Пример #1
  * Generates and returns the ThinkUp options array. Caches the result after the first call to the function to speed
  *  up future calls.
  * If the $force_update (first argument) is set to 'force-update', the function will update the cached options
  * array and return it.
  * @return Array options array
 public static function getOptionsArray($force_update = null)
     if (!is_array(self::$options) || $force_update == 'force-update') {
         self::$options = array('thinkup_twitter_username' => array('key' => 'thinkup_twitter_username', 'label' => __('Default Twitter username:'******'thinkup-wp-plugin'), 'description' => __('(Required) Override this by using the "username" parameter in the shortcodes.', 'thinkup-wp-plugin'), 'type' => 'text', 'value' => get_option('thinkup_twitter_username')), 'thinkup_table_prefix' => array('key' => 'thinkup_table_prefix', 'label' => __('ThinkUp table prefix:', 'thinkup-wp-plugin'), 'description' => __('(Optional) The prefix on your ThinkUp database tables, e.g. <i>tu_</i>', 'thinkup-wp-plugin'), 'type' => 'text', 'value' => get_option('thinkup_table_prefix')), 'thinkup_server' => array('key' => 'thinkup_server', 'label' => __('ThinkUp database server:', 'thinkup-wp-plugin'), 'description' => __('Required only if the ThinkUp database tables are located in a different ' . 'databasethan the WordPress tables.', 'thinkup-wp-plugin'), 'type' => 'text', 'value' => get_option('thinkup_server')), 'thinkup_db' => array('key' => 'thinkup_db', 'label' => __('ThinkUp database name:', 'thinkup-wp-plugin'), 'description' => __('Required only if the ThinkUp database tables are located in a different ' . 'database than the WordPress tables.', 'thinkup-wp-plugin'), 'type' => 'text', 'value' => get_option('thinkup_db')), 'thinkup_dbusername' => array('key' => 'thinkup_dbusername', 'label' => __('ThinkUp database username:'******'thinkup-wp-plugin'), 'description' => __('Required only if the ThinkUp database tables are located in a different ' . 'database than the WordPress tables.', 'thinkup-wp-plugin'), 'type' => 'text', 'value' => get_option('thinkup_dbusername')), 'thinkup_dbpw' => array('key' => 'thinkup_dbpw', 'label' => __('ThinkUp database password:'******'thinkup-wp-plugin'), 'description' => __('Required only if the ThinkUp database tables are located in a different ' . 'database than the WordPress tables.', 'thinkup-wp-plugin'), 'type' => 'password', 'value' => ThinkUpWordPressPlugin::unscramblePassword(get_option('thinkup_dbpw'))));
     return self::$options;
     * The default landing page for the plugin's admin pages.
     * PHP + HTML = Messy :(
    public static function settings() {
        //fetch the options array
        $options_array = ThinkUpWordPressPlugin::getOptionsArray();

        //check to see if the form was submitted
        if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
            //make sure the user submitting the form is an admin

            foreach ($options_array as $opt) {
                // read posted values
                $opt['value'] = $_POST[$opt['key']];

                // save the posted value in the database
                if ($opt['key'] == 'thinkup_dbpw') {
                    // scramble the password
                } else {
                    // store non-passwords normally
                    update_option($opt['key'], $opt['value']);

            // print "updated!" message to screen
<div class="updated">
<p><strong> <?php _e('Options saved.',
ThinkUpWordPressPlugin::uniqueIdentifier()); ?> </strong></p>

//force an update to the options array for display purposes
$options_array = ThinkUpWordPressPlugin::getOptionsArray('force-update');


<div id="poststuff" class="ui-sortable meta-box-sortable">
<div class="postbox" id="thinkup_settings">
<h3><?php _e('ThinkUp Plugin Settings',
ThinkUpWordPressPlugin::uniqueIdentifier()); ?></h3>
<div class="inside" style="line-height: 2;">
<form name="thinkup_settings_form" method="post" action=""><?php
//Add the nonce field for added security.

foreach ($options_array as $opt) {
    if ($opt['key'] == 'thinkup_dbpw') {
        $field_value =
    else {
        $field_value = get_option($opt['key']);

		<td align="right" valign="top"><?php _e($opt['label'], 
		ThinkUpWordPressPlugin::uniqueIdentifier()); ?></td>
		<td><input type="<?php echo $opt['type']; ?>"
			name="<?php echo $opt['key'] ?>" value="<?php echo $field_value ?>"
			size="20"> <br />
		<small> <?php echo $opt['description']; ?> </small></td>
	<?php } ?>

<p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="Submit"
	value="<?php _e('Update Options',
                               ThinkUpWordPressPlugin::uniqueIdentifier()); ?>" />