/** * Configure Backend Controllers */ public function before() { parent::before(); // Configure Backend require_once APPPATH . 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'backend.php'; // Navigation init Navigation::init(Kohana::$config->load('sitemap')->as_array()); // Configure WebApp init data WebApp::set_init_data(array('is_backend' => true, 'backend_url' => URL::backend(), 'base_url' => URL::site())); }
/** * Go to Backend URL * * @param array|string $controller * @param string $action * @param string $id */ public function go_backend($controller = null, $action = null, $id = null) { $this->go(URL::backend($controller, $action, $id)); }
<div class="alert alert-danger alert-dark padding-xs"> <%= __('Plugin can not be installed. The required version of the CMS: :required_version. Version of your CMS is: :current_version.', { ':required_version': required_cms_version, ':current_version': '<?php echo CMS_VERSION; ?> ' }) %> </div> <% } %> <% if (installed && settings) { %> <?php if (ACL::check('plugins.settings')) { ?> <a href="<?php echo URL::backend('plugins/settings'); ?> /<%= id %>" class="btn btn-default btn-sm pull-right"> <?php echo UI::icon('cog'); ?> <span class="hidden-xs hidden-sm"><%= __('Settings') %></span> </a> <?php } ?> <% } %> <h5 class="pull-left"><%= title %> <small>v<%= version %></small></h5> <div class="clearfix"></div> <% if (description) { %><p class="text-muted"><%= description %></p><% } %> <% if (author) { %><small class="text-light-gray text-xs"><%= __('Author') %> <%= author %></small><% } %>
<?php defined('NEGOCORE') or die('No direct script access.'); /** * Skeleton Module * * @author Iván Molina Pavana <*****@*****.**> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2015, NegoCAD <*****@*****.**> * @version 1.0.0 */ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Navigation config for Module sitemap * * @filesource * @link http://dev.negocad.mx/docs/negocore/navigation */ return array(array('name' => 'ModuleName', 'url' => URL::backend('module'), 'priority' => 100, 'icon' => 'globe'));
public function init_media() { $this->template_js_params = array('CURRENT_URL' => Request::current()->url(TRUE) . URL::query(), 'BASE_URL' => URL::backend(ADMIN_DIR_NAME, TRUE), 'SITE_URL' => URL::base(TRUE), 'ADMIN_DIR_NAME' => ADMIN_DIR_NAME, 'ADMIN_RESOURCES' => ADMIN_RESOURCES, 'PUBLIC_URL' => PUBLIC_URL, 'LOCALE' => I18n::lang(), 'CONTROLLER' => strtolower(Request::current()->controller()), 'ACTION' => Request::current()->action(), 'USER_ID' => Auth::get_id(), 'DATE_FORMAT' => Config::get('site', 'date_format'), 'IS_BACKEND' => IS_BACKEND, 'CLOSE_POPUP' => Session::instance()->get_once('close_popup', FALSE)); foreach (Messages::get() as $type => $messages) { $this->template_js_params['MESSAGE_' . strtoupper($type)] = $messages; } }
public function children($parent_id, $level, $return = FALSE) { $expanded_rows = Arr::get($_COOKIE, 'cms_expanded_pages'); $expanded_rows = $expanded_rows == NULL ? array() : explode(',', $expanded_rows); $page = ORM::factory('page', $parent_id); if (!$page->loaded()) { return; } $pages = ORM::factory('page')->children_of($parent_id); $behavior = Behavior::get($page->behavior_id); if (!empty($behavior['limit'])) { $pages->limit((int) $behavior['limit']); } $childrens = $pages->find_all()->as_array('id'); foreach ($childrens as $index => $child) { $childrens[$index]->has_children = $child->has_children(); $child_behavior = Behavior::get($child->behavior_id); if (!empty($child_behavior['link'])) { $childrens[$index]->has_children = TRUE; } $childrens[$index]->is_expanded = in_array($child->id, $expanded_rows); if ($childrens[$index]->is_expanded === TRUE) { $childrens[$index]->children_rows = $this->children($child->id, $level + 1, true); } } if (!empty($behavior['limit'])) { $childrens[] = '...'; } if (!empty($behavior['link'])) { $link = strtr($behavior['link'], array(':id' => $parent_id)); $childrens[] = __(':icon :link', array(':icon' => UI::icon('book'), ':link' => HTML::anchor(URL::backend($link), __(ucfirst($page->behavior_id))))); } $content = View::factory('page/children', array('childrens' => $childrens, 'level' => $level + 1, 'expanded_rows' => $expanded_rows)); if ($return === TRUE) { return $content; } echo $content; }
/** * Generate a Response for the 401 Exception * * The user should be redirect to a login page. * * @return Response * @throws Kohana_Exception */ public function get_response() { Flash::set('redirect', Request::current()->uri()); return Response::factory()->status(401)->headers('Location', URL::backend('auth', 'login')); }
/** * * @param string $uri */ public function json_redirect($uri) { $this->json['redirect'] = URL::backend($uri); }