Пример #1
function send_error_email($userid, $emailaddress, $sendEmail, $errors, $Build, $Project, $prefix = 'none')
    include 'config/config.php';
    $emailtext = array();
    $emailtext['nerror'] = 0;
    if ($userid != 0) {
        // For registered users, tune the error array based on user preferences
        // to make sure he doesn't get emails that are unwanted/unnecessary
        $UserProject = new UserProject();
        $UserProject->UserId = $userid;
        $UserProject->ProjectId = $Project->Id;
        $useremailcategory = $UserProject->GetEmailCategory();
    // Check if an email has been sent already for this user
    foreach ($errors as $errorkey => $nerrors) {
        if ($nerrors == 0 || $errorkey == 'errors') {
        $stop = false;
        if ($userid != 0) {
            // If the user doesn't want to get the email
            switch ($errorkey) {
                case 'update_errors':
                    if (!check_email_category('update', $useremailcategory)) {
                        $stop = true;
                case 'configure_errors':
                    if (!check_email_category('configure', $useremailcategory)) {
                        $stop = true;
                case 'build_errors':
                    if (!check_email_category('error', $useremailcategory)) {
                        $stop = true;
                case 'build_warnings':
                    if (!check_email_category('warning', $useremailcategory)) {
                        $stop = true;
                case 'test_errors':
                    if (!check_email_category('test', $useremailcategory)) {
                        $stop = true;
                case 'dynamicanalysis_errors':
                    if (!check_email_category('dynamicanalysis', $useremailcategory)) {
                        $stop = true;
        } else {
            // For committers, only send emails when the errorkey starts with the
            // prefix associated with the current handler calling us.
            // (So stop if the errorkey does not begin with the prefix...)
            // This minimizes sending out possibly near-duplicate emails to the
            // same committers...
            if (0 !== strpos($errorkey, $prefix)) {
                $stop = true;
        if ($stop) {
        if (0 == $userid || !check_email_sent($userid, $Build->Id, $errorkey)) {
            $emailtext['summary'][$errorkey] = get_email_summary($Build->Id, $errors, $errorkey, $Project->EmailMaxItems, $Project->EmailMaxChars, $Project->TestTimeMaxStatus, $Project->EmailTestTimingChanged);
            $emailtext['category'][$errorkey] = $nerrors;
            $emailtext['nerror'] = 1;
    // Send the email
    if ($emailtext['nerror'] == 1) {
        if ($userid != 0) {
            send_email_to_user($userid, $emailtext, $Build, $Project);
            if ($CDASH_USE_LOCAL_DIRECTORY && file_exists('local/sendemail.php')) {
                $sendEmail->UserId = $userid;
                $sendEmail->Text = $emailtext;
        } else {
            send_email_to_address($emailaddress, $emailtext, $Build, $Project);
            // Do we still need a "$sendEmail->" call here even if
            // there is no UserId...?
Пример #2
             @($emailcategory_dynamicanalysis = $_POST["emailcategory_dynamicanalysis"]);
             $EmailCategory = $emailcategory_update + $emailcategory_configure + $emailcategory_warning + $emailcategory_error + $emailcategory_test + $emailcategory_dynamicanalysis;
             if (pdo_num_rows($user2project) > 0) {
                 pdo_query("UPDATE user2project SET role='{$Role}',emailtype='{$EmailType}',\n                         emailcategory='{$EmailCategory}'.\n                         emailmissingsites='{$EmailMissingSites}',\n                         emailsuccess='{$EmailSuccess}'\n                         WHERE userid='{$userid}' AND projectid='{$projectid}'");
                 // Update the repository credential
                 $UserProject = new UserProject();
                 $UserProject->ProjectId = $projectid;
                 $UserProject->UserId = $userid;
                 if ($Role == 0) {
                     // Remove the claim sites for this project if they are only part of this project
                     pdo_query("DELETE FROM site2user WHERE userid='{$userid}'\n                 AND siteid NOT IN\n                (SELECT build.siteid FROM build,user2project as up WHERE\n                 up.projectid = build.projectid AND up.userid='{$userid}' AND up.role>0\n                 GROUP BY build.siteid)");
             } else {
                 pdo_query("INSERT INTO user2project (role,userid,projectid,emailtype,emailcategory,emailsuccess,\n                                           emailmissingsites)\n                 VALUES ('{$Role}','{$userid}','{$projectid}','{$EmailType}','{$EmailCategory}',\n                         '{$EmailSuccess}','{$EmailMissingSites}')");
                 $UserProject = new UserProject();
                 $UserProject->ProjectId = $projectid;
                 $UserProject->UserId = $userid;
                 foreach ($Credentials as $credential) {
             header('location: user.php?note=subscribedtoproject');
 // XML
 // Show the current credentials for the user
 $query = pdo_query("SELECT credential,projectid FROM user2repository WHERE userid='" . $userid . "'\n                      AND (projectid='" . $projectid . "' OR projectid=0)");
 $credential_num = 0;
 while ($credential_array = pdo_fetch_array($query)) {
Пример #3
 /** Send an email to the administrator of the project */
 function SendEmailToAdmin($subject, $body)
     if (!$this->Id) {
         echo "Project SendEmailToAdmin(): Id not set";
         return false;
     include 'cdash/config.php';
     // Check if we should send emails
     $project = pdo_query("SELECT emailadministrator,name FROM project WHERE id =" . qnum($this->Id));
     if (!$project) {
         add_last_sql_error("Project SendEmailToAdmin", $this->Id);
         return false;
     $project_array = pdo_fetch_array($project);
     if ($project_array['emailadministrator'] == 0) {
     // Find the site maintainers
     include_once 'models/userproject.php';
     include_once 'models/user.php';
     $UserProject = new UserProject();
     $UserProject->ProjectId = $this->Id;
     $userids = $UserProject->GetUsers(2);
     // administrators
     $email = "";
     foreach ($userids as $userid) {
         $User = new User();
         $User->Id = $userid;
         if ($email != "") {
             $email .= ", ";
         $email .= $User->GetEmail();
     if ($email != "") {
         $projectname = $project_array['name'];
         $emailtitle = "CDash [" . $projectname . "] - Administration ";
         $emailbody = "Object: " . $subject . "\n";
         $emailbody .= $body . "\n";
         $serverName = $CDASH_SERVER_NAME;
         if (strlen($serverName) == 0) {
             $serverName = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
         $emailbody .= "\n-CDash on " . $serverName . "\n";
         if (cdashmail("{$email}", $emailtitle, $emailbody, "From: CDash <" . $CDASH_EMAIL_FROM . ">\nReply-To: " . $CDASH_EMAIL_REPLY . "\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion() . "\nMIME-Version: 1.0")) {
             add_log("email sent to: " . $email, "Project::SendEmailToAdmin");
         } else {
             add_log("cannot send email to: " . $email, "Project::SendEmailToAdmin", LOG_ERR, $this->Id);
     // end if email
Пример #4
/** Send an email to administrator of the project for users who are not registered */
function sendEmailUnregisteredUsers($projectid, $cvsauthors)
    include "cdash/config.php";
    require_once "models/userproject.php";
    include_once "cdash/common.php";
    $unregisteredusers = array();
    foreach ($cvsauthors as $author) {
        if ($author == "Local User") {
        $UserProject = new UserProject();
        $UserProject->RepositoryCredential = $author;
        $UserProject->ProjectId = $projectid;
        if (!$UserProject->FillFromRepositoryCredential()) {
            $unregisteredusers[] = $author;
    // Send the email if any
    if (count($unregisteredusers) > 0) {
        // Find the project administrators
        $email = "";
        $emails = pdo_query("SELECT email FROM " . qid("user") . ",user2project WHERE " . qid("user") . ".id=user2project.userid\n                         AND user2project.projectid=" . qnum($projectid) . " AND user2project.role='2'");
        while ($emails_array = pdo_fetch_array($emails)) {
            if ($email != "") {
                $email .= ", ";
            $email .= $emails_array["email"];
        // Send the email
        if ($email != "") {
            $projectname = get_project_name($projectid);
            $serverName = $CDASH_SERVER_NAME;
            if (strlen($serverName) == 0) {
                $serverName = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
            $title = "CDash [" . $projectname . "] - Unregistered users";
            $body = "The following users are checking in code but are not registered for the project " . $projectname . ":\n";
            foreach ($unregisteredusers as $unreg) {
                $body .= "* " . $unreg . "\n";
            $body .= "\n You should register these users to your project. They are currently not receiving any emails from CDash.\n";
            $body .= "\n-CDash on " . $serverName . "\n";
            add_log($title . " : " . $body . " : " . $email, "sendEmailUnregisteredUsers");
            if (cdashmail("{$email}", $title, $body, "From: CDash <" . $CDASH_EMAIL_FROM . ">\nReply-To: " . $CDASH_EMAIL_REPLY . "\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion() . "\nMIME-Version: 1.0")) {
                add_log("email sent to: " . $email, "sendEmailUnregisteredUsers");
            } else {
                add_log("cannot send email to: " . $email, "sendEmailUnregisteredUsers");
    // end count()
Пример #5
 function register_user($projectid, $email, $firstName, $lastName, $repositoryCredential)
     include "cdash/config.php";
     $UserProject = new UserProject();
     $UserProject->ProjectId = $projectid;
     // Check if the user is already registered
     $user = pdo_query("SELECT id FROM " . qid("user") . " WHERE email='{$email}'");
     if (pdo_num_rows($user) > 0) {
         // Check if the user has been registered to the project
         $user_array2 = pdo_fetch_array($user);
         $userid = $user_array2["id"];
         $user = pdo_query("SELECT userid FROM user2project WHERE userid='{$userid}' AND projectid='{$projectid}'");
         if (pdo_num_rows($user) == 0) {
             // We register the user to the project
             pdo_query("INSERT INTO user2project (userid,projectid,role,emailtype)\n                                  VALUES ('{$userid}','{$projectid}','0','1')");
             // We add the credentials if not already added
             $UserProject->UserId = $userid;
             $UserProject->ProjectId = 0;
             // Add the email by default
             echo pdo_error();
             return false;
         return "<error>User " . $email . " already registered.</error>";
     // already registered
     // Check if the repositoryCredential exists for this project
     $UserProject->RepositoryCredential = $repositoryCredential;
     if ($UserProject->FillFromRepositoryCredential() === true) {
         return "<error>" . $repositoryCredential . " was already registered for this project under a different email address</error>";
     // Register the user
     // Create a new password
     $keychars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
     $length = 10;
     $pass = "";
     $max = strlen($keychars) - 1;
     for ($i = 0; $i <= $length; $i++) {
         $pass .= substr($keychars, rand(0, $max), 1);
     $encrypted = md5($pass);
     pdo_query("INSERT INTO " . qid("user") . " (email,password,firstname,lastname,institution,admin)\n                 VALUES ('{$email}','{$encrypted}','{$firstName}','{$lastName}','','0')");
     $userid = pdo_insert_id("user");
     // Insert the user into the project
     pdo_query("INSERT INTO user2project (userid,projectid,role,emailtype)\n                                VALUES ('{$userid}','{$projectid}','0','1')");
     // We add the credentials if not already added
     $UserProject->UserId = $userid;
     $UserProject->ProjectId = 0;
     // Add the email by default
     $currentURI = get_server_URI();
     $prefix = "";
     if (strlen($firstName) > 0) {
         $prefix = " ";
     $project = pdo_query("SELECT name FROM project WHERE id='{$projectid}'");
     $project_array = pdo_fetch_array($project);
     $projectname = $project_array['name'];
     // Send the email
     $text = "Hello" . $prefix . $firstName . ",<br><br>";
     $text .= "You have been registered to CDash because you have CVS/SVN access to the repository for " . $projectname . " <br>";
     $text .= "To access your CDash account: " . $currentURI . "/user.php<br>";
     $text .= "Your login is: " . $email . "<br>";
     $text .= "Your password is: " . $pass . "<br>";
     $text .= "<br>Generated by CDash.";
     if (@cdashmail("{$email}", "CDash - " . $projectname . " : Subscription", "{$text}", "From: {$CDASH_EMAILADMIN}\nReply-To: no-reply\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion() . "\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8")) {
         echo "Email sent to: " . $email . "<br>";
     return true;
Пример #6
 $xml .= '<user>';
 $user = pdo_query('SELECT * FROM ' . qid('user') . " WHERE id='{$userid}'");
 $user_array = pdo_fetch_array($user);
 $xml .= add_XML_value('id', $userid);
 $xml .= add_XML_value('firstname', $user_array['firstname']);
 $xml .= add_XML_value('lastname', $user_array['lastname']);
 $xml .= add_XML_value('email', $user_array['email']);
 $xml .= add_XML_value('institution', $user_array['institution']);
 // Update the credentials
 @($updatecredentials = $_POST['updatecredentials']);
 if ($updatecredentials) {
     $credentials = $_POST['credentials'];
     $UserProject = new UserProject();
     $UserProject->ProjectId = 0;
     $UserProject->UserId = $userid;
     $credentials[] = $user_array['email'];
 // List the credentials
 // First the email one (which cannot be changed)
 $credential = pdo_query("SELECT credential FROM user2repository WHERE userid='{$userid}'\n            AND projectid=0 AND credential='" . $user_array['email'] . "'");
 if (pdo_num_rows($credential) == 0) {
     $xml .= add_XML_value('credential_0', 'Not found (you should really add it)');
 } else {
     $xml .= add_XML_value('credential_0', $user_array['email']);
 $credential = pdo_query("SELECT credential FROM user2repository WHERE userid='{$userid}'\n            AND projectid=0 AND credential!='" . $user_array['email'] . "'");
 $credential_num = 1;
Пример #7
 /** Send an email to the administrator of the project */
 public function SendEmailToAdmin($subject, $body)
     if (!$this->Id) {
         echo 'Project SendEmailToAdmin(): Id not set';
         return false;
     include 'config/config.php';
     // Check if we should send emails
     $project = pdo_query('SELECT emailadministrator,name FROM project WHERE id =' . qnum($this->Id));
     if (!$project) {
         add_last_sql_error('Project SendEmailToAdmin', $this->Id);
         return false;
     $project_array = pdo_fetch_array($project);
     if ($project_array['emailadministrator'] == 0) {
     // Find the site maintainers
     $UserProject = new UserProject();
     $UserProject->ProjectId = $this->Id;
     $userids = $UserProject->GetUsers(2);
     // administrators
     $email = '';
     foreach ($userids as $userid) {
         $User = new User();
         $User->Id = $userid;
         if ($email != '') {
             $email .= ', ';
         $email .= $User->GetEmail();
     if ($email != '') {
         $projectname = $project_array['name'];
         $emailtitle = 'CDash [' . $projectname . '] - Administration ';
         $emailbody = 'Object: ' . $subject . "\n";
         $emailbody .= $body . "\n";
         $serverName = $CDASH_SERVER_NAME;
         if (strlen($serverName) == 0) {
             $serverName = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
         $emailbody .= "\n-CDash on " . $serverName . "\n";
         if (cdashmail("{$email}", $emailtitle, $emailbody)) {
             add_log('email sent to: ' . $email, 'Project::SendEmailToAdmin');
         } else {
             add_log('cannot send email to: ' . $email, 'Project::SendEmailToAdmin', LOG_ERR, $this->Id);
Пример #8
                 $User = new User();
                 $User->Id = $authorid;
                 $xml .= add_XML_value("name", $User->GetName());
                 $xml .= add_XML_value("id", $authorid);
                 $xml .= "</author>";
             $priority = $CoverageFile2User->GetPriority();
             if ($priority > 0) {
                 $xml .= add_XML_value("priority", $priority);
             $xml .= "</file>";
     // end count(buildids)
     // List all the users of the project
     $UserProject = new UserProject();
     $UserProject->ProjectId = $Project->Id;
     $userIds = $UserProject->GetUsers();
     foreach ($userIds as $userid) {
         $User = new User();
         $User->Id = $userid;
         $xml .= "<user>";
         $xml .= add_XML_value("id", $userid);
         $xml .= add_XML_value("name", $User->GetName());
         $xml .= "</user>";
     $xml .= "</project>";
 $xml .= "</cdash>";
 // Now doing the xslt transition
 generate_XSLT($xml, "manageCoverage");
Пример #9
 function register_user($projectid, $email, $firstName, $lastName, $repositoryCredential)
     include dirname(__DIR__) . '/config/config.php';
     $UserProject = new UserProject();
     $UserProject->ProjectId = $projectid;
     // Check if the user is already registered
     $user = pdo_query('SELECT id FROM ' . qid('user') . " WHERE email='{$email}'");
     if (pdo_num_rows($user) > 0) {
         // Check if the user has been registered to the project
         $user_array2 = pdo_fetch_array($user);
         $userid = $user_array2['id'];
         $user = pdo_query("SELECT userid FROM user2project WHERE userid='{$userid}' AND projectid='{$projectid}'");
         if (pdo_num_rows($user) == 0) {
             // not registered
             // We register the user to the project
             pdo_query("INSERT INTO user2project (userid,projectid,role,emailtype)\n                                  VALUES ('{$userid}','{$projectid}','0','1')");
             // We add the credentials if not already added
             $UserProject->UserId = $userid;
             $UserProject->ProjectId = 0;
             // Add the email by default
             echo pdo_error();
             return false;
         return '<error>User ' . $email . ' already registered.</error>';
     // already registered
     // Check if the repositoryCredential exists for this project
     $UserProject->RepositoryCredential = $repositoryCredential;
     if ($UserProject->FillFromRepositoryCredential() === true) {
         return '<error>' . $repositoryCredential . ' was already registered for this project under a different email address</error>';
     // Register the user
     // Create a new password
     $keychars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789';
     $length = 10;
     $pass = '';
     $max = strlen($keychars) - 1;
     for ($i = 0; $i <= $length; $i++) {
         // random_int is available in PHP 7 and the random_compat PHP 5.x
         // polyfill included in the Composer package.json dependencies.
         $pass .= substr($keychars, random_int(0, $max), 1);
     $encrypted = md5($pass);
     pdo_query('INSERT INTO ' . qid('user') . " (email,password,firstname,lastname,institution,admin)\n                 VALUES ('{$email}','{$encrypted}','{$firstName}','{$lastName}','','0')");
     $userid = pdo_insert_id('user');
     // Insert the user into the project
     pdo_query("INSERT INTO user2project (userid,projectid,role,emailtype)\n                                VALUES ('{$userid}','{$projectid}','0','1')");
     // We add the credentials if not already added
     $UserProject->UserId = $userid;
     $UserProject->ProjectId = 0;
     // Add the email by default
     $currentURI = get_server_URI();
     $prefix = '';
     if (strlen($firstName) > 0) {
         $prefix = ' ';
     $project = pdo_query("SELECT name FROM project WHERE id='{$projectid}'");
     $project_array = pdo_fetch_array($project);
     $projectname = $project_array['name'];
     // Send the email
     $text = 'Hello' . $prefix . $firstName . ",\n\n";
     $text .= 'You have been registered to CDash because you have CVS/SVN access to the repository for ' . $projectname . "\n";
     $text .= 'To access your CDash account: ' . $currentURI . "/user.php\n";
     $text .= 'Your login is: ' . $email . "\n";
     $text .= 'Your password is: ' . $pass . "\n\n";
     $text .= 'Generated by CDash.';
     if (cdashmail("{$email}", 'CDash - ' . $projectname . ' : Subscription', "{$text}")) {
         echo 'Email sent to: ' . $email . '<br>';
     } else {
         add_log("cannot send email to: {$email}", 'register_user', LOG_ERR);
     return true;
Пример #10
 if (!isset($_GET['projectid']) && !isset($_GET['scheduleid'])) {
     echo 'Projectid or Schedule id not set';
 if (isset($_GET['projectid'])) {
     $projectid = pdo_real_escape_numeric($_GET['projectid']);
 } else {
     $scheduleid = pdo_real_escape_numeric($_GET['scheduleid']);
     $ClientJobSchedule = new ClientJobSchedule();
     $ClientJobSchedule->Id = $scheduleid;
     $projectid = $ClientJobSchedule->GetProjectId();
 if (!$User->IsAdmin()) {
     // Make sure user has project admin privileges to use this page
     $UserProject = new UserProject();
     $UserProject->ProjectId = $projectid;
     $projectAdmins = $UserProject->GetUsers(2);
     //get project admin users
     if (!in_array($userid, $projectAdmins)) {
         echo 'You are not a project administrator!';
 $xml = begin_XML_for_XSLT();
 $xml .= add_XML_value('manageclient', $CDASH_MANAGE_CLIENTS);
 $db = pdo_connect("{$CDASH_DB_HOST}", "{$CDASH_DB_LOGIN}", "{$CDASH_DB_PASS}");
 pdo_select_db("{$CDASH_DB_NAME}", $db);
 $xml .= add_XML_value('title', 'CDash - Schedule Build');
 $xml .= add_XML_value('menutitle', 'CDash');
 $xml .= add_XML_value('menusubtitle', 'Schedule Build');
Пример #11
 /** endElement function */
 public function endElement($parser, $name)
     parent::endElement($parser, $name);
     if (!$this->ProjectNameMatches) {
     if ($name == 'PROJECT') {
         foreach ($this->SubProjects as $subproject) {
                 // Remove dependencies that do not exist anymore,
                 // but only for those relationships where both sides
                 // are present in $this->SubProjects.
                 $dependencyids = $subproject->GetDependencies();
                 $removeids = array_diff($dependencyids, $this->Dependencies[$subproject->GetId()]);
                 foreach ($removeids as $removeid) {
                     if (array_key_exists($removeid, $this->SubProjects)) {
                     } else {
                         $dep = pdo_get_field_value("SELECT name FROM subproject WHERE id='{$removeid}'", 'name', "{$removeid}");
                         add_log("Not removing dependency {$dep}({$removeid}) from " . $subproject->GetName() . 'because it is not a SubProject element in this Project.xml file', 'ProjectHandler:endElement', LOG_WARNING, $this->projectid);
             // Add dependencies that were queued up as we processed the DEPENDENCY
             // elements:
             foreach ($this->Dependencies[$subproject->GetId()] as $addid) {
                 if (array_key_exists($addid, $this->SubProjects)) {
                 } else {
                     add_log('impossible condition: should NEVER see this: unknown DEPENDENCY clause should prevent this case', 'ProjectHandler:endElement', LOG_WARNING, $this->projectid);
             // Delete old subprojects that weren't included in this file.
             $previousSubProjectIds = $this->Project->GetSubProjects();
             foreach ($previousSubProjectIds as $previousId) {
                 $found = false;
                 foreach ($this->SubProjects as $subproject) {
                     if ($subproject->GetId() == $previousId) {
                         $found = true;
                 if (!$found) {
                     $subProjectToRemove = new SubProject();
                     add_log("Deleted " . $subProjectToRemove->GetName() . " because it was not mentioned in Project.xml", 'ProjectHandler:endElement', LOG_WARNING, $this->projectid);
     } elseif ($name == 'SUBPROJECT') {
         // Insert the SubProject.
         // Insert the label.
         $Label = new Label();
         $Label->Text = $this->SubProject->GetName();
         $this->SubProjects[$this->SubProject->GetId()] = $this->SubProject;
         // Handle dependencies here too.
         $this->Dependencies[$this->SubProject->GetId()] = array();
         foreach ($this->CurrentDependencies as $dependencyid) {
             $added = false;
             if ($dependencyid !== false && is_numeric($dependencyid)) {
                 if (array_key_exists($dependencyid, $this->SubProjects)) {
                     $this->Dependencies[$this->SubProject->GetId()][] = $dependencyid;
                     $added = true;
             if (!$added) {
                 add_log('Project.xml DEPENDENCY of ' . $this->SubProject->GetName() . ' not mentioned earlier in file.', 'ProjectHandler:endElement', LOG_WARNING, $this->projectid);
         // Check if the user is in the database.
         $User = new User();
         $posat = strpos($this->Email, '@');
         if ($posat !== false) {
             $User->FirstName = substr($this->Email, 0, $posat);
             $User->LastName = substr($this->Email, $posat + 1);
         } else {
             $User->FirstName = $this->Email;
             $User->LastName = $this->Email;
         $User->Email = $this->Email;
         $User->Password = md5($this->Email);
         $User->Admin = 0;
         $userid = $User->GetIdFromEmail($this->Email);
         if (!$userid) {
             $userid = $User->Id;
         // Insert into the UserProject
         $UserProject = new UserProject();
         $UserProject->EmailType = 3;
         // any build
         $UserProject->EmailCategory = 54;
         // everything except warnings
         $UserProject->UserId = $userid;
         $UserProject->ProjectId = $this->projectid;
         // Insert the labels for this user
         $LabelEmail = new LabelEmail();
         $LabelEmail->UserId = $userid;
         $LabelEmail->ProjectId = $this->projectid;
         $Label = new Label();
         $labelid = $Label->GetIdFromText();
         if (!empty($labelid)) {
             $LabelEmail->LabelId = $labelid;
Пример #12
 /** startElement function */
 public function startElement($parser, $name, $attributes)
     parent::startElement($parser, $name, $attributes);
     // Check that the project name matches
     if ($name == 'PROJECT') {
         if (get_project_id($attributes['NAME']) != $this->projectid) {
             add_log("Wrong project name: " . $attributes['NAME'], "ProjectHandler::startElement", LOG_ERR, $this->projectid);
             $this->ProjectNameMatches = false;
     if (!$this->ProjectNameMatches) {
     if ($name == 'PROJECT') {
         $this->SubProjects = array();
         $this->Dependencies = array();
     } else {
         if ($name == 'SUBPROJECT') {
             $this->SubProject = new SubProject();
             if (array_key_exists("GROUP", $attributes)) {
             // Insert the label
             $Label = new Label();
             $Label->Text = $this->SubProject->GetName();
             $this->SubProjects[$this->SubProject->GetId()] = $this->SubProject;
             $this->Dependencies[$this->SubProject->GetId()] = array();
         } else {
             if ($name == 'DEPENDENCY') {
                 // A DEPENDENCY is expected to be:
                 //  - another subproject that already exists (from a previous element in
                 //      this submission)
                 $dependentProject = new SubProject();
                 // The subproject's Id is automatically loaded once its name & projectid
                 // are set.
                 $dependencyid = $dependentProject->GetId();
                 $added = false;
                 if ($dependencyid !== false && is_numeric($dependencyid)) {
                     if (array_key_exists($dependencyid, $this->SubProjects)) {
                         $this->Dependencies[$this->SubProject->GetId()][] = $dependencyid;
                         $added = true;
                 if (!$added) {
                     add_log("Project.xml DEPENDENCY of " . $this->SubProject->GetName() . " not mentioned earlier in file: " . $attributes['NAME'], "ProjectHandler:startElement", LOG_WARNING, $this->projectid);
             } else {
                 if ($name == 'EMAIL') {
                     $email = $attributes['ADDRESS'];
                     // Check if the user is in the database
                     $User = new User();
                     $posat = strpos($email, '@');
                     if ($posat !== false) {
                         $User->FirstName = substr($email, 0, $posat);
                         $User->LastName = substr($email, $posat + 1);
                     } else {
                         $User->FirstName = $email;
                         $User->LastName = $email;
                     $User->Email = $email;
                     $User->Password = md5($email);
                     $User->Admin = 0;
                     $userid = $User->GetIdFromEmail($email);
                     if (!$userid) {
                         $userid = $User->Id;
                     // Insert into the UserProject
                     $UserProject = new UserProject();
                     $UserProject->EmailType = 3;
                     // any build
                     $UserProject->EmailCategory = 54;
                     // everything except warnings
                     $UserProject->UserId = $userid;
                     $UserProject->ProjectId = $this->projectid;
                     // Insert the labels for this user
                     $LabelEmail = new LabelEmail();
                     $LabelEmail->UserId = $userid;
                     $LabelEmail->ProjectId = $this->projectid;
                     $Label = new Label();
                     $labelid = $Label->GetIdFromText();
                     if (!empty($labelid)) {
                         $LabelEmail->LabelId = $labelid;
Пример #13
/** Send an email to administrator of the project for users who are not registered */
function sendEmailUnregisteredUsers($projectid, $cvsauthors)
    include 'config/config.php';
    require_once 'models/userproject.php';
    include_once 'include/common.php';
    $unregisteredusers = array();
    foreach ($cvsauthors as $author) {
        if ($author == 'Local User') {
        $UserProject = new UserProject();
        $UserProject->RepositoryCredential = $author;
        $UserProject->ProjectId = $projectid;
        if (!$UserProject->FillFromRepositoryCredential()) {
            $unregisteredusers[] = $author;
    // Send the email if any
    if (count($unregisteredusers) > 0) {
        // Find the project administrators
        $email = '';
        $emails = pdo_query('SELECT email FROM ' . qid('user') . ',user2project WHERE ' . qid('user') . '.id=user2project.userid
                         AND user2project.projectid=' . qnum($projectid) . " AND user2project.role='2'");
        while ($emails_array = pdo_fetch_array($emails)) {
            if ($email != '') {
                $email .= ', ';
            $email .= $emails_array['email'];
        // Send the email
        if ($email != '') {
            $projectname = get_project_name($projectid);
            $serverName = $CDASH_SERVER_NAME;
            if (strlen($serverName) == 0) {
                $serverName = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
            $title = 'CDash [' . $projectname . '] - Unregistered users';
            $body = 'The following users are checking in code but are not registered for the project ' . $projectname . ":\n";
            foreach ($unregisteredusers as $unreg) {
                $body .= '* ' . $unreg . "\n";
            $body .= "\n You should register these users to your project. They are currently not receiving any emails from CDash.\n";
            $body .= "\n-CDash on " . $serverName . "\n";
            add_log($title . ' : ' . $body . ' : ' . $email, 'sendEmailUnregisteredUsers');
            if (cdashmail("{$email}", $title, $body)) {
                add_log('email sent to: ' . $email, 'sendEmailUnregisteredUsers');
            } else {
                add_log('cannot send email to: ' . $email, 'sendEmailUnregisteredUsers');