protected function get_page_number() { $page = URLDecode::getPiece(3); if(isset($page) && is_numeric($page)) return $page; return 1; }
final private function get_list_posts() { $post_array = array(); foreach($this->get_list_results() as $post) { $post_array[] = $this->format_post($post, true); } if(count($post_array) < 1 && URLDecode::getPiece(1) !== 'search') $this->eject(); return $post_array; }
protected function get_menu() { $menu = [['name' => 'About', 'link' => Loader::getRootURL()], ['name' => 'Projects', 'link' => Loader::getRootURL() . 'projects/'], ['name' => 'Résumé', 'link' => Loader::getRootURL() . 'resume/'], ['name' => 'Contact', 'link' => Loader::getRootURL() . 'contact/']]; if (!URLDecode::getPiece(1)) { $active_page = 'About'; } else { $active_page = ucfirst(URLDecode::getPiece(1)); } return array_map(function ($row) use($active_page) { $row = (object) $row; $row->active = $row->name == $active_page; return $row; }, $menu); }
private function get_active_page() { $current_uri = URLDecode::getPiece(1); if(!isset($current_uri)) return 'About'; $menu = self::$MENU; foreach($menu as $link) { if($link['uri'] == $current_uri) return $link['name']; } return 'About'; }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $id = URLDecode::getPiece(2); if(!$id || !is_numeric($id)) $this->eject(); $post = $this->activityRepository->getActivityById($id); if(!$post) $this->eject(); if(URLDecode::getPiece(1) != $post['type']) $this->eject(); $this->post = $post; }
private function save(array $data) { $path = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $path = explode('/', $path); $path = array_filter($path); $path = array_slice($path, 0, 2); $path = implode('/', $path); $body = ['commenter' => ['name' => $data['name'], 'email' => $data['email'], 'website' => $data['website']], 'body' => $data['comment'], 'should_notify' => isset($data['notify']) && $data['notify'] == 'check', 'domain' => URLDecode::getSite() == 'blog' ? '' : '', 'path' => $path, 'url' => "{$this->fullPath}#comment-{{id}}", 'thread' => 'comments', 'reply_to' => $data['type'] == 'new' ? 0 : $data['type'], 'ip_address' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'user_agent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'referrer' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']]; global $container; $repository = new ServiceCommentRepository($container['comment_service_api']); try { $response = $repository->createComment($body); } catch (Exception $e) { $container['logger']->warning("CommentService | Create | {$e->getMessage()}"); return null; } return $response['id']; }
protected function check_for_special_redirect($uri) { if(preg_match('@^/post_([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})_([a-z0-9-]+)(/?)$@', $uri, $matches)) { global $container; $repository = new Jacobemerick\Web\Domain\Blog\Post\MysqlPostRepository($container['db_connection_locator']); $post = $repository->findPostByPath($matches[2]); if(!$post) { Loader::loadNew('controller', '/Error404Controller') ->activate(); } Loader::load('utility', 'Content'); $uri = Content::instance('URLSafe', "/{$post['category']}/{$post['path']}/")->activate(); } else { $post_uri = URLDecode::getPiece(1); if($post_uri !== null) { global $container; $repository = new Jacobemerick\Web\Domain\Blog\Post\MysqlPostRepository($container['db_connection_locator']); $post = $repository->findPostByPath($post_uri); if($post != false) { Loader::load('utility', 'Content'); $uri = Content::instance('URLSafe', "/{$post['category']}/{$post['path']}/")->activate(); } } } if($uri == '/search/') { if(Request::getGet('submit') == 'Submit Search' && Request::getGet('search')) { $uri .= Request::getGet('search'); $uri .= '/'; } } return $uri; }
private function get_thumb($string, $is_absolute, $size) { list($category, $file_name) = explode('/', $string); list($photo, $extension) = explode('.', $file_name); $file_path = $this->get_file_path($category, $photo, $size, $extension); $file_size = getimagesize($file_path); Loader::load('collector', 'image/PhotoCollector'); $photo_result = PhotoCollector::fetchRow($category, $photo); if ($photo_result == false) { return ''; } $height = $file_size[1]; $width = $file_size[0]; $description = $photo_result->description; $domain = '/'; if ($is_absolute) { $domain = Loader::getRootURL(URLDecode::getSite()); } return sprintf(self::$IMAGE_NODE, $domain, $category, $photo, $size, $extension, $height, $width, $description); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $log_path = URLDecode::getPiece(2); $this->log = LogCollector::getByAlias($log_path); if(!$this->log) $this->eject(); $this->parent_navigation_item = 'journal'; $this->handle_comment_submit( self::$WATERFALL_SITE_ID, $this->log->alias, Loader::getRootUrl('waterfalls') . self::$JOURNAL_DIRECTORY . '/' . $this->log->alias . '/', $this->log->title); $this->add_waterfall_js(); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $path_watercourse = URLDecode::getPiece(1); $path_fall = URLDecode::getPiece(2); $this->waterfall = WaterfallCollector::getByAlias($path_watercourse, $path_fall); if (!$this->waterfall) { $this->eject(); } $this->handle_comment_submit( self::$WATERFALL_SITE_ID, "{$this->waterfall->watercourse_alias}/{$this->waterfall->alias}", Loader::getRootUrl('waterfalls') . "{$this->waterfall->watercourse_alias}/{$this->waterfall->alias}/", $this->waterfall->name); $this->add_waterfall_js(); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); global $container; $repository = new Jacobemerick\Web\Domain\Blog\Post\MysqlPostRepository($container['db_connection_locator']); $this->post = $repository->findPostByPath(URLDecode::getPiece(2)); if($this->post == null) $this->eject(); $this->handle_comment_submit( self::$BLOG_SITE_ID, $this->post['path'], Loader::getRootUrl('blog') . $this->post['category'] . '/' . $this->post['path'] . '/', $this->post['title']); global $container; $repository = new Jacobemerick\Web\Domain\Blog\Tag\MysqlTagRepository($container['db_connection_locator']); $this->tags = $repository->getTagsForPost($this->post['id']); }
protected function get_page_number_piece() { return URLDecode::getPiece(2); }
private function requires_trailing_slash() { return ( URLDecode::getExtension() != 'json' && strstr(URLDecode::getURI(), '#') === false); }
<li><a href="<?php echo $domain_container->home; ?> " title="Jacob Emerick's Home"><span class="title">Home</span> <span class="description">the main site for Jacob Emerick</span></a></li> <? endif ?> <? if(URLDecode::getSite() !== 'blog') : ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $domain_container->blog; ?> " title="Jacob's Blog about programming and hiking"><span class="title">Blog</span> <span class="description">posts on hiking, web development, and me</span></a></li> <? endif ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $domain_container->lifestream; ?> " title="Combination of Jacob's online activities"><span class="title">Lifestream</span> <span class="description">combination of online tomfoolery</span></a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo $domain_container->map; ?> " title="Hiking map of Jacob's wanderings"><span class="title">Map</span> <span class="description">summary of upper peninsula adventures</span></a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo $domain_container->portfolio; ?> " title="Jacob's portfolio of programming and design work"><span class="title">Portfolio</span> <span class="description">examples of my previous work</span></a></li> <? if(URLDecode::getSite() !== 'waterfalls') : ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $domain_container->waterfalls; ?> " title="Waterfalls of the Keweenaw"><span class="title">Waterfalls</span> <span class="description">resource of Keweenaw waterfalls</span></a></li> <? endif ?> </ul> </div>
return self::$array['base']; } static function getURI() { return self::$array['uri']; } static function getExtension() { $file = self::getPiece(-1); if (substr($file, -1) == '/') { return false; } return substr($file, strrpos($file, '.') + 1); } static function getPiece($piece = null) { if (!$piece) { return self::$array['pieces']; } if ($piece == -1) { return end(self::$array['pieces']); } $piece = $piece - 1; if (array_key_exists($piece, self::$array['pieces'])) { return self::$array['pieces'][$piece]; } return; } } URLDecode::init();
public function activate() { $this->set_head_data(); $this->set_body_data(); $this->set_data(); $this->load_assets(); $headers = $this->headers; Header::$headers(); Loader::load('view', '/Head', $this->data_array['head']); foreach($this->body_view_array as $view) { if(substr($view, 0, 1) == '/') Loader::load('view', $view, $this->data_array['body']); else Loader::load('view', URLDecode::getSite() . '/' . $view, $this->data_array['body']); } if (URLDecode::getSite() == 'waterfalls') { Loader::load('view', '/WaterfallFoot'); } else { Loader::load('view', '/Foot', array('tracking_code' => self::$TRACKING_CODE)); } if($view == '/404' || $view == '/503') exit; }