Пример #1
 public function getFile()
     $name = TypeShow::getStyleName();
     if (array_key_exists($name, $this->styles)) {
         $style = $this->styles[$name];
         if (file_exists(TypeShow::path() . 'fonts/' . $style->fontfile)) {
             return TypeShow::path() . 'fonts/' . $style->fontfile;
         } else {
             throw new Exception('Font file is missing: ' . $this->name . ' / ' . $style->name . ' (' . TypeShow::path() . 'fonts/' . $style->fontfile . ')');
     } else {
         foreach ($this->styles as $style) {
             if (file_exists(TypeShow::path() . 'fonts/' . $style->fontfile)) {
                 return TypeShow::path() . 'fonts/' . $style->fontfile;
     throw new Exception('Invalid Style: ' . $name);
Пример #2
 public function render()
     // Get current settings
     $settings = TypeShow::getSettings();
     $theme = TypeShow::getTheme();
     $font = TypeShow::getFont();
     // Font scale factor
     $scale = $settings->renderer->ppi / 72;
     // Get width & height
     $w = $settings->dimensions->width;
     $h = $settings->dimensions->height;
     // Create canvas
     $canvas = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h);
     // Paint background
     $bgcolor = $this->allocateColor($canvas, $theme->backgroundcolor);
     imagefilledrectangle($canvas, 0, 0, $w, $h, $bgcolor);
     //echo TypeShow::path() . 'themes/' . $theme->folder . $theme->backgroundimage; exit;
     try {
         $imgBackground = $this->getImage(TypeShow::path() . 'themes/' . $theme->folder . $theme->backgroundimage);
         imagecopy($canvas, $imgBackground, 0, 0, 0, 0, imagesx($imgBackground), imagesy($imgBackground));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Ignore
     // Get current text
     $textWOL = TypeShow::text(false);
     $text = TypeShow::text();
     $compareSize = $w / strlen($textWOL) + $h / strlen($textWOL) / 2;
     $padding = $settings->dimensions->padding;
     		  $bbox = imageftbbox(100, 0, $font->getFile(), $textWOL);
     		  $bbox_width = $bbox[2];
     		  $bbox_height = $bbox[5] * -1;
     		  //calculate necessary font size to fill picture with the text in $s
     		  $fontsize = (100 / $bbox_width) * ($w - $padding->left - $padding->right);
     		  // limit font size so it won’t go off the page vertically
     		  if ($fontsize > ($h - $padding->top - $padding->bottom)) {
     		  $fontsize = $h - $padding->top - $padding->bottom;
     		  // calculate final dimensions of text at calculated size to determine positioning
     		  $bbox = imageftbbox($fontsize, 0, $font->getFile(), $textWOL);
     		  $bbox_width = $bbox[2];
     		  $bbox_height = $bbox[5] * (- 1);
     		  // set final vertical position of baseline
     		  $baseline = (($h - $padding->top - $padding->bottom) / 2 + ($fontsize / 2)) + $padding->top;
     		  //center horizontally
     		  $x = (($w - $bbox_width) / 2); */
     // ROUND 1
     /* Calculate bounding box (Step #1)
     		  $bbox = imageftbbox($compareSize, 0, $font->getFile(), $textWOL);
     		  $bbox_width = abs($bbox[0]) + abs($bbox[2]);
     		  $bbox_height = abs($bbox[5]);
     		  $compareSize = ($compareSize / $bbox_width) * ($w - $padding->left - $padding->right);
     // ROUND 2
     // Calculate bounding box (Step #1)
     $bbox = imageftbbox($compareSize, 0, $font->getFile(), $textWOL);
     $bbox_width = abs($bbox[0]) + abs($bbox[2]);
     $bbox_height = abs($bbox[5]);
     $fontsize = $compareSize / $bbox_width * ($w - $padding->left - $padding->right);
     $descent = abs($bbox[3]);
     // Limit font size so it won’t go off the page vertically
     $fontsizeH = $compareSize / $bbox_height * ($h - $padding->top - $padding->bottom);
     //  - $descent
     $fontsize = $fontsizeH < $fontsize ? $fontsizeH : $fontsize;
     // Calculate bounding box for final positioning (Step 2)
     $bbox = imageftbbox($fontsize, 0, $font->getFile(), $textWOL);
     $bbox_width = abs($bbox[0]) + abs($bbox[2]);
     $bbox_height = abs($bbox[5]);
     // Position text according to padding settings
     $f = $bbox_height;
     $baseline = $padding->top + ($h - $padding->top - $padding->bottom - $f) / 2 + $f;
     // + ($fontsize / 2)) + $padding->top; //$h - $padding->bottom;
     // Position text in the center
     $x = ($w - $bbox_width) / 2;
     // Set text color
     $textcolor = $this->allocateColor($canvas, $theme->textcolor);
     // Debug Paint Bounding Box
     //imagerectangle($canvas, $x, $baseline, $x + $bbox_width, $baseline - $bbox_height, $textcolor);
     //imageline($canvas, $x, $baseline+$descent, $x + $bbox_width, $baseline+$descent, $textcolor);
     // Paint text
     imagefttext($canvas, $fontsize, 0, $x, $baseline, $textcolor, $font->getFile(), $text);
     // Paint overlay image
     try {
         $imgOver = $this->getImage(TypeShow::path() . 'themes/' . $theme->folder . $theme->overlayimage);
         /* if (imagesx($imgOver) != $w || imagesy($imgOver) != $h) {
         	  imagecopyresampled($canvas, $imgOver, 0, 0, 0, 0, $w, $h, imagesx($imgOver), imagesy($imgOver));
         	  } else {
         	  imagecopy($canvas, $imgOver, 0, 0, 0, 0, $w, $h);
         	  } */
         imagecopy($canvas, $imgOver, $theme->overlayimage_x, $theme->overlayimage_y, 0, 0, imagesx($imgOver), imagesy($imgOver));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Should we create an overlay?
     // Get caption text
     $overlay_dictionary = array('%font%' => $font->name, '%style%' => $settings->current->style, '%designer%' => $font->designer, '%foundry%' => $font->foundry, '%size%' => round($fontsize * $scale));
     $overlay_text = strtr($settings->caption->text, $overlay_dictionary);
     // Set caption color
     $captioncolor = $this->allocateColor($canvas, $theme->captioncolor);
     // Paint caption Text
     imagefttext($canvas, $settings->caption->fontsize, 0, $settings->caption->x, $settings->caption->y, $captioncolor, TypeShow::path() . 'caption/' . $settings->caption->font, $overlay_text);
     // Output PNG Image
     header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
     // HTTP/1.1
     header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
     // Datum in der Vergangenheit
     header('Content-type: image/png');
Пример #3
 public static function setDataPath($path)
     self::$datapath = $path;
Пример #4
function err($e1, $e2 = '', $e3 = '', $e4 = '')
    if (!TS_DEBUG) {
        $msg = date("Y.m.d H:i:s") . "\n" . $e1 . ' ' . $e2 . ' ' . $e3 . ' ' . $e4 . ' ';
        file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../resources/logs/error.log', $msg, FILE_APPEND);
        header('Content-type: image/png');
        echo file_get_contents(TypeShow::path() . 'img/error.png');