Пример #1
    -j <num>               Run <num> jobs in parallel (default: 33).
    -w | --watch <path>    Watch directory.
    -i | --info            Show tests environment info and exit.
    --setup <path>         Script for runner setup.
    --colors [1|0]         Enable or disable colors.
    --coverage <path>      Generate code coverage report to file.
    --coverage-src <path>  Path to source code.
    -h | --help            This help.

, array('-c' => array(Cmd::REALPATH => TRUE), '--watch' => array(Cmd::REPEATABLE => TRUE, Cmd::REALPATH => TRUE), '--setup' => array(Cmd::REALPATH => TRUE), 'paths' => array(Cmd::REPEATABLE => TRUE, Cmd::VALUE => getcwd()), '--debug' => array(), '--coverage-src' => array(Cmd::REALPATH => TRUE)));
if (isset($_SERVER['argv']) && ($tmp = array_search('-log', $_SERVER['argv']))) {
    $_SERVER['argv'][$tmp] = '--log';
$options = $cmd->parse();
Tester\Environment::$debugMode = (bool) $options['--debug'];
if (isset($options['--colors'])) {
    Tester\Environment::$useColors = (bool) $options['--colors'];
} elseif ($options['--tap']) {
    Tester\Environment::$useColors = FALSE;
if ($cmd->isEmpty() || $options['--help']) {
$phpArgs = '';
if ($options['-c']) {
    $phpArgs .= ' -c ' . Tester\Helpers::escapeArg($options['-c']);
} elseif (!$options['--info']) {
    echo "Note: No php.ini is used.\n";