function run($max_time) {
        global $cfg;

        $i18n = new Internationalization($cfg->get('system_language', 'en_US'));
        $sequences = $i18n->getTemplate('sequence.yaml')->getData();
        foreach ($sequences as $s) {
        db_query('UPDATE '.SEQUENCE_TABLE.' SET `next`= '
            .'(SELECT MAX(ticket_id)+1 FROM '.TICKET_TABLE.') '
            .'WHERE `id`=1');

        require_once(INCLUDE_DIR . 'class.list.php');

        $lists = $i18n->getTemplate('list.yaml')->getData();
        foreach ($lists as $l) {

        $statuses = $i18n->getTemplate('ticket_status.yaml')->getData();
        foreach ($statuses as $s) {

        // Initialize MYSQL search backend
echo __('Department');
$subject_field = TicketForm::objects()->one()->getField('subject');
$defaultDept = Dept::getDefaultDeptName();
//Default public dept.
if ($tickets->exists(true)) {
    foreach ($tickets as $T) {
        $dept = $T['dept__ispublic'] ? Dept::getLocalById($T['dept_id'], 'name', $T['dept__name']) : $defaultDept;
        $subject = $subject_field->display($subject_field->to_php($T['cdata__subject']) ?: $T['cdata__subject']);
        $status = TicketStatus::getLocalById($T['status_id'], 'value', $T['status__name']);
        if (false) {
            // XXX: Reimplement attachment count support
            $subject .= '  &nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="Icon file"></span>';
        $ticketNumber = $T['number'];
        if ($T['isanswered'] && !strcasecmp($T['status__state'], 'open')) {
            $subject = "<b>{$subject}</b>";
            $ticketNumber = "<b>{$ticketNumber}</b>";
            <tr id="<?php 
        echo $T['ticket_id'];
Пример #3
  * View single ticket
  * @param int $id
  * @param string $alias
 public function actionViewTicket($id, $alias)
     if ($id && ($ticket = Tickets::model()->with(array('reporter', 'assigned', 'status', 'type', 'category', 'ticketpriority', 'version', 'fixed', 'ticketmilestone', 'comments', 'comments.commentreporter', 'comments.changes', 'lastcomment'))->byCommentDate()->findByPk($id))) {
         // Initiate the ticket comment model
         $comment = new TicketComments();
         $props = new TicketProps();
         $ticketChanges = array();
         $commentPassed = false;
         $propsPassed = false;
         $propertiesPassed = false;
         // Make sure if we submit the form that we enter a comment
         if (isset($_POST['TicketComments'])) {
             $comment->ticketid = $ticket->id;
             if ($comment->validate()) {
                 $commentPassed = true;
         // Make suer we submitted the form
         if (isset($_POST['TicketProps'])) {
             if ($props->validate()) {
                 $propsPassed = true;
                 // did we change the title
                 if ($props->title != $ticket->title) {
                     $ticketChanges[] = Yii::t('tickets', '<strong>Title</strong> Changed from <em>{old}</em> To <em>{new}</em>', array('{old}' => $ticket->title, '{new}' => $props->title));
                 // did we change the keywords
                 if ($props->keywords != $ticket->keywords) {
                     $ticketChanges[] = Yii::t('tickets', '<strong>Keywords</strong> Changed from <em>{old}</em> To <em>{new}</em>', array('{old}' => $ticket->keywords, '{new}' => $props->keywords));
                 // did we change the assigned to
                 if ($props->assignedtoid && $props->assignedtoid != $ticket->assignedtoid) {
                     // Load the users
                     $oldUser = Users::model()->findByPk($ticket->assignedtoid);
                     $newUser = Users::model()->find('username=:username', array(':username' => $props->assignedtoid));
                     $ticketChanges[] = Yii::t('tickets', '<strong>Assigned</strong> Changed from <em>{old}</em> To <em>{new}</em>', array('{old}' => $oldUser ? $oldUser->getLink() : "''", '{new}' => $newUser ? $newUser->getLink() : "''"));
                 // Did we change the status
                 if ($props->status && $props->status != $ticket->ticketstatus) {
                     $oldStatus = TicketStatus::model()->findByPk($ticket->ticketstatus);
                     $newStatus = TicketStatus::model()->findByPk($props->status);
                     $ticketChanges[] = Yii::t('tickets', '<strong>Status</strong> Changed from <em>{old}</em> To <em>{new}</em>', array('{old}' => $oldStatus ? $oldStatus->getLink() : "''", '{new}' => $newStatus ? $newStatus->getLink() : "''"));
                     $ticket->ticketstatus = $props->status;
                 // Did we change the type
                 if ($props->type && $props->type != $ticket->tickettype) {
                     $oldType = TicketType::model()->findByPk($ticket->tickettype);
                     $newType = TicketType::model()->findByPk($props->type);
                     $ticketChanges[] = Yii::t('tickets', '<strong>Type</strong> Changed from <em>{old}</em> To <em>{new}</em>', array('{old}' => $oldType ? $oldType->getLink() : "''", '{new}' => $newType ? $newType->getLink() : "''"));
                     $ticket->tickettype = $props->type;
                 // Did we change the category
                 if ($props->category && $props->category != $ticket->ticketcategory) {
                     $oldCategory = TicketCategory::model()->findByPk($ticket->ticketcategory);
                     $newCategory = TicketCategory::model()->findByPk($props->category);
                     $ticketChanges[] = Yii::t('tickets', '<strong>Category</strong> Changed from <em>{old}</em> To <em>{new}</em>', array('{old}' => $oldCategory ? $oldCategory->getLink() : "''", '{new}' => $newCategory ? $newCategory->getLink() : "''"));
                     $ticket->ticketcategory = $props->category;
                 // Did we change the version
                 if ($props->version && $props->version != $ticket->ticketversion) {
                     $oldVersion = TicketVersion::model()->findByPk($ticket->ticketversion);
                     $newVersion = TicketVersion::model()->findByPk($props->version);
                     $ticketChanges[] = Yii::t('tickets', '<strong>Version</strong> Changed from <em>{old}</em> To <em>{new}</em>', array('{old}' => $oldVersion ? $oldVersion->getVersionLink() : "''", '{new}' => $newVersion ? $newVersion->getVersionLink() : "''"));
                     $ticket->ticketversion = $props->version;
                 // Did we change the fixedin
                 if ($props->fixedin && $props->fixedin != $ticket->fixedin) {
                     $oldFixed = TicketVersion::model()->findByPk($ticket->fixedin);
                     $newFixed = TicketVersion::model()->findByPk($props->fixedin);
                     $ticketChanges[] = Yii::t('tickets', '<strong>Fixed In Version</strong> Changed from <em>{old}</em> To <em>{new}</em>', array('{old}' => $oldFixed ? $oldFixed->getFixedinLink() : "''", '{new}' => $newFixed ? $newFixed->getFixedinLink() : "''"));
                     $ticket->fixedin = $props->fixedin;
                 // Did we change the priority
                 if ($props->priority && $props->priority != $ticket->priority) {
                     $oldPriority = TicketPriority::model()->findByPk($ticket->priority);
                     $newPriority = TicketPriority::model()->findByPk($props->priority);
                     $ticketChanges[] = Yii::t('tickets', '<strong>Priority</strong> Changed from <em>{old}</em> To <em>{new}</em>', array('{old}' => $oldPriority ? $oldPriority->getLink() : "''", '{new}' => $newPriority ? $newPriority->getLink() : "''"));
                     $ticket->priority = $props->priority;
                 // Assign props data to ticket
                 $ticket->title = $props->title;
                 $ticket->keywords = $props->keywords;
                 // Reset the ticket assigned to
                 if ($props->assignedtoid) {
                     $ticket->assignedtoid = $props->assignedtoid;
                 } else {
                     $ticket->assignedtoid = (int) $ticket->assignedtoid;
                 // Make sure we have some changes or at least entered comment
                 if (!$comment->content && !count($ticketChanges)) {
                     $commentPassed = false;
                     Functions::setFlash(Yii::t('tickets', 'You must enter a comment or make some changes to the ticket.'));
                 // validate ticket
                 if ($ticket->validate()) {
                     $propertiesPassed = true;
         // Only if all flags were ok then save and update
         if (isset($_POST['submit']) && $commentPassed && $propsPassed && $propertiesPassed) {
             // Save both and redirect
             // Did we change something?
             if (count($ticketChanges)) {
                 foreach ($ticketChanges as $change) {
                     $changes = new TicketChanges();
                     $changes->ticketid = $ticket->id;
                     $changes->commentid = $comment->id;
                     $changes->content = $change;
             // Save ticket
             $ticket->lastcommentid = $comment->id;
             // Set flash
             Functions::setFlash(Yii::t('tickets', 'Tickets: Ticket Updated'));
             $this->redirect($ticket->getLink('', array(), true));
         // Reset the ticket assigned to
         if ($props->assignedtoid) {
             if (is_int($props->assignedtoid)) {
                 $username = Users::model()->findByPk($props->assignedtoid);
             } else {
                 $username = Users::model()->find('username=:username', array(':username' => $props->assignedtoid));
             $props->assignedtoid = $username ? $username->username : '';
         } else {
             $props->assignedtoid = '';
         // Assign keywords
         if (!$props->keywords && $ticket->keywords) {
             $props->keywords = $ticket->keywords;
         // Assign Title
         if (!$props->title && $ticket->title) {
             $props->title = $ticket->title;
         // Show the view screen
         $this->pageTitle[] = Yii::t('tickets', 'Viewing Ticket - {title}', array('{title}' => CHtml::encode($ticket->title)));
         $this->render('showticket', array('props' => $props, 'ticket' => $ticket, 'comment' => $comment));
     } else {
Пример #4
 function postNote($vars, &$errors, $poster, $alert = true)
     global $cfg, $thisstaff;
     //Who is posting the note - staff or system?
     $vars['staffId'] = 0;
     $vars['poster'] = 'SYSTEM';
     if ($poster && is_object($poster)) {
         $vars['staffId'] = $poster->getId();
         $vars['poster'] = $poster->getName();
     } elseif ($poster) {
         $vars['poster'] = $poster;
     if (!$vars['ip_address'] && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) {
         $vars['ip_address'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     if (!($note = $this->getThread()->addNote($vars, $errors))) {
         return null;
     $alert = $alert && (isset($vars['flags']) ? !$vars['flags']['bounce'] && !$vars['flags']['auto-reply'] : true);
     // Get assigned staff just in case the ticket is closed.
     $assignee = $this->getStaff();
     if ($vars['note_status_id'] && ($status = TicketStatus::lookup($vars['note_status_id']))) {
         if ($this->setStatus($status)) {
     $activity = $vars['activity'] ?: _S('New Internal Note');
     $this->onActivity(array('activity' => $activity, 'threadentry' => $note, 'assignee' => $assignee), $alert);
     return $note;
Пример #5
 public function getStatusbyfilter()
     if (in_array(Yii::app()->session['user_data']['user_role_type'], array(0, 1))) {
         $result = TicketStatus::model()->findAll("status_id !=6");
     } else {
         if (in_array(Yii::app()->session['user_data']['user_role_type'], array(2, 3))) {
             $result = TicketStatus::model()->findAllByAttributes(array(), array('condition' => 'status_id >:s_id and status_id !=6', 'params' => array('s_id' => 1)));
         } else {
             $result = TicketStatus::model()->findAllByAttributes(array(), array('condition' => 'status_id >:s_id and status_id !=6', 'params' => array('s_id' => 2)));
     return $result;
Пример #6
<div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-12">
        <div  id="statusChangeMsg"></div>
    <div class="col-md-4" style="border-right: 1px solid rgb(67, 129, 185);">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-md-12">
                <h4 class="text-blue">Change Ticket Status</h4>
                <hr style="margin: 5px 0px;">
                <div class="form-group">                    
                    <label class="required" style="margin: 8px 0px;">Ticket Status</label>
echo CHtml::dropDownlist('status_id', "", CHtml::listData(TicketStatus::model()->getStatusbyfilter(), 'status_id', 'status_name'), array('class' => 'form-control', 'empty' => 'Please Select Status'));
                    <div id="status_error" class="text-red" style="display: none">Please select ticket status.</div> 
                <div class="form-group">                    
                    <label class="required" style="margin: 8px 0px;">Remark <span class="required">*</span></label>
echo CHtml::textArea('remark_message', '', array('class' => 'form-control', 'placeholder' => 'Remark (if any)', 'style' => 'resize:none;', 'rows' => 5));
                    <div id="remark_error" class="text-red" style="display: none">Remark cannot be blank.</div> 
                <div class="form-group">
echo CHtml::submitButton('Save Status', array('class' => 'btn btn-green btn-square', 'id' => 'changebtn'));
        <td width="auto" class="flush-right has_bottom_border">
if ($thisstaff->canBanEmails() || $thisstaff->canEditTickets() || $dept && $dept->isManager($thisstaff)) {
            <span class="action-button pull-right" data-dropdown="#action-dropdown-more">
                <i class="icon-caret-down pull-right"></i>
                <span ><i class="icon-cog"></i> <?php 
    echo __('More');
// Status change options
echo TicketStatus::status_options();
if ($thisstaff->canEditTickets()) {
                <a class="action-button pull-right" href="tickets.php?id=<?php 
    echo $ticket->getId();
&a=edit"><i class="icon-edit"></i> <?php 
    echo __('Edit');
if ($ticket->isOpen() && !$ticket->isAssigned() && $thisstaff->canAssignTickets() && $ticket->getDept()->isMember($thisstaff)) {
                <a id="ticket-claim" class="action-button pull-right confirm-action" href="#claim"><i class="icon-user"></i> <?php 
    echo __('Claim');
Пример #8
  * table data rules
  * @return array
 public function rules()
     return array(array('status', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketStatus::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('type', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketType::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('category', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketCategory::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('priority', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketPriority::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('version', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketVersion::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('fixedin', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketVersion::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('assignedtoid', 'safe'), array('keywords', 'safe'), array('title', 'required'), array('title', 'length', 'min' => 3, 'max' => 100));
Пример #9
  * table data rules
  * @return array
 public function rules()
     return array(array('title, content', 'required'), array('title', 'length', 'min' => 3, 'max' => 100), array('keywords', 'length', 'max' => 100), array('content', 'length', 'min' => 3), array('projectid', 'in', 'range' => array_keys(Projects::model()->getUserProjects(true)), 'allowEmpty' => false, 'on' => 'ticketupdate'), array('ticketstatus', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketStatus::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('tickettype', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketType::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('ticketcategory', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketCategory::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('priority', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketPriority::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('ticketversion', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketVersion::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('fixedin', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketVersion::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('assignedtoid', 'checkAssignedTo'));
Пример #10
                        <li class="active"><a href="#ticket-list" data-toggle="tab"><i class="fa fa-list"></i> List of Ticket</a></li>
if (in_array(Yii::app()->session['user_data']['user_role_type'], array(0, 1, 2, 3))) {
                            <li class=""><a href="#ticket-report" data-toggle="tab"><i class="fa fa-search"></i> Order Report</a></li>                         
                    <div id="userTabContent" class="tab-content">
                        <div class="tab-pane fade active in" id="ticket-list">
                            <div class="row">
                                <div class="col-md-12">                                
                                    <div class="table-responsive">
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array('id' => 'users-grid', 'htmlOptions' => array('class' => 'dataTables_wrapper', 'role' => 'grid'), 'dataProvider' => $model->search(), 'filter' => $model, 'columns' => array(array('header' => 'S. No.', 'name' => 'S. No.', 'value' => '$this->grid->dataProvider->pagination->currentPage * $this->grid->dataProvider->pagination->pageSize + ($row+1)', 'htmlOptions' => array('style' => 'text-align:center'), 'headerHtmlOptions' => array('style' => 'text-align: center;width:60px')), array('name' => 'order_id', 'value' => '$data->order_id', 'htmlOptions' => array('style' => 'text-align:justify;-ms-word-break: break-all;word-break: break-all;'), 'filter' => CHtml::activeTextField($model, 'order_id', array('placeholder' => $model->getAttributeLabel('order_id'), 'style' => '', 'autocomplete' => 'off', 'class' => 'form-control')), 'headerHtmlOptions' => array('style' => 'text-align: center;width:100px')), array('header' => 'Client', 'type' => 'raw', 'headerHtmlOptions' => array('style' => 'text-align:left;'), 'value' => 'Orders::model()->getClientName($data->order_id)', 'htmlOptions' => array('style' => 'text-align:left;'), 'filter' => CHtml::activeTextField($model, 'clientname', array('value' => @$_GET['Ticket']['clientname'], 'placeholder' => $model->getAttributeLabel('clientname'), 'style' => '', 'autocomplete' => 'off', 'class' => 'form-control'))), array('name' => 'ticket_title', 'value' => '$data->ticket_title', 'headerHtmlOptions' => array('style' => 'text-align: center;width:200px'), 'htmlOptions' => array('style' => 'text-align:left;'), 'filter' => CHtml::activeTextField($model, 'ticket_title', array('placeholder' => $model->getAttributeLabel('ticket_title'), 'style' => '', 'autocomplete' => 'off', 'class' => 'form-control'))), array('name' => 'ticket_status', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => 'TicketStatus::getTicketStatus($data->ticket_status)', 'htmlOptions' => array('style' => 'text-align:center;'), 'headerHtmlOptions' => array('style' => 'text-align: center;width:120px'), 'filter' => CHtml::activeDropDownList($model, 'ticket_status', TicketStatus::getTicketStatus(), array('style' => '', 'class' => 'form-control', 'empty' => 'Select'))), array('header' => 'Read/Unread', 'name' => 'read', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => '($data->read)?"Read":"Unread"', 'htmlOptions' => array('style' => 'text-align:center;'), 'headerHtmlOptions' => array('style' => 'text-align: center;width:100px'), 'filter' => CHtml::activeDropDownList($model, 'read', array(1 => 'Read', 0 => "Unread"), array('style' => '', 'class' => 'form-control', 'empty' => 'Select'))), array('header' => 'Action', 'class' => 'CButtonColumn', 'deleteConfirmation' => 'Do you want to delete this Ticket Record?', 'afterDelete' => 'function(link,success,data){ if(success) { $("#statusMsg").css("display", "block"); $("#statusMsg").html(data); $("#statusMsg").animate({opacity: 1.0}, 3000).fadeOut("fast");}}', 'headerHtmlOptions' => array('style' => 'text-align: center;width:60px'), 'htmlOptions' => array('style' => 'text-align:center;'), 'template' => '{view}', 'buttons' => array('view' => array('label' => '<i class="fa fa-search"></i>', 'options' => array('title' => 'View Ticket'), 'imageUrl' => FALSE, 'url' => 'Yii::app()->createUrl("ticket/view", array("id" => base64_encode($data->ticket_id)))'), 'delete' => array('label' => '<i class="fa fa-times"></i>', 'options' => array('title' => 'Delete', 'class' => 'remove'), 'imageUrl' => FALSE), 'assign' => array('label' => '<i class="fa fa-mail-forward"></i>', 'options' => array('title' => 'Assign Ticket'), 'imageUrl' => FALSE), 'close' => array('label' => '<i class="fa fa-minus"></i>', 'options' => array('title' => 'Close Ticket'), 'imageUrl' => FALSE)))), 'itemsCssClass' => 'table table-striped table-bordered table-hover dataTable', 'pagerCssClass' => 'dataTables_paginate paging_bootstrap', 'summaryCssClass' => 'dataTables_info', 'template' => '{items}<div class = "row"><div class = "col-xs-6">{summary}</div><div class = "col-xs-6">{pager}</div></div>', 'pager' => array('htmlOptions' => array('class' => 'pagination', 'id' => ''), 'header' => '', 'cssFile' => false, 'selectedPageCssClass' => 'active', 'previousPageCssClass' => 'prev', 'nextPageCssClass' => 'next', 'hiddenPageCssClass' => 'disabled', 'maxButtonCount' => 5), 'emptyText' => '<span class="text-danger text-center">No Record Found!</span>'));

if (in_array(Yii::app()->session['user_data']['user_role_type'], array(0, 1, 2, 3))) {
                            <div class="tab-pane " id="ticket-report">                            
                                <div class="row">
                                    <div class="col-md-12">

    $this->renderPartial('_report', array('model' => $model, 'ticket_id' => $ticket_id));
Пример #11
 function setSelectedTicketsStatus($state)
     global $thisstaff, $ost;
     $errors = $info = array();
     if (!$thisstaff || !$thisstaff->canManageTickets()) {
         $errors['err'] = sprintf('%s %s', sprintf(__('You do not have permission %s.'), __('to mass manage tickets')), __('Contact admin for such access'));
     } elseif (!$_REQUEST['tids'] || !count($_REQUEST['tids'])) {
         $errors['err'] = sprintf(__('You must select at least %s.'), __('one ticket'));
     } elseif (!($status = TicketStatus::lookup($_REQUEST['status_id']))) {
         $errors['status_id'] = sprintf('%s %s', __('Unknown or invalid'), __('status'));
     } elseif (!$errors) {
         // Make sure the agent has permission to set the status
         switch (mb_strtolower($status->getState())) {
             case 'open':
                 if (!$thisstaff->canCloseTickets() && !$thisstaff->canCreateTickets()) {
                     $errors['err'] = sprintf(__('You do not have permission %s.'), __('to reopen tickets'));
             case 'closed':
                 if (!$thisstaff->canCloseTickets()) {
                     $errors['err'] = sprintf(__('You do not have permission %s.'), __('to resolve/close tickets'));
             case 'deleted':
                 if (!$thisstaff->canDeleteTickets()) {
                     $errors['err'] = sprintf(__('You do not have permission %s.'), __('to archive/delete tickets'));
                 $errors['err'] = sprintf('%s %s', __('Unknown or invalid'), __('status'));
     $count = count($_REQUEST['tids']);
     if (!$errors) {
         $i = 0;
         $comments = $_REQUEST['comments'];
         foreach ($_REQUEST['tids'] as $tid) {
             if (($ticket = Ticket::lookup($tid)) && $ticket->getStatusId() != $status->getId() && $ticket->checkStaffAccess($thisstaff) && $ticket->setStatus($status, $comments)) {
         if (!$i) {
             $errors['err'] = sprintf(__('Unable to change status for %s'), _N('the selected ticket', 'any of the selected tickets', $count));
         } else {
             // Assume success
             if ($i == $count) {
                 if (!strcasecmp($status->getState(), 'deleted')) {
                     $msg = sprintf(__('Successfully deleted %s.'), _N('selected ticket', 'selected tickets', $count));
                 } else {
                     $msg = sprintf(__('Successfully changed status of %1$s to %2$s'), _N('selected ticket', 'selected tickets', $count), $status->getName());
                 $_SESSION['::sysmsgs']['msg'] = $msg;
             } else {
                 if (!strcasecmp($status->getState(), 'deleted')) {
                     $warn = sprintf(__('Successfully deleted %s.'), sprintf(__('%1$d of %2$d selected tickets'), $i, $count));
                 } else {
                     $warn = sprintf(__('%1$d of %2$d %3$s status changed to %4$s'), $i, $count, _N('selected ticket', 'selected tickets', $count), $status->getName());
                 $_SESSION['::sysmsgs']['warn'] = $warn;
             Http::response(201, 'Successfully processed');
     return self::_changeSelectedTicketsStatus($state, $info, $errors);
Пример #12
 function actionEmailChangeTicketStatus()
     $template = Template::getTemplate('ticket_status_changed_mail_template_');
     $subject = $template->template_subject;
     $message = $template->template_content;
     $results = TicketChangeLog::model()->findAllByAttributes(array(), array('condition' => 'send_mail = :send_mail', 'params' => array('send_mail' => 0)));
     foreach ($results as $users) {
         $userdata['user_by'] = Users::model()->getUserName($users->user_id);
         $userInfo = Users::model()->findByPk($user->fwd_to);
         $ticket_id = $users->ticket_id;
         $remark = $users->remark;
         $userdata['user_by'] = Users::model()->getUserName($users->user_id);
         $userdata['remark'] = $remark;
         $userdata['ticket_status_name'] = TicketStatus::model()->getStatusName($users->status_id);
         $userdata['ticket_id'] = $ticket_id;
         $userdata['ticket_link'] = Utils::getBaseUrl() . "/ticket/view/" . base64_encode($ticket_id);
         $assignee = TicketAssign::model()->findAllByAttributes(array(), array('condition' => 'ticket_id = :ticket_id AND fwd_to !=:user_id AND status=1 ', 'params' => array('ticket_id' => $ticket_id, user_id => $users->user_id)));
         $assigneeby = TicketAssign::model()->findAllByAttributes(array(), array('condition' => 'ticket_id = :ticket_id AND fwd_by !=:user_id AND status=1 ', 'params' => array('ticket_id' => $ticket_id, user_id => $users->user_id), 'group' => "fwd_by"));
         // For Assignee mail
         foreach ($assignee as $user) {
             $userInfo = Users::model()->findByPk($user->fwd_to);
             $userdata['user_name'] = $userInfo->user_name;
             $subject = $this->replace($userdata, $subject);
             $message = $this->replace($userdata, $message);
             $this->SendMail($userInfo->user_email, $userInfo->user_name, $subject, $message);
         // this is fowwarded by
         foreach ($assigneeby as $user) {
             $userInfo = Users::model()->findByPk($user->fwd_by);
             $userdata['user_name'] = $userInfo->user_name;
             $subject = $this->replace($userdata, $subject);
             $message = $this->replace($userdata, $message);
             $this->SendMail($userInfo->user_email, $userInfo->user_name, $subject, $message);
         $model = TicketChangeLog::model()->findByPk($users->id);
         $model->send_mail = 1;
Пример #13
  * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable.
  * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised.
  * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be loaded
  * @return TicketStatus the loaded model
  * @throws CHttpException
 public function loadModel($id)
     $model = TicketStatus::model()->findByPk($id);
     if ($model === null) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.');
     return $model;
Пример #14
  * table data rules
  * @return array
 public function rules()
     return array(array('status', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketStatus::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('type', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketType::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('category', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketCategory::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('priority', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketPriority::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('version', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketVersion::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('fixedin', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketVersion::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('assignedtoid', 'checkAssignedTo'));
Пример #15
    echo CHtml::submitButton(Yii::t('global', 'Search'), array('id' => 'searchsubmit'));
	                       <div id="suggestions"></div>
    echo CHtml::endForm();
                    <li class="widget-container">
    echo Yii::t('global', 'Statuses');
    foreach (TicketStatus::model()->with(array('ticketsCount'))->findAll() as $status) {
        echo $status->getRssLink(CHtml::image(Yii::app()->themeManager->baseUrl . '/images/atom.gif', 'ATOM'), array('class' => 'atom'), 'atom');
        echo $status->getRssLink(CHtml::image(Yii::app()->themeManager->baseUrl . '/images/rss.gif', 'RSS'), array('class' => 'rss'));
        echo $status->getLink(CHtml::encode($status->title) . ' <small>(' . Yii::app()->format->number($status->ticketsCount) . ')</small>');
Пример #16
echo CHtml::error($search, 'keywords');
                <fieldset id="ticket-form">
echo Yii::t('tickets', 'Ticket Properties');
                    <p id="ticket-status" class='inline-input'>
echo CHtml::activeLabel($search, 'status');
echo CHtml::activeListBox($search, 'status', CHtml::listData(TicketStatus::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'title'), array('multiple' => 'multiple'));
                    <p id="ticket-priority" class='inline-input'>
echo CHtml::activeLabel($search, 'priority');
echo CHtml::activeListBox($search, 'priority', CHtml::listData(TicketPriority::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'title'), array('multiple' => 'multiple'));
                    <p id="ticket-type" class='inline-input'>
echo CHtml::activeLabel($search, 'type');
Пример #17
 public function getStatus()
     return $this->hasOne(TicketStatus::className(), array('status_id' => 'status_id'));
Пример #18
 public function actionTicketStatusName()
     $ts = $_POST['ticket_status'];
     $statusName = 'All Tickets';
     if ($ts) {
         $statusName = TicketStatus::model()->getStatusName($ts);
     echo $statusName;
Пример #19
 static function __create($ht, &$error = false)
     global $ost;
     $ht['properties'] = JsonDataEncoder::encode($ht['properties']);
     if ($status = TicketStatus::create($ht)) {
     return $status;
Пример #20
            <div class='clearboth'></div>
            <div class='ticket-moreoptions' id='ticketsMoreOptionsHidden'>
                    <fieldset id="ticket-form">
echo Yii::t('tickets', 'Ticket Properties');
                        <p id="ticket-status" class='inline-input'>
echo CHtml::activeLabel($moderation, 'status');
echo CHtml::activeDropDownList($moderation, 'status', CHtml::listData(TicketStatus::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'title'), array('prompt' => Yii::t('tickets', '-- Select Status --')));
                        <p id="ticket-priority" class='inline-input'>
echo CHtml::activeLabel($moderation, 'priority');
echo CHtml::activeDropDownList($moderation, 'priority', CHtml::listData(TicketPriority::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'title'), array('prompt' => Yii::t('tickets', '-- Select Priority --')));
                        <p id="ticket-type" class='inline-input'>
echo CHtml::activeLabel($moderation, 'type');
Пример #21

<style type="text/css">    

    .ticket_portlet {
        background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #fff9f3;
        border: 1px solid #ddd;
        border-radius: 5px;
        margin: 10px 0;
        padding: 10px;
    .ticket_icon {
        margin-top: 25px;
        text-align: center;
echo TicketStatus::model()->getTicketColorName($model->ticket_status);

    .tt li{
        margin-bottom: 5px;

        width: 200px;

    @media (min-width:320px) and (min-width:360px) {
        .view {
            padding: 0 !important;
Пример #22
 function postNote($vars, &$errors, $poster, $alert = true)
     global $cfg, $thisstaff;
     //Who is posting the note - staff or system?
     $vars['staffId'] = 0;
     $vars['poster'] = 'SYSTEM';
     if ($poster && is_object($poster)) {
         $vars['staffId'] = $poster->getId();
         $vars['poster'] = $poster->getName();
     } elseif ($poster) {
         $vars['poster'] = $poster;
     if (!($note = $this->getThread()->addNote($vars, $errors))) {
         return null;
     $alert = $alert && (isset($vars['flags']) ? !$vars['flags']['bounce'] && !$vars['flags']['auto-reply'] : true);
     // Get assigned staff just in case the ticket is closed.
     $assignee = $this->getStaff();
     if ($vars['note_status_id'] && ($status = TicketStatus::lookup($vars['note_status_id']))) {
         if ($this->setStatus($status)) {
     // If alerts are not enabled then return a success.
     if (!$alert || !$cfg->alertONNewNote() || !($dept = $this->getDept())) {
         return $note;
     if (($email = $dept->getAlertEmail()) && ($tpl = $dept->getTemplate()) && ($msg = $tpl->getNoteAlertMsgTemplate())) {
         $msg = $this->replaceVars($msg->asArray(), array('note' => $note));
         // Alert recipients
         $recipients = array();
         //Last respondent.
         if ($cfg->alertLastRespondentONNewNote()) {
             $recipients[] = $this->getLastRespondent();
         // Assigned staff / team
         if ($cfg->alertAssignedONNewNote()) {
             if ($assignee && $assignee instanceof Staff) {
                 $recipients[] = $assignee;
             if ($team = $this->getTeam()) {
                 $recipients = array_merge($recipients, $team->getMembers());
         // Dept manager
         if ($cfg->alertDeptManagerONNewNote() && $dept && $dept->getManagerId()) {
             $recipients[] = $dept->getManager();
         $options = array('inreplyto' => $note->getEmailMessageId(), 'references' => $note->getEmailReferences(), 'thread' => $note);
         $isClosed = $this->isClosed();
         $sentlist = array();
         foreach ($recipients as $k => $staff) {
             if (!is_object($staff) || !$staff->isAvailable() || isset($sentlist[$staff->getEmail()]) || $note->getStaffId() == $staff->getId() || $isClosed && !$this->checkStaffAccess($staff)) {
             $alert = $this->replaceVars($msg, array('recipient' => $staff));
             $email->sendAlert($staff->getEmail(), $alert['subj'], $alert['body'], null, $options);
             $sentlist[$staff->getEmail()] = 1;
     return $note;