public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator) { $translationParser = new TranslationParser(); $phpRenderer = $serviceLocator->get('ViewRenderer'); $translationParser->setView($phpRenderer); return $translationParser; }
/** * SolidWorks (entry point) * * This function serves as the entry point for the entire application. It opens * the session, loads the Page object, processes any forms, and invokes any actions * for the page. * * @package SolidWorks * @author John Diamond <*****@*****.**> */ function solidworks(&$conf, $smarty) { global $page; // Make the Page object available to smarty_extensions global $translations; // Make sure the client is logged in as a valid user before proceeding validate_client(); // Load the user's language preference $language = isset($_SESSION['client']['userdbo']) ? $_SESSION['client']['userdbo']->getLanguage() : null; if ($language != null) { TranslationParser::load("language/" . $language); Translator::getTranslator()->setActiveLanguage($language); } if ($_SESSION['currentpage'] != $_GET['page']) { $_SESSION['lastpage'] = $_SESSION['currentpage']; } // Get a Page object for the page being requested $page = null; $page = get_page_object($conf, $smarty); if ($page == null) { // Delete current session session_destroy(); // Instantiate a generic page object $page = new Page(); } // Make sure the client has access to this page if (!$page->control_access()) { // Access denied $page->setError(array("type" => "ACCESS_DENIED")); $page->goback(1); } // Process any forms if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") { handle_post_request(); } // Execute any action if present in the URL if (isset($_GET['action'])) { $page->action($_GET['action']); } // Display display_page($page); // Push page onto the navigation stack $_SESSION['navstack'][] = array("page" => $page->getName(), "url" => $page->getURL()); }
/** * Load Modules */ public function loadModules() { global $conf; if (!($dh = opendir($this->modulesPath))) { throw new SWException("Could not access the modules directory: " . $this->modulesPath); } // Read the contents of the modules directory while ($file = readdir($dh)) { $moduleName = $file; $moduleDir = sprintf("%s%s", $this->modulesPath, $moduleName); $moduleConfFile = sprintf("%s/module.conf", $moduleDir); $moduleClassFile = sprintf("%s/%s.class.php", $moduleDir, $moduleName); $moduleDefTransFile = sprintf("%s/language/english", $moduleDir); $moduleActTransFile = sprintf("%s/language/%s", $moduleDir, Translator::getTranslator()->getActiveLanguage()); if (is_dir($moduleDir) && (isset($file) && $file != "." && $file != "..") && file_exists($moduleClassFile)) { // Load the module's config file if (file_exists($moduleConfFile)) { $modConf = load_config_file($moduleConfFile); $conf['pages'] = array_merge($conf['pages'], $modConf['pages']); $conf['forms'] = array_merge($conf['forms'], $modConf['forms']); $conf['hooks'] = array_merge($conf['hooks'], $modConf['hooks']); // Load the module's default translation file if (file_exists($moduleDefTransFile)) { TranslationParser::load($moduleDefTransFile); } // Load the module's active translation file if ($moduleDefTransFile != $moduleActTransFile && file_exists($moduleActTransFile)) { TranslationParser::load($moduleActTransFile); } } // Load the module's class file require $moduleClassFile; // Initialize module $module = new $moduleName(); $module->init(); $this->registerModule($module); } } closedir($dh); }
* @copyright John Diamond <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU Public License */ // Load config file require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../config/"; // Load SolidWorks require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../solidworks/solidworks.php"; // Load settings from database require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../util/settings.php"; load_settings($conf); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../include/SolidStateMenu.class.php"; // Set the current theme $theme = isset($_SESSION['client']['userdbo']) ? $_SESSION['client']['userdbo']->getTheme() : $conf['themes']['manager']; $conf['themes']['current'] = $theme; // Load the user's language preference session_start(); $language = isset($_SESSION['client']['userdbo']) ? $_SESSION['client']['userdbo']->getLanguage() : null; if ($language != null) { TranslationParser::load("language/" . $language); Translator::getTranslator()->setActiveLanguage($language); } // Change the charset to UTF-8 header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); // Build the core menu $menu = SolidStateMenu::getSolidStateMenu(); $username = isset($_SESSION['client']['userdbo']) ? $_SESSION['client']['userdbo']->getUsername() : null; $menu->addItem(new SolidStateMenuItem("myinfo", "[MY_INFO]", "vcard_edit.png", "manager_content.php?page=config_edit_user&user="******"administration"); $menuItems = $menu->getItemArray(); $smarty->assign("menuItems", $menuItems); // Display menu $smarty->display(Page::selectTemplateFile("manager_menu.tpl"));
/** * Load Settings * * Load the application settings from the database * * @param array $conf Configuration data */ function load_settings(&$conf) { $DB = DBConnection::getDBConnection(); // Build Query $sql = $DB->build_select_sql("settings", "*"); // Run Query if (!($result = @mysql_query($sql, $DB->handle()))) { throw new DBException(mysql_error($DB->handle())); } while ($setting = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $key = $setting['setting']; $val = $setting['value']; switch ($key) { case "company_name": $conf['company']['name'] = $val; break; case "company_email": $conf['company']['email'] = $val; break; case "company_notification_email": $conf['company']['notification_email'] = $val; break; case "order_confirmation_email": $conf['order']['confirmation_email'] = $val; break; case "order_confirmation_subject": $conf['order']['confirmation_subject'] = $val; break; case "order_notification_email": $conf['order']['notification_email'] = $val; break; case "order_notification_subject": $conf['order']['notification_subject'] = $val; break; case "welcome_email": $conf['welcome_email'] = $val; break; case "welcome_subject": $conf['welcome_subject'] = $val; break; case "nameservers_ns1": $conf['dns']['nameservers'][0] = $val; break; case "nameservers_ns2": $conf['dns']['nameservers'][1] = $val; break; case "nameservers_ns3": $conf['dns']['nameservers'][2] = $val; break; case "nameservers_ns4": $conf['dns']['nameservers'][3] = $val; break; case "invoice_text": $conf['invoice_text'] = $val; break; case "invoice_subject": $conf['invoice_subject'] = $val; break; case "locale_language": TranslationParser::load("language/" . $val); Translator::getTranslator()->setActiveLanguage($val); $conf['locale']['language'] = $val; break; case "locale_currency_symbol": $conf['locale']['currency_symbol'] = $val; break; case "payment_gateway_default_module": $conf['payment_gateway']['default_module'] = $val; break; case "payment_gateway_order_method": $conf['payment_gateway']['order_method'] = $val; break; case "order_accept_checks": $conf['order']['accept_checks'] = $val; break; case "order_title": $conf['order']['title'] = $val; break; case "order_tos_required": $conf['order']['tos_required'] = $val; break; case "order_tos_url": $conf['order']['tos_url'] = $val; break; case "theme_manager": $conf['themes']['manager'] = $val; break; case "theme_order": $conf['themes']['order'] = $val; break; } } }