Пример #1
  * Gets the time.
  * Returns a localized string "will be announced" if there's no time set (i.e. both begin time and end time are 00:00).
  * Returns only the begin time if begin time and end time are the same.
  * @param tx_seminars_Model_AbstractTimeSpan $timeSpan the timespan to get the date for
  * @param string $dash the character or HTML entity used to separate begin time and end time
  * @return string the time
 public function render(tx_seminars_Model_AbstractTimeSpan $timeSpan, $dash = '–')
     if (!$this->hasTime($timeSpan)) {
         return $this->translator->translate('message_willBeAnnounced');
     $beginTime = $this->getAsTime($timeSpan->getBeginDateAsUnixTimeStamp());
     $endTime = $this->getAsTime($timeSpan->getEndDateAsUnixTimeStamp());
     $result = $beginTime;
     // Only display the end time if the event has an end date/time set
     // and the end time is not the same as the begin time.
     if ($this->hasEndTime($timeSpan) && $beginTime !== $endTime) {
         $result .= $dash . $endTime;
     $result .= ' ' . $this->translator->translate('label_hours');
     return $result;
  * Creates an e-mail introduction with the given event's title, date and
  * time prepended with the given introduction string.
  * @param string $introductionBegin
  *        the start of the introduction, must not be empty and contain %s as
  *        place to fill the title of the event in
  * @param tx_seminars_seminar $event the event the introduction is for
  * @return string the introduction with the event's title and if available
  *                date and time, will not be empty
 public function createIntroduction($introductionBegin, tx_seminars_seminar $event)
     $result = sprintf($introductionBegin, $event->getTitle());
     if (!$event->hasDate()) {
         return $result;
     $result .= ' ' . sprintf($this->translator->translate('email_eventDate'), $event->getDate('-'));
     if ($event->hasTime() && !$event->hasTimeslots()) {
         $timeToLabel = $this->translator->translate('email_timeTo');
         $time = $event->getTime(' ' . $timeToLabel . ' ');
         $label = ' ' . (!$event->isOpenEnded() ? $this->translator->translate('email_timeFrom') : $this->translator->translate('email_timeAt'));
         $result .= sprintf($label, $time);
     return $result;
  * Creates an e-mail introduction with the given event's title, date and
  * time prepended with the given introduction string.
  * @param string $introductionBegin
  *        the start of the introduction, must not be empty and contain %s as
  *        place to fill the title of the event in
  * @param tx_seminars_seminar $event the event the introduction is for
  * @return string the introduction with the event's title and if available date and time, will not be empty
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
 public function createIntroduction($introductionBegin, tx_seminars_seminar $event)
     if ($introductionBegin === '') {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$introductionBegin must not be empty.', 1440109640);
     $result = sprintf($introductionBegin, $event->getTitle());
     if (!$event->hasDate()) {
         return $result;
     $result .= ' ' . sprintf($this->translator->translate('email_eventDate'), $event->getDate('-'));
     if ($event->hasTime() && !$event->hasTimeslots()) {
         $timeToLabelWithPlaceholders = $this->translator->translate('email_timeTo');
         $time = $event->getTime(' ' . $timeToLabelWithPlaceholders . ' ');
         $label = ' ' . (!$event->isOpenEnded() ? $this->translator->translate('email_timeFrom') : $this->translator->translate('email_timeAt'));
         $result .= sprintf($label, $time);
     return $result;
Пример #4
  * @test
 public function renderWithTimeSpanWithBeginDateWithZeroHoursReturnsMessageWillBeAnnounced()
     $timeSpan = new tx_seminars_tests_fixtures_TestingTimeSpan();
     self::assertSame($this->translator->translate('message_willBeAnnounced'), $this->subject->render($timeSpan));
Пример #5
  * @test
 public function translateForLabelInexistentInEnglishAndAlternativeLanguageGermanReturnsGermanLabel()
     $localizedLabels = array('de' => array('label_test' => array(0 => array('source' => 'English', 'target' => 'Deutsch'))));
     $subject = new Tx_Oelib_Translator('default', 'de', $localizedLabels);
     self::assertSame('Deutsch', $subject->translate('label_test'));