Пример #1
    public function displayTwengaIntro()
        global $cookie;
        $isoUser = strtolower(Language::getIsoById(intval($cookie->id_lang)));
        $defaultIsoCountry = strtolower($this->_currentIsoCodeCountry);
        $errors = array();
        try {
            $return = self::$obj_twenga->getSubscriptionLink(array('site_url' => $this->site_url, 'feed_url' => $this->feed_url, 'country' => $isoUser, 'module_version' => (string) $this->version, 'platform_version' => (string) _PS_VERSION_));
            $this->inscription_url = $return['message'];
        } catch (TwengaFieldsException $e) {
            $errors[] = $e->getMessage();
        } catch (TwengaException $e) {
            $errors[] = $e->getMessage();
        if (!empty($errors)) {
            $str_error = $this->l('Errors occurred with the Twenga API subscription link:');
            $str_error .= '<ol>';
            foreach ($errors as $error) {
                $str_error .= '<li><em>' . $error . '</em></li>';
            $str_error .= '</ol>';
            $this->_errors[] = $str_error;
        if ($isoUser == 'en') {
            $tarifs_link = 'https://rts.twenga.co.uk/ratecard';
        } elseif ($isoUser == 'es') {
            $tarifs_link = 'https://rts.twenga.es/ratecard';
        } elseif ($isoUser == 'it') {
            $tarifs_link = 'https://rts.twenga.it/ratecard';
        } elseif ($isoUser == 'de') {
            $tarifs_link = 'https://rts.twenga.de/ratecard';
        } else {
            $tarifs_link = 'https://rts.twenga.fr/ratecard';
        $tarif_arr = array(950, 565);
        if (extension_loaded('openssl') && file_exists($tarifs_link)) {
            $tarif_arr = @getimagesize($tarifs_link);
        $str_return = '
			<script type="text/javascript">
					window.open("' . $tarifs_link . '", "", "width=' . $tarif_arr[0] . ', height=' . $tarif_arr[1] . ', scrollbars=no, menubar=no, status=no" );
				<legend><img src="../modules/' . $this->name . '/logo.gif" class="middle" /> ' . $this->l('A - List your website on Twenga') . '</legend>
					<img src="../modules/' . $this->name . '/logo.png" alt="" class="middle" style="margin: 0 20px 0 0;" /><br/>
						<div class="hint clear" style="display:block;"><strong>&nbsp;' . $this->l('Why list your website on Twenga?') . '</strong>
				<p style="margin: 11px 0 0 0;"><strong>' . $this->l('Sell more: ') . '</strong>' . $this->l('Capture more buyers whatever your size or sector') . '</p>
				<p style="margin: 11px 0 0 0;"><strong>' . $this->l('Keep control on your budget: ') . '</strong>' . $this->l('No minimum engagement period, no entry fees & you only pay for the clicks you receive to your website. You can define a monthly budget cap in advance.') . '</p>
				<p style="margin: 11px 0 0 0;"><strong>' . $this->l('Manage your activity and sales:  ') . '</strong>' . $this->l('Dedicated merchant interface including detailed traffic & sales supports tools') . '</p>
				<p><strong>' . $this->l('Keep control on your visibility:  ') . '</strong>' . $this->l('Increase traffic on the categories you choose with Traffic Boost which allows you to choose the rate you want to pay') . '</p>

				<p style="margin: 10px 0 10px 0;">' . $this->l('Thousands of online merchants have joined us and are satisfied with their conversion rates. Don’t wait any longer!') . '</p>
				</div><p><strong>' . $this->l('CASE #1 - You never signed-up to the Twenga Ready to Sell programme before:') . '</strong></p>
				<ol>' . '<li>' . $this->l('Click on this link to register for the  Twenga Ready to Sell programme');
        $str_return .= '<a href="' . $this->inscription_url . '" target="_blank" class="link">&raquo;' . $this->l('List my website on Twenga') . '&laquo;</a>
					<li>' . $this->l('Fill out the Twenga registration form. Certain fields concerning your site and your catalogue will be automatically filled in for your convenience.') . '</li>
					<li>' . $this->l('When you receive the Twenga hash-key by e-mail, return to this page and paste in the "hashkey" field. Click on Save and Activate.') . '</li>
        $str_return .= '<p><strong>' . $this->l('CASE #2 - You already registered to the Twenga Ready to Sell programme:') . '</strong></p>' . '<ol>' . '<li>' . $this->l('Retrieve your Twenga hashkey from your Twenga Ready to Sell account (in the tools > tracking section > Click on ‘Display my key /hashkey’).');
        $str_return .= '
					<li>' . $this->l('Return to this page and paste in the "hash key" field. Click on Save.') . '</li>
				<p align=center><a href="' . $this->inscription_url . '" target="_blank"><input type="submit" value="' . $this->l('List my website on Twenga') . '" class="button"/></a></p>
			<br />';
        return $str_return;
Пример #2
    public function displayTwengaIntro()
        $errors = array();
        try {
            $return = self::$obj_twenga->getSubscriptionLink(array('site_url' => $this->site_url, 'feed_url' => $this->feed_url, 'country' => self::$shop_country));
            $this->inscription_url = $return['message'];
        } catch (TwengaFieldsException $e) {
            $errors[] = $e->getMessage();
        } catch (TwengaException $e) {
            $errors[] = $e->getMessage();
        if (!empty($errors)) {
            $str_error = $this->l('Errors occurred with the Twenga API subscription link:');
            $str_error .= '<ol>';
            foreach ($errors as $error) {
                $str_error .= '<li><em>' . $error . '</em></li>';
            $str_error .= '</ol>';
            $this->_errors[] = $str_error;
        $defaultIsoCountry = strtolower($this->_currentIsoCodeCountry);
        if ($defaultIsoCountry == 'gb') {
            $tarifs_link = 'https://rts.twenga.com/media/prices_uk.jpg';
        } else {
            $tarifs_link = 'https://rts.twenga.com/media/prices_' . $defaultIsoCountry . '.jpg';
        global $cookie;
        $isoUser = strtolower(Language::getIsoById(intval($cookie->id_lang)));
        $tarif_arr = array(950, 565);
        if (file_exists($tarifs_link)) {
            $tarif_arr = @getimagesize($tarifs_link);
        $str_return = '
			<script type="text/javascript">
					window.open("' . $tarifs_link . '", "", "width=' . $tarif_arr[0] . ', height=' . $tarif_arr[1] . ', scrollbars=no, menubar=no, status=no" );
				<legend><img src="../modules/' . $this->name . '/logo.gif" class="middle" /> ' . $this->l('Get your products listed on Twenga.co.uk and follow the sales generated by Twenga') . '</legend>' . '<div style="float:left; width:80px; height:100px">
					<img src="../modules/' . $this->name . '/logo_big.jpg" alt="" class="middle" style="margin: 20px 0 0 0;" />
				</div>' . '<p><strong>' . $this->l('You have already signed up to Twenga Ready to Sell ?') . '</strong></p>' . '<ul>' . '<li>' . $this->l('Step 1: Retrieve your Twenga hashkey from your Twenga Ready to Sell account (tools>tracking>hashkey). Also click on "Test the tracking".');
        $str_return .= '
					<li>' . $this->l('Step 2: Come back here and paste it in the "hash key" field. Click on Save and Activate.') . '</li>
				<p><strong>' . $this->l('You want to sign up to Twenga Ready to Sell ?') . '</strong></p>
				<p>' . $this->l('How to list your product on Twenga.co.uk:') . '</p>
				<ul>' . '<li>' . $this->l('Step 1: Click on this link to sign up to Twenga Ready to Sell ');
        if ($this->inscription_url !== NULL) {
            $str_return .= '&nbsp;<a href="' . $this->inscription_url . '" target="_blank" class="link">&raquo;' . $this->l('Subscribe') . '&laquo;</a>' . '</li>';
        } else {
            $str_return .= '&nbsp;<em style="color:red;">' . $this->l('Error(s) occurred: please contact Twenga') . '</em>';
        $str_return .= '
					<li>' . $this->l('Step 2: Fill in the Twenga sign up form') . '</li>
					<li>' . $this->l('Step 3: When you receive the Twenga hash-key by e-mail, come back here and paste it in the "hash key" field. Click on Save and Activate.') . '</li>
        if ($isoUser == 'fr') {
            $str_return .= '<p style="text-align:center;"><a href="#" title="' . $this->l('Increase your traffic - 500 offered clicks') . '" onclick="$(\'#submitTwengaSubscription\').click(); return false;" ><img src="' . self::$base_path . '/bt_500_clicks.gif" width="364" height="45" /></a></p>';
        $str_return .= '
				<p>' . $this->l('Get your products listed on Twenga for free : only pay when you sell !') . '</p>
				<p><a href="' . $tarifs_link . '" class="link" id="twenga_tarif">' . $this->l('Twenga Prices') . '</a></p>
			<br />';
        return $str_return;
Пример #3
    public function displayTwengaIntro()
        global $cookie;
        $isoUser = strtolower(Language::getIsoById(intval($cookie->id_lang)));
        $defaultIsoCountry = strtolower($this->_currentIsoCodeCountry);
        $errors = array();
        try {
            $return = self::$obj_twenga->getSubscriptionLink(array('site_url' => $this->site_url, 'feed_url' => $this->feed_url, 'country' => $isoUser, 'module_version' => (string) $this->version, 'platform_version' => (string) _PS_VERSION_));
            $this->inscription_url = $return['message'];
        } catch (TwengaFieldsException $e) {
            $errors[] = $e->getMessage();
        } catch (TwengaException $e) {
            $errors[] = $e->getMessage();
        if (!empty($errors)) {
            $str_error = $this->l('Errors occurred with the Twenga API subscription link:');
            $str_error .= '<ol>';
            foreach ($errors as $error) {
                $str_error .= '<li><em>' . $error . '</em></li>';
            $str_error .= '</ol>';
            $this->_errors[] = $str_error;
        if ($isoUser == 'gb' || $isoUser == 'en') {
            $tarifs_link = 'https://rts.twenga.co.uk/ratecard';
        } elseif ($isoUser == 'es') {
            $tarifs_link = 'https://rts.twenga.es/ratecard';
        } elseif ($isoUser == 'it') {
            $tarifs_link = 'https://rts.twenga.it/ratecard';
        } elseif ($isoUser == 'de') {
            $tarifs_link = 'https://rts.twenga.de/ratecard';
        } else {
            $tarifs_link = 'https://rts.twenga.fr/ratecard';
        $tarif_arr = array(950, 565);
        if (extension_loaded('openssl') && file_exists($tarifs_link)) {
            $tarif_arr = @getimagesize($tarifs_link);
        $str_return = '
			<script type="text/javascript">
					window.open("' . $tarifs_link . '", "", "width=' . $tarif_arr[0] . ', height=' . $tarif_arr[1] . ', scrollbars=no, menubar=no, status=no" );
				$(".moduleTwenga-referencement ol").hide();
					$(this).next(".moduleTwenga-referencement ol").slideToggle();
					$(this).prev(".moduleTwenga-referencement img").toggleClass("rotate");
					return false;
			<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="../modules/' . $this->name . '/css/module-twenga.css" />

			<div class="module-twenga">
				<div class="moduleTwenga-intro" style="background-image:url(../modules/' . $this->name . '/img/cible-twenga.png);")>
					<p><img src="../modules/' . $this->name . '/img/logo-twenga.png" width="200" height="43" alt="Twenga" /></p>
					<p class="module-title">' . $this->l('List your products and increase your sales.') . '</p>
						<dt>' . $this->l('Manage your budget:') . '</dt>
						<dd>' . $this->l('You pay for the traffic that Twenga sends you using CPC. Joining Twenga and setting up your account is free of charge.') . '<br /> ' . $this->l('If needs be, you can set up a monthly budget limit.') . '</dd>
						<dt>' . $this->l('Manage your activity and sales:') . '</dt>
						<dd>' . $this->l('Dedicated merchant interface including detailed traffic & sales support tools.') . '</dd>
						<dt>' . $this->l('Manage your visibility:') . '</dt>
						<dd>' . $this->l('Boost product visibility whenever you like!') . '</dd>
					<p class="module-title">' . $this->l('More than 15,000 merchants have already joined Twenga Ready to Sell.') . '</p>
        return $str_return;