public function addDiscountLine() { TransRecord::addcdnotify(); }
private static function deptOpenRing($dept, $price, $discount, $ret) { /** Enforce memberOnly flag */ if ($dept['memberOnly'] > 0) { switch ($dept['memberOnly']) { case 1: // member only, no override if (CoreLocal::get('isMember') == 0) { $ret['output'] = DisplayLib::boxMsg(_(_('Department is member-only'), _('Enter member number first'), false, array('Member Search [ID]' => 'parseWrapper(\'ID\');', 'Dismiss [clear]' => 'parseWrapper(\'CL\');'))); return $ret; } break; case 2: // member only, can override if (CoreLocal::get('isMember') == 0) { if (CoreLocal::get('msgrepeat') == 0 || CoreLocal::get('lastRepeat') != 'memberOnlyDept') { CoreLocal::set('boxMsg', _('Department is member-only<br />' . '[enter] to continue, [clear] to cancel')); CoreLocal::set('lastRepeat', 'memberOnlyDept'); $ret['main_frame'] = $my_url . 'gui-modules/boxMsg2.php'; return $ret; } else { if (CoreLocal::get('lastRepeat') == 'memberOnlyDept') { CoreLocal::set('lastRepeat', ''); } } } break; case 3: // anyone but default non-member if (CoreLocal::get('memberID') == '0') { $ret['output'] = DisplayLib::boxMsg(_(_('Department is member-only'), _('Enter member number first'), false, array('Member Search [ID]' => 'parseWrapper(\'ID\');', 'Dismiss [clear]' => 'parseWrapper(\'CL\');'))); return $ret; } else { if (CoreLocal::get('memberID') == CoreLocal::get('defaultNonMem')) { $ret['output'] = DisplayLib::boxMsg(_(_('Department not allowed with this member'), '', false, DisplayLib::standardClearButton())); return $ret; } } break; } } $deptmax = $dept['dept_limit'] ? $dept['dept_limit'] : 0; $deptmin = $dept['dept_minimum'] ? $dept['dept_minimum'] : 0; $tax = $dept["dept_tax"]; $foodstamp = $dept['dept_fs'] != 0 ? 1 : 0; $deptDiscount = $dept["dept_discount"]; list($tax, $foodstamp, $deptDiscount) = self::applyToggles($tax, $foodstamp, $deptDiscount); if ($price > $deptmax && (CoreLocal::get('OpenRingHardMinMax') || CoreLocal::get("msgrepeat") == 0)) { CoreLocal::set("boxMsg", "\$" . $price . " " . _("is greater than department limit")); $maxButtons = array('Confirm [enter]' => '$(\'#reginput\').val(\'\');submitWrapper();', 'Cancel [clear]' => '$(\'#reginput\').val(\'CL\');submitWrapper();'); // remove Confirm button/text if hard limits enforced if (CoreLocal::get('OpenRingHardMinMax')) { array_shift($maxButtons); } CoreLocal::set('boxMsgButtons', $maxButtons); $ret['main_frame'] = MiscLib::base_url() . 'gui-modules/boxMsg2.php'; } elseif ($price < $deptmin && (CoreLocal::get('OpenRingHardMinMax') || CoreLocal::get("msgrepeat") == 0)) { CoreLocal::set("boxMsg", "\$" . $price . " " . _("is lower than department minimum")); $minButtons = array('Confirm [enter]' => '$(\'#reginput\').val(\'\');submitWrapper();', 'Cancel [clear]' => '$(\'#reginput\').val(\'CL\');submitWrapper();'); if (CoreLocal::get('OpenRingHardMinMax')) { array_shift($minButtons); } CoreLocal::set('boxMsgButtons', $minButtons); $ret['main_frame'] = MiscLib::base_url() . 'gui-modules/boxMsg2.php'; } else { if (CoreLocal::get("casediscount") > 0) { TransRecord::addcdnotify(); CoreLocal::set("casediscount", 0); } TransRecord::addRecord(array('upc' => $price . 'DP' . $dept['dept_no'], 'description' => $dept['dept_name'], 'trans_type' => 'D', 'department' => $dept['dept_no'], 'quantity' => CoreLocal::get('quantity'), 'ItemQtty' => CoreLocal::get('quantity'), 'unitPrice' => $price, 'total' => $price * CoreLocal::get('quantity'), 'regPrice' => $price, 'tax' => $tax, 'foodstamp' => $foodstamp, 'discountable' => $deptDiscount, 'voided' => 0, 'discount' => $discount)); CoreLocal::set("ttlflag", 0); CoreLocal::set("msgrepeat", 0); if (CoreLocal::get("itemPD") > 0) { TransRecord::adddiscount($discount, $dept); } $ret['output'] = DisplayLib::lastpage(); $ret['redraw_footer'] = true; $ret['udpmsg'] = 'goodBeep'; } return $ret; }
public function testTransRecord() { if (!class_exists('lttLib')) { include 'lttLib.php'; } lttLib::clear(); CoreLocal::set('infoRecordQueue', array()); TransRecord::addQueued('1234567890123', 'UNIT TEST', 1, 'UT', 1.99); $queue = CoreLocal::get('infoRecordQueue'); $this->assertInternalType('array', $queue); $this->assertEquals(1, count($queue)); $this->assertArrayHasKey(0, $queue); $this->assertInternalType('array', $queue[0]); $this->assertArrayHasKey('upc', $queue[0]); $this->assertEquals('1234567890123', $queue[0]['upc']); $this->assertArrayHasKey('description', $queue[0]); $this->assertEquals('UNIT TEST', $queue[0]['description']); $this->assertArrayHasKey('numflag', $queue[0]); $this->assertEquals(1, $queue[0]['numflag']); $this->assertArrayHasKey('charflag', $queue[0]); $this->assertEquals('UT', $queue[0]['charflag']); $this->assertArrayHasKey('regPrice', $queue[0]); $this->assertEquals(1.99, $queue[0]['regPrice']); TransRecord::emptyQueue(); $queue = CoreLocal::get('infoRecordQueue'); $this->assertInternalType('array', $queue); $this->assertEquals(0, count($queue)); $record = lttLib::genericRecord(); $record['upc'] = '1234567890123'; $record['description'] = 'UNIT TEST'; $record['numflag'] = 1; $record['charflag'] = 'UT'; $record['regPrice'] = 1.99; $record['trans_type'] = 'C'; $record['trans_status'] = 'D'; lttLib::verifyRecord(1, $record, $this); lttLib::clear(); CoreLocal::set('taxTotal', 1.23); TransRecord::addtax(); $record = lttLib::genericRecord(); $record['upc'] = 'TAX'; $record['description'] = 'Tax'; $record['trans_type'] = 'A'; $record['total'] = 1.23; lttLib::verifyRecord(1, $record, $this); lttLib::clear(); TransRecord::addtender('UT TENDER', 'UT', 2.34); $record = lttLib::genericRecord(); $record['description'] = 'UT TENDER'; $record['trans_type'] = 'T'; $record['trans_subtype'] = 'UT'; $record['total'] = 2.34; lttLib::verifyRecord(1, $record, $this); lttLib::clear(); TransRecord::addcomment('UNIT TEST COMMENT'); $record = lttLib::genericRecord(); $record['description'] = 'UNIT TEST COMMENT'; $record['trans_type'] = 'C'; $record['trans_subtype'] = 'CM'; $record['trans_status'] = 'D'; lttLib::verifyRecord(1, $record, $this); lttLib::clear(); TransRecord::addchange(3.14, 'UT'); $record = lttLib::genericRecord(); $record['description'] = 'Change'; $record['trans_type'] = 'T'; $record['trans_subtype'] = 'UT'; $record['total'] = 3.14; $record['voided'] = 8; lttLib::verifyRecord(1, $record, $this); lttLib::clear(); TransRecord::addfsones(3); $record = lttLib::genericRecord(); $record['description'] = 'FS Change'; $record['trans_type'] = 'T'; $record['trans_subtype'] = 'FS'; $record['total'] = 3; $record['voided'] = 8; lttLib::verifyRecord(1, $record, $this); lttLib::clear(); TransRecord::adddiscount(5.45, 25); $record = lttLib::genericRecord(); $record['description'] = '** YOU SAVED $5.45 **'; $record['trans_type'] = 'I'; $record['trans_status'] = 'D'; $record['department'] = 25; $record['voided'] = 2; lttLib::verifyRecord(1, $record, $this); lttLib::clear(); TransRecord::addfsTaxExempt(); $record = lttLib::genericRecord(); $record['upc'] = 'FS Tax Exempt'; $record['description'] = ' Fs Tax Exempt '; $record['trans_type'] = 'C'; $record['trans_status'] = 'D'; $record['voided'] = 17; lttLib::verifyRecord(1, $record, $this); lttLib::clear(); TransRecord::discountnotify(5); $record = lttLib::genericRecord(); $record['description'] = '** 5% Discount Applied **'; $record['trans_status'] = 'D'; $record['voided'] = 4; lttLib::verifyRecord(1, $record, $this); lttLib::clear(); TransRecord::addTaxExempt(); $record = lttLib::genericRecord(); $record['description'] = '** Order is Tax Exempt **'; $record['trans_status'] = 'D'; $record['voided'] = 10; $record['tax'] = 9; lttLib::verifyRecord(1, $record, $this); $this->assertEquals(1, CoreLocal::get('TaxExempt')); lttLib::clear(); TransRecord::reverseTaxExempt(); $record = lttLib::genericRecord(); $record['description'] = '** Tax Exemption Reversed **'; $record['trans_status'] = 'D'; $record['voided'] = 10; $record['tax'] = 9; lttLib::verifyRecord(1, $record, $this); $this->assertEquals(0, CoreLocal::get('TaxExempt')); lttLib::clear(); CoreLocal::set('casediscount', 7); TransRecord::addcdnotify(); $record = lttLib::genericRecord(); $record['description'] = '** 7% Case Discount Applied'; $record['trans_status'] = 'D'; $record['voided'] = 6; lttLib::verifyRecord(1, $record, $this); lttLib::clear(); TransRecord::addCoupon('0051234512345', 123, -1.23, 1); $record = lttLib::genericRecord(); $record['upc'] = '0051234512345'; $record['description'] = ' * Manufacturers Coupon'; $record['trans_type'] = 'I'; $record['trans_subtype'] = 'CP'; $record['trans_status'] = 'C'; $record['department'] = 123; $record['unitPrice'] = -1.23; $record['total'] = -1.23; $record['regPrice'] = -1.23; $record['foodstamp'] = 1; $record['quantity'] = 1; $record['ItemQtty'] = 1; lttLib::verifyRecord(1, $record, $this); lttLib::clear(); TransRecord::addhousecoupon('0049999912345', 122, -1.22); $record = lttLib::genericRecord(); $record['upc'] = '0049999912345'; $record['description'] = ' * Store Coupon'; $record['trans_type'] = 'I'; $record['trans_subtype'] = 'IC'; $record['trans_status'] = 'C'; $record['department'] = 122; $record['unitPrice'] = -1.22; $record['total'] = -1.22; $record['regPrice'] = -1.22; $record['quantity'] = 1; $record['ItemQtty'] = 1; $record['discountable'] = 1; lttLib::verifyRecord(1, $record, $this); lttLib::clear(); TransRecord::additemdiscount(345, 3.45); $record = lttLib::genericRecord(); $record['upc'] = 'ITEMDISCOUNT'; $record['description'] = ' * Item Discount'; $record['trans_type'] = 'I'; $record['department'] = 345; $record['unitPrice'] = -3.45; $record['total'] = -3.45; $record['regPrice'] = -3.45; $record['quantity'] = 1; $record['ItemQtty'] = 1; lttLib::verifyRecord(1, $record, $this); lttLib::clear(); TransRecord::addtare(5); $record = lttLib::genericRecord(); $record['description'] = '** Tare Weight 0.05 **'; $record['trans_status'] = 'D'; $record['voided'] = 6; lttLib::verifyRecord(1, $record, $this); $this->assertEquals(0.05, CoreLocal::get('tare')); lttLib::clear(); CoreLocal::set('transDiscount', 3.24); TransRecord::addTransDiscount(); $record = lttLib::genericRecord(); $record['upc'] = 'DISCOUNT'; $record['description'] = 'Discount'; $record['trans_type'] = 'S'; $record['quantity'] = 1; $record['ItemQtty'] = 1; $record['unitPrice'] = -3.24; $record['total'] = -3.24; lttLib::verifyRecord(1, $record, $this); lttLib::clear(); TransRecord::addCashDrop('90.78'); $record = lttLib::genericRecord(); $record['upc'] = 'DROP'; $record['description'] = 'Cash Drop'; $record['trans_type'] = 'I'; $record['trans_status'] = 'X'; $record['quantity'] = 1; $record['ItemQtty'] = 1; $record['unitPrice'] = -90.78; $record['total'] = -90.78; $record['charflag'] = 'CD'; lttLib::verifyRecord(1, $record, $this); lttLib::clear(); $record = lttLib::genericRecord(); $record['upc'] = 'UNITTEST'; $record['description'] = 'Unit Test'; $record['department'] = 5; $record['numflag'] = 4; $record['charflag'] = 'UT'; $record['amount1'] = 1.23; $record['total'] = 1.23; $record['amount2'] = 1.24; $record['regPrice'] = 1.24; TransRecord::add_log_record($record); unset($record['amount1']); // not real column unset($record['amount2']); // not real column $record['trans_type'] = 'L'; $record['trans_subtype'] = 'OG'; $record['trans_status'] = 'D'; lttLib::verifyRecord(1, $record, $this); lttLib::clear(); }