//Stores the filename as it was on the client computer. $imagename = $_FILES['avatar']['name']; //Stores the filetype e.g image/jpeg $imagetype = $_FILES['avatar']['type']; //Stores any error codes from the upload. $imageerror = $_FILES['avatar']['error']; //Stores the tempname as it is given by the host when uploaded. $imagetemp = $_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name']; //The path you wish to upload the image to $imagePath = "/WebBristol/images/avatar/"; if (is_uploaded_file($imagetemp)) { if (!move_uploaded_file($imagetemp, $imagePath . $imagename)) { $_SESSION['message']['warning'] = "Failed to move your image."; } else { $user->setAvatar($imagename); } } else { $_SESSION['message']['warning'] = "Failed to upload your image."; } } $user->setRole(1); $idInserted = UserDAL::flush($user); if ($idInserted > 0) { $action = empty($id) ? 'added' : 'edited'; $_SESSION['message']['success'] = "Student {$action} with success!"; header("Location: see/{$idInserted}"); } else { $_SESSION['message']['danger'] = 'Insert failed.'; $redirect = empty($id) ? 'add' : "edit/{$id}"; header('Location: ' . $redirect); }