  * Performs the actual image manipulation,
  * including saving the target file.
  * @param  string $load_filename filepath (not URL) to source file
  *                               (ex: /src/var/www/wp-content/uploads/my-pic.jpg)
  * @param  string $save_filename filepath (not URL) where result file should be saved
  *                               (ex: /src/var/www/wp-content/uploads/my-pic-300x200-c-default.jpg)
  * @return bool                  true if everything went fine, false otherwise
 public function run($load_filename, $save_filename)
     //should be resized by gif resizer
     if (TimberImageHelper::is_animated_gif($load_filename)) {
         //attempt to resize
         //return if successful
         //proceed if not
         $gif = self::run_animated_gif($load_filename, $save_filename);
         if ($gif) {
             return true;
     $image = wp_get_image_editor($load_filename);
     if (!is_wp_error($image)) {
         $crop = self::get_target_sizes($load_filename);
         $image->crop($crop['x'], $crop['y'], $crop['src_w'], $crop['src_h'], $crop['target_w'], $crop['target_h']);
         $result = $image->save($save_filename);
         if (is_wp_error($result)) {
             // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
             TimberHelper::error_log('Error resizing image');
             return false;
             // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
         } else {
             return true;
     } else {
         if (isset($image->error_data['error_loading_image'])) {
             // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
             TimberHelper::error_log('Error loading ' . $image->error_data['error_loading_image']);
         } else {
             // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
Пример #2
 function testAnimatedGifResize()
     $image = self::copyTestImage('robocop.gif');
     $data = array('crop' => 'default');
     $data['size'] = array('width' => 90, 'height' => 90);
     $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
     $url = $upload_dir['url'] . '/robocop.gif';
     $data['test_image'] = $url;
     Timber::compile('assets/image-test.twig', $data);
     $resized_path = $upload_dir['path'] . '/robocop-' . $data['size']['width'] . 'x' . $data['size']['height'] . '-c-' . $data['crop'] . '.gif';
 function testIsNotGif()
     $arch = TestTimberImage::copyTestImage('arch.jpg');