public static function testFindOne($uid, $password) { $user = UserDAOImpl::doLogin($uid, $password); if (null == $user) { echo "no matched record"; } else { echo $user->uid . " \t " . $user->password . " \t " . $user->age . "\n"; } }
public function activateAccount($token) { $isActivated = UserDAOImpl::activateAccount(stripslashes(trim($token)), time()); if ($isActivated) { $msg = SIGN_UP_ACTIVATE_SUCCESS; } else { $msg = SIGN_UP_ACTIVATE_CODE_EXPIRED; } return $msg; }
public function run() { // echo "inside model/run"; $uid = $_POST['login']; $password = MD5($_POST['password']); $po = UserDAOImpl::doLogin($uid, $password); // get from DB /** * 1. no record found * 2. user email and password matched and status is activated * 3. user email and password matched and status is non-activated * 4. exception */ if (null == $po) { $msg = NO_RECORD_PROMPT . BACK_TO_LOGIN_LINK; // header('location: ../login'); } elseif ($po->status == STATUS_ACTIVATED) { $user = new User(); // vo : used to convey user info $user->setId($po->id); $user->setUserName($po->username); $user->setPassword($po->password); $user->setEmail($po->email); $user->setStatus($po->status); $user->setToken($po->token); $user->setTokenExptime($po->token_exptime); $user->setRegTime($po->regtime); Session::init(); Session::set('loggedIn', true); Session::set('user', $user); // header('location: ../dashboard'); $msg = STATUS_LOGIN_SUCCESS; } elseif ($po->status == STATUS_NON_ACTIVATED) { $msg = STATUS_NON_ACTIVATED_PROMPT . BACK_TO_LOGIN_LINK; } else { //header('location: ../login?status=exception'); $msg = "Unknown Exception happened when login."; } return $msg; }