  * Returns all filters on a given txttools account
  * @global moodle_database $DB Moodle database controller 
  * @param TxttoolsAccount $txttoolsAccount Account to search against
  * @return TxttoolsAccount Updated account object
  * @version 2012042301
  * @since 2011070401
 public function getFiltersForAccount(TxttoolsAccount $txttoolsAccount)
     global $DB;
     $filters = $DB->get_records('block_moodletxt_filter', array('account' => $txttoolsAccount->getId()));
     // Iterate over filters and build beans
     foreach ($filters as $filter) {
         $filterObj = new MoodletxtInboundFilter($filter->account, $filter->type, $filter->value, $filter->id);
         $users = $DB->get_records_sql(self::$FETCH_INBOXES_SQL, array('filterid' => $filterObj->getId()));
         // Get links between filters and user inboxes
         foreach ($users as $user) {
             $filterObj->addDestinationUser(new MoodletxtBiteSizedUser($user->id, $user->username, $user->firstname, $user->lastname));
     return $txttoolsAccount;
Пример #2
  * Takes the vanilla object returned as a database row and creates a full-fledged
  * sent message object from it, complete with dependent beans, methods, the works
  * @param stdClass $stdObject Raw database-level data object
  * @return MoodletxtOutboundMessage Constructed message object
  * @version 2015062901
  * @since 2011081101
 private function convertStandardClassToBean($stdObject)
     $defaultUser = new MoodletxtBiteSizedUser($stdObject->defaultuser, $stdObject->defaultusername, $stdObject->defaultfirst, $stdObject->defaultlast);
     $txttoolsAccount = new TxttoolsAccount($stdObject->txttoolsuser, $stdObject->description, $defaultUser, $stdObject->url, $stdObject->location);
     if (isset($stdObject->encrypted)) {
     $messageOwner = new MoodletxtBiteSizedUser($stdObject->moodleuserid, $stdObject->moodleuser, $stdObject->firstname, $stdObject->lastname);
     $outboundMessage = new MoodletxtOutboundMessage($txttoolsAccount, $messageOwner, $stdObject->messagetext, $stdObject->timesent, $stdObject->type);
     if (isset($stdObject->scheduledfor)) {
     if (isset($stdObject->id)) {
     $eventCreated = $stdObject->fromevent == '1' ? true : false;
     return $outboundMessage;
Пример #3
  * Method to ensure that all account names within the
  * module are outputted in the same manner
  * @param TxttoolsAccount $account
  * @return string Formatted display string
  * @version 2015062901
  * @since 2011102401
 public static final function formatAccountForDisplay($account)
     $formatted = $account->getUsername();
     $description = $account->getDescription();
     if (isset($description) && !empty($description)) {
         $formatted = $formatted . " (" . $description . ")";
     $formatted = $formatted . " - " . $account->getUrl();
     return $formatted;
Пример #4
  * Converts a basic object returned from the
  * Moodle DB layer into a full data type
  * @param object $standardClass DB record object
  * @return txttoolsAccount Converted acount
  * @version 2015062901
  * @since 2011042601
 private function convertStandardClassToBean($standardClass)
     $defaultUser = new MoodletxtBiteSizedUser($standardClass->defaultuser, $standardClass->defaultusername, $standardClass->firstname, $standardClass->lastname);
     $txttoolsAccount = new TxttoolsAccount($standardClass->username, $standardClass->description, $defaultUser, $standardClass->url, $standardClass->location, $standardClass->creditsused, $standardClass->creditsremaining, $standardClass->outboundenabled, $standardClass->inboundenabled, $standardClass->accounttype, $standardClass->lastupdate, $standardClass->id);
     return $txttoolsAccount;
Пример #5
     } else {
         $acc = $accountDAO->getUrlAndLocation();
         $location = $acc->location;
         $url = $acc->url;
     if ($accountDAO->accountNameExists((string) $formData->accountName, $url)) {
         $formErrors[] = get_string('erroraccountexists', 'block_moodletxt');
     } else {
         if ($formData->accountCtxtInstance !== TxttoolsAccount::$UK_LOCATION && $formData->accountCtxtInstance !== TxttoolsAccount::$US_LOCATION && ($formData->accountCtxtInstance !== 'URL' && $formData->accountUrl)) {
             $formErrors[] = get_string('errorinvalidlocationorurl', 'block_moodletxt');
         } else {
             $encrypter = new MoodletxtEncryption();
             $key = get_config('moodletxt', 'EK');
             $xmlController = MoodletxtOutboundControllerFactory::getOutboundController(MoodletxtOutboundControllerFactory::$CONTROLLER_TYPE_XML);
             $defaultUser = $userDAO->getUserById($formData->accountDefaultInbox);
             $txttoolsAccount = new TxttoolsAccount((string) $formData->accountName, (string) $formData->accountDescription, $defaultUser, $url, $location);
             $txttoolsAccount->setEncryptedPassword($encrypter->encrypt($key, $formData->accountPassword1, 20));
             if ($location === 'URL') {
                 $location = $xmlController->getServerLocation($txttoolsAccount);
             $txttoolsAccount = $xmlController->updateAccountInfo($txttoolsAccount);
             redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/blocks/moodletxt/settings_accounts.php', get_string('redirectaccountsfound', 'block_moodletxt'));
 } catch (MoodletxtRemoteProcessingException $ex) {
     $connErrors['remoteError'] = $ex->getCode();
 } catch (Exception $ex) {
     $connErrors['connectError'] = $ex->getCode();
Пример #6
  * Increment's a user's outbound message stats for a given day
  * @TODO Expand these stats in 3.1
  * @param TxttoolsAccount $txttoolsAccount Account message was sent through
  * @param object $user Moodle user object
  * @param int $numberSent Number of messages sent
  * @version 2012101101
  * @since 2012101101
 public function incrementUserOutboundStats(TxttoolsAccount $txttoolsAccount, object $user, $numberSent)
     $this->incrementUserOutboundStatsById($txttoolsAccount->getId(), $user->id, $numberSent);
Пример #7
  * Builds authentication block.
  * Method to build an <Authentication> block for authenticating a request with the API
  * @param TxttoolsAccount $txttoolsAccount txttools account to authenticate against
  * @version 2011041501
  * @since 2010090101
 private function buildAuthentication($txttoolsAccount)
     $outPass = $this->encrypter->decrypt(get_config('moodletxt', 'EK'), $txttoolsAccount->getEncryptedPassword());
     // Set authentication block
     // Code written this way so the output is all nice and formatted
     $this->currentAuthentication = '
     ' . MoodletxtXMLConstants::$REQUEST_AUTHENTICATION_USERNAME . $txttoolsAccount->getUsername() . MoodletxtXMLConstants::$_REQUEST_AUTHENTICATION_USERNAME . '
     ' . MoodletxtXMLConstants::$REQUEST_AUTHENTICATION_PASSWORD . $outPass . MoodletxtXMLConstants::$_REQUEST_AUTHENTICATION_PASSWORD . '
Пример #8
  * Sends requests to txttools.
  * Takes an array of requests and shoves them to txttools, then grabs the responses and passes them back up to the calling object
  * @param array $requestArray Requests to send
  * @param TxttoolsAccount $ctxtAccount txttools account to use
  * @return array Unparsed response from txttools
  * @throws Exception
  * @throws HTTPException
  * @throws SocketException
  * @throws dml_exception
  * @version 2015062901
  * @since 2011032901
 public function sendData($requestArray, $ctxtAccount)
     // If the parameter is not formatted as an array, make it one
     if (!is_array($requestArray)) {
         $requestArray = array($requestArray);
     // Set defaults
     $pathPrefix = "https://";
     $txttoolsHost = $ctxtAccount->getUrl();
     $filePath = '/connectors/XML/xml.jsp';
     $fullPath = $filePath;
     $connectionPrefix = 'ssl://';
     $connectionHost = $txttoolsHost;
     $connectionPort = 443;
     // Get proxy details
     $proxyHost = get_config('moodletxt', 'Proxy_Host');
     $proxyPort = get_config('moodletxt', 'Proxy_Port');
     $proxyUsername = get_config('moodletxt', 'Proxy_Username');
     $proxyPassword = get_config('moodletxt', 'Proxy_Password');
     // Check for protocol
     if ($this->protocol != MoodletxtOutboundController::$CONNECTION_TYPE_SSL) {
         $connectionPort = 80;
         $pathPrefix = "http://";
         $connectionPrefix = '';
     // If proxy details are set, override defaults
     if ($proxyHost != '' && $proxyPort != '') {
         $connectionHost = $proxyHost;
         $connectionPort = $proxyPort;
         $fullPath = "http://" . $txttoolsHost . $filePath;
         $connectionPrefix = '';
     $responseArray = array();
     foreach ($requestArray as $request) {
         // Build URL-encoded string from XML request
         $poststring = "XMLPost=" . urlencode($request);
         // Build connection string
         $request = "POST " . $fullPath . " HTTP/1.0\r\n";
         $request .= "Host: " . $txttoolsHost . "\r\n";
         $request .= "User-Agent: " . $this->USER_AGENT . "\r\n";
         if ($proxyHost != '' && $proxyPort != '') {
             $request .= "Proxy-Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode($proxyUsername . ":" . $proxyPassword) . "\r\n";
         $request .= "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
         $request .= "Content-length: " . strlen($poststring) . "\r\n";
         $request .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
         $request .= $poststring . "\r\n";
         //            error_log(get_string('logxmlblocksent', 'block_moodletxt') . "\r\n\r\n" . $request);
         // Open socket
         $fp = @fsockopen($connectionPrefix . $connectionHost, $connectionPort, $errorNo, $errorStr, $timeout = 30);
         if (!$fp) {
             throw new SocketException();
         } else {
             // Send request to server
             fputs($fp, $request);
             // Get server response
             $response = '';
             while (!feof($fp)) {
                 $response .= @fgets($fp, 128);
                 // Bug in PHP SSL handling causes problems here - suppress
             // Check that XML has been returned
             $XMLproc = '<?xml';
             $checkForXML = strpos($response, $XMLproc);
             if ($checkForXML === false) {
                 // If no XML is received, check for HTTP error codes
                 // Uses only the txttools server, so safe to assume Apache,HTTP 1.1, Linux
                 $responseCode = substr($response, 9, 3);
                 throw new HTTPException('HTTP error encountered when sending.', $responseCode);
             } else {
                 $response = substr($response, $checkForXML);
         //            error_log(get_string('logxmlresponse', 'block_moodletxt') . "\r\n\r\n" . $response);
         // Push response from website onto response array
         array_push($responseArray, $response);
     // Give responses back to parsers
     return $responseArray;
  * Build JSON response structure for an updated account
  * @param TxttoolsAccount $txttoolsAccount Account to build from
  * @return string Constructed JSON
  * @version 2012100801
  * @since 2011061301
 private function buildResponse(TxttoolsAccount $txttoolsAccount)
     // Copy template down
     $response = $this->responseTemplate;
     $response['accountID'] = $txttoolsAccount->getId();
     $response['username'] = $txttoolsAccount->getUsername();
     $response['description'] = $txttoolsAccount->getDescription();
     $response['creditsUsed'] = $txttoolsAccount->getCreditsUsed();
     $response['creditsRemaining'] = $txttoolsAccount->getCreditsRemaining();
     $response['updateTimeString'] = $txttoolsAccount->getLastUpdateFormatted();
     $response['allowOutbound'] = $txttoolsAccount->isOutboundEnabled() ? 1 : 0;
     $response['allowInbound'] = $txttoolsAccount->isInboundEnabled() ? 1 : 0;
     $response['billingType'] = $txttoolsAccount->getBillingType();
     // Include account restrictions if specified
     foreach ($txttoolsAccount->getAllowedUsers() as $allowedUser) {
         $response['allowedUsers'][$allowedUser->getId()] = array('firstName' => $allowedUser->getFirstName(), 'lastName' => $allowedUser->getLastName(), 'username' => $allowedUser->getUsername());
     // Include inbound filters if specified
     foreach ($txttoolsAccount->getInboundFilters() as $inboundFilter) {
         $response['inboundFilters'][$inboundFilter->getId()] = array('type' => $inboundFilter->getFilterType(), 'operand' => (string) $inboundFilter->getOperand(), 'inboxes' => array());
         foreach ($inboundFilter->getDestinationUsers() as $biteSizedUser) {
             // No I'm not kidding. Fortunately these won't be included often
             $response['inboundFilters'][$inboundFilter->getId()]['users'][$biteSizedUser->getId()] = array('firstName' => $biteSizedUser->getFirstName(), 'lastName' => $biteSizedUser->getLastName(), 'username' => $biteSizedUser->getUsername());
     return json_encode($response);
Пример #10
  * @param array $blacklistedNumbers
  * @param TxttoolsAccount $account
  * @version 2015062901
  * @since 2015062901
 private function syncDbWithResponse($blacklistedNumbers, $account)
     $blacklistEntries = array();
     foreach ($blacklistedNumbers as $number => $status) {
         $blacklistEntry = new BlacklistEntry();
         $blacklistEntries[] = $blacklistEntry;