function FAS_Call($type, $name, $title, $url, $content) { $context = Model_Context::getInstance(); $pool = DBModel::getInstance(); $blogstr = $context->getProperty('') . $context->getProperty(''); $DDosTimeWindowSize = 300; $rpc = new XMLRPC(); $rpc->url = ''; if ($rpc->call('checkSpam', $blogstr, $type, $name, $title, $url, $content, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) == false) { // call fail // Do Local spam check with "Thief-cat algorithm" $count = 0; if ($type == 2) { $storage = "RemoteResponses"; $pool->reset($storage); $pool->setQualifier("url", "eq", $url, true); $pool->setQualifier("isfiltered", ">", 0); if ($cnt = $pool->getCount("id")) { $count += $cnt; } } else { // Comment Case $storage = "Comments"; $pool->reset($storage); $pool->setQualifier("comment", "eq", ${$content}, true); $pool->setQualifier("name", "eq", $name, true); $pool->setQualifier("homepage", "eq", $url, true); $pool->setQualifier("isfiltered", ">", 0); if ($cnt = $pool->getCount("id")) { $count += $cnt; } } // Check IP $pool->reset($storage); $pool->setQualifier("ip", "eq", $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], true); $pool->setQualifier("written", ">", Timestamp::getUNIXtime() - $DDosTimeWindowSize); if ($cnt = $pool->getCount("id")) { $count += $cnt; } if ($count >= 10) { return false; } return true; } if (!is_null($rpc->fault)) { // FAS has some problem return true; } if ($rpc->result['result'] == true) { return false; // it's spam } return true; }
function dumbCronScheduler($checkOnly = true) { $context = Model_Context::getInstance(); $now = Timestamp::getUNIXtime(); $dumbCronStamps = Setting::getServiceSetting('dumbCronStamps', serialize(array('1m' => 0, '5m' => 0, '30m' => 0, '1h' => 0, '2h' => 0, '6h' => 0, '12h' => 0, '24h' => 0, 'Daily' => 0)), true); $dumbCronStamps = unserialize($dumbCronStamps); $schedules = array('1m' => 60, '5m' => 60 * 5, '10m' => 60 * 10, '30m' => 60 * 30, '1h' => 60 * 60, '2h' => 60 * 60 * 2, '6h' => 60 * 60 * 6, '12h' => 60 * 60 * 12, '24h' => 60 * 60 * 24, 'Daily' => 60 * 60 * 24, '1w' => 60 * 60 * 24 * 7); /* Events: Cron1m, Cron5m, Cron30m, Cron1h, Cron2h, Cron6h, Cron12h */ $log_file = __TEXTCUBE_CACHE_DIR__ . '/cronlog.txt'; $log = fopen($log_file, "a"); foreach ($schedules as $d => $diff) { if (!isset($dumbCronStamps[$d])) { $dumbCronStamps[$d] = 0; } if ($now > $diff + $dumbCronStamps[$d]) { if ($checkOnly && eventExists("Cron{$d}")) { fclose($log); return true; } fireEvent("Cron{$d}", null, $now); if ($d == '6h') { importlib(''); trashVan(); } fwrite($log, date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' ' . $context->getProperty('') . " Cron{$d} executed ({$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']})\r\n"); $dumbCronStamps[$d] = $now; } } fclose($log); /* Keep just 1000 lines */ $logcontent = explode("\r\n", file_get_contents($log_file)); $logcontent = implode("\r\n", array_slice($logcontent, -1000)); $log = fopen($log_file, "w"); fwrite($log, $logcontent); fclose($log); Setting::setServiceSetting('dumbCronStamps', serialize($dumbCronStamps), true); return false; }
function publishEntries() { $ctx = Model_Context::getInstance(); $pool = DBModel::getInstance(); $blogid = getBlogId(); $closestReservedTime = Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('closestReservedPostTime', INT_MAX); if ($closestReservedTime < Timestamp::getUNIXtime()) { $pool->init("Entries"); $pool->setQualifier("blogid", "eq", $blogid); $pool->setQualifier("draft", "eq", 0); $pool->setQualifier("visibility", "<", 0); $pool->setQualifier("published", "<", Timestamp::getUNIXtime()); $entries = $pool->getAll("id, visibility, category"); if (count($entries) == 0) { return; } foreach ($entries as $entry) { $pool->init("Entries"); $pool->setQualifier("blogid", "eq", $blogid); $pool->setQualifier("draft", "eq", 0); $pool->setQualifier("id", "eq", $entry['id']); $pool->setAttribute("visibility", 0); $result = $pool->update(); if ($entry['visibility'] == -3) { if ($result && setEntryVisibility($entry['id'], 2)) { $updatedEntry = getEntry($blogid, $entry['id']); if (!is_null($updatedEntry)) { fireEvent('UpdatePost', $entry['id'], $updatedEntry); setEntryVisibility($entry['id'], 3); } } } else { if ($result) { setEntryVisibility($entry['id'], abs($entry['visibility'])); $updatedEntry = getEntry($blogid, $entry['id']); if (!is_null($updatedEntry)) { fireEvent('UpdatePost', $entry['id'], $updatedEntry); } } } } $pool->init("Entries"); $pool->setQualifier("blogid", "eq", $blogid); $pool->setQualifier("draft", "eq", 0); $pool->setQualifier("visibility", "<", 0); $pool->setQualifier("published", ">", Timestamp::getUNIXtime()); $newClosestTime = $pool->getCell("min(published)"); if (!empty($newClosestTime)) { Setting::setBlogSettingGlobal('closestReservedPostTime', $newClosestTime); } else { Setting::setBlogSettingGlobal('closestReservedPostTime', INT_MAX); } } }
function api_addAttachment($blogid, $parent, $file) { $pool = DBModel::getInstance(); $attachment = array(); $attachment['parent'] = $parent ? $parent : 0; $attachment['label'] = Path::getBaseName($file['name']); $label = Utils_Unicode::lessenAsEncoding($attachment['label'], 64); $attachment['size'] = $file['size']; $extension = Path::getExtension($attachment['label']); switch (strtolower($extension)) { case '.exe': case '.php': case '.sh': case '.com': case '.bat': $extension = '.xxx'; break; } /* Create directory for owner */ $path = __TEXTCUBE_ATTACH_DIR__ . "/{$blogid}"; if (!is_dir($path)) { mkdir($path); if (!is_dir($path)) { return false; } @chmod($path, 0777); } $pool->reset('Attachments'); $pool->setQualifier('blogid', 'eq', $blogid); $pool->setQualifier('parent', 'eq', $parent); $pool->setQualifier('label', 'eq', $label, true); $oldFile = $pool->getCell('name'); if ($oldFile !== null) { $attachment['name'] = $oldFile; } else { $attachment['name'] = rand(1000000000, 9999999999) . $extension; while (Attachment::doesExist($attachment['name'])) { $attachment['name'] = rand(1000000000, 9999999999) . $extension; } } $attachment['path'] = "{$path}/{$attachment['name']}"; deleteAttachment($blogid, -1, $attachment['name']); if ($file['content']) { $f = fopen($attachment['path'], "w"); if (!$f) { return false; } $attachment['size'] = fwrite($f, $file['content']); fclose($f); $file['tmp_name'] = $attachment['path']; } if ($imageAttributes = @getimagesize($file['tmp_name'])) { $attachment['mime'] = $imageAttributes['mime']; $attachment['width'] = $imageAttributes[0]; $attachment['height'] = $imageAttributes[1]; } else { $attachment['mime'] = Utils_Misc::getMIMEType($extension); $attachment['width'] = 0; $attachment['height'] = 0; } $attachment['mime'] = Utils_Unicode::lessenAsEncoding($attachment['mime'], 32); @chmod($attachment['path'], 0666); $pool->reset('Attachments'); $pool->setAttribute('blogid', $blogid); $pool->setAttribute('parent', $attachment['parent']); $pool->setAttribute('name', $attachment['name'], true); $pool->setAttribute('label', $label, true); $pool->setAttribute('mime', $attachment['mime'], true); $pool->setAttribute('size', $attachment['size'], true); $pool->setAttribute('width', $attachment['width']); $pool->setAttribute('height', $attachment['height']); $pool->setAttribute('attached', Timestamp::getUNIXtime()); $pool->setAttribute('downloads', 0); $pool->setAttribute('enclosure', 0); $result = $pool->insert(); if (!$result) { @unlink($attachment['path']); return false; } return $attachment; }
static function getHumanReadable($time = null, $from = null) { if (is_null($from)) { $deviation = Timestamp::getUNIXtime() - Timestamp::getUNIXtime($time); } else { $deviation = Timestamp::getUNIXtime($from) - Timestamp::getUNIXtime($time); } if ($deviation > 0) { // Past. if ($deviation < 60) { return _f('%1초 전', $deviation); } else { if ($deviation < 3600) { return _f('%1분 전', intval($deviation / 60)); } else { if ($deviation < 86400) { return _f('%1시간 전', intval($deviation / 3600)); } else { if ($deviation < 604800) { return _f('%1일 전', intval($deviation / 86400)); } else { return _f('%1주 전', intval($deviation / 604800)); } } } } } else { $deviation = abs($deviation); if ($deviation < 60) { return _f('%1초 후', $deviation); } else { if ($deviation < 3600) { return _f('%1분 후', intval($deviation / 60)); } else { if ($deviation < 86400) { return _f('%1시간 후', intval($deviation / 3600)); } else { if ($deviation < 604800) { return _f('%1일 후', intval($deviation / 86400)); } else { return _f('%1주 후', intval($deviation / 604800)); } } } } } }
function addBlog($blogid, $userid, $identify) { $ctx = Model_Context::getInstance(); $pool = DBModel::getInstance(); if (empty($userid)) { $userid = 1; // If no userid, choose the service administrator. } else { $pool->reset('Users'); $pool->setQualirifer('userid', 'eq', $userid); if (!$pool->doesExist('userid')) { return 3; } // 3: No user exists with specific userid } if (!empty($blogid)) { // If blogid, $pool->reset('BlogSettings'); $pool->setQualirifer('blogid', 'eq', $blogid); if (!$pool->doesExist('blogid')) { return 2; } // 2: No blog exists with specific blogid // Thus, blog and user exists. Now combine both. $pool->reset('Privileges'); $pool->setAttribute('blogid', $blogid); $pool->setAttribute('userid', $userid); $pool->setAttribute('acl', 0); $pool->setAttribute('created', Timestamp::getUNIXtime()); $pool->setAttribute('lastlogin', 0); $result = $pool->insert(); return $result; } else { // If no blogid, create a new blog. if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/', $identify)) { return 4; } // Wrong Blog name $identify = POD::escapeString(Utils_Unicode::lessenAsEncoding($identify, 32)); $blogName = $identify; $pool->reset('ReservedWords'); $pool->setQualifier('word', 'eq', $blogName, true); $result = $pool->getCount(); if ($result && $result > 0) { return 60; // Reserved blog name. } $pool->reset('BlogSettings'); $pool->setQualifier('name', 'eq', 'name', true); $pool->setQualifier('value', 'eq', $blogName, true); $result = $pool->getCount('value'); if ($result && $result > 0) { return 61; // Same blogname is already exists. } $pool->reset('BlogSettings'); $blogid = $pool->getCell('max(blogid)') + 1; $basicInformation = array('name' => $identify, 'defaultDomain' => 0, 'title' => '', 'description' => '', 'logo' => '', 'logoLabel' => '', 'logoWidth' => 0, 'logoHeight' => 0, 'useFeedViewOnCategory' => 1, 'useSloganOnPost' => 1, 'useSloganOnCategory' => 1, 'useSloganOnTag' => 1, 'entriesOnPage' => 10, 'entriesOnList' => 10, 'entriesOnRSS' => 10, 'commentsOnRSS' => 10, 'publishWholeOnRSS' => 1, 'publishEolinSyncOnRSS' => 1, 'allowWriteOnGuestbook' => 1, 'allowWriteDblCommentOnGuestbook' => 1, 'visibility' => 2, 'language' => $ctx->getProperty('service.language'), 'blogLanguage' => $ctx->getProperty('service.language'), 'timezone' => $ctx->getProperty('service.timezone')); $isFalse = false; foreach ($basicInformation as $fieldname => $fieldvalue) { if (Setting::setBlogSettingDefault($fieldname, $fieldvalue, $blogid) === false) { $isFalse = true; } } if ($isFalse == true) { $pool->reset('BlogSettings'); $pool->setQualifier('blogid', 'eq', $blogid); $pool->delete(); return 12; } $pool->reset('SkinSettings'); $pool->setAttribute('blogid', $blogid); $pool->setAttribute('name', 'skin', true); $pool->setAttribute('value', $ctx->getProperty(''), true); if (!$pool->insert()) { deleteBlog($blogid); return 13; } $pool->reset('FeedSettings'); $pool->setAttribute('blogid', $blogid); if (!$pool->insert()) { deleteBlog($blogid); return 62; } $pool->reset('FeedGroups'); $pool->setAttribute('blogid', $blogid); $pool->setAttribute('id', 0); if (!$pool->insert()) { deleteBlog($blogid); return 62; } Setting::setBlogSettingGlobal('defaultEditor', 'modern', $blogid); Setting::setBlogSettingGlobal('defaultFormatter', 'ttml', $blogid); //Combine user and blog. $pool->reset('Privileges'); $pool->setAttribute('blogid', $blogid); $pool->setAttribute('userid', $userid); $pool->setAttribute('acl', 16); $pool->setAttribute('created', Timestamp::getUNIXtime()); $pool->setAttribute('lastlogin', 0); if ($pool->insert()) { setDefaultPost($blogid, $userid); return true; } else { return 65; } } //return true; // unreachable code }
/// Copyright (c) 2004-2016, Needlworks / Tatter Network Foundation /// All rights reserved. Licensed under the GPL. /// See the GNU General Public License for more details. (/documents/LICENSE, /documents/COPYRIGHT) require ROOT . '/library/preprocessor.php'; $IV = array('GET' => array('user' => array('email'), 'blogid' => array('id'))); requireStrictRoute(); requirePrivilege('group.creators'); $userid = User::getUserIdByEmail($_GET['user']); $bid = $_GET['blogid']; if (empty($userid)) { Respond::ResultPage(array(-1, "존재하지 않는 사용자")); } $pool = DBModel::getInstance(); $pool->init("Privileges"); $pool->setQualifier("blogid", "eq", $bid); $pool->setQualifier("userid", "eq", $userid); $acl = $pool->getCell("acl"); if ($acl === null) { // If there is no ACL, add user into the blog. $pool->init("Privileges"); $pool->setAttribute("blogid", $bid); $pool->setAttribute("userid", $userid); $pool->setAttribute("acl", 0); $pool->setAttribute("created", Timestamp::getUNIXtime()); $pool->setAttribute("lastlogin", 0); $pool->insert(); Respond::ResultPage(0); } else { Respond::ResultPage(array(-2, "이미 참여중인 사용자")); }
function initializeRSSchannel($blogid = null) { global $serviceURL, $defaultURL, $blogURL, $blog; if (empty($blogid)) { $blogid = getBlogId(); } $channel = array(); $channel['title'] = RSSMessage($blog['title']); $channel['link'] = "{$defaultURL}/"; $channel['description'] = RSSMessage($blog['description']); $channel['language'] = $blog['language']; $channel['pubDate'] = Timestamp::getUNIXtime(); $channel['generator'] = TEXTCUBE_NAME . ' ' . TEXTCUBE_VERSION; if (Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('visibility', 2) == 2 && !empty($blog['logo']) && file_exists(ROOT . "/attach/{$blogid}/{$blog['logo']}")) { $logoInfo = getimagesize(ROOT . "/attach/{$blogid}/{$blog['logo']}"); $channel['url'] = $serviceURL . "/attach/" . $blogid . "/" . $blog['logo']; $channel['width'] = $logoInfo[0]; $channel['height'] = $logoInfo[1]; } return $channel; }
function MT_Cover_getRecentEntries($parameters) { global $database, $blog, $service, $serviceURL, $suri, $configVal, $defaultURL, $skin; requireModel("blog.entry"); requireModel("blog.tag"); $data = Setting::fetchConfigVal($configVal); $data['coverMode'] = !isset($data['coverMode']) ? 1 : $data['coverMode']; if (Misc::isMetaBlog() != true) { $data['coverMode'] = 1; } $data['screenshot'] = !isset($data['screenshot']) ? 1 : $data['screenshot']; $data['screenshotSize'] = !isset($data['screenshotSize']) ? 90 : $data['screenshotSize']; $data['paging'] = !isset($data['paging']) ? '2' : $data['paging']; $data['contentLength'] = !isset($data['contentLength']) ? 250 : $data['contentLength']; if (isset($parameters['preview'])) { // preview mode $retval = '표지에 최신 글 목록을 추가합니다.'; return htmlspecialchars($retval); } $entryLength = isset($parameters['entryLength']) ? $parameters['entryLength'] : 10; if (!is_dir(__TEXTCUBE_CACHE_DIR__ . "/thumbnail")) { @mkdir(__TEXTCUBE_CACHE_DIR__ . "/thumbnail"); @chmod(__TEXTCUBE_CACHE_DIR__ . "/thumbnail", 0777); } if (!is_dir(__TEXTCUBE_CACHE_DIR__ . "/thumbnail/" . getBlogId())) { @mkdir(__TEXTCUBE_CACHE_DIR__ . "/thumbnail/" . getBlogId()); @chmod(__TEXTCUBE_CACHE_DIR__ . "/thumbnail/" . getBlogId(), 0777); } if (!is_dir(__TEXTCUBE_CACHE_DIR__ . "/thumbnail/" . getBlogId() . "/coverPostThumbnail/")) { @mkdir(__TEXTCUBE_CACHE_DIR__ . "/thumbnail/" . getBlogId() . "/coverPostThumbnail/"); @chmod(__TEXTCUBE_CACHE_DIR__ . "/thumbnail/" . getBlogId() . "/coverPostThumbnail/", 0777); } $page = $data['paging'] == '1' && !empty($_GET['page']) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1; $cache = new PageCache(); $cache->name = 'MT_Cover_RecentPS'; if ($cache->load()) { //If successful loads $cache->contents = unserialize($cache->contents); // If coverpage is single mode OR coverpage is coverblog and cache is not expired, return cache contents. if (($data['coverMode'] == 1 || $data['coverMode'] == 2) && array_key_exists($page, $cache->contents) && Timestamp::getUNIXtime() - $cache->dbContents < 300) { return $cache->contents[$page]; } } if (Misc::isMetaBlog() == true && doesHaveOwnership() && $service['type'] != 'single') { $visibility = 'AND e.visibility > 1 AND (c.visibility > 1 OR e.category = 0)'; } else { $visibility = doesHaveOwnership() ? '' : 'AND e.visibility > 1 AND (c.visibility > 1 OR e.category = 0)'; } $multiple = $data['coverMode'] == 2 ? '' : 'e.blogid = ' . getBlogId() . ' AND'; $privateBlogId = POD::queryColumn("SELECT blogid \n\t\tFROM {$database['prefix']}BlogSettings\n\t\tWHERE name = 'visibility'\n\t\tAND value < 2"); if (!empty($privateBlogId)) { $privateBlogs = ' AND e.blogid NOT IN (' . implode(',', $privateBlogId) . ')'; } else { $privateBlogs = ''; } list($entries, $paging) = Paging::fetch("SELECT e.blogid,, e.userid, e.title, e.content, e.slogan, e.category, e.published, e.contentformatter, c.label\n\t\tFROM {$database['prefix']}Entries e\n\t\tLEFT JOIN {$database['prefix']}Categories c ON e.blogid = c.blogid AND e.category =\n\t\tWHERE {$multiple} e.draft = 0 {$visibility} AND e.category >= 0 {$privateBlogs}\n\t\tORDER BY published DESC", $page, $entryLength); $html = ''; foreach ((array) $entries as $entry) { $tagLabelView = ""; $blogid = $data['coverMode'] == 2 ? $entry['blogid'] : getBlogId(); $entryTags = getTags($blogid, $entry['id']); $defaultURL = getDefaultURL($blogid); if (sizeof($entryTags) > 0) { $tags = array(); foreach ($entryTags as $entryTag) { $tags[$entryTag['name']] = "<a href=\"{$defaultURL}/tag/" . (Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('useSloganOnTag', true) ? URL::encode($entryTag['name'], $service['useEncodedURL']) : $entryTag['id']) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($entryTag['name']) . '</a>'; } $tagLabelView = "<div class=\"post_tags\"><span>TAG : </span>" . implode(",\r\n", array_values($tags)) . "</div>"; } if (empty($entry['category'])) { $entry['label'] = _text('분류없음'); $entry['link'] = "{$defaultURL}/category"; } else { $entry['link'] = "{$defaultURL}/category/" . (Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('useSloganOnCategory', true) ? URL::encode($entry['label'], $service['useEncodedURL']) : $entry['category']); } $permalink = "{$defaultURL}/" . (Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('useSloganOnPost', true) ? "entry/" . URL::encode($entry['slogan'], $service['useEncodedURL']) : $entry['id']); $html .= '<div class="coverpost">' . CRLF; if ($imageName = MT_Cover_getAttachmentExtract($entry['content'])) { if (($tempImageSrc = MT_Cover_getImageResizer($blogid, $imageName, $data['screenshotSize'])) && $data['screenshot'] == 1) { $html .= '<div class="img_preview"><a href="' . $permalink . '"><img src="' . $tempImageSrc . '" alt="" /></a></div>' . CRLF; } } $html .= ' <div class="content_box">'; $html .= ' <h2><a href="' . $permalink . '">' . htmlspecialchars($entry['title']) . '</a></h2>' . CRLF; $html .= ' <div class="post_info">' . CRLF; $html .= ' <span class="category"><a href="' . htmlspecialchars($entry['link']) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($entry['label']) . '</a></span>' . CRLF; $html .= ' <span class="date">' . Timestamp::format5($entry['published']) . '</span>' . CRLF; $html .= ' <span class="author"><span class="preposition">by </span>' . User::getName($entry['userid']) . '</span>' . CRLF; $html .= ' </div>' . CRLF; $html .= ' <div class="post_content">' . htmlspecialchars(Utils_Unicode::lessenAsEm(removeAllTags(stripHTML($entry['content'])), $data['contentLength'])) . '</div>' . CRLF; $html .= $tagLabelView; $html .= ' <div class="clear"></div>' . CRLF; $html .= ' </div>'; $html .= '</div>' . CRLF; } if ($data['paging'] == '1') { $paging['page'] = $page; $paging['total'] = POD::queryCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$database['prefix']}Entries e WHERE {$multiple} e.draft = 0 {$visibility} AND e.category >= 0"); $html .= getPagingView($paging, $skin->paging, $skin->pagingItem) . CRLF; $html .= '<script type="text/javascript">' . CRLF; $html .= '//<![CDATA[' . CRLF; if ($paging['page'] > 1) { $html .= 'var prevURL = "' . $paging['url'] . '?page=' . ($paging['page'] - 1) . '"' . CRLF; } if ($paging['page'] < $paging['total']) { $html .= 'var nextURL = "' . $paging['url'] . '?page=' . ($paging['page'] + 1) . '"' . CRLF; } $html .= '//]]>' . CRLF; $html .= '</script>'; } $target = $html; $cache->contents[$page] = $target; $cache->contents = serialize($cache->contents); $cache->dbContents = Timestamp::getUNIXtime(); $cache->update(); unset($cache); return $target; }
function initializeRSSchannel($blogid = null) { $context = Model_Context::getInstance(); if (empty($blogid)) { $blogid = getBlogId(); } $channel = array(); $channel['title'] = RSSMessage($context->getProperty('blog.title')); $channel['link'] = $context->getProperty('uri.default') . "/"; $channel['description'] = RSSMessage($context->getProperty('blog.description')); $channel['language'] = $context->getProperty('blog.language'); $channel['pubDate'] = Timestamp::getUNIXtime(); $channel['generator'] = TEXTCUBE_NAME . ' ' . TEXTCUBE_VERSION; if (Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('visibility', 2) == 2 && $context->getProperty('blog.logo') && file_exists(__TEXTCUBE_ATTACH_DIR__ . "/{$blogid}/" . $context->getProperty('blog.logo'))) { $logoInfo = getimagesize(__TEXTCUBE_ATTACH_DIR__ . "/{$blogid}/" . $context->getProperty('blog.logo')); $channel['url'] = $context->getProperty('uri.service') . "/attach/" . $blogid . "/" . $context->getProperty('blog.logo'); $channel['width'] = $logoInfo[0]; $channel['height'] = $logoInfo[1]; } return $channel; }
function trashVan() { global $database; requireModel('common.setting'); if (Timestamp::getUNIXtime() - Setting::getServiceSetting('lastTrashSweep', 0, true) > 86400) { // var_dump(Timestamp::getUNIXtime()); // var_dump(Setting::getServiceSetting('lastTrashSweep',0, true)); POD::execute("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}Comments where isfiltered < " . Timestamp::getUNIXtime() . " - 1296000 AND isfiltered > 0"); POD::execute("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}RemoteResponses where isfiltered < " . Timestamp::getUNIXtime() . " - 1296000 AND isfiltered > 0"); POD::execute("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}RefererLogs WHERE referred < " . Timestamp::getUNIXtime() . " - 604800"); Setting::setServiceSetting('lastTrashSweep', Timestamp::getUNIXtime(), true); } if (Timestamp::getUNIXtime() - Setting::getServiceSetting('lastNoticeRead', 0, true) > 43200) { Setting::removeServiceSetting('TextcubeNotice', true); Setting::setServiceSetting('lastNoticeRead', Timestamp::getUNIXtime(), true); } }
function add() { // unset($this->id); $this->id = $this->getNextLinkId(); $this->pid = $this->getNextLinkPid(); if (!isset($this->url)) { return $this->_error('url'); } if (!isset($this->title)) { return $this->_error('title'); } if (!($query = $this->_buildQuery())) { return false; } if (!isset($this->registered)) { $query->setAttribute('written', Timestamp::getUNIXtime()); } if (!$query->insert()) { return $this->_error('insert'); } // $this->id = $query->id; return true; }
function add() { global $database; if (!isset($this->id)) { $this->id = $this->nextId(); } else { $this->id = $this->nextId($this->id); } if (!isset($this->entry)) { return $this->_error('entry'); } if (!isset($this->commenter) && !isset($this->name)) { return $this->_error('commenter'); } if (!isset($this->content)) { return $this->_error('content'); } if (!isset($this->ip)) { $this->ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } if (!isset($this->isfiltered)) { $this->isfiltered = 0; } // legacy if (isset($this->commenter)) { $this->replier = $this->commenter; /*unset($this->commenter);*/ } if (!($query = $this->_buildQuery())) { return false; } if (!$query->hasAttribute('written')) { $query->setAttribute('written', Timestamp::getUNIXtime()); } if (!$query->insert()) { return $this->_error('insert'); } if (isset($this->parent)) { $this->entry = Comment::getEntry($this->parent); } if (isset($this->entry) && $this->isfiltered == 0) { POD::execute("UPDATE {$database['prefix']}Entries SET comments = comments + 1 WHERE blogid = " . getBlogId() . " AND id = {$this->entry}"); } return true; }
function updateXfn($blogid, $links) { $pool = DBModel::getInstance(); $ids = array(); foreach ($links as $k => $v) { if (substr($k, 0, 3) == 'xfn') { $id = substr($k, 3); $xfn = $v; $pool->init("Links"); $pool->setAttribute("xfn", $xfn, true); $pool->setAttribute("written", Timestamp::getUNIXtime()); $pool->setQualifier("blogid", "eq", $blogid); $pool->setQualifier("id", "eq", $id); $pool->update(); } } }
public static function authorize($blogid, $userid) { if (is_null(self::$mc)) { self::initialize(); } $blogid = intval($blogid); $userid = intval($userid); $session_cookie_path = "/"; if (!is_null(self::$context->getProperty('service.session_cookie_path'))) { $session_cookie_path = self::$context->getProperty('service.session_cookie_path'); } if (!is_numeric($userid)) { return false; } $current = Timestamp::getUNIXtime(); if (is_null($expires)) { $expires = $current + self::$context->getProperty('service.timeout'); } if ($userid != SESSION_OPENID_USERID) { /* OpenID session : -1 */ $_SESSION['userid'] = $userid; $id = session_id(); if (self::isGuestOpenIDSession($id)) { //$result = self::$mc->set(self::$context->getProperty('service.domain')."/authorizedSession/{$id}/{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}",$userid,0,self::$context->getProperty('service.timeout')); $result = self::$mc->set(self::$context->getProperty('service.domain') . "/authorizedSession/{$id}", $userid, 0, $expires); if ($result) { return true; } } } if (self::isAuthorized(session_id())) { return true; } for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { $id = dechex(rand(0x10000000, 0x7fffffff)) . dechex(rand(0x10000000, 0x7fffffff)) . dechex(rand(0x10000000, 0x7fffffff)) . dechex(rand(0x10000000, 0x7fffffff)); //$result = self::$mc->set(self::$context->getProperty('service.domain')."/authorizedSession/{$id}/{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}",$userid,0,self::$context->getProperty('service.timeout')); $result = self::$mc->set(self::$context->getProperty('service.domain') . "/authorizedSession/{$id}", $userid, 0, self::$context->getProperty('service.timeout')); if ($result) { @session_id($id); setcookie(self::getName(), $id, 0, $session_cookie_path, self::$context->getProperty('service.session_cookie_domain')); return true; } } return false; }
function authenticate($blogid, $loginid, $password, $blogapi = false) { global $database; $session = array(); Acl::clearAcl(); $loginid = POD::escapeString($loginid); $blogApiPassword = Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal("blogApiPassword", ""); if (strlen($password) == 32 && preg_match('/[0-9a-f]{32}/i', $password)) { // Raw login. ( with/without auth token) $userid = User::getUserIdByEmail($loginid); if (!empty($userid) && !is_null($userid)) { $query = DBModel::getInstance(); $query->reset('UserSettings'); $query->setQualifier('userid', 'equals', intval($userid)); $query->setQualifier('name', 'equals', 'AuthToken', true); $authtoken = $query->getCell('value'); if (!empty($authtoken) && $authtoken === $password) { // If user requested auth token, use it to confirm. $session['userid'] = $userid; } else { // login with md5 hash $secret = 'password = \'' . md5($password) . '\''; } } else { return false; } } else { if ($blogapi && !empty($blogApiPassword)) { // BlogAPI login $password = POD::escapeString($password); $secret = '(password = \'' . md5($password) . '\' OR \'' . $password . '\' = \'' . $blogApiPassword . '\')'; } else { // Normal login $secret = 'password = \'' . md5($password) . '\''; } } if (empty($session)) { $session = POD::queryRow("SELECT userid, loginid, name FROM {$database['prefix']}Users WHERE loginid = '{$loginid}' AND {$secret}"); } if (empty($session)) { /* You should compare return value with '=== false' which checks with variable types*/ return false; } $userid = $session['userid']; Acl::authorize('textcube', $userid); POD::execute("UPDATE {$database['prefix']}Users SET lastlogin = "******" WHERE loginid = '{$loginid}'"); // POD::execute("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}UserSettings WHERE userid = '$userid' AND name = 'AuthToken' LIMIT 1"); return $userid; }
public static function query($query, $compatiblity = true) { /// Bypassing compatiblitiy issue : will be replace to NAF2. if ($compatibility) { $query = str_replace('UNIX_TIMESTAMP()', Timestamp::getUNIXtime(), $query); // compatibility issue. // CONCAT $ppos = -1; $length = strlen($query); do { $pos = strpos($query, '\'', $ppos + 1); if ($pos === false) { $pos = strlen($query); } while (true) { $concat = stripos($query, 'CONCAT', $ppos + 1); if ($concat === false || $concat >= $pos) { break; } $depth = 0; $quote = null; for ($i = $concat + 6; $i < $length; $i++) { if ($quote === null) { if ($query[$i] == '\'' || $query[$i] == '"') { $quote = $query[$i]; } elseif ($query[$i] == ',') { $query = substr($query, 0, $i) . ' || ' . substr($query, $i + 1); } elseif ($query[$i] == '(') { $depth++; } elseif ($query[$i] == ')') { if (--$depth == 0) { break; } } } else { if ($query[$i] == $quote && $query[$i - 1] != '\\') { $quote = null; } } } $query = substr($query, 0, $concat) . substr($query, $concat + 6); $pos = strpos($query, '\'', $ppos + 1); $length = strlen($query); } $ppos = $pos; while ($ppos < $length) { $ppos = strpos($query, '\'', $ppos + 1); if ($query[$ppos - 1] != '\\') { break; } } } while ($ppos < $length); } if (function_exists('__tcSqlLogBegin')) { __tcSqlLogBegin($query); $result = pg_query($query); __tcSqlLogEnd($result, 0); } else { $result = pg_query($query); } self::$lastQueryType = strtolower(substr($query, 0, 6)); if (stristr($query, 'update ') || stristr($query, 'insert ') || stristr($query, 'delete ') || stristr($query, 'replace ')) { self::clearCache(); } return $result; }
setcookie(Session::getName(), $_GET['session'], 0, $context->getProperty('service.session_cookie_path'), $context->getProperty('service.session_cookie_domain')); header('Location: ' . $_GET['requestURI']); exit; } else { if (!empty($_POST['loginid']) && !empty($_POST['reset'])) { if (resetPassword($blogid, $_POST['loginid'])) { $message = _text('지정된 이메일로 로그인 정보가 전달되었습니다.'); } else { $message = _text('권한이 없습니다.'); } } else { if (!empty($_POST['loginid']) && !empty($_POST['password'])) { if (!empty($_POST['autologin'])) { $isLogin = login($_POST['loginid'], $_POST['password'], Timestamp::getUNIXtime() + $context->getProperty('service.autologinTimeout')); } else { $isLogin = login($_POST['loginid'], $_POST['password'], Timestamp::getUNIXtime() + $context->getProperty('service.timeout')); } if (!$isLogin) { $message = _text('아이디 또는 비밀번호가 틀렸습니다.'); if (!doesHaveMembership() && isLoginId(getBlogId(), $_POST['loginid'])) { $showPasswordReset = true; } } else { if (!doesHaveOwnership()) { $message = _text('서비스의 회원이지만 이 블로그의 구성원이 아닙니다. 주소를 확인해 주시기 바랍니다.'); } } } } } $authResult = fireEvent('LOGIN_try_auth', false);
function receiveNotifiedComment($post) { if (empty($post['mode']) || $post['mode'] != 'fb') { return 1; } $context = Model_Context::getInstance(); CacheControl::flushCommentNotifyRSS(); $post = fireEvent('ReceiveNotifiedComment', $post); if ($post === false) { return 7; } $pool = DBModel::getInstance(); $blogid = getBlogId(); $title = Utils_Unicode::lessenAsEncoding($post['s_home_title'], 255); $name = Utils_Unicode::lessenAsEncoding($post['s_name'], 255); $entryId = $post['s_no']; $homepage = Utils_Unicode::lessenAsEncoding($post['url'], 255); $entryurl = $post['s_url']; $entrytitle = $post['s_post_title']; $parent_id = $post['r1_no']; $parent_name = Utils_Unicode::lessenAsEncoding($post['r1_name'], 80); $parent_parent = $post['r1_rno']; $parent_homepage = Utils_Unicode::lessenAsEncoding($post['r1_homepage'], 80); $parent_written = $post['r1_regdate']; $parent_comment = $post['r1_body']; $parent_url = Utils_Unicode::lessenAsEncoding($post['r1_url'], 255); $child_id = $post['r2_no']; $child_name = Utils_Unicode::lessenAsEncoding($post['r2_name'], 80); $child_parent = $post['r2_rno']; $child_homepage = Utils_Unicode::lessenAsEncoding($post['r2_homepage'], 80); $child_written = $post['r2_regdate']; $child_comment = $post['r2_body']; $child_url = Utils_Unicode::lessenAsEncoding($post['r2_url'], 255); $pool->reset('CommentsNotifiedSiteInfo'); $pool->setQualifier('url', 'eq', $homepage); $siteid = $pool->getCell('id'); if (empty($siteid)) { $insertId = getCommentsNotifiedSiteInfoMaxId() + 1; $pool->reset('CommentsNotifiedSiteInfo'); $pool->setAttribute('id', $insertId); $pool->setAttribute('title', $title, true); $pool->setAttribute('name', $name, true); $pool->setAttribute('url', $homepage, true); $pool->setAttribute('modified', Timestamp::getUNIXtime()); if ($pool->insert()) { $siteid = $insertId; } else { return 2; } } $pool->reset('CommentsNotified'); $pool->setQualifier('entry', 'eq', $entryId); $pool->setQualifier('siteid', 'eq', $siteid); $pool->setQualifier('blogid', 'eq', $blogid); $pool->setQualifier('remoteid', 'eq', $parent_id); $parentId = $pool->getCell('id'); if (empty($parentId)) { $insertId = getCommentsNotifiedMaxId() + 1; $pool->reset('CommentsNotified'); $pool->setAttribute('blogid', $blogid); $pool->setAttribute('replier', NULL); $pool->setAttribute('id', $insertId); $pool->setAttribute('entry', $entryId); $pool->setAttribute('parent', empty($parent_parent) ? NULL : $parent_parent); $pool->setAttribute('name', $parent_name, true); $pool->setAttribute('password', '', true); $pool->setAttribute('homepage', $parent_homepage, true); $pool->setAttribute('secret', '', true); $pool->setAttribute('comment', $parent_comment, true); $pool->setAttribute('ip', '', true); $pool->setAttribute('written', $parent_written, true); $pool->setAttribute('modified', Timestamp::getUNIXtime()); $pool->setAttribute('siteid', $siteid); $pool->setAttribute('isnew', 1); $pool->setAttribute('url', $parent_url, true); $pool->setAttribute('remoteid', $parent_id); $pool->setAttribute('entrytitle', $entrytitle, true); $pool->setAttribute('entryurl', $entryurl, true); if (!$pool->insert()) { return 3; } $parentId = $insertId; } $pool->reset('CommentsNotified'); $pool->setQualifier('siteid', 'eq', $siteid); $pool->setQualifier('remoteid', 'eq', $child_id); if ($pool->getCount() > 0) { return 4; } $insertId = getCommentsNotifiedMaxId() + 1; $pool->reset('CommentsNotified'); $pool->setAttribute('blogid', $blogid); $pool->setAttribute('replier', NULL); $pool->setAttribute('id', $insertId); $pool->setAttribute('entry', $entryId); $pool->setAttribute('parent', $parentId); $pool->setAttribute('name', $child_name, true); $pool->setAttribute('password', '', true); $pool->setAttribute('homepage', $child_homepage, true); $pool->setAttribute('secret', '', true); $pool->setAttribute('comment', $child_comment, true); $pool->setAttribute('ip', '', true); $pool->setAttribute('written', $child_written, true); $pool->setAttribute('modified', Timestamp::getUNIXtime()); $pool->setAttribute('siteid', $siteid); $pool->setAttribute('isnew', 1); $pool->setAttribute('url', $child_url, true); $pool->setAttribute('remoteid', $child_id); $pool->setAttribute('entrytitle', $entrytitle, true); $pool->setAttribute('entryurl', $entryurl, true); if (!$pool->insert()) { return 5; } $pool->reset('CommentsNotified'); $pool->setAttribute('modified', Timestamp::getUNIXtime()); $pool->setQualifier('blogid', 'eq', $blogid); $pool->setQualifier('id', 'eq', $parentId); if (!$pool->update()) { return 6; } return 0; }
function MT_Cover_getRecentEntries($parameters) { global $skin; $context = Model_Context::getInstance(); $data = $context->getProperty('plugin.config'); importlib(""); importlib(""); $data['coverMode'] = !isset($data['coverMode']) ? 1 : $data['coverMode']; if (Utils_Misc::isMetaBlog() != true) { $data['coverMode'] = 1; } $data['screenshot'] = !isset($data['screenshot']) ? 1 : $data['screenshot']; $data['screenshotSize'] = !isset($data['screenshotSize']) ? 90 : $data['screenshotSize']; $data['paging'] = !isset($data['paging']) ? '2' : $data['paging']; $data['contentLength'] = !isset($data['contentLength']) ? 250 : $data['contentLength']; if (isset($parameters['preview'])) { // preview mode $retval = '표지에 최신 글 목록을 추가합니다.'; return htmlspecialchars($retval); } $entryLength = isset($parameters['entryLength']) ? $parameters['entryLength'] : 10; if (!is_dir(__TEXTCUBE_CACHE_DIR__ . "/thumbnail")) { @mkdir(__TEXTCUBE_CACHE_DIR__ . "/thumbnail"); @chmod(__TEXTCUBE_CACHE_DIR__ . "/thumbnail", 0777); } if (!is_dir(__TEXTCUBE_CACHE_DIR__ . "/thumbnail/" . $context->getProperty(''))) { @mkdir(__TEXTCUBE_CACHE_DIR__ . "/thumbnail/" . $context->getProperty('')); @chmod(__TEXTCUBE_CACHE_DIR__ . "/thumbnail/" . $context->getProperty(''), 0777); } if (!is_dir(__TEXTCUBE_CACHE_DIR__ . "/thumbnail/" . $context->getProperty('') . "/coverPostThumbnail/")) { @mkdir(__TEXTCUBE_CACHE_DIR__ . "/thumbnail/" . $context->getProperty('') . "/coverPostThumbnail/"); @chmod(__TEXTCUBE_CACHE_DIR__ . "/thumbnail/" . $context->getProperty('') . "/coverPostThumbnail/", 0777); } $page = $data['paging'] == '1' && !empty($_GET['page']) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1; $cache = new PageCache(); $cache->name = 'MT_Cover_RecentPS'; if ($cache->load()) { //If successful loads $cache->contents = unserialize($cache->contents); // If coverpage is single mode OR coverpage is coverblog and cache is not expired, return cache contents. if (($data['coverMode'] == 1 || $data['coverMode'] == 2) && array_key_exists($page, $cache->contents) && Timestamp::getUNIXtime() - $cache->dbContents < 300) { return $cache->contents[$page]; } } $pool = DBModel::getInstance(); $pool->reset("BlogSettings"); $pool->setQualifier("name", "eq", 'visibility', true); $pool->setQualifier("value", "<", 2); $privateBlogId = $pool->getCell("blogid"); $pool->reset("Entries"); $pool->join("Categories", "left", array(array("e.blogid", "eq", "c.blogid"), array("e.category", "eq", ""))); $pool->setQualifier("e.draft", "eq", 0); $pool->setQualifier("e.category", "beq", 0); if ($privateBlogId) { $pool->setQualifier("e.blogid", "hasnoneof", $privateBlogId); } if (Utils_Misc::isMetaBlog() == true && doesHaveOwnership() && $context->getProperty('service.type', 'single') != 'single') { $pool->setQualifier("e.visibility", ">", 1); $pool->setQualifierSet(array("c.visibility", ">", 1), "OR", array("e.category", "eq", 0)); } else { if (!doesHaveOwnership()) { $pool->setQualifier("e.visibility", ">", 1); $pool->setQualifierSet(array("c.visibility", ">", 1), "OR", array("e.category", "eq", 0)); } } if ($data['coverMode'] != 2) { $pool->setQualifier("e.blogid", "eq", $context->getProperty("")); } list($entries, $paging) = Paging::fetch($pool, $page, $entryLength); $html = ''; foreach ((array) $entries as $entry) { $tagLabelView = ""; $blogid = $data['coverMode'] == 2 ? $entry['blogid'] : $context->getProperty(''); $entryTags = getTags($blogid, $entry['id']); $defaultURL = getDefaultURL($blogid); if (sizeof($entryTags) > 0) { $tags = array(); foreach ($entryTags as $entryTag) { $tags[$entryTag['name']] = "<a href=\"{$defaultURL}/tag/" . (Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('useSloganOnTag', true) ? URL::encode($entryTag['name'], $service['useEncodedURL']) : $entryTag['id']) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($entryTag['name']) . '</a>'; } $tagLabelView = "<div class=\"post_tags\"><span>TAG : </span>" . implode(",\r\n", array_values($tags)) . "</div>"; } if (empty($entry['category'])) { $entry['label'] = _text('분류없음'); $entry['link'] = "{$defaultURL}/category"; } else { $entry['link'] = "{$defaultURL}/category/" . (Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('useSloganOnCategory', true) ? URL::encode($entry['label'], $service['useEncodedURL']) : $entry['category']); } $permalink = "{$defaultURL}/" . (Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('useSloganOnPost', true) ? "entry/" . URL::encode($entry['slogan'], $context->getProperty('service.useEncodedURL', false)) : $entry['id']); $html .= '<div class="coverpost">' . CRLF; if ($imageName = MT_Cover_getAttachmentExtract($entry['content'])) { if (($tempImageSrc = MT_Cover_getImageResizer($blogid, $imageName, $data['screenshotSize'])) && $data['screenshot'] == 1) { $html .= '<div class="img_preview"><a href="' . $permalink . '"><img src="' . $tempImageSrc . '" alt="" /></a></div>' . CRLF; } } $html .= ' <div class="content_box">'; $html .= ' <h2><a href="' . $permalink . '">' . htmlspecialchars($entry['title']) . '</a></h2>' . CRLF; $html .= ' <div class="post_info">' . CRLF; $html .= ' <span class="category"><a href="' . htmlspecialchars($entry['link']) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($entry['label']) . '</a></span>' . CRLF; $html .= ' <span class="date">' . Timestamp::format5($entry['published']) . '</span>' . CRLF; $html .= ' <span class="author"><span class="preposition">by </span>' . User::getName($entry['userid']) . '</span>' . CRLF; $html .= ' </div>' . CRLF; $html .= ' <div class="post_content">' . htmlspecialchars(Utils_Unicode::lessenAsEm(removeAllTags(stripHTML($entry['content'])), $data['contentLength'])) . '</div>' . CRLF; $html .= $tagLabelView; $html .= ' <div class="clear"></div>' . CRLF; $html .= ' </div>'; $html .= '</div>' . CRLF; } if ($data['paging'] == '1') { $paging['page'] = $page; $paging['total'] = POD::queryCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$database['prefix']}Entries e WHERE {$multiple} e.draft = 0 {$visibility} AND e.category >= 0"); $html .= Paging::getPagingView($paging, $skin->paging, $skin->pagingItem) . CRLF; $html .= '<script type="text/javascript">' . CRLF; $html .= '//<![CDATA[' . CRLF; if ($paging['page'] > 1) { $html .= 'var prevURL = "' . $paging['url'] . '?page=' . ($paging['page'] - 1) . '"' . CRLF; } if ($paging['page'] < $paging['total']) { $html .= 'var nextURL = "' . $paging['url'] . '?page=' . ($paging['page'] + 1) . '"' . CRLF; } $html .= '//]]>' . CRLF; $html .= '</script>'; } $target = $html; $cache->contents[$page] = $target; $cache->contents = serialize($cache->contents); $cache->dbContents = Timestamp::getUNIXtime(); $cache->update(); unset($cache); return $target; }
function publishEntries() { global $database; $blogid = getBlogId(); $closestReservedTime = Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('closestReservedPostTime', INT_MAX); if ($closestReservedTime < Timestamp::getUNIXtime()) { $entries = POD::queryAll("SELECT id, visibility, category\n\t\t\tFROM {$database['prefix']}Entries \n\t\t\tWHERE blogid = {$blogid} AND draft = 0 AND visibility < 0 AND published < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()"); if (count($entries) == 0) { return; } foreach ($entries as $entry) { $result = POD::query("UPDATE {$database['prefix']}Entries \n\t\t\t\tSET visibility = 0 \n\t\t\t\tWHERE blogid = {$blogid} AND id = {$entry['id']} AND draft = 0"); if ($entry['visibility'] == -3) { if ($result && setEntryVisibility($entry['id'], 2)) { $updatedEntry = getEntry($blogid, $entry['id']); if (!is_null($updatedEntry)) { fireEvent('UpdatePost', $entry['id'], $updatedEntry); setEntryVisibility($entry['id'], 3); } } } else { if ($result) { setEntryVisibility($entry['id'], abs($entry['visibility'])); $updatedEntry = getEntry($blogid, $entry['id']); if (!is_null($updatedEntry)) { fireEvent('UpdatePost', $entry['id'], $updatedEntry); } } } } $newClosestTime = POD::queryCell("SELECT min(published)\n\t\t\tFROM {$database['prefix']}Entries\n\t\t\tWHERE blogid = {$blogid} AND draft = 0 AND visibility < 0 AND published > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()"); if (!empty($newClosestTime)) { Setting::setBlogSettingGlobal('closestReservedPostTime', $newClosestTime); } else { Setting::setBlogSettingGlobal('closestReservedPostTime', INT_MAX); } } }
function changeACLofUser($blogid, $userid, $ACLtype, $switch) { // Change user priviledge on the blog. $context = Model_Context::getInstance(); $pool = DBModel::getInstance(); if (empty($ACLtype) || empty($userid)) { return false; } $pool->reset("Privileges"); $pool->setQualifier("blogid", "eq", $blogid); $pool->setQualifier("userid", "eq", $userid); $acl = $pool->getCell("acl"); if ($acl === null) { // If there is no ACL, add user into the blog. $name = User::getName($userid); $pool->reset("Privileges"); $pool->setAttribute("blogid", $blogid); $pool->setAttribute("userid", $userid); $pool->setAttribute("acl", 0); $pool->setAttribute("created", Timestamp::getUNIXtime()); $pool->setAttribute("lastlogin", 0); $pool->insert(); $acl = 0; } $bitwise = null; switch ($ACLtype) { case 'admin': $bitwise = BITWISE_ADMINISTRATOR; break; case 'editor': $bitwise = BITWISE_EDITOR; break; default: return false; } if ($switch) { $acl |= $bitwise; } else { $acl &= ~$bitwise; } $pool->reset("Privileges"); $pool->setAttribute("acl", $acl); $pool->setQualifier("blogid", "eq", $blogid); $pool->setQualifier("userid", "eq", $userid); return $pool->update(); }
public static function query($query, $compatibility = true) { /// Bypassing compatiblitiy issue : will be replace to NAF2. if ($compatibility) { $query = str_replace('UNIX_TIMESTAMP()', Timestamp::getUNIXtime(), $query); // compatibility issue. if (stripos($query, "ORDER BY") !== false) { $origPagingInst = array('/(ASC|DESC) LIMIT (\\d+) OFFSET 0/si', '/(ASC|DESC) LIMIT (\\d+) OFFSET (\\d+)/si', '/(ASC|DESC) LIMIT 1(^[0-9])/si', '/(ASC|DESC) LIMIT (\\d+)/si', '/RAND\\(\\) LIMIT (\\d+)/si'); $descPagingInst = array('$1 FOR ORDERBY_NUM() BETWEEN 1 AND $2', '$1 FOR ORDERBY_NUM() BETWEEN ($3+1) AND ($2+$3)', '$1 FOR ORDERBY_NUM() = 1', '$1 FOR ORDERBY_NUM() BETWEEN 1 AND $2', 'RANDOM() FOR ORDERBY_NUM() BETWEEN 1 AND $1'); } else { if (stripos($query, "GROUP BY") !== false) { $origPagingInst = array('/GROUP BY(.*)(ORDER BY)(.*)(ASC|DESC) LIMIT (\\d+) OFFSET 0/si', '/GROUP BY(.*)(ORDER BY)(.*)(ASC|DESC) LIMIT (\\d+) OFFSET ([0-9]+)/si', '/GROUP BY(.*)(ORDER BY)(.*)(ASC|DESC) LIMIT 1(^[0-9])/si', '/GROUP BY(.*)(ORDER BY)(.*)(ASC|DESC) LIMIT (\\d+)/si', '/GROUP BY(.*)(ORDER BY)(.*)RAND\\(\\) LIMIT (\\d+)/si'); $descPagingInst = array('GROUP BY $1 HAVING GROUPBY_NUM() = $5 $2 $3 $4', 'GROUP BY $1 HAVING GROUPBY_NUM() BETWEEN ($6+1) AND $5 $2 $3 $4', 'GROUP BY $1 HAVING GROUPBY_NUM() = 1 $2 $3 $4', 'GROUP BY $1 HAVING GROUPBY_NUM() BETWEEN 1 AND $5 $2 $3 $4', 'GROUP BY $1 HAVING GROUPBY_NUM() BETWEEN 1 AND $4 $2 RANDOM() $3'); } else { $origPagingInst = array('/WHERE(.*)LIMIT (\\d+) OFFSET 0/si', '/WHERE(.*)LIMIT (\\d+) OFFSET ([0-9]+)/si', '/WHERE(.*)LIMIT 1(^[0-9])/si', '/WHERE(.*)LIMIT (\\d+)/si', '/SUM\\((size|value)\\)/si'); $descPagingInst = array('WHERE ROWNUM BETWEEN 1 AND $2 AND $1', 'WHERE ROWNUM BETWEEN ($3+1) AND ($2+$3) AND $1', 'WHERE ROWNUM = 1 AND $1', 'WHERE ROWNUM BETWEEN 1 AND $2 AND $1', 'SUM("$1")'); } } $query = preg_replace($origPagingInst, $descPagingInst, $query); // CONCAT $ppos = -1; $length = strlen($query); do { $pos = strpos($query, '\'', $ppos + 1); if ($pos === false) { $pos = strlen($query); } while (true) { $concat = stripos($query, 'CONCAT', $ppos + 1); if ($concat === false || $concat >= $pos) { break; } $depth = 0; $quote = null; for ($i = $concat + 6; $i < $length; $i++) { if ($quote === null) { if ($query[$i] == '\'' || $query[$i] == '"') { $quote = $query[$i]; } elseif ($query[$i] == ',') { $query = substr($query, 0, $i) . ' || ' . substr($query, $i + 1); } elseif ($query[$i] == '(') { $depth++; } elseif ($query[$i] == ')') { if (--$depth == 0) { break; } } } else { if ($query[$i] == $quote && $query[$i - 1] != '\\') { $quote = null; } } } $query = substr($query, 0, $concat) . substr($query, $concat + 6); $pos = strpos($query, '\'', $ppos + 1); $length = strlen($query); } $ppos = $pos; while ($ppos < $length) { $ppos = strpos($query, '\'', $ppos + 1); if ($query[$ppos - 1] != '\\') { break; } } } while ($ppos < $length); } if (function_exists('__tcSqlLogBegin')) { __tcSqlLogBegin($query); $result = cubrid_execute(self::$dbProperties['handle'], $query); __tcSqlLogEnd($result, 0); } else { $result = cubrid_execute(self::$dbProperties['handle'], $query); } self::$lastQueryType = strtolower(substr($query, 0, 6)); if (in_array(self::$lastQueryType, array('insert', 'update', 'delete', 'replac'))) { self::commit(); self::clearCache(); } return $result; }
function trashRemoteResponsesByIP($blogid, $ip) { $pool = DBModel::getInstance(); $pool->reset("RemoteResponses"); $pool->setQualifier("blogid", "eq", $blogid); $pool->setQualifier("ip", "eq", $ip, true); $affectedEntries = $pool->getColumn("entry"); $pool->reset("RemoteResponses"); $pool->setQualifier("blogid", "eq", $blogid); $pool->setQualifier("ip", "eq", $ip, true); $pool->setAttribute("isfiltered", Timestamp::getUNIXtime()); if ($pool->update()) { CacheControl::flushDBCache('trackback'); CacheControl::flushDBCache('remoteResponse'); foreach ($affectedEntries as $entry) { updateRemoteResponsesOfEntry($blogid, $entry); } return true; } return false; }
function checkStep($step, $check = true) { global $root, $path; $error = 0; if ($step == 1) { if ($check) { return true; } } else { if ($step == 2) { if ($check) { if (!empty($_POST['mode'])) { switch ($_POST['mode']) { case 'install': case 'setup': case 'uninstall': return true; } } } ?> <input type="hidden" name="step" value="2" /> <input id="setupMode" type="hidden" name="mode" value="" /> <div id="inner"> <h2><span class="step"><?php echo _f('%1단계', 2); ?> </span> : <?php echo _t('작업 유형을 선택해 주십시오.'); ?> </h2> <div style="text-align:center"> <div style="width:100%; padding:40px 0px 40px 0px"> <div style="margin:20px;"><input type="button" value="<?php echo _t('새로운 텍스트큐브를 설정합니다'); ?> " style="width:100%; height:40px; font-size:14px" onclick="next('install');return false;" /></div> <div style="margin:20px;"><input type="button" value="<?php echo _t('텍스트큐브를 다시 설정합니다'); ?> " style="width:100%; height:40px; font-size:14px" onclick="next('setup');return false;" /></div> <div style="margin:20px;"><input type="button" value="<?php echo _t('텍스트큐브 테이블을 삭제합니다'); ?> " style="width:100%; height:40px; font-size:14px" onclick="next('uninstall');return false;" /></div> </div> </div> </div> <?php } else { if ($step == 3) { if ($check) { switch ($_POST['mode']) { case 'install': case 'setup': if (!empty($_POST['dbServer']) && !empty($_POST['dbName']) && !empty($_POST['dbUser']) && isset($_POST['dbPassword']) && isset($_POST['dbPrefix'])) { $dbTemp = array('server' => $_POST['dbServer'], 'username' => $_POST['dbUser'], 'password' => $_POST['dbPassword'], 'port' => $_POST['dbPort']); if (!empty($_POST['dbName'])) { $dbTemp['database'] = $_POST['dbName']; } global $dbms; $dbms = $_POST['dbms']; if (!POD::bind($dbTemp)) { $error = 1; } else { if (!empty($_POST['dbPrefix']) && !preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/', $_POST['dbPrefix'])) { $error = 3; } else { return true; } } } break; case 'uninstall': if (!empty($_POST['dbServer']) && !empty($_POST['dbName']) && !empty($_POST['dbUser']) && isset($_POST['dbPassword']) && !empty($_POST['dbPort'])) { $dbTemp = array('server' => $_POST['dbServer'], 'username' => $_POST['dbUser'], 'password' => $_POST['dbPassword'], 'port' => $_POST['dbPort']); if (!empty($_POST['dbName'])) { $dbTemp['database'] = $_POST['dbName']; } global $dbms; $dbms = $_POST['dbms']; if (!POD::bind($dbTemp)) { $error = 1; } else { return true; } } break; } } ?> <input type="hidden" name="step" value="3" /> <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="<?php echo $_POST['mode']; ?> " /> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ function suggestDefaultPort(db) { switch(db) { case 'MySQLi': default: port = 3306; break; case 'Cubrid': port = 30000; break; case 'PostgreSQL': port = 5432; break; default: port = ''; break; } document.getElementById('dbPort').value = port; document.getElementById('dbms'+db).checked = checked; return true; } //]]> </script> <div id="inner"> <h2><span class="step"><?php echo _f('%1단계', 3); ?> </span> : <?php echo _t('작업 정보를 입력해 주십시오.'); ?> </h2> <div id="userinput"> <table class="inputs"> <tr> <th><?php echo _t('데이터베이스 관리 시스템'); ?> :</th> <td> <?php $dbmsSupport = array(); if (function_exists('mysqli_connect')) { array_push($dbmsSupport, 'MySQLi'); } if (function_exists('pg_connect')) { array_push($dbmsSupport, 'PostgreSQL'); } if (class_exists('SQLite3')) { array_push($dbmsSupport, 'SQLite3'); } if (function_exists('cubrid_connect')) { array_push($dbmsSupport, 'Cubrid'); } foreach ($dbmsSupport as $dbms) { ?> <input type="radio" id="dbms<?php echo $dbms; ?> " name="dbms" value="<?php echo $dbms; ?> " <?php echo isset($_POST['dbms']) && $_POST['dbms'] == $dbms || !isset($_POST['dbms']) && $dbms == $dbmsSupport[0] ? 'checked' : ''; ?> onclick="suggestDefaultPort('<?php echo $dbms; ?> ');return false;" /> <?php echo $dbms; } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><?php echo _t('데이터베이스 서버'); ?> :</th> <td> <input type="text" name="dbServer" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbServer']) ? $_POST['dbServer'] : 'localhost'; ?> " class="input<?php echo $check && (empty($_POST['dbServer']) || $error == 1) ? ' input_error' : ''; ?> " /> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><?php echo _t('데이터베이스 포트'); ?> :</th> <td> <input type="text" id="dbPort" name="dbPort" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbPort']) ? $_POST['dbPort'] : '3306'; ?> " class="input<?php echo $check && (empty($_POST['dbPort']) || $error == 1) ? ' input_error' : ''; ?> " /> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><?php echo _t('데이터베이스 이름'); ?> :</th> <td> <input type="text" name="dbName" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbName']) ? $_POST['dbName'] : NULL; ?> " class="input<?php echo $check && (empty($_POST['dbName']) || $error == 2) ? ' input_error' : ''; ?> " /> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><?php echo _t('데이터베이스 사용자명'); ?> :</th> <td> <input type="text" name="dbUser" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbUser']) ? $_POST['dbUser'] : ''; ?> " class="input<?php echo $check && (empty($_POST['dbUser']) || $error) ? ' input_error' : ''; ?> " /> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><?php echo _t('데이터베이스 암호'); ?> :</th> <td> <input type="password" name="dbPassword" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbPassword']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['dbPassword']) : ''; ?> " class="input<?php echo $check && $error == 1 ? ' input_error' : ''; ?> " /> </td> </tr> <?php switch ($_POST['mode']) { case 'install': case 'setup': ?> <tr> <th><?php echo _t('테이블 식별자'); ?> :</th> <td> <input type="text" name="dbPrefix" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbPrefix']) ? $_POST['dbPrefix'] : 'tc_'; ?> " class="input <?php echo $check && $error == 3 ? ' input_error' : ''; ?> " /> </td> </tr> <?php break; case 'uninstall': break; } ?> </table> </div> <div id="content"> <ol> <li><?php echo _t('데이터베이스가 해당 호스트에 먼저 생성되어 있어야 합니다.'); ?> </li> <li><?php echo _t('테이블식별자는 텍스트큐브가 사용하는 테이블이름 앞에 붙는 문자열입니다. 데이터 베이스내에 다른 어플리케이션이 사용하는 테이블이 있을 경우 구별하기 위해 사용합니다'); ?> <?php echo _t('테이블식별자를 입력하지 않을 경우 자동으로 tc_ 를 사용합니다.'); ?> </li> </ol> </div> <div id="warning"><?php if ($error == 1) { echo _t('데이터베이스 서버에 연결할 수 없습니다. 정보를 다시 입력해 주십시오.'); } else { if ($error == 2) { echo _t('데이터베이스를 사용할 수가 없습니다. 정보를 다시 입력해 주십시오.'); } else { if ($error == 3) { echo _t('테이블 식별자가 올바르지 않습니다. 다시 입력해 주십시오.'); } else { if ($error == 6) { echo _t('데이터베이스에 연결할 수 없습니다.'); } else { if ($error == 7) { echo _t('데이터베이스에 접근할 수 없습니다.'); } else { if ($error == 8) { echo _t('새로운 테이블 식별자가 올바르지 않습니다. 다시 입력해 주십시오.'); } else { if ($check) { echo _t('표시된 정보가 부족합니다.'); } else { echo ' '; } } } } } } } ?> </div> <div id="navigation"> <a href="#" onclick="window.history.back()" title="<?php echo _t('이전'); ?> "><img src="./resources/style/setup/image/icon_prev.gif" width="74" height="24" alt="<?php echo _t('이전'); ?> " /></a> <a href="#" onclick="next(); return false;" title="<?php echo _t('다음'); ?> "><img src="./resources/style/setup/image/icon_next.gif" width="74" height="24" alt="<?php echo _t('다음'); ?> " /></a> </div> </div> <?php } else { if ($step == 4 || $step == 33) { if ($check) { if ($_POST['mode'] == 'uninstall') { if (empty($_POST['target'])) { checkStep(2, false); return false; } else { checkStep(205, false); return false; } } if (!empty($_POST['checked']) && $_POST['checked'] == 'yes') { return true; } } if ($_POST['mode'] == 'uninstall') { return checkStep(204, false); } ?> <input type="hidden" name="step" value="4" /> <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="<?php echo $_POST['mode']; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbms" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbms']) ? $_POST['dbms'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbServer" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbServer']) ? $_POST['dbServer'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbName" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbName']) ? $_POST['dbName'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbPort" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbPort']) ? $_POST['dbPort'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbUser" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbUser']) ? $_POST['dbUser'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbPassword" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbPassword']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['dbPassword']) : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbPrefix" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbPrefix']) ? $_POST['dbPrefix'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="disableRewrite" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['disableRewrite']) ? $_POST['disableRewrite'] : ''; ?> " /> <div id="inner"> <h2><span class="step"><?php echo _f('%1단계', 4); ?> </span> : <?php echo _t('설치 요구 사항을 확인하고 있습니다.'); ?> </h2> <div id="content-box"> <h3><?php echo _t('환경'); ?> </h3> <ul> <li><?php echo _t('하드웨어'); ?> : <?php echo @exec('uname -mp'); ?> </li> <li><?php echo _t('운영체제'); ?> : <?php echo @exec('uname -sir'); ?> </li> <li><?php echo _t('웹서버'); ?> : <?php echo $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']; ?> <?php echo isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SIGNATURE']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_SIGNATURE'] : '(no signature)'; ?> </li> <li><?php echo _t('PHP 버전'); ?> : <?php echo phpversion(); ?> </li> <li><?php echo _t('데이터베이스 종류'); ?> : <?php echo POD::dbms(); ?> </li> <li><?php echo _f('%1 버전', POD::dbms()); ?> : <?php echo POD::version(); ?> </li> </ul> <h3>PHP</h3> <ul> <?php $functions = "\naddslashes\narray_flip\narray_key_exists\narray_pop\narray_push\narray_shift\narray_slice\nbase64_encode\nceil\ncheckdate\nclosedir\ncopy\ncount\ndechex\ndir\nexplode\nfclose\nfeof\nfgets\nfile_exists\nfile_get_contents\nfilesize\nfopen\nfputs\nfread\nfsockopen\nfunction_exists\nfwrite\nget_magic_quotes_gpc\ngetimagesize\ngmdate\ngmmktime\ngmstrftime\nheader\nhtml_entity_decode\nhtmlspecialchars\nimplode\nini_set\nintval\nis_dir\nis_file\nis_null\nis_numeric\nis_writable\nksort\nltrim\nmax\nmd5\nmicrotime\nmin\nmkdir\nmktime\nmove_uploaded_file\nnl2br\nnumber_format\nob_end_clean\nob_get_contents\nob_start\nopendir\nord\nparse_url\npreg_match\npreg_replace\nrand\nrawurlencode\nreaddir\nrmdir\nrtrim\nsession_cache_expire\nsession_destroy\nsession_id\nsession_name\nsession_set_cookie_params\nsession_set_save_handler\nsession_start\nsetcookie\nsizeof\nsprintf\nstr_replace\nstrftime\nstripslashes\nstrlen\nstrncasecmp\nstrncmp\nstrpos\nstrrev\nstrtolower\nstrval\nsubstr\nsubstr_count\nsubstr_replace\ntime\ntrim\nunlink\nurlencode\nxml_get_error_code\nxml_parse\nxml_parser_create\nxml_parser_free\nxml_parser_set_option\nxml_set_character_data_handler\nxml_set_default_handler\nxml_set_element_handler\nxml_set_object\n"; $required = array(); foreach (explode("\n", str_replace("\r", '', trim($functions))) as $function) { if (!function_exists($function)) { array_push($required, $function); } } if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0') === -1 && (!isset($service['forceinstall']) || $service['forceinstall'] == false)) { $error = 4; ?> <span style="color:red"><?php echo _f('PHP 버전이 낮습니다. 설치를 위해서는 최소한 %1 이상의 버전이 필요합니다.', '5.4.0'); ?> </span> <?php } else { if (count($required) == 0) { ?> <li>OK</li> <?php } else { $error = 4; ?> <span style="color:red"><?php echo _t('함수가 설치되어야 합니다.'); ?> </span> <?php foreach ($required as $function) { ?> <li style="color:red"><?php echo $function; ?> </li> <?php } } } ?> </ul> <h3><?php echo POD::dbms(); ?> </h3> <ul> <?php if (POD::charset() == 'utf8') { echo '<li>Character Set: OK</li>'; } else { echo '<li style="color:navy">Character Set: ', _t('UTF8 미지원 (경고: 한글 지원이 불완전할 수 있습니다.)'), '</li>'; } if (POD::query("CREATE TABLE {$_POST['dbPrefix']}Setup (a INT NOT NULL)")) { POD::query("DROP TABLE {$_POST['dbPrefix']}Setup"); echo '<li>', _t('테이블 생성 권한'), ': OK</li>'; } else { $error = 6; echo '<li style="color:red">', _t('테이블 생성 권한'), ': ', _t('없음'), '</li>'; } ?> </ul> <?php $tables = array(); if ($result = POD::tableList()) { foreach ($result as $table) { if (strncmp($table, $_POST['dbPrefix'], strlen($_POST['dbPrefix']))) { continue; } switch (strtolower(substr($table, strlen($_POST['dbPrefix'])))) { case 'attachments': case 'blogsettings': case 'blogstatistics': case 'categories': case 'comments': case 'commentsnotified': case 'commentsnotifiedqueue': case 'commentsnotifiedsiteinfo': case 'dailystatistics': case 'entries': case 'entriesarchive': case 'feedgrouprelations': case 'feedgroups': case 'feeditems': case 'feedreads': case 'feedsettings': case 'feedstarred': case 'feeds': case 'filters': case 'linkcategories': case 'links': case 'openidusers': case 'pagecachelog': case 'plugins': case 'refererlogs': case 'refererstatistics': case 'reservedwords': case 'servicesetting': case 'sessionvisits': case 'sessions': case 'skinsettings': case 'tagrelations': case 'tags': case 'teamblog': case 'trackbacklogs': case 'trackbacks': case 'usersettings': case 'users': case 'xmlrpcpingsettings': $tables[count($tables)] = $table; break; } } } switch ($_POST['mode']) { case 'install': echo '<h3>', _t('새 데이터베이스 테이블'), '</h3>'; if (count($tables) == 0) { echo '<ul><li>OK</li></ul>'; } else { $error = 7; echo '<ul style="color:red">', _t('테이블이 이미 존재합니다.'); foreach ($tables as $table) { echo '<li>', $table, '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } break; case 'setup': echo '<h3>', _t('데이터베이스 테이블 확인'), '</h3>'; if (count($tables) < 40 && count($tables) > 35 || count($tables) == 35 && !in_array('Filters', $tables)) { echo '<ul><li>OK</li></ul>'; } else { $error = 7; echo '<ul style="color:red">', _t('테이블이 존재하지 않습니다.'); foreach ($tables as $table) { echo '<li>', $table, '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } } ?> <h3><?php echo _t('파일 시스템 권한'); ?> </h3> <ul> <?php $commands = array(); $filename = $root . '/.htaccess'; if (file_exists($filename)) { if (is_writable($filename)) { if (filesize($filename)) { echo '<li style="color:navy">', _f('설정 파일: OK (경고: "%1" 파일을 덮어 쓰게 됩니다.)', $filename), '</li>'; } else { echo '<li>', _t('웹 설정 파일'), ': OK</li>'; } } else { $error = 8; echo '<li style="color:red">', _t('웹 설정 파일'), ': ', _f('"%1"에 접근할 수 없습니다. 퍼미션을 %2(으)로 수정해 주십시오.', $filename, '0666'), '</li>'; array_push($commands, 'chmod 0666 ' . $filename); } } else { if (is_writable($root)) { echo '<li>', _t('웹 설정 파일'), ': OK</li>'; } else { $error = 9; echo '<li style="color:red">', _t('웹 설정 파일'), ': ', _f('"%1"에 %2 파일을 생성할 수 없습니다. "%1"의 퍼미션을 %3(으)로 수정해 주십시오.', $root, '.htaccess', '0777'), '</li>'; array_push($commands, 'chmod 0777 ' . $root); } } $filename = $root . '/config.php'; if (file_exists($filename)) { if (is_writable($filename)) { if (filesize($filename)) { echo '<li style="color:navy">', _f('설정 파일: OK (경고: "%1" 파일을 덮어 쓰게 됩니다.)', $filename), '</li>'; } else { echo '<li>', _t('설정 파일'), ': OK</li>'; } } else { $error = 10; echo '<li style="color:red">', _t('설정 파일'), ': ', _f('"%1"에 접근할 수 없습니다. 퍼미션을 %2(으)로 수정해 주십시오.', $filename, '0666'), '</li>'; array_push($commands, 'chmod 0666 ' . $filename); } } else { if (is_writable($root)) { echo '<li>', _t('설정 파일'), ': OK</li>'; } else { $error = 11; echo '<li style="color:red">', _t('설정 파일'), ': ', _f('"%1"에 %2 파일을 생성할 수 없습니다. "%1"의 퍼미션을 %3(으)로 수정해 주십시오.', $root, 'config.php', '0777'), '</li>'; array_push($commands, 'chmod 0777 ' . $root); } } $filename = $root . '/user'; if (file_exists($filename)) { if (is_dir($filename) && is_writable($filename)) { echo '<li>', _t('사용자 데이터 디렉토리'), ': OK</li>'; } else { $error = 12; echo '<li style="color:red">', _t('사용자 데이터 디렉토리'), ': ', _f('"%1"에 접근할 수 없습니다. 퍼미션을 %2(으)로 수정해 주십시오.', $filename, '0777'), '</li>'; array_push($commands, 'chmod 0777 ' . $filename); } } else { if (mkdir($filename)) { @chmod($filename, 0777); echo '<li>', _t('사용자 데이터 디렉토리'), ': OK</li>'; } else { $error = 13; echo '<li style="color:red">', _t('사용자 데이터 디렉토리'), ': ', _f('"%1"에 %2 디렉토리를 생성할 수 없습니다. "%1"의 퍼미션을 %3(으)로 수정해 주십시오.', $root, 'user', '0777'), '</li>'; array_push($commands, 'chmod 0777 ' . $root); } } $filename = $root . '/user/attach'; if (file_exists($filename)) { if (is_dir($filename) && is_writable($filename)) { echo '<li>', _t('첨부 디렉토리'), ': OK</li>'; } else { $error = 12; echo '<li style="color:red">', _t('첨부 디렉토리'), ': ', _f('"%1"에 접근할 수 없습니다. 퍼미션을 %2(으)로 수정해 주십시오.', $filename, '0777'), '</li>'; array_push($commands, 'chmod 0777 ' . $filename); } } else { if (mkdir($filename)) { @chmod($filename, 0777); echo '<li>', _t('첨부 디렉토리'), ': OK</li>'; } else { $error = 13; echo '<li style="color:red">', _t('첨부 디렉토리'), ': ', _f('"%1"에 %2 디렉토리를 생성할 수 없습니다. "%1"의 퍼미션을 %3(으)로 수정해 주십시오.', $root, 'attach', '0777'), '</li>'; array_push($commands, 'chmod 0777 ' . $root); } } $filename = $root . '/user/cache'; if (is_dir($filename)) { if (is_writable($filename)) { echo '<li>', _t('캐시 디렉토리'), ': OK</li>'; } else { $error = 12; echo '<li style="color:red">', _t('캐시 디렉토리'), ': ', _f('"%1"에 접근할 수 없습니다. 퍼미션을 %2(으)로 수정해 주십시오.', $filename, '0777'), '</li>'; array_push($commands, 'chmod 0777 ' . $filename); } } else { if (mkdir($filename)) { @chmod($filename, 0777); echo '<li>', _t('캐시 디렉토리'), ': OK</li>'; } else { $error = 13; echo '<li style="color:red">', _t('캐시 디렉토리'), ': ', _f('"%1"에 %2 디렉토리를 생성할 수 없습니다. "%1"의 퍼미션을 %3(으)로 수정해 주십시오.', $root, 'cache', '0777'), '</li>'; array_push($commands, 'chmod 0777 ' . $root); } } /* $filename = $root . '/remote'; if (is_dir($filename)) { if (is_writable($filename)) echo '<li>', _t('원격 설치 디렉토리'), ': OK</li>'; else { $error = 12; echo '<li style="color:red">', _t('원격 설치 디렉토리'), ': ', _f('"%1"에 접근할 수 없습니다. 퍼미션을 %2(으)로 수정해 주십시오.', $filename, '0777'), '</li>'; } } else if (mkdir($filename)) { @chmod($filename, 0777); echo '<li>', _t('원격 설치 디렉토리'), ': OK</li>'; } else { $error = 13; echo '<li style="color:red">', _t('원격 설치 디렉토리'), ': ', _f('"%1"에 %2 디렉토리를 생성할 수 없습니다. "%1"의 퍼미션을 %3(으)로 수정해 주십시오.', $root, 'cache', '0777'), '</li>'; }*/ $filename = $root . '/user/skin/blog/customize'; if (is_dir($filename)) { if (is_writable($filename)) { echo '<li>', _t('스킨 디렉토리'), ': OK</li>'; } else { $error = 14; echo '<li style="color:red">', _t('스킨 디렉토리'), ': ', _f('"%1"에 접근할 수 없습니다. 퍼미션을 %2(으)로 수정해 주십시오.', $filename, '0777'), '</li>'; array_push($commands, 'chmod 0777 ' . $filename); } } else { if (mkdir($filename)) { @chmod($filename, 0777); echo '<li>', _t('스킨 디렉토리'), ': OK</li>'; } else { $error = 15; echo '<li style="color:red">', _t('스킨 디렉토리'), ': ', _f('"%1"에 %2 디렉토리를 생성할 수 없습니다. "%1"의 퍼미션을 %3(으)로 수정해 주십시오.', "{$root}/user/skin/blog", 'customize', '0777'), '</li>'; array_push($commands, 'chmod 0777 ' . "{$root}/user/skin/blog"); } } ?> </ul> <?php if (!empty($commands)) { echo '<span class="instruction">' . _t("퍼미션 수정은 FTP 프로그램을 사용하시거나 다음의 명령을 터미널에 붙여 넣으시면 됩니다.") . "</span>"; echo '<ul class="instruction">'; $commands = array_unique($commands); foreach ($commands as $command) { echo "<li>" . $command . "</li>"; } echo '</ul>'; } if ($step == 33) { $error = 16; if (checkIIS()) { ?> <h3><?php echo _t('IIS Rewrite Module'); ?> </h3> <ul style="color:red"> <li><?php echo _t('현재 IIS에서의 설치는 실험적으로만 지원하고 있으며 별도의 Rewrite 모듈을 사용해야 합니다.') . ' ' . _t('만약 이 페이지를 보고 계시다면 Apache mod_rewrite와 호환되지 않는 Rewrite 모듈을 사용 중이거나 아예 모듈이 없는 경우입니다.'); ?> </li> <li><?php echo _t('IIS 7.0을 사용하시는 경우 공식 URL Rewrite Module을 사용하려면 <a href="">이곳에서 다운로드</a>받아 설치하시고, 계속 진행·설치 후 생성되는 <b>.htaccess</b> 파일 내용을 그대로 import해주시면 됩니다.'); ?> </li> <li><?php echo _t('IIS 6.0 이전 버전을 사용하시는 경우 Rewrite 모듈을 설치하려면, 오픈스소 무료 모듈을 제공하고 있는 <a href="" target="_blank">Ionics Isapi Rewrite Filter 홈페이지</a>를 방문하여 설치하신 후, 계속 진행·설치 후 생성되는 <b>.htaccess</b> 파일의 내용을 위 모듈의 설정파일(<b>IsapiRewrite4.ini</b>)에 복사하시기 바랍니다.'); ?> </li> </ul> <p> <input type="radio" name="rewriteIIS" value="IISRewrite" id="rewriteIIS_Option1"><label for="rewriteIIS_Option1"><?php echo _t('IIS 7.0용 공식 URL Rewrite 모듈을 사용합니다.'); ?> </label><br /> <input type="radio" name="rewriteIIS" value="ISAPI" id="rewriteIIS_Option2"><label for="rewriteIIS_Option2"><?php echo _t('IIS 6.0 및 그 이전 버전을 위한 오픈소스 Rewrite 모듈을 사용합니다.'); ?> </label> </p> <?php $error = 0; } else { ?> <h3><?php echo _t('Apache Rewrite Engine'); ?> </h3> <ul style="color:red"> <li><?php echo _t('Rewrite를 사용할 수 없습니다.'); ?> <br /><span style="color:black"><?php echo _t('다음 항목을 확인하십시오.'); ?> </span></li> <input type="checkbox" id="disableRewrite" name="disableRewrite" /> <label for="disableRewrite"><?php echo _t('rewrite 모듈을 사용하지 않습니다.') . ' ' . _t('만약 rewrite 모듈 설정을 올바르게 했는데도 모듈 사용 여부의 검사에 문제가 있는 경우 rewrite 모듈을 사용하지 않음을 선택하시고 이 부분을 건너 뛰시기 바랍니다.') . ' ' . _t('지금 설정하지 않아도 설치 이후에 관리 패널의 서비스설정-서버 에서 rewrite 관련 설정을 할 수 있습니다.'); ?> </label> <ol style="color:blue"> <li><?php echo _t('웹서버 설정에 <b>mod_rewrite</b>의 로딩이 포함되어야 합니다.'); ?> <br /> <samp><?php echo _t('예: LoadModule <b>rewrite_module</b> modules/<b>mod_rewrite</b>.so'); ?> </samp> </li> <li><?php echo _t('웹서버 설정의 이 디렉토리에 대한 <em>Options</em> 항목에 <b>FollowSymLinks</b>가 포함되거나 <b>All</b>이어야 합니다.'); ?> <samp><br /><?php echo _t('예: Options <b>FollowSymLinks</b>'); ?> </samp> <samp><br /><?php echo _t('예: Options <b>All</b>'); ?> </samp> </li> <li><?php echo _t('웹서버 설정의 이 디렉토리에 대한 <em>AllowOverride</em> 항목에 <b>FileInfo</b>가 포함되거나 <b>All</b>이어야 합니다.'); ?> <samp><br /><?php echo _t('예: AllowOverride <b>FileInfo</b>'); ?> </samp> <samp><br /><?php echo _t('예: AllowOverride <b>All</b>'); ?> </samp> </li> <li><b><?php echo _t('위 2와 3의 문제는 아래 내용을 웹서버 설정에 포함시켜 해결할 수 있습니다.'); ?> </b> <samp style="color:black"><br /> <Directory "<?php echo $root; ?> "><br /> Options FollowSymLinks<br /> AllowOverride FileInfo<br /> </Directory> </samp> </li> </ul> </ul> <?php } } ?> </div> <div id="navigation"> <a href="#" onclick="window.history.back()" title="<?php echo _t('이전'); ?> "><img src="./resources/style/setup/image/icon_prev.gif" width="74" height="24" alt="<?php echo _t('이전'); ?> " /></a> <a href="#" onclick="next(); return false;" title="<?php echo _t('다음'); ?> "><img src="./resources/style/setup/image/icon_next.gif" width="74" height="24" alt="<?php echo _t('다음'); ?> " /></a> </div> </div> <input type="hidden" name="checked" value="<?php echo $error > 0 ? 'no' : 'yes'; ?> " /> <?php } else { if ($step == 5) { if ($check) { if (!empty($_POST['domain']) && !empty($_POST['type'])) { return true; } } // mod_rewrite routine. if (empty($_POST['disableRewrite']) && empty($_POST['rewriteIIS'])) { $filename = $root . '/.htaccess'; $fp = fopen($filename, 'w+'); if (!$fp) { checkStep($step - 1, false); return false; } fwrite($fp, "RewriteEngine On\nRewriteBase {$path}/\nRewriteRule ^testrewrite\$ setup.php [L]"); fclose($fp); @chmod($filename, 0666); if (testMyself('blog' . substr($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], '.')), $path . '/testrewrite?test=now', $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'])) { $rewrite = 3; } else { if (testMyself('blog.' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $path . '/testrewrite?test=now', $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'])) { $rewrite = 2; } else { if (testMyself($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $path . '/testrewrite?test=now', $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'])) { $rewrite = 1; } else { $rewrite = 0; @unlink($filename); checkStep(33, false); return false; } } } @unlink($filename); } else { if (!empty($_POST['rewriteIIS'])) { switch ($_POST['rewriteIIS']) { case 'ISAPI': $rewrite = -1; break; case 'IISRewrite': default: $rewrite = -2; } } else { $rewrite = 0; } } $domain = $rewrite == 3 ? substr($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], '.') + 1) : $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $blogProtocol = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'https' : 'http'; $blogDefaultPort = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 443 : 80; ?> <input type="hidden" name="step" value="<?php echo $step; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="<?php echo $_POST['mode']; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbms" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbms']) ? $_POST['dbms'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbServer" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbServer']) ? $_POST['dbServer'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbPort" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbPort']) ? $_POST['dbPort'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbName" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbName']) ? $_POST['dbName'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbUser" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbUser']) ? $_POST['dbUser'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbPassword" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbPassword']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['dbPassword']) : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbPrefix" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbPrefix']) ? $_POST['dbPrefix'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="checked" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['checked']) ? $_POST['checked'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="domain" value="<?php echo $domain; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="disableRewrite" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['disableRewrite']) ? $_POST['disableRewrite'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="rewriteMode" value="<?php echo $rewrite <= -1 ? $_POST['rewriteIIS'] : 'mod_rewrite'; ?> " /> <div id="inner"> <h2><span class="step"><?php echo _f('%1단계', $step); ?> </span> : <?php echo _t('사용 가능한 운영 방법은 다음과 같습니다. 선택하여 주십시오.'); ?> </h2> <div id="userinput"> <table class="inputs"> <?php if ($rewrite != 0) { ?> <tr> <th width="120"><strong><?php echo _t('다중 사용자'); ?> : </strong></th> <td> <?php if ($rewrite >= 2) { ?> <label for="type1"><input type="radio" id="type1" name="type" value="domain" checked="checked" onclick="show('typeDomain');" /> <?php echo _t('도메인네임(DNS)으로 블로그 식별'); ?> </label> <br /> <?php } ?> <label for="type2"><input type="radio" id="type2" name="type" value="path"<?php echo $rewrite == 1 || $rewrite == -1 ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; ?> onclick="show('typePath');" /> <?php echo _t('하위 경로(Path)로 블로그 식별'); ?> </label></td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <th style="padding-top:10px"><strong><?php echo _t('단일 사용자'); ?> : </strong></th> <td style="padding-top:10px"> <label for="type3"><input type="radio" id="type3" name="type" value="single" onclick="show('typeSingle');" <?php echo empty($_POST['disableRewrite']) ? '' : 'checked="checked"'; ?> /><?php echo _t('단일 블로그'); ?> </label></td> </tr> <tr> <th style="padding-top:20px"><?php echo _t('블로그 주소 예시'); ?> </th> <td style="padding-top:20px; height:100px"> <ul id="typeDomain"<?php echo $rewrite >= 2 ? '' : ' style="display:none"'; ?> > <li><?php echo $blogProtocol; ?> ://<b>blog1</b>.<?php echo $domain; echo $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == $blogDefaultPort ? '' : ":{$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']}"; echo $path; ?> /</li> <li><?php echo $blogProtocol; ?> ://<b>blog2</b>.<?php echo $domain; echo $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == $blogDefaultPort ? '' : ":{$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']}"; echo $path; ?> /</li> </ul> <ul id="typePath"<?php echo $rewrite == 1 ? '' : ' style="display:none"'; ?> > <li><?php echo $blogProtocol; ?> ://<?php echo $domain; echo $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == $blogDefaultPort ? '' : ":{$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']}"; echo $path; ?> /<b>blog1</b></li> <li><?php echo $blogProtocol; ?> ://<?php echo $domain; echo $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == $blogDefaultPort ? '' : ":{$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']}"; echo $path; ?> /<b>blog2</b></li> </ul> <ul id="typeSingle" <?php echo empty($_POST['disableRewrite']) ? 'style="display:none"' : ''; ?> > <li><?php echo $blogProtocol; ?> ://<?php echo $domain; echo $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == $blogDefaultPort ? '' : ":{$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']}"; echo $path; ?> /<?php echo empty($_POST['disableRewrite']) ? '' : 'blog/'; ?> </li> </ul> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div id="navigation"> <a href="#" onclick="window.history.back()" title="<?php echo _t('이전'); ?> "><img src="./resources/style/setup/image/icon_prev.gif" width="74" height="24" alt="<?php echo _t('이전'); ?> " /></a> <a href="#" onclick="next(); return false;" title="<?php echo _t('다음'); ?> "><img src="./resources/style/setup/image/icon_next.gif" width="74" height="24" alt="<?php echo _t('다음'); ?> " /></a> </div> </div> <?php } else { if ($step == 6) { if ($check) { if (!empty($_POST['email']) && !empty($_POST['password']) && !empty($_POST['password2']) && ($_POST['type'] == 'single' || !empty($_POST['blog'])) && isset($_POST['name'])) { if (!preg_match('/^[^@]+@([-a-zA-Z0-9]+\\.)+[-a-zA-Z0-9]+$/', $_POST['email'])) { $error = 51; } else { if ($_POST['password'] != $_POST['password2']) { $error = 52; } else { if ($_POST['type'] != 'single' && !preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/', $_POST['blog'])) { $error = 53; } else { if (strlen($_POST['password']) < 6 || strlen($_POST['password2']) < 6) { $error = 54; } else { return true; } } } } } } else { @POD::query('SET CHARACTER SET utf8'); if ($result = @POD::query("SELECT loginid, password, name FROM {$_POST['dbPrefix']}Users WHERE userid = 1")) { @(list($_POST['email'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['name']) = POD::fetch($result, 'row')); $_POST['password2'] = $_POST['password']; POD::free($result); } if ($result = @POD::queryCell("SELECT value FROM {$_POST['dbPrefix']}BlogSettings\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE blogid = 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND name = 'name'")) { $_POST['blog'] = $result; } } ?> <input type="hidden" name="step" value="<?php echo $step; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="<?php echo $_POST['mode']; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbms" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbms']) ? $_POST['dbms'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbServer" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbServer']) ? $_POST['dbServer'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbPort" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbPort']) ? $_POST['dbPort'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbName" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbName']) ? $_POST['dbName'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbUser" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbUser']) ? $_POST['dbUser'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbPassword" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbPassword']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['dbPassword']) : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbPrefix" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbPrefix']) ? $_POST['dbPrefix'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="checked" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['checked']) ? $_POST['checked'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="domain" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['domain']) ? $_POST['domain'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="disableRewrite" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['disableRewrite']) ? $_POST['disableRewrite'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="rewriteMode" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['rewriteMode']) ? $_POST['rewriteMode'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['type']) ? $_POST['type'] : ''; ?> " /> <div id="inner"> <h2><span class="step"><?php echo _f('%1단계', $step); ?> </span> : <?php echo _t('관리자 정보 입력'); ?> </h2> <div id="userinput"> <table class="inputs"> <tr> <th style="width:100px"><?php echo _t('이메일'); ?> : </th> <td> <input type="text" id="email" name="email" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['email']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['email']) : ''; ?> " class="input_email"<?php echo $check && (empty($_POST['email']) || $error == 51) ? ' style="border-color:red"' : ''; ?> /> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><?php echo _t('비밀번호'); ?> : </th> <td> <input type="password" name="password" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['password']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['password']) : ''; ?> " class="input_password"<?php echo $check && empty($_POST['password']) ? ' style="border-color:red"' : ''; ?> /><br /> <em class="password"><?php echo _t('비밀번호는 최소 6자 이상이어야 합니다.'); ?> </em> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><?php echo _t('비밀번호 확인'); ?> : </th> <td> <input type="password" name="password2" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['password2']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['password2']) : ''; ?> " class="input_password"<?php echo $check && empty($_POST['password2']) ? ' style="border-color:red"' : ''; ?> /> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><?php echo _t('블로그 식별자'); ?> : </th> <td> <input type="text" name="blog" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['blog']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['blog']) : ''; ?> " class="input_password"<?php echo $check && (empty($_POST['blog']) || $error == 53) ? ' style="border-color:red"' : ''; ?> /> </td> </tr> <tr> <th><?php echo _t('필명'); ?> : </th> <td> <input type="text" name="name" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['name']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['name']) : ''; ?> " class="input_password" /> </td> </tr> </table> <div id="warning"><?php if ($error == 51) { echo _t('이메일이 올바르지 않습니다.'); } else { if ($error == 52) { echo _t('비밀번호가 일치하지 않습니다.'); } else { if ($error == 53) { echo _t('블로그 식별자가 올바르지 않습니다.'); } else { if ($error == 54) { echo _t('비밀번호는 최소 6자 이상이어야 합니다.'); } else { if ($check) { echo _t('표시된 정보가 부족합니다.'); } else { echo ' '; } } } } } ?> </div> </div> <div id="navigation"> <a href="#" onclick="window.history.back()" title="<?php echo _t('이전'); ?> "><img src="./resources/style/setup/image/icon_prev.gif" width="74" height="24" alt="<?php echo _t('이전'); ?> " /></a> <a href="#" onclick="next(); return false;" title="<?php echo _t('다음'); ?> "><img src="./resources/style/setup/image/icon_next.gif" width="74" height="24" alt="<?php echo _t('다음'); ?> " /></a> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ document.getElementById('email').focus(); //]]> </script> <?php } else { if ($step == 7) { if ($check) { return true; } ?> <input type="hidden" name="step" value="<?php echo $step; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="<?php echo $_POST['mode']; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbms" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbms']) ? $_POST['dbms'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbServer" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbServer']) ? $_POST['dbServer'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbPort" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbPort']) ? $_POST['dbPort'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbName" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbName']) ? $_POST['dbName'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbUser" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbUser']) ? $_POST['dbUser'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbPassword" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbPassword']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['dbPassword']) : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbPrefix" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbPrefix']) ? $_POST['dbPrefix'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="checked" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['checked']) ? $_POST['checked'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="domain" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['domain']) ? $_POST['domain'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="disableRewrite" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['disableRewrite']) ? $_POST['disableRewrite'] : false; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="rewriteMode" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['rewriteMode']) ? $_POST['rewriteMode'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['type']) ? $_POST['type'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="blog" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['blog']) ? $_POST['blog'] : ''; ?> " /> <div id="inner"> <h2><span class="step"><?php echo _f('%1단계', $step); ?> </span> : <?php echo _t('데이터베이스를 준비하고 있습니다. 잠시만 기다려 주십시오.'); ?> </h2> <div id="content-box" style="text-align:center"> <p></p> </div> </div><!-- inner --> </form> </div><!-- container --> <?php function fail($msg) { flush(); if ($_POST['mode'] == 'install') { } exit; } $loginid = POD::escapeString($_POST['email']); $password = md5($_POST['password']); $name = POD::escapeString($_POST['name']); $blog = POD::escapeString($_POST['blog']); $baseLanguage = POD::escapeString($_POST['Lang']); $baseTimezone = POD::escapeString(substr(_t('default:Asia/Seoul'), 8)); if (POD::dbms() == 'MySQLi') { $charset = 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8'; // if (!@POD::query('SET CHARACTER SET utf8')) // $charset = 'TYPE=MyISAM'; // @POD::query('SET SESSION collation_connection = \'utf8_general_ci\''); } else { $charset = ''; } if ($_POST['mode'] == 'install') { $schema = ''; // Compatibility layer load if (file_exists(ROOT . '/resources/setup/compatibility.' . POD::dbms() . '.sql')) { $schema = file_get_contents(ROOT . '/resources/setup/compatibility.' . POD::dbms() . '.sql'); $query = explode(';', trim($schema)); foreach ($query as $sub) { @POD::query($sub); } $schema = ''; $query = array(); } // Loading create schema from sql file. (DBMS specific) if (POD::dbms() == 'MySQLi') { $dbSelector = 'MySQL'; } else { $dbSelector = POD::dbms(); } $schema .= file_get_contents(ROOT . '/resources/setup/initialize.' . $dbSelector . '.sql'); $schema = str_replace('[##_dbPrefix_##]', $_POST['dbPrefix'], $schema); $schema = str_replace('[##_charset_##]', $charset, $schema); $schema .= "\nINSERT INTO {$_POST['dbPrefix']}Users VALUES (1, '{$loginid}', '{$password}', '{$name}', " . Timestamp::getUNIXtime() . ", 0, 0);\nINSERT INTO {$_POST['dbPrefix']}Privileges VALUES (1, 1, 16, " . Timestamp::getUNIXtime() . ", 0);\nINSERT INTO {$_POST['dbPrefix']}ServiceSettings VALUES ('newlineStyle', '1.1');\nINSERT INTO {$_POST['dbPrefix']}ServiceSettings VALUES ('useNewPluginSetting', 1);\nINSERT INTO {$_POST['dbPrefix']}BlogSettings VALUES (1, 'name', '{$blog}');\nINSERT INTO {$_POST['dbPrefix']}BlogSettings VALUES (1, 'language', '{$baseLanguage}');\nINSERT INTO {$_POST['dbPrefix']}BlogSettings VALUES (1, 'blogLanguage', '{$baseLanguage}');\nINSERT INTO {$_POST['dbPrefix']}BlogSettings VALUES (1, 'timezone', '{$baseTimezone}');\nINSERT INTO {$_POST['dbPrefix']}BlogSettings VALUES (1, 'defaultEditor', 'tinyMCE');\nINSERT INTO {$_POST['dbPrefix']}BlogSettings VALUES (1, 'defaultFormatter', 'ttml');\nINSERT INTO {$_POST['dbPrefix']}BlogSettings VALUES (1, 'acceptTrackbacks', 1);\nINSERT INTO {$_POST['dbPrefix']}BlogSettings VALUES (1, 'acceptComments', 1);\nINSERT INTO {$_POST['dbPrefix']}Plugins VALUES (1, 'CL_OpenID', null);\nINSERT INTO {$_POST['dbPrefix']}SkinSettings VALUES (1,'skin','periwinkle');\nINSERT INTO {$_POST['dbPrefix']}FeedSettings (blogid) values(1);\nINSERT INTO {$_POST['dbPrefix']}FeedGroups (blogid) values(1);\nINSERT INTO {$_POST['dbPrefix']}Entries (blogid, userid, id, category, visibility, location, title, slogan, contentformatter, contenteditor, starred, acceptcomment, accepttrackback, created, published, modified, content) VALUES (1, 1, 1, 0, 2, '/', '" . POD::escapeString(_t('환영합니다')) . "', 'welcome', 'ttml', 'tinyMCE', 0, 1, 1, " . Timestamp::getUNIXtime() . ", " . Timestamp::getUNIXtime() . "," . Timestamp::getUNIXtime() . ",'" . POD::escapeString(getDefaultPostContent()) . "')"; $query = explode(';', trim($schema)); foreach ($query as $sub) { if (!empty($sub) && !POD::query($sub, false)) { $tables = getTables('2.0', $_POST['dbPrefix']); foreach ($tables as $table) { if (POD::dbms() == 'Cubrid') { @POD::query("DROP " . $table); } else { @POD::query("DROP TABLE " . $table); } } /* @POD::query( "DROP TABLE {$_POST['dbPrefix']}Attachments, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}BlogSettings, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}BlogStatistics, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}Categories, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}Comments, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}CommentsNotified, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}CommentsNotifiedQueue, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}CommentsNotifiedSiteInfo, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}ContentFilters, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}DailyStatistics, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}Entries, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}EntriesArchive, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}FeedGroupRelations, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}FeedGroups, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}FeedItems, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}FeedReads, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}FeedSettings, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}FeedStarred, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}Feeds, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}Filters, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}Links, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}LinkCategories, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}OpenIDUsers, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}PageCacheLog, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}Plugins, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}Privileges, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}RefererLogs, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}RefererStatistics, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}RemoteResponseLogs, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}RemoteResponses, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}ReservedWords, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}ServiceSettings, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}SessionVisits, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}Sessions, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}SkinSettings, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}TagRelations, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}Tags, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}UserSettings, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}Users, {$_POST['dbPrefix']}XMLRPCPingSettings" );*/ echo '<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[' . CRLF . 'alert("', _t('테이블을 생성하지 못했습니다.'), '")//]]></script>'; $error = 1; break; } } } else { $ctx = Model_Context::getInstance(); $ctx->setProperty('database.prefix', $_POST['dbPrefix']); $pool = DBModel::getInstance(); $pool->reset('Users'); $pool->setAttribute('loginid', $loginid, true); $pool->setAttribute('name', $name, true); $pool->setQualifier('userid', 'equals', 1); $pool->update(); $pool->reset('Users'); $pool->setAttribute('password', $password, true); $pool->setQualifier('userid', 'equals', 1); $pool->setQualifier('password', 'not', $password2, true); $pool->update(); $pool->reset('BlogSettings'); $pool->setAttribute('value', $_POST['blog'], true); $pool->setQualifier('blogid', 'equals', 1); $pool->setQualifier('name', 'equals', 'name', true); $pool->update(); $pool->reset('BlogSettings'); $pool->setAttribute('value', $baseLanguage, true); $pool->setQualifier('blogid', 'equals', 1); $pool->setQualifier('name', 'equals', 'language', true); $pool->update(); $pool->reset('BlogSettings'); $pool->setAttribute('value', $baseTimezone, true); $pool->setQualifier('blogid', 'equals', 1); $pool->setQualifier('name', 'equals', 'timezone', true); $pool->update(); $pool->reset('BlogSettings'); $pool->setAttribute('value', Timestamp::getUNIXtime()); $pool->setQualifier('blogid', 'equals', 1); $pool->setQualifier('name', 'equals', 'created', true); $pool->update(); } if (!$error) { POD::unbind(); echo '<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[' . CRLF . 'next() //]]></script>'; } ?> </body> </html> <?php } else { if ($step == 8) { if ($check) { return true; } $useSSL = Utils_Misc::isSecureProtocol() ? 'true' : 'false'; $filename = $root . '/config.php'; $fp = fopen($filename, 'w+'); // For first entry addition $database = array('server' => $_POST['dbServer'], 'database' => $_POST['dbName'], 'username' => $_POST['dbUser'], 'port' => $_POST['dbPort'], 'password' => $_POST['dbPassword'], 'prefix' => $_POST['dbPrefix']); if ($fp) { fwrite($fp, "<?php\nini_set('display_errors', 'off');\n\$database['server'] = '{$_POST['dbServer']}';\n\$database['dbms'] = '{$_POST['dbms']}';\n\$database['database'] = '{$_POST['dbName']}';\n\$database['port'] = '{$_POST['dbPort']}';\n\$database['username'] = '******'dbUser']}';\n\$database['password'] = '******'dbPassword']}';\n\$database['prefix'] = '{$_POST['dbPrefix']}';\n\$service['type'] = '{$_POST['type']}';\n\$service['domain'] = '{$_POST['domain']}';\n\$service['path'] = '{$path}';\n\$service['skin'] = 'periwinkle';\n\$service['favicon_daily_traffic'] = 10; // 10MB\n\$service['useSSL'] = {$useSSL}; // Force SSL protocol (via https)\n//\$serviceURL = 'http://{$_POST['domain']}{$path}' ; // for path of Skin, plugin and etc.\n//\$service['reader'] = true; // Use Textcube reader. You can set it to false if you do not use Textcube reader, and want to decrease DB load.\n//\$service['debugmode'] = true; // uncomment for debugging, e.g. displaying DB Query or Session info\n//\$service['pagecache'] = false; // uncomment if you want to disable page cache feature.\n//\$service['codecache'] = true; // uncomment if you want to enable code cache feature.\n//\$service['debug_session_dump'] = true; // session info debuging.\n//\$service['debug_rewrite_module'] = true; // rewrite handling module debuging.\n//\$service['session_cookie_path'] = \$service['path']; // for avoiding spoiling other textcube's session id sharing root.\n//\$service['allowBlogVisibilitySetting'] = true; // Allow service users to change blog visibility.\n//\$service['externalresources'] = false; // Loads resources from external storage.\n//\$service['resourcepath'] = '';\t// Specify the full URI of external resource.\n//\$service['autologinTimeout'] = 1209600;\t// Automatic login timeout (sec.)\n//\$service['favicon_daily_traffic'] = 10; // Set favicon traffic limitation. default is 10MB.\n//\$service['skincache'] = true; // Use skin pre-fetching. Textcube will parse static elements (blog name, title…) only when you change skin. Reduces CPU loads.\n//\$service['cookie_prefix'] = ''; // Service cookie prefix. Default cookie prefix is Textcube_[VERSION_NUMBER].\n//\$database['port'] = 3639; // Database port number\n//\$database['dbms'] = 'MySQLi'; // DBMS. (MySQL, MySQLi, PostgreSQL, Cubrid.)\n//\$service['memcached'] = true; // Using memcache to handle session and cache\n//\$memcached['server'] = 'localhost'; // Where memcache server is.\n//\$service['requirelogin'] = false; // Force log-in process to every blogs. (for private blog service)\n//\$service['jqueryURL'] = '';\t\t// Add URL if you want to use external jquery via CDN. e.g.) Microsoft's CDN:\n//\$service['lodashURL'] = '';\t\t// Add URL if you want to use external lo-dash via CDN. e.g.) CDNJS' CDN:\n?>"); fclose($fp); @chmod($filename, 0666); } if (!isset($_POST['disableRewrite']) || !$_POST['disableRewrite']) { $filename = $root . '/.htaccess'; $fp = fopen($filename, 'w+'); switch ($_POST['rewriteMode']) { case 'ISAPI': // Users must copy these rules to IsapiRewrite4.ini $htaccessContent = <<<EOF RewriteRule ^{$path}/(thumbnail)/([0-9]+/.+)\$ {$path}/cache/\$1/\$2 [L,U] RewriteRule ^{$path}/attach/([0-9]+/.+)\$ {$path}/user/attach/\$1 [L,U] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f RewriteRule ^{$path}/user+/+(cache)+/+(.+[^/]).(cache|xml|txt|log)\$ - [NC,F,L,U] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d RewriteRule ^{$path}/([^?]+[^/])\$ {$path}/\$1/ [L,U] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^\$ RewriteRule ^{$path}/(.*)\$ {$path}/rewrite.php [L,U] RewriteRule ^{$path}/(.*)\$ {$path}/rewrite.php?%{QUERY_STRING} [L,U] EOF; break; case 'IISRewrite': // Users must import these rules into URL Rewrite module. $htaccessContent = <<<EOF RewriteRule ^{$path}/(thumbnail)/([0-9]+/.+)\$ {$path}/cache/\$1/\$2 [L] RewriteRule ^{$path}/attach/([0-9]+/.+)\$ {$path}/user/attach/\$1 [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f RewriteRule ^{$path}/user+/+(cache)+/+(.+[^/]).(cache|xml|txt|log)\$ - [NC,F,L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d RewriteRule ^{$path}/([^?]+[^/])\$ {$path}/\$1/ [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule ^{$path}/(.*)\$ {$path}/rewrite.php [L,QSA] EOF; break; case 'mod_rewrite': default: $htaccessContent = <<<EOF #<IfModule mod_url.c> #CheckURL Off #</IfModule> #SetEnv PRELOAD_CONFIG 1 RewriteEngine On RewriteBase {$path}/ RewriteRule ^(thumbnail)/([0-9]+/.+)\$ cache/\$1/\$2 [L] RewriteRule ^attach/([0-9]+/.+)\$ user/attach/\$1 [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f RewriteRule ^user+/+(cache)+/+(.+[^/]).(cache|xml|txt|log)\$ - [NC,F,L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d RewriteRule ^(.+[^/])\$ \$1/ [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule ^(.*)\$ rewrite.php [L,QSA] EOF; } if ($fp) { fwrite($fp, $htaccessContent); fclose($fp); @chmod($filename, 0666); } } $blogProtocol = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'https' : 'http'; $blogDefaultPort = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 443 : 80; switch ($_POST['type']) { case 'domain': $blogURL = "{$blogProtocol}://{$_POST['blog']}.{$_POST['domain']}" . ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != $blogDefaultPort ? ":{$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']}" : '') . "{$path}" . (empty($_POST['disableRewrite']) ? '' : '/index.php?'); break; case 'path': $blogURL = "{$blogProtocol}://{$_POST['domain']}" . ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != $blogDefaultPort ? ":{$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']}" : '') . "{$path}" . (empty($_POST['disableRewrite']) ? '' : '/index.php?') . "/{$_POST['blog']}"; break; case 'single': $blogURL = "{$blogProtocol}://{$_POST['domain']}" . ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != $blogDefaultPort ? ":{$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']}" : '') . "{$path}" . (empty($_POST['disableRewrite']) ? '' : '/index.php?'); break; } ?> <div id="inner"> <h2><span class="step"><?php echo _t('설치완료'); ?> </span> : <?php echo _t('텍스트큐브가 성공적으로 설치되었습니다.'); ?> </h2> <div id="content-box"> <p> </p> <ul> <li><?php echo _t('텍스트큐브 주소'); ?> <br /> <a href="<?php echo $blogURL . '/'; ?> "><?php echo $blogURL . '/'; ?> </a><br /> <br /> </li> <li><?php echo _t('텍스트큐브 관리 툴 주소'); ?> <br /> <a href="<?php echo $blogURL . '/'; ?> owner"><?php echo $blogURL . '/'; ?> owner</a></li> </ul> <p> <?php if (checkIIS()) { echo _t('새로 IIS용 Rewrite 모듈을 설치하셨다면 <b>.htaccess 내용을 모듈 설정에 적용</b>해주십시오.<br />'); } ?> <?php echo '<li style="color:red">', _t('보안 관련 안내'), ': ', '<br /><span class="instruction">', _t('보안을 위하여 설치때 필요했던 권한 중 일부를 제거해주세요. FTP 프로그램으로 권한을 수정하시거나 다음의 명령을 터미널에 붙여 넣으시면 됩니다'), '<br />', 'chmod 0755 ' . $root, '</span></li>'; ?> <?php echo _t('텍스트큐브 관리 툴로 로그인 하신 후 필요사항을 수정해 주십시오.'); ?> <br /> <?php echo _t('텍스트큐브를 이용해 주셔서 감사합니다.'); ?> </p> </div> </div> <?php } else { if ($step == 204) { ?> <input type="hidden" name="step" value="4" /> <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="<?php echo $_POST['mode']; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbms" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbms']) ? $_POST['dbms'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbServer" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbServer']) ? $_POST['dbServer'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbPort" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbPort']) ? $_POST['dbPort'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbName" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbName']) ? $_POST['dbName'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbUser" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbUser']) ? $_POST['dbUser'] : ''; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="dbPassword" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['dbPassword']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['dbPassword']) : ''; ?> " /> <div id="inner"> <h2><span class="step"><?php echo _f('%1단계', 4); ?> </span> : <?php echo _t('삭제하고자 하는 테이블을 선택하여 주십시오.'); ?> </h2> <div id="userinput"> <table id="info"> <tr> <th><?php echo _t('식별자'); ?> </th> <th><?php echo _t('버전'); ?> </th> <th><?php echo _t('테이블'); ?> </th> <th></th> </tr> <?php $tables = array(); $ckeckedString = 'checked '; if ($result = POD::tableList()) { foreach ($result as $table) { //$table = $table[0]; $entriesMatched = preg_match('/Entries$/', $table); if ($entriesMatched && checkTables('2.0', $prefix = substr($table, 0, strlen($table) - 7))) { ?> <tr> <th><?php echo $prefix; ?> </th> <th>2.0</th> <td><?php echo implode(', ', getTables('2.0', $prefix)); ?> </td> <th><input type="radio" name="target" value="2.0_<?php echo $prefix; ?> " <?php echo $ckeckedString; ?> /></th> </tr> <?php $ckeckedString = ''; } else { if ($entriesMatched && checkTables('1.9', $prefix = substr($table, 0, strlen($table) - 7))) { ?> <tr> <th><?php echo $prefix; ?> </th> <th>1.9</th> <td><?php echo implode(', ', getTables('1.9', $prefix)); ?> </td> <th><input type="radio" name="target" value="1.9_<?php echo $prefix; ?> " <?php echo $ckeckedString; ?> /></th> </tr> <?php $ckeckedString = ''; } else { if ($entriesMatched && checkTables('1.8', $prefix = substr($table, 0, strlen($table) - 7))) { ?> <tr> <th><?php echo $prefix; ?> </th> <th>1.8</th> <td><?php echo implode(', ', getTables('1.8', $prefix)); ?> </td> <th><input type="radio" name="target" value="1.8_<?php echo $prefix; ?> " <?php echo $ckeckedString; ?> /></th> </tr> <?php $ckeckedString = ''; } else { if ($entriesMatched && checkTables('1.7', $prefix = substr($table, 0, strlen($table) - 7))) { ?> <tr> <th><?php echo $prefix; ?> </th> <th>1.7</th> <td><?php echo implode(', ', getTables('1.7', $prefix)); ?> </td> <th><input type="radio" name="target" value="1.7_<?php echo $prefix; ?> " <?php echo $ckeckedString; ?> /></th> </tr> <?php $ckeckedString = ''; } else { if ($entriesMatched && checkTables('1.6', $prefix = substr($table, 0, strlen($table) - 7))) { ?> <tr> <th><?php echo $prefix; ?> </th> <th>1.6</th> <td><?php echo implode(', ', getTables('1.6', $prefix)); ?> </td> <th><input type="radio" name="target" value="1.6_<?php echo $prefix; ?> " <?php echo $ckeckedString; ?> /></th> </tr> <?php $ckeckedString = ''; } else { if ($entriesMatched && checkTables('1.5', $prefix = substr($table, 0, strlen($table) - 7))) { ?> <tr> <th><?php echo $prefix; ?> </th> <th>1.5</th> <td><?php echo implode(', ', getTables('1.5', $prefix)); ?> </td> <th><input type="radio" name="target" value="1.5_<?php echo $prefix; ?> " <?php echo $ckeckedString; ?> /></th> </tr> <?php $ckeckedString = ''; } else { if ($entriesMatched && checkTables('1.1', $prefix = substr($table, 0, strlen($table) - 7))) { ?> <tr> <th><?php echo $prefix; ?> </th> <th>1.1</th> <td><?php echo implode(', ', getTables('1.1', $prefix)); ?> </td> <th><input type="radio" name="target" value="1.1_<?php echo $prefix; ?> " <?php echo $ckeckedString; ?> /></th> </tr> <?php $ckeckedString = ''; } else { if ($entriesMatched && checkTables('1.0.2', $prefix = substr($table, 0, strlen($table) - 7))) { ?> <tr> <th><?php echo $prefix; ?> </th> <th>1.0.2</th> <td><?php echo implode(', ', getTables('1.0.2', $prefix)); ?> </td> <th><input type="radio" name="target" value="1.0.2_<?php echo $prefix; ?> " <?php echo $ckeckedString; ?> /></th> </tr> <?php $ckeckedString = ''; } else { if ($entriesMatched && checkTables('1.0.0', $prefix = substr($table, 0, strlen($table) - 7))) { ?> <tr> <th><?php echo $prefix; ?> </th> <th>1.0.0</th> <td><?php echo implode(', ', getTables('1.0.0', $prefix)); ?> </td> <th><input type="radio" name="target" value="1.0.0_<?php echo $prefix; ?> " <?php echo $ckeckedString; ?> /></th> </tr> <?php $ckeckedString = ''; } else { if ($entriesMatched && checkTables('1.0.b2', $prefix = substr($table, 0, strlen($table) - 7))) { ?> <tr> <th><?php echo $prefix; ?> </th> <th>1.0 Beta 2</th> <td><?php echo implode(', ', getTables('1.0.b2', $prefix)); ?> </td> <th><input type="radio" name="target" value="1.0.b2_<?php echo $prefix; ?> " <?php echo $ckeckedString; ?> /></th> </tr> <?php $ckeckedString = ''; } else { if (preg_match('/^t3_(.*)_10ofmg$/', $table) && checkTables('0.97', $prefix = substr($table, 3, strlen($table) - 10))) { ?> <tr> <th><?php echo $prefix; ?> </th> <th>0.97 (Classic)</th> <td><?php echo implode(', ', getTables('0.97', $prefix)); ?> </td> <th><input type="radio" name="target" value="0.97_<?php echo $prefix; ?> " <?php echo $ckeckedString; ?> /></th> </tr> <?php $ckeckedString = ''; } else { if (preg_match('/^t3_(.*)_ct1$/', $table) && checkTables('0.96', $prefix = substr($table, 3, strlen($table) - 7))) { ?> <tr> <th><?php echo $prefix; ?> </th> <th>0.96x</th> <td><?php echo implode(', ', getTables('0.96', $prefix)); ?> </td> <th><input type="radio" name="target" value="0.96_<?php echo $prefix; ?> " <?php echo $ckeckedString; ?> /></th> </tr> <?php $ckeckedString = ''; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } ?> </table> </div> <div id="navigation"> <a href="#" onclick="window.history.back()" title="<?php echo _t('이전'); ?> "><img src="./resources/style/setup/image/icon_prev.gif" width="74" height="24" alt="<?php echo _t('이전'); ?> " /></a> <a href="#" onclick="if (confirm('<?php echo _t('삭제하시겠습니까?'); ?> ') && confirm('<?php echo _t('정말 삭제하시겠습니까?'); ?> ')) next(); return false;" title="<?php echo _t('다음'); ?> "><img src="./resources/style/setup/image/icon_next.gif" width="74" height="24" alt="<?php echo _t('다음'); ?> " /></a> </div> </div> <?php } else { if ($step == 205) { ?> <input type="hidden" name="step" value="1" /> <div id="inner"> <h2><span class="step"><?php echo _f('%1단계', 5); ?> </span> : <?php echo _t('선택된 테이블을 삭제하고 있습니다.'); ?> </h2> <div id="userinput"> <table id="info"> <tr> <th><?php echo _t('식별자'); ?> </th> <th><?php echo _t('버전'); ?> </th> <th><?php echo _t('테이블'); ?> </th> </tr> <?php list($version, $prefix) = explode('_', $_POST['target'], 2); $result = false; if (checkTables($version, $prefix)) { ?> <tr> <th><?php echo $prefix; ?> </th> <th><?php echo $version; ?> </th> <td><?php echo implode(', ', getTables($version, $prefix)); ?> </td> </tr> <?php $result = @POD::query('DROP TABLE ' . implode(', ', getTables($version, $prefix))); } ?> </table> <p><?php echo $result ? _t('삭제하였습니다.') : '<span style="color:red">' . _t('삭제하지 못했습니다.') . '</span>'; ?> </p> </div> <div id="navigation"> <a href="#" onclick="window.history.back()" title="<?php echo _t('이전'); ?> "><img src="./resources/style/setup/image/icon_prev.gif" width="74" height="24" alt="<?php echo _t('이전'); ?> " /></a> <a href="#" onclick="next(); return false;" title="<?php echo _t('다음'); ?> "><img src="./resources/style/setup/image/icon_next.gif" width="74" height="24" alt="<?php echo _t('다음'); ?> " /></a> </div> </div> <?php } } } } } } } } } } }
public static function authorize($blogid, $userid, $expires = null) { if (is_null(self::$context)) { self::initialize(); } $blogid = intval($blogid); $userid = intval($userid); if (!Validator::isInteger($expires, 0)) { return false; } $session_cookie_path = "/"; $t = self::$context->getProperty('service.session_cookie_path'); if (!empty($t)) { $session_cookie_path = self::$context->getProperty('service.session_cookie_path'); } if (!is_numeric($userid)) { return false; } $current = Timestamp::getUNIXtime(); if (is_null($expires)) { $expires = $current + self::$context->getProperty('service.timeout'); } if ($userid != SESSION_OPENID_USERID) { /* OpenID session : -1 */ $_SESSION['userid'] = $userid; $id = session_id(); if (self::isGuestOpenIDSession($id)) { $result = self::query('execute', "UPDATE " . self::$context->getProperty('database.prefix') . "Sessions " . "SET userid = {$userid} WHERE id = '{$id}'"); if ($result) { return true; } } } if (self::isAuthorized(session_id())) { return true; } for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { $id = dechex(rand(0x10000000, 0x7fffffff)) . dechex(rand(0x10000000, 0x7fffffff)) . dechex(rand(0x10000000, 0x7fffffff)) . dechex(rand(0x10000000, 0x7fffffff)); $result = self::query('execute', "INSERT INTO " . self::$context->getProperty('database.prefix') . "Sessions\n\t\t\t\t(id, address, userid, created, updated, expires)\n\t\t\t\tVALUES('{$id}', '{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}', {$userid}, {$current}, {$current}, {$expires})"); if ($result) { @session_id($id); //$service['domain'] = $service['domain'].':8888'; setcookie(self::getName(), $id, 0, $session_cookie_path, self::$context->getProperty('service.session_cookie_domain')); return true; } } return false; }
function myPlurk_AddPlurkIcon($target, $mother) { global $blogid, $service, $database, $suri, $blogURL, $pluginURL, $configVal; requireComponent('Textcube.Function.misc'); $data = misc::fetchConfigVal($configVal); $attachResponses = isset($data['attachResponses']) && $data['attachResponses'] == 1 ? true : false; $plurklang = Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('blogLanguage', ''); $plurkIcon = ""; $responsePlurks = ""; if ($suri['directive'] != "/rss" && $suri['directive'] != "/m" && $suri['directive'] != "/i/entry" && $suri['directive'] != "/atom" && $suri['directive'] != "/sync" && POD::queryCount("SELECT id FROM {$database['prefix']}PlurkEntries WHERE blogid={$blogid} AND id={$mother}") > 0) { $plurk_id = intval(POD::queryCell("SELECT plurkid FROM {$database['prefix']}PlurkEntries WHERE blogid={$blogid} AND id={$mother}")); $plurkLink = "" . base_convert($plurk_id, 10, 36); if (!empty($plurkLink)) { $plurkIcon = '<div id="plurkthis"><img src="' . $pluginURL . '/images/plurkicon.png" border="0" width="16" height="16" alt="Plurk This!" /> PLURK: <a href="' . $plurkLink . '" target="_blank">' . $plurkLink . '</a></div><br />'; } if (!$attachResponses) { return $plurkIcon . $target; } $cache = new PageCache(); $cache->name = 'HC_TCPlurkCache'; if ($cache->load()) { $cache->contents = unserialize($cache->contents); if (array_key_exists($mother, $cache->contents) && Timestamp::getUNIXtime() - $cache->dbContents < 600) { return $plurkIcon . $target . $cache->contents[$mother]; } } require_once "libs/plurk_api.php"; $plurk = new plurk_api(); $plurkNickname = isset($data['plurknickname']) ? $data['plurknickname'] : ""; $plurkPassword = isset($data['plurkpassword']) ? $data['plurkpassword'] : ""; $plurk_api = 'iMCH3JDDda7c4bs0qiOchZcxAx7t8PA7'; if (!$plurk->login($plurk_api, $plurkNickname, $plurkPassword)) { return $plurkIcon . $target; } $responsePlurks = ""; $response = $plurk->get_responses($plurk_id); if ($response->responses_seen > 0) { $qualifiers = array("loves", "likes", "shares", "gives", "hates", "wants", "wishes", "needs", "will", "hopes", "asks", "has", "was", "wonders", "feels", "thinks", "says", "is"); $qualifiers_locale = array('en' => $qualifiers, 'zh-TW' => array("愛", "喜歡", "推", "給", "討厭", "想要", "希望", "需要", "打算", "希望", "問", "已經", "曾經", "好奇", "覺得", "想", "說", "正在"), 'zh-CN' => array("爱", "喜欢", "推", "给", "讨厌", "想要", "希望", "需要", "打算", "希望", "问", "已经", "曾经", "好奇", "觉得", "想", "说", "正在")); $lang = "en"; switch ($plurklang) { case "zh-TW": case "zh-CN": $lang = $plurklang; break; default: $lang = "en"; } $friends = array(); $nick2displayname = array('nickname' => array(), 'displayname' => array()); foreach ($response->friends as $friend) { $friends[$friend->uid]['display_name'] = $friend->display_name; $friends[$friend->uid]['nick_name'] = $friend->nick_name; $friends[$friend->uid]['has_profile_image'] = $friend->has_profile_image == 1 ? true : false; $friends[$friend->uid]['avatar'] = $friend->avatar == null ? "" : $friend->avatar; if (!in_array($friend->nick_name, $nick2displayname['nickname'])) { array_push($nick2displayname['nickname'], $friend->nick_name); array_push($nick2displayname['displayname'], $friend->display_name); } } ob_start(); echo "<div class=\"plurkResponse\" id=\"plurkResponse_{$mother}\">\n"; echo "<h3>" . _f("%1 Responses to this Plurk", $response->responses_seen) . "</h3>\n"; echo "<div class=\"plurkResponseLists\">\n<table cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"2\" border=\"0\">\n"; foreach ($response->responses as $commentObj) { $comment = (array) $commentObj; $userIcon = $friends[$comment['user_id']]['has_profile_image'] ? "{$comment['user_id']}-medium{$friends[$comment['user_id']]['avatar']}.gif" : ""; $display_name = $friends[$comment['user_id']]['display_name']; $nick_name = $friends[$comment['user_id']]['nick_name']; $qualifier = in_array($comment['qualifier'], $qualifiers) ? $comment['qualifier'] : ""; $qualifierKey = array_keys($qualifiers, $comment['qualifier']); $qualifier_trans = isset($qualifiers_locale[$lang][$qualifierKey[0]]) ? $qualifiers_locale[$lang][$qualifierKey[0]] : ''; if (preg_match_all('/<a href="http:\\/\\/\\/(.*?)" class="ex_link">(.*?)<\\/a>/ms', $comment['content'], $matches)) { $mlen = count($matches[1]); for ($i = $mlen - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { if (in_array($matches[1][$i], $nick2displayname['nickname'])) { $replydisplayname = $nick2displayname['displayname'][array_search($matches[1][$i], $nick2displayname['nickname'])]; $comment['content'] = str_replace('<a href="' . $matches[1][$i] . '" class="ex_link">' . $matches[2][$i] . '</a>', '<a href="' . $matches[1][$i] . '" class="ex_link">' . $replydisplayname . '</a>', $comment['content']); } } } echo "<tr><td class=\"user_icon\"><a href=\"{$nick_name}\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"{$userIcon}\" border=\"0\" width=\"45\" height=\"45\" alt=\"{$display_name}\" title=\"{$display_name}\" onerror=\"this.src='{$pluginURL}/images/nonusericon.gif'\" /></a></td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"plurkcontent\"><a href=\"{$nick_name}\" target=\"_blank\">{$display_name}</a> \n"; echo "<span class=\"qualifier_{$qualifier}\">{$qualifier_trans}</span> <span class=\"plurkcomment\">{$comment['content']}</span></td></tr>\n"; } echo "</table>\n</div>\n<p style=\"text-align:right;line-height:1em;\" class=\"plurkResponseMoreButton\">" . _t('MorePlurk...') . "</p>\n"; echo "</div>\n\n"; $responsePlurks = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } else { // no response } $cache->contents[$mother] = $responsePlurks; $cache->contents = serialize($cache->contents); $cache->dbContents = Timestamp::getUNIXtime(); $cache->update(); unset($cache); } return $plurkIcon . $target . $responsePlurks; }
public static function query($query, $compatibility = true) { // var_dump($query); if ($compatibility) { $query = str_replace('UNIX_TIMESTAMP()', Timestamp::getUNIXtime(), $query); // compatibility issue. $query = str_replace('RAND()', 'RANDOM()', $query); // compatibility issue. $origPagingInst = array('/CHAR_LENGTH(.*) /si', '/IF\\(([A-Za-z0-9]+),([A-Za-z0-9]+),([A-Za-z0-9]+)\\)/si'); $descPagingInst = array('LENGTH($1) ', 'CASE WHEN $1 THEN $2 ELSE $3 END'); $query = preg_replace($origPagingInst, $descPagingInst, $query); } if (function_exists('__tcSqlLogBegin')) { __tcSqlLogBegin($query); $result = self::$db->query($query); __tcSqlLogEnd($result, 0); } else { $result = self::$db->query($query); } self::$lastQueryType = strtolower(substr($query, 0, 6)); if (stristr($query, 'update ') || stristr($query, 'insert ') || stristr($query, 'delete ') || stristr($query, 'replace ')) { self::clearCache(); } return $result; }
function authenticate($blogid, $loginid, $password, $blogapi = false) { $session = array(); Acl::clearAcl(); $pool = DBModel::getInstance(); $blogApiPassword = Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal("blogApiPassword", ""); $pool->reset("Users"); if (strlen($password) == 32 && preg_match('/[0-9a-f]{32}/i', $password)) { // Traditional md5 Raw login. ( with/without auth token) $userid = User::getUserIdByEmail($loginid); if (!empty($userid) && !is_null($userid)) { $pool->reset('UserSettings'); $pool->setQualifier('userid', 'equals', intval($userid)); $pool->setQualifier('name', 'equals', 'AuthToken', true); $authtoken = $query->getCell('value'); $pool->reset("Users"); if (!empty($authtoken) && $authtoken === $password) { // If user requested auth token, use it to confirm. $session['userid'] = $userid; } else { // login with md5 hash $pool->setQualifier("password", "eq", md5($password), true); } } else { return false; } } else { if ($blogapi && !empty($blogApiPassword)) { // BlogAPI login $pool->setQualifierSet(array("password", "eq", md5($password), true), "OR", array($password, "eq", $blogApiPassword, true)); } else { // Normal login $pool->setQualifier("password", "eq", md5($password), true); } } if (empty($session)) { $pool->setQualifier("loginid", "eq", $loginid, true); $session = $pool->getRow("userid, loginid"); } if (empty($session)) { /* You should compare return value with '=== false' which checks with variable types*/ return false; } $userid = $session['userid']; Acl::authorize('textcube', $userid); $pool->reset("Users"); $pool->setAttribute("lastlogin", Timestamp::getUNIXtime()); $pool->setQualifier("loginid", "eq", $loginid, true); $pool->update(); // POD::execute("DELETE FROM {$database['prefix']}UserSettings WHERE userid = '$userid' AND name = 'AuthToken' LIMIT 1"); return $userid; }
function updateSubscriptionStatistics($target, $mother) { $blogid = getBlogId(); $period = Timestamp::getDate(); if (Filter::isFiltered('ip', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { return; } $ip = isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : ''; $host = isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'] : ''; $useragent = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : ''; $pool = DBModel::getInstance(); $pool->reset("SubscriptionLogs"); $pool->setAttribute("blogid", $blogid); $pool->setAttribute("ip", $ip, true); $pool->setAttribute("host", $host, true); $pool->setAttribute("useragent", $useragent, true); $pool->setAttribute("referred", Timestamp::getUNIXtime()); $pool->insert(); $pool->reset("SubscriptionLogs"); $pool->setQualifier("referred", "<", Timestamp::getUNIXtime() - 604800); $pool->delete(); $pool->reset("SubscriptionStatistics"); $pool->setAttribute("referred", Timestamp::getUNIXtime()); $pool->setQualifier("blogid", "eq", $blogid); $pool->setQualifier("ip", "eq", $ip, true); $pool->setQualifier("host", "eq", $host, true); $pool->setQualifieri("useragent", "eq", $useragent, true); if (!$pool->update('count')) { $pool->reset("SubscriptionStatistics"); $pool->setAttribute("blogid", $blogid); $pool->setAttribute("ip", $ip, true); $pool->setAttribute("host", $host, true); $pool->setAttribute("useragent", $useragent, true); $pool->setAttribute("subscribed", Timestamp::getUNIXtime()); $pool->setAttribute("referred", Timestamp::getUNIXtime()); } return $target; }