function Main() { global $TPLV, $bottom, $urls, $db, $migalha; $TPLV = new TemplatePower(TEMPLATE_PATH . "modulos/categoria.tpl"); $TPLV->assignGlobal("uploadPath", UPLOAD_PATH); $TPLV->assignGlobal("uploadPath", UPLOAD_PATH_SITE); $TPLV->assignGlobal("imagePath", IMAGE_PATH); $TPLV->assignGlobal("swfPath", SWF_PATH); $TPLV->assignGlobal("localPath", LOCAL_PATH); $TPLV->assignGlobal("localPath", LOCAL_PATH_SITE); $TPLV->assignGlobal('navBottom', $bottom); $TPLV->assignGlobal($urls->var); $TPLV->prepare(); $in = $_GET['in']; switch ($in) { default: case 'lista': lista(); break; case 'novo': novo(); break; case 'editar': editar(); break; case 'salvar': salvar(); break; case 'deletar': deletar(); break; } }
function Main() { global $TPLV, $bottom, $db, $migalha, $usuario; $TPLV = new TemplatePower(TEMPLATE_PATH . "login.tpl"); $TPLV->assignGlobal("uploadPath", UPLOAD_PATH); $TPLV->assignGlobal("imagePath", IMAGE_PATH); $TPLV->assignGlobal("swfPath", SWF_PATH); $TPLV->assignGlobal("localPath", LOCAL_PATH); $TPLV->assignGlobal('navBottom', $bottom); $TPLV->prepare(); $in = $_GET['in']; switch ($in) { default: case 'restrito': if ($usuario->isLogado()) { inicio(); } else { restrito(); } break; case 'inicio': inicio(); break; case 'logout': logout(); break; } }
function Main() { global $TPLV, $urls, $usuario, $imovel; $TPLV = new TemplatePower(TEMPLATE_PATH . "login.tpl"); $TPLV->assignGlobal("uploadPath", UPLOAD_PATH); $TPLV->assignGlobal("imagePath", IMAGE_PATH); $TPLV->assignGlobal("swfPath", SWF_PATH); $TPLV->assignGlobal("localPath", LOCAL_PATH); $TPLV->assignGlobal('navBottom', $bottom); $TPLV->assignGlobal($urls->var); $TPLV->prepare(); $in = $_GET['in']; switch ($in) { //FILTROS DE BUSCAS default: case 'deletaUsuario': deletaUsuario(); break; case 'deletaMidia': deletaMidia(); break; //LOGIN E RECUPERA SENHA //LOGIN E RECUPERA SENHA case 'getLogin': getLogin(); break; case 'login': login(); break; case 'getSenha': getSenha(); break; case 'recuperaSenha': recuperaSenha(); break; case 'isLogado': if ($usuario->isLogado()) { echo 'logado'; } else { echo 'erro'; } break; //CADASTRO //CADASTRO case 'validaEmailCadastro': validaEmailCadastro(); break; //LEADS DETALHES //LEADS DETALHES case 'getCadastro': getCadastro(); break; case 'salvarCadastro': salvarCadastro(); break; case 'verificaCPF': verificaCPF(); break; } }
/** * DEPRECATED createPropelClasses() * * Don't use this method, it was left only for backward compatibility * for some external plugins that still is using it */ public function createPropelClasses($sTableName, $sClassName, $aFields, $sAddTabUid, $connection = 'workflow') { try { /* $aUID = array('FLD_NAME' => 'PM_UNIQUE_ID', 'FLD_TYPE' => 'INT', 'FLD_KEY' => 'on', 'FLD_SIZE' => '11', 'FLD_NULL' => '', 'FLD_AUTO_INCREMENT' => 'on'); array_unshift($aFields, $aUID); */ $aTypes = array( 'VARCHAR' => 'string', 'TEXT' => 'string', 'DATE' => 'int', 'INT' => 'int', 'FLOAT' => 'double' ); $aCreoleTypes = array( 'VARCHAR' => 'VARCHAR', 'TEXT' => 'LONGVARCHAR', 'DATE' => 'TIMESTAMP', 'INT' => 'INTEGER', 'FLOAT' => 'DOUBLE' ); if ($sClassName == '') { $sClassName = $this->getPHPName($sTableName); } $sPath = PATH_DB . SYS_SYS . PATH_SEP . 'classes' . PATH_SEP; if (!file_exists($sPath)) { G::mk_dir($sPath); } if (!file_exists($sPath . 'map')) { G::mk_dir($sPath . 'map'); } if (!file_exists($sPath . 'om')) { G::mk_dir($sPath . 'om'); } $aData = array(); $aData['pathClasses'] = substr(PATH_DB, 0, -1); $aData['tableName'] = $sTableName; $aData['className'] = $sClassName; $aData['connection'] = $connection; $aData['GUID'] = $sAddTabUid; $aData['firstColumn'] = isset($aFields[0]) ? strtoupper($aFields[0]['FLD_NAME']) : ($aFields[1]['FLD_NAME']); $aData['totalColumns'] = count($aFields); $aData['useIdGenerator'] = 'false'; $oTP1 = new TemplatePower(PATH_TPL . 'additionalTables' . PATH_SEP . 'Table.tpl'); $oTP1->prepare(); $oTP1->assignGlobal($aData); file_put_contents($sPath . $sClassName . '.php', $oTP1->getOutputContent()); $oTP2 = new TemplatePower(PATH_TPL . 'additionalTables' . PATH_SEP . 'TablePeer.tpl'); $oTP2->prepare(); $oTP2->assignGlobal($aData); file_put_contents($sPath . $sClassName . 'Peer.php', $oTP2->getOutputContent()); $aColumns = array(); $aPKs = array(); $aNotPKs = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($aFields as $iKey => $aField) { $aField['FLD_NAME'] = strtoupper($aField['FLD_NAME']); if ($aField['FLD_TYPE'] == 'DATE') { $aField['FLD_NULL'] = ''; } $aColumn = array( 'name' => $aField['FLD_NAME'], 'phpName' => $this->getPHPName($aField['FLD_NAME']), 'type' => $aTypes[$aField['FLD_TYPE']], 'creoleType' => $aCreoleTypes[$aField['FLD_TYPE']], 'notNull' => ($aField['FLD_NULL'] == 'on' ? 'true' : 'false'), 'size' => (($aField['FLD_TYPE'] == 'VARCHAR') || ($aField['FLD_TYPE'] == 'INT') || ($aField['FLD_TYPE'] == 'FLOAT') ? $aField['FLD_SIZE'] : 'null'), 'var' => strtolower($aField['FLD_NAME']), 'attribute' => (($aField['FLD_TYPE'] == 'VARCHAR') || ($aField['FLD_TYPE'] == 'TEXT') || ($aField['FLD_TYPE'] == 'DATE') ? '$' . strtolower($aField['FLD_NAME']) . " = ''" : '$' . strtolower($aField['FLD_NAME']) . ' = 0'), 'index' => $i, ); if ($aField['FLD_TYPE'] == 'DATE') { $aColumn['getFunction'] = '/** * Get the [optionally formatted] [' . $aColumn['var'] . '] column value. * * @param string $format The date/time format string (either date()-style or strftime()-style). * If format is NULL, then the integer unix timestamp will be returned. * @return mixed Formatted date/time value as string or integer unix timestamp (if format is NULL). * @throws PropelException - if unable to convert the date/time to timestamp. */ public function get' . $aColumn['phpName'] . '($format = "Y-m-d") { if ($this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ' === null || $this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ' === "") { return null; } elseif (!is_int($this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ')) { // a non-timestamp value was set externally, so we convert it if (($this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ' == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") || ($this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ' == "0000-00-00") || !$this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ') { $ts = "0"; } else { $ts = strtotime($this->' . $aColumn['var'] . '); } if ($ts === -1 || $ts === false) { // in PHP 5.1 return value changes to FALSE throw new PropelException("Unable to parse value of [' . $aColumn['var'] . '] as date/time value: " . var_export($this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ', true)); } } else { $ts = $this->' . $aColumn['var'] . '; } if ($format === null) { return $ts; } elseif (strpos($format, "%") !== false) { return strftime($format, $ts); } else { return date($format, $ts); } }'; } else { $aColumn['getFunction'] = '/** * Get the [' . $aColumn['var'] . '] column value. * * @return string */ public function get' . $aColumn['phpName'] . '() { return $this->' . $aColumn['var'] . '; }'; } switch ($aField['FLD_TYPE']) { case 'VARCHAR': case 'TEXT': $aColumn['setFunction'] = '// Since the native PHP type for this column is string, // we will cast the input to a string (if it is not). if ($v !== null && !is_string($v)) { $v = (string) $v; } if ($this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ' !== $v) { $this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ' = $v; $this->modifiedColumns[] = ' . $aData['className'] . 'Peer::' . $aColumn['name'] . '; }'; break; case 'DATE': $aColumn['setFunction'] = 'if ($v !== null && !is_int($v)) { // if($v == \'\') // $ts = null; // else $ts = strtotime($v); if ($ts === -1 || $ts === false) { // in PHP 5.1 return value changes to FALSE //throw new PropelException("Unable to parse date/time value for [' . $aColumn['var'] . '] from input: " // . var_export($v, true)); } } else { $ts = $v; } if ($this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ' !== $ts) { $this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ' = $ts; $this->modifiedColumns[] = ' . $aData['className'] . 'Peer::' . $aColumn['name'] . '; }'; break; case 'INT': $aColumn['setFunction'] = '// Since the native PHP type for this column is integer, // we will cast the input value to an int (if it is not). if ($v !== null && !is_int($v) && is_numeric($v)) { $v = (int) $v; } if ($this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ' !== $v || $v === 1) { $this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ' = $v; $this->modifiedColumns[] = ' . $aData['className'] . 'Peer::' . $aColumn['name'] . '; }'; break; case 'FLOAT': $aColumn['setFunction'] = 'if ($this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ' !== $v || $v === 0) { $this->' . $aColumn['var'] . ' = $v; $this->modifiedColumns[] = ' . $aData['className'] . 'Peer::' . $aColumn['name'] . '; }'; break; } $aColumns[] = $aColumn; if ($aField['FLD_KEY'] == 1 || $aField['FLD_KEY'] === 'on') { $aPKs[] = $aColumn; } else { $aNotPKs[] = $aColumn; } if ($aField['FLD_AUTO_INCREMENT'] == 1 || $aField['FLD_AUTO_INCREMENT'] === 'on') { $aData['useIdGenerator'] = 'true'; } $i++; } $oTP3 = new TemplatePower(PATH_TPL . 'additionalTables' . PATH_SEP . 'map' . PATH_SEP . 'TableMapBuilder.tpl'); $oTP3->prepare(); $oTP3->assignGlobal($aData); foreach ($aPKs as $iIndex => $aColumn) { $oTP3->newBlock('primaryKeys'); $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn); foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) { $oTP3->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]); } } $oTP3->gotoBlock('_ROOT'); foreach ($aNotPKs as $iIndex => $aColumn) { $oTP3->newBlock('columnsWhitoutKeys'); $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn); foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) { $oTP3->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]); } } file_put_contents($sPath . PATH_SEP . 'map' . PATH_SEP . $sClassName . 'MapBuilder.php', $oTP3->getOutputContent()); $oTP4 = new TemplatePower(PATH_TPL . 'additionalTables' . PATH_SEP . 'om' . PATH_SEP . 'BaseTable.tpl'); $oTP4->prepare(); switch (count($aPKs)) { case 0: $aData['getPrimaryKeyFunction'] = 'return null;'; $aData['setPrimaryKeyFunction'] = ''; break; case 1: $aData['getPrimaryKeyFunction'] = 'return $this->get' . $aPKs[0]['phpName'] . '();'; $aData['setPrimaryKeyFunction'] = '$this->set' . $aPKs[0]['phpName'] . '($key);'; break; default: $aData['getPrimaryKeyFunction'] = '$pks = array();' . "\n"; $aData['setPrimaryKeyFunction'] = ''; foreach ($aPKs as $iIndex => $aColumn) { $aData['getPrimaryKeyFunction'] .= '$pks[' . $iIndex . '] = $this->get' . $aColumn['phpName'] . '();' . "\n"; $aData['setPrimaryKeyFunction'] .= '$this->set' . $aColumn['phpName'] . '($keys[' . $iIndex . ']);' . "\n"; } $aData['getPrimaryKeyFunction'] .= 'return $pks;' . "\n"; break; } $oTP4->assignGlobal($aData); foreach ($aColumns as $iIndex => $aColumn) { $oTP4->newBlock('allColumns1'); $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn); foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) { $oTP4->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]); } $oTP4->newBlock('allColumns2'); $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn); foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) { $oTP4->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]); } $oTP4->newBlock('allColumns3'); $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn); foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) { $oTP4->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]); } $oTP4->newBlock('allColumns4'); $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn); foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) { $oTP4->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]); } $oTP4->newBlock('allColumns5'); $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn); foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) { $oTP4->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]); } $oTP4->newBlock('allColumns6'); $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn); foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) { $oTP4->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]); } $oTP4->newBlock('allColumns7'); $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn); foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) { $oTP4->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]); } $oTP4->newBlock('allColumns8'); $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn); foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) { $oTP4->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]); } $oTP4->newBlock('allColumns9'); $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn); foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) { $oTP4->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]); } } $oTP4->gotoBlock('_ROOT'); foreach ($aPKs as $iIndex => $aColumn) { $oTP4->newBlock('primaryKeys1'); $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn); foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) { $oTP4->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]); } } $oTP4->gotoBlock('_ROOT'); foreach ($aPKs as $iIndex => $aColumn) { $oTP4->newBlock('primaryKeys2'); $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn); foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) { $oTP4->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]); } } $oTP4->gotoBlock('_ROOT'); foreach ($aNotPKs as $iIndex => $aColumn) { $oTP4->newBlock('columnsWhitoutKeys'); $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn); foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) { $oTP4->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]); } } file_put_contents($sPath . PATH_SEP . 'om' . PATH_SEP . 'Base' . $sClassName . '.php', $oTP4->getOutputContent()); $oTP5 = new TemplatePower(PATH_TPL . 'additionalTables' . PATH_SEP . 'om' . PATH_SEP . 'BaseTablePeer.tpl'); $oTP5->prepare(); $sKeys = ''; foreach ($aPKs as $iIndex => $aColumn) { $sKeys .= '$' . $aColumn['var'] . ', '; } $sKeys = substr($sKeys, 0, -2); //$sKeys = '$pm_unique_id'; if ($sKeys != '') { $aData['sKeys'] = $sKeys; } else { $aData['sKeys'] = '$DUMMY'; } $oTP5->assignGlobal($aData); foreach ($aColumns as $iIndex => $aColumn) { $oTP5->newBlock('allColumns1'); $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn); foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) { $oTP5->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]); } $oTP5->newBlock('allColumns2'); $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn); foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) { $oTP5->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]); } $oTP5->newBlock('allColumns3'); $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn); foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) { $oTP5->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]); } $oTP5->newBlock('allColumns4'); $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn); foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) { $oTP5->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]); } $oTP5->newBlock('allColumns5'); $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn); foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) { $oTP5->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]); } $oTP5->newBlock('allColumns6'); $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn); foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) { $oTP5->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]); } $oTP5->newBlock('allColumns7'); $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn); foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) { $oTP5->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]); } $oTP5->newBlock('allColumns8'); $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn); foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) { $oTP5->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]); } $oTP5->newBlock('allColumns9'); $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn); foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) { $oTP5->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]); } $oTP5->newBlock('allColumns10'); $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn); foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) { $oTP5->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]); } } $oTP5->gotoBlock('_ROOT'); foreach ($aPKs as $iIndex => $aColumn) { $oTP5->newBlock('primaryKeys1'); $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn); foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) { $oTP5->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]); } } foreach ($aPKs as $iIndex => $aColumn) { $oTP5->newBlock('primaryKeys2'); $aKeys = array_keys($aColumn); foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) { $oTP5->assign($sKey, $aColumn[$sKey]); } } file_put_contents($sPath . PATH_SEP . 'om' . PATH_SEP . 'Base' . $sClassName . 'Peer.php', $oTP5->getOutputContent()); } catch (Exception $oError) { throw($oError); } }
$tp->assign($k, $v); } if ($CurMess['message_type'] == 1 or $CurMess['message_type'] == 2) { unset($replace); $tp->newBlock("answer"); $replace[id] = $CurMess['message_sender']; $replace[subject] = $lang['mess_answer_prefix'] . htmlspecialchars($CurMess['message_subject']); foreach ($replace as $k => $v) { $tp->assign($k, $v); } } } break; } $tp->gotoBlock("_ROOT"); $tp->assignGlobal("PHPSELF", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); foreach ($lang as $name => $trans) { $tp->assignGlobal("lang_" . $name, $trans); } $page .= $tp->getOutputContent(); display($page, $lang['mess_pagetitle']); } else { $OwnerID = $_GET['id']; $MessCategory = $_GET['messcat']; $MessPageMode = $_GET["mode"]; $DeleteWhat = $_POST['deletemessages']; if (isset($DeleteWhat)) { $MessPageMode = "delete"; } $UsrMess = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `message_owner` = '" . $user['id'] . "' ORDER BY `message_time` DESC;", 'messages'); $UnRead = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `id` = '" . $user['id'] . "';", 'users', true);
// ACTIONS $actions = _TooltipActions($planetsrow[$i], $g, $s, $i, 0); $tp->assign("actions", $actions); } else { // ADD BLANK TDS ? } } $replace[fleet_count] = $MaxFleetCount; $replace[fleet_max] = $FleetMax; $replace[Recyclers] = pretty_number($CurrentRC); $replace[SpyProbes] = pretty_number($CurrentSP); $replace[CurrentMIP] = pretty_number($CurrentMIP); $replace[this_galaxy] = $planetrow['galaxy']; $replace[this_system] = $planetrow['system']; $replace[this_planet] = $planetrow['planet']; $replace[this_planet_type] = $planetrow['planet_type']; $replace[PHP_SELF] = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $tp->gotoBlock("_ROOT"); if (is_array($replace)) { foreach ($replace as $k => $v) { $tp->assign($k, $v); } } // GLOBAL VARIABLES $lang[dpath] = $dpath; foreach ($lang as $name => $trans) { $tp->assignGlobal($name, $trans); } $galaxy = $tp->getOutputContent(); display($galaxy, 'Galaxy', false); }
<?php require_once ''; $tpl_main = new TemplatePower('template/master.html'); $tpl_main->prepare(); // see if the login form was submitted if (isset($_POST['login'])) { $user = stripslashes($_POST['username']); $pass = stripslashes($_POST['password']); $goto = $_POST['redirect']; if ($_AUTH->login($user, $pass)) { include_once $goto; die; } else { $tpl = new TemplatePower('template/error.html'); $tpl->assignGlobal('error_message', 'Invalid username / password.' . $user); } // display the default login form } else { $tpl = new TemplatePower('template/login.html'); $tpl->assignGlobal('redirect', $_GET['redirect']); } $tpl->prepare(); $tpl->showUnAssigned(false); $tpl_main->assign('content', $tpl->getOutputContent()); $tpl_main->showUnAssigned(false); $tpl_main->printToScreen();
} // pull the template together $tpl->prepare(); // display the selected course if (isset($course)) { $c = get_user_courses($_DB); $course = $c[0]['courseID']; set_course_template($_DB, $tpl, $course); } // add the remaining components to the template $tpl->assignGlobal('course_select_box', gen_course_select_box($_DB)); $tpl->assignGlobal('username', $_SESSION['userName']); } // for all of the pages, put the content into the main template $tpl->showUnAssigned(false); $tpl_main->assignGlobal("content", $tpl->getOutputContent()); $tpl_main->showUnAssigned(false); $tpl_main->printToScreen(); /** * Return a list of courses that the user is enrolled in * * @db the MySQL database connection * **/ function get_user_courses($db) { $user = $_SESSION['userID']; $db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM courses WHERE courseID = ( SELECT course FROM studentstocourses WHERE student = '{$user}' ) "); return $db->sql_fetchrowset(); } /**
/** * Formata a news padrão da linklar * @params string $titulo * @params string $texto * @returns html formatada. */ public function formataEmail($titulo, $texto) { global $geral; $MAIL = new TemplatePower(TEMPLATE_PATH . "includes/mail.tpl"); $MAIL->assignGlobal("uploadPath", UPLOAD_PATH); $MAIL->assignGlobal("imagePath", IMAGE_PATH); $MAIL->prepare(); $MAIL->newBlock('mail'); $MAIL->assign('titulo', $titulo); $MAIL->assign('texto', $texto); return $MAIL->getOutputContent(); }
function create_file_from_tpl($tplName, $newFilename, $fields = NULL) { global $pathHome; global $projectName; $httpdTpl = PATH_GULLIVER_HOME . 'bin' . PATH_SEP . 'tasks' . PATH_SEP . 'templates' . PATH_SEP . $tplName . '.tpl'; if (substr($newFilename, 0, 1) == PATH_SEP) { $httpFilename = $newFilename; } else { $httpFilename = $pathHome . PATH_SEP . $newFilename; } $template = new TemplatePower($httpdTpl); $template->prepare(); $template->assignGlobal('pathHome', $pathHome); $template->assignGlobal('projectName', $projectName); $template->assignGlobal('rbacProjectName', strtoupper($projectName)); $template->assignGlobal('siglaProjectName', substr(strtoupper($projectName), 0, 3)); $template->assignGlobal('propel.output.dir', '{propel.output.dir}'); if (is_array($fields)) { foreach ($fields as $block => $data) { $template->gotoBlock("_ROOT"); if (is_array($data)) { foreach ($data as $rowId => $row) { $template->newBlock($block); foreach ($row as $key => $val) { if (is_array($val)) { // $template->newBlock( $key ); foreach ($val as $key2 => $val2) { if (is_array($val2)) { $template->newBlock($key); foreach ($val2 as $key3 => $val3) { $template->assign($key3, $val3); } } } } else { $template->assign($key, $val); } } } } else { $template->assign($block, $data); } } } $content = $template->getOutputContent(); $iSize = file_put_contents($httpFilename, $content); printf("saved %s bytes in file %s \n", pakeColor::colorize($iSize, 'INFO'), pakeColor::colorize($tplName, 'INFO')); }
function ShowMessagesPage($CurrentUser) { global $xgp_root, $phpEx, $game_config, $dpath, $lang, $messfields, $_POST, $_GET; includeLang('INGAME'); if ($_POST) { switch ($_POST["action"]) { case "delete": if ($_POST["id"]) { $MessId = intval($_POST["id"]); doquery("DELETE FROM {{table}} WHERE `message_id` = '" . $MessId . "' AND message_owner = '" . $CurrentUser["id"] . "'", 'messages', ''); } exit; break; case "deleteall": $MessCat = intval($_POST["messcat"]); if ($MessCat != "100") { $sql = "`message_type` = " . $MessCat . " AND "; } doquery("DELETE FROM {{table}} WHERE {$sql} message_owner = " . $CurrentUser["id"], 'messages'); exit; break; } } // ADD SMILIES ARRAY //makeSmiliesArray(); include_once $xgp_root . 'includes/classes/' . $phpEx; $tp = new TemplatePower($xgp_root . TEMPLATE_DIR . "messages_new.tpl"); $tp->prepare(); $OwnerID = $_GET['id']; $MessCategory = isset($_GET['messcat']) ? $_GET['messcat'] : '100'; $MessPageMode = isset($_GET['mode']) ? $_GET['mode'] : 'show'; $UsrMess = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `message_owner` = '" . $CurrentUser['id'] . "' ORDER BY `message_time` DESC;", 'messages'); $UnRead = $CurrentUser; $MessageType = array(100, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 15, 99); $TitleColor = array(0 => '#FFFF00', 1 => '#FFFF00', 2 => '#FFFF00', 3 => '#FFFF00', 4 => '#FFFF00', 5 => '#FFFF00', 15 => '#FFFF00', 99 => '#FFFF00', 100 => '#FFFF00'); $BackGndColor = array(0 => '#663366', 1 => '#663366', 2 => '#663366', 3 => '#663366', 4 => '#663366', 5 => '#663366', 15 => '#663366', 99 => '#663366', 100 => '#663366'); foreach ($MessageType as $MessType) { $TotalMess[$MessType] = 0; } while ($CurMess = mysql_fetch_array($UsrMess)) { $MessType = $CurMess['message_type']; $TotalMess[$MessType] += 1; $TotalMess[100] += 1; } foreach ($MessageType as $k => $id) { $tp->newBlock("message_type"); $replace[type] = $id; $replace[unread] = $WaitingMess[$id]; $replace[total] = $TotalMess[$id]; $replace[name] = $lang['mg_type'][$id]; foreach ($replace as $k => $v) { $tp->assign($k, $v); } } switch ($MessPageMode) { case 'write': if ($_REQUEST['subject']) { $subject = $_REQUEST['subject']; } if (!is_numeric($OwnerID)) { header("location:game.php?page=messages"); } $OwnerRecord = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `id` = '" . $OwnerID . "';", 'users', true); if (!$OwnerRecord) { header("location:game.php?page=messages"); } $OwnerHome = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `id_planet` = '" . $OwnerRecord["id_planet"] . "';", 'galaxy', true); if (!$OwnerHome) { header("location:game.php?page=messages"); } if ($_POST) { $error = 0; $errorlist = ""; if (!$_POST["subject"] & !$_POST["text"]) { $errorlist .= $lang['mg_no_text_subject']; $error++; } elseif (!$_POST["subject"]) { $errorlist .= $lang['mg_no_subject']; $error++; } elseif (!$_POST["text"]) { $errorlist .= $lang['mg_no_text']; $error++; } if ($error != 0) { message($errorlist); } else { $_POST['text'] = str_replace("'", ''', $_POST['text']); // $_POST['text'] = str_replace('rn', '<br />', $_POST['text']); $Owner = $OwnerID; $Sender = $CurrentUser['id']; $From = $CurrentUser['username'] . " [" . $CurrentUser['galaxy'] . ":" . $CurrentUser['system'] . ":" . $CurrentUser['planet'] . "]"; $Subject = $_POST['subject']; $Message = preg_replace("/([^\\s]{80}?)/", "\\1<br />", trim(nl2br(strip_tags($_POST['text'], '<br>')))); SendSimpleMessage($Owner, $Sender, '', 1, $From, $Subject, $Message); $subject = ""; $text = ""; message($lang['mg_msg_sended'], "game.php?page=messages", "2"); } } $parse['id'] = $OwnerID; $parse['to'] = $OwnerRecord['username'] . " [" . $OwnerHome['galaxy'] . ":" . $OwnerHome['system'] . ":" . $OwnerHome['planet'] . "]"; $parse['subject'] = !isset($subject) ? $lang['mg_sin_subject'] : $subject; $parse['text'] = $text; $tp->newBlock("new_message"); $tp->assign("new_message", parsetemplate(gettemplate('messages_pm_form'), $parse)); break; default: case 'show': if ($CurrentUser["new_message"] != 0) { doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `new_message` ='0' WHERE `id` = '" . $CurrentUser['id'] . "' ", "users", ''); } if ($MessCategory == 100) { $UsrMess = doquery("SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM {{table}} WHERE `message_owner` = " . $CurrentUser['id'] . " ORDER BY `message_time` DESC;", 'messages', ''); } else { $UsrMess = doquery("SELECT SQL_CACHE * FROM {{table}} WHERE `message_owner` = " . $CurrentUser['id'] . " AND `message_type` = " . intval($MessCategory) . " ORDER BY `message_time` DESC;", 'messages', ''); } while ($CurMess = @mysql_fetch_array($UsrMess)) { unset($replace); $tp->newBlock("message"); $replace[id] = $CurMess['message_id']; $replace[mdate] = date("m-d H:i:s O", $CurMess['message_time']); $replace[from] = stripslashes($CurMess['message_from']); $replace[subject] = stripslashes($CurMess['message_subject']); //$replace[message] = makeMessageSmilies(nl2br( stripslashes( $CurMess['message_text'] ) )); $replace[message] = nl2br(stripslashes($CurMess['message_text'])); foreach ($replace as $k => $v) { $tp->assign($k, $v); } if ($CurMess['message_type'] == 1 or $CurMess['message_type'] == 2) { unset($replace); $tp->newBlock("answer"); $replace[id] = $CurMess['message_sender']; $replace[subject] = $lang['mg_answer_prefix'] . htmlspecialchars($CurMess['message_subject']); foreach ($replace as $k => $v) { $tp->assign($k, $v); } } } break; } $tp->gotoBlock("_ROOT"); $tp->assignGlobal("PHPSELF", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); foreach ($lang as $name => $trans) { $tp->assignGlobal("lang_" . $name, $trans); } $page .= $tp->getOutputContent(); display($page); }
function Main() { global $TPLV, $bottom, $urls, $db, $migalha; $TPLV = new TemplatePower(TEMPLATE_PATH . "modulos/produtos.tpl"); $TPLV->assignGlobal("uploadPath", UPLOAD_PATH); $TPLV->assignGlobal("uploadPath", UPLOAD_PATH_SITE); $TPLV->assignGlobal("imagePath", IMAGE_PATH); $TPLV->assignGlobal("swfPath", SWF_PATH); $TPLV->assignGlobal("localPath", LOCAL_PATH); $TPLV->assignGlobal("localPath", LOCAL_PATH_SITE); $TPLV->assignGlobal('navBottom', $bottom); $TPLV->assignGlobal($urls->var); $TPLV->prepare(); $in = $_GET['in']; switch ($in) { default: /**- LISTA DE CATEGORIAS -**/ /**- LISTA DE CATEGORIAS -**/ case 'lista': lista(); break; case 'nova': nova(); break; case 'edita': edita(); break; case 'salva': salva(); break; case 'apagaFoto': apagaFoto(); break; case 'deleta': deleta(); break; /**- LISTA DE PRODUTOS -**/ /**- LISTA DE PRODUTOS -**/ case 'listar': listar(); break; case 'novo': novo(); break; case 'editar': editar(); break; case 'download': download(); break; case 'download_salvar': download_salvar(); break; case 'download_deletar': download_deletar(); break; case 'salvar': salvar(); break; case 'deletar': deletar(); break; case 'deletarNutricional': deletarNutricional(); break; case 'apagarFoto': apagarFoto(); break; } }