public static function tearDownAfterClass() { if (X2_TEST_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0) { $timer = TestingAuxLib::getClassTimer(); TestingAuxLib::log("time elapsed for test class: {$timer->stop()->getTime()}"); } parent::tearDownAfterClass(); }
public function tearDown() { // try to replace mocks with original components in case mocks were set during test case TestingAuxLib::restoreX2WebUser(); TestingAuxLib::restoreX2AuthManager(); TestingAuxLib::restoreController(); self::$skipAllTests = false; self::$loadFixtures = X2_LOAD_FIXTURES; self::$loadFixturesForClassOnly = X2_LOAD_FIXTURES_FOR_CLASS_ONLY; if (isset($this->_oldSession)) { $_SESSION = $this->_oldSession; } if (X2_TEST_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0) { $timer = TestingAuxLib::getCaseTimer(); TestingAuxLib::log("time elapsed for test case: {$timer->stop()->getTime()}"); } return parent::tearDown(); }