($tData, array('dry_weight' => $pDryWeight)); $tDWLMO = new DryweightlogModel(); $tDWLRow = $tDWLMO->field('id')->where('uid = ' . $this->tUid . ' and date = \'' . date('Y-m-d', $tTime) . '\'')->fRow(); if (empty($tDWLRow['id'])) { $tDWLData = array('weight' => $pDryWeight, 'uid' => $this->tUid, 'created' => $tTime, 'date' => date('Y-m-d', $tTime), 'month' => date('Y-m', $tTime), 'year' => date('Y', $tTime)); } else { $tDWLData = array('weight' => $pDryWeight, 'updated' => $tTime, 'id' => $tDWLRow['id']); } if (!$tDWLMO->save($tDWLData)) { $tUMO->back(); Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('修改失败 001'); } } //存在名字修改,则更新健康档案中的名字字段 if (isset($p['name']) && !empty($p['name'])) { $tUAMO = new UserassessmentModel(); $tUARow = $tUAMO->field('id,name')->where('uid = ' . $this->tUid)->fRow(); if (!empty($tUARow['id'])) { $tUADatas = array('id' => $tUARow['id'], 'name' => Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['name']), 'updated' => $tTime); if (!$tUAMO->update($tUADatas)) { $tUMO->back(); Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('修改失败 002'); } } else { $tUADatas = array('uid' => $this->tUid, 'name' => Tool_Fnc::safe_string($p['name']), 'created' => $tTime); if (!$tUAMO->insert($tUADatas)) { $tUMO->back(); Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('修改失败 002'); } } } $tData = array_merge($tData, array('id' => $this->tUid, 'updated' => $tTime)); if (!$tUMO->update($tData)) { $tUMO->back(); Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('修改失败 003'); } $tUMO->commit(); Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('操作成功', 1); }