/** * Convert the source element and return our resulting element * * @return DOMElement * @access public * @since 3/19/08 */ public function convert() { $element = parent::convert(); $element->setAttribute('showDisplayNames', 'false'); $element->setAttribute('commentsEnabled', 'false'); $element->setAttribute('showHistory', 'false'); return $element; }
/** * Answer a text block element for an html string * * @param string $html * @param string $id * @return DOMElement * @access protected * @since 2/5/08 */ protected function createTextBlockForHtml($html, $id = null, $displayName = 'Untitled') { // Create a placeholder element with the text to pass off to the TextBlock converter $sourceDoc = $this->sourceElement->ownerDocument; $sourceElement = $sourceDoc->createElement('story'); $title = $sourceElement->appendChild($sourceDoc->createElement('title')); $title->appendChild($sourceDoc->createCDATASection($displayName)); $text = $sourceElement->appendChild($sourceDoc->createElement('shorttext')); $text->appendChild($sourceDoc->createCDATASection($html)); $text->setAttribute('text_type', 'html'); $converter = new TextBlockSegue1To2Converter($sourceElement, $this->sourceXPath, $this->doc, $this->xpath, $this->director); return $converter->convert(); }