Пример #1
 public function __construct(View_Manager $view_manager)
     $this->_do = null;
     $this->_attributes->register('id', 'slider');
     // ID of the parent slideshow div
     $this->_attributes->register('auto', 3);
     // Seconds to auto-advance, defaults to disabled
     $this->_attributes->register('resume', true);
     // Resume auto after interrupted, defaults to false
     $this->_attributes->register('vertical', false);
     // Direction, defaults to false
     $this->_attributes->register('navid', 'pagination');
     // Optional ID of direct navigation UL
     $this->_attributes->register('activeclass', 'current');
     // Class to set on the current LI
     $this->_attributes->register('position', 0);
     // Initial slide position, defaulting to index 0
      * You can also optionally set width and height parameters for the applicable direction you are sliding.
      * If it is not set the width or height will be automatically calculated using the offsetWidth/offsetHeight
      * of the first list element.
     $this->template = 'slide/default';
     // default template
 public function __construct(View_Manager $view_manager)
     // currently active menuitem
     // automatic detection of current menuitem (overrides the current attribute)
     $this->template = 'navmenu/default';
     // default template
 public function __construct(View_Manager $view_manager)
     $this->_kiwi_module = null;
     $this->_galleries = null;
     $this->_total = null;
     $this->_qs = null;
     // module id in database
     // module name in database
     // module activity status
     // gallerygroup id in database
     // gallerygroup name in database
     // gallerygroup short description
     // gallerygroup long description
     // gallerygroup author
     // gallerygroup date
     // number of galleries per page to display (when displaying list)
     // number of pictures per gallery (when displaying list)
     // number of pictures per page to display (when displaying detail)
     // pagination display toggle ("", "0", "top", "bottom"; other means "on")
     // navigation point for displaying detailed galleries
     // id of gallery to display in detail (dont set if you want list)
     // page to display (when displaying list)
     // page to display (when displaying detail)
     // namespace (query string variables prefix)
     // detail namespace (query string variables prefix) (if not defined, falls back to ns)
     // $this->_attributes->register('qs'); // query string to preserve // special variable
     // attribute which says if images should be rendered in special way
     // size and quality of thumbnails, e.g.: 100x100@75
     $this->template = 'galleries/default';
     // default template
 public function __construct(View_Manager $view_manager)
     $this->_kiwi_object = null;
     $this->_banners = null;
     // banner group id in database
     // max banners
     $this->template = 'banners/default';
     // default template
 public function __construct(View_Manager $view_manager)
     $this->_validation = null;
     $this->_validate = array();
     $this->_status = self::READY;
     $this->_session_var = 'tbvv';
     $this->_session_vars = array('_status');
     // namespace (important for storing status of multiple forms in client session)
     // page to redirect on success (NULL means current)
 public function __construct(View_Manager $view_manager)
     $this->_datetime = null;
     $this->_enumerations = array();
     $this->template = 'datetime/default';
     // default template
 public function __construct(View_Manager $view_manager)
     // module id in database
     // module name in database
     // module activity status
     // title to be displayed if template supports it
     // attribute which says if images should be rendered in special way
     $this->template = 'article/default';
     // default template
 public function __construct(View_Manager $view_manager)
     $this->_menu = null;
     $this->_catalog_urlbase = null;
     $this->_catalog_href = null;
     $this->_qs = null;
     $this->_catalog_data = null;
     $this->_product_data = null;
     $this->_search = new Kiwi_Product_Search();
     $this->_sort = new Kiwi_Product_Sort();
     $this->_propval_photo = null;
     $this->_only = null;
     $this->_skipped = null;
     // catalog navpoint name
     // root of catalog
     $this->_attributes->register('menuroot', 1);
     // root of menu
     // current product line/group
     // current product's id
     // current product's bind id
     // magic url of current product or line
     $this->_attributes->register('width', 3);
     // number of products per row (only for product line view)
     $this->_attributes->register('rows', 3);
     // number of rows (only for product line view)
     $this->_attributes->register('pagination', 'both');
     // pagination display toggle ("", "0", "top", "bottom"; other means "on")
     $this->_attributes->register('page', 1);
     // page to display (when displaying list)
     $this->_attributes->register('skip', 0);
     // products to skip from beginning (when displaying list)
     $this->_attributes->register('ns', '');
     // namespace
     // $this->_attributes->register('qs'); // query string to preserve // special variable handled by get/set
     $this->_attributes->register('images', '');
     // attribute which says if images should be rendered in special way
     $this->template = 'catalog/default';
     // default template
 public function __construct(View_Manager $view_manager)
     $this->_qs = null;
     $this->_attributes->register('radius', 2);
     // display radius around current page number
     // total pages
     // current page
     // navigation point for target links
     $this->_attributes->register('qsvar', 'pg');
     // query string variable name used for page number in the target links
     // $this->_attributes->register('qs'); // query string to preserve // special variable
     $this->template = 'pagination/default';
     // default template
Пример #10
 public function __construct(View_Manager $view_manager)
     $this->_kiwi_module = null;
     $this->_items = null;
     $this->_total = null;
     $this->_qs = null;
     // module id in database
     // module name in database
     // module activity status
     // newsgroup id in database
     // newsgroup name in database
     // number of newsitems per page to display
     $this->_attributes->register('listmode', 'S');
     // listing mode ("S" means samples, "C" means complete texts)
     // pagination display toggle ("", "0", "top", "bottom"; other means "on")
     // navigation point for displaying detailed newsitems
     // id of newsitem to display in detail (dont set if you want list)
     // page to display (when displaying list)
     // namespace (query string variables prefix)
     // detail namespace (query string variables prefix) (if not defined, falls back to ns)
     // $this->_attributes->register('qs'); // query string to preserve // special variable
     // attribute which says if images should be rendered in special way
     $this->template = 'news/default';
     // default template
 public function __construct(View_Manager $view_manager)
     $this->template = 'newsletterresubscriber/default';
     // default template