Пример #1
$smarty->assign('community_slogan', $GLOBALS['community_slogan']);
 * Auto Login
if ($GLOBALS['installed']) {
    //if the user is not logged in and the remember me cookie is set
    if (!isset($_SESSION['user_id']) and !empty($_COOKIE["remember_me"])) {
        require_once ROOT_DIR . '/lib/core/user_old.class.php';
        require_once ROOT_DIR . '/lib/core/UserRememberMeList.class.php';
        require_once ROOT_DIR . '/lib/extern/phpass/PasswordHash.php';
        //get user_id and password from remember_me cookie
        $remember_me_cookie = explode(",", $_COOKIE["remember_me"]);
        $user_id = $remember_me_cookie[0];
        $password = $remember_me_cookie[1];
        //check if the user exists
        $user_data = User_old::getUserById($user_id);
        if (!empty($user_data)) {
            //get the remember_mes of the user from the database
            $user_remember_me_list = new UserRememberMeList($user_id, "create_date", "desc");
            $user_remember_me_list = $user_remember_me_list->getUserRememberMeList();
            //check if any remember me matches the password stored in the cookie
            $phpass = new PasswordHash(8, false);
            foreach ($user_remember_me_list as $user_remember_me) {
                if ($phpass->CheckPassword($password, $user_remember_me->getPassword())) {
                    //if a remember me matches, then login and set a new random password on the remember me
                    //store the session-id to the database
                    $stmt = DB::getInstance()->prepare("UPDATE users SET session_id = ? WHERE id = ?");
                    $stmt->execute(array(session_id(), $user_data['id']));
                    //store the
                    $_SESSION['user_id'] = $user_data['id'];
                    //generate long random password