public function onLoad($param) { $this->Page->Title = Prado::localize('PersonalData'); $this->Save->ImageUrl = $this->Page->Theme->BaseUrl . '/images/' . $this->getApplication()->getGlobalization()->Culture . '/save.gif'; $this->btnCancelSelect->ImageUrl = $this->Page->Theme->BaseUrl . '/images/' . $this->getApplication()->getGlobalization()->Culture . '/cancel.gif'; $this->btnUpload->ImageUrl = $this->Page->Theme->BaseUrl . '/images/' . $this->getApplication()->getGlobalization()->Culture . '/upload.gif'; if (!$this->IsPostBack) { $this->content->Visible = true; $user = $this->User->UserDB; $this->Email->Text = $user->email; $this->Name->Text = $user->name; $this->Surname->Text = $user->surname; $this->Telephone->Text = $user->telephone; $this->MobileTelephone->Text = $user->mobile_telephone; $this->Fax->Text = $user->fax; $this->Cost->Text = $user->cost; $criteria = new TActiveRecordCriteria(); $criteria->OrdersBy['description'] = 'asc'; $brands = TblWeightUnit::finder()->findAll($criteria); $this->DDLWeightUnit->DataSource = $brands; $this->DDLWeightUnit->dataBind(); $this->DDLWeightUnit->SelectedValue = $user->tbl_weight_unit_id; $brands = TblCurrencyUnit::finder()->findAll($criteria); $this->DDLCurrencyUnit->DataSource = $brands; $this->DDLCurrencyUnit->dataBind(); $this->DDLCurrencyUnit->SelectedValue = $user->tbl_currency_unit_id; $this->Piva->Text = $user->piva; $urlJpg = 'themes/White/images/logo/' . $this->User->UserDB->id . ".jpg"; $urlPng = 'themes/White/images/logo/' . $this->User->UserDB->id . ".png"; if (!file_exists($urlJpg)) { //if (!file_exists($urlPng)) $this->ImageLogo->ImageUrl = $this->Page->Theme->BaseUrl . '/images/logo-st-www.jpg'; } else { $this->ImageLogo->ImageUrl = $urlJpg; } } if ($this->User->UserDB->type_user_id == 4) { $this->Save->Visible = false; $this->btnCancelSelect->Visible = false; $this->btnUpload->Visible = false; } else { $this->Save->Visible = true; $this->btnCancelSelect->Visible = true; $this->btnUpload->Visible = true; } }
/** * Creates a BlogUser object based on the specified username. * This method is required by TDbUser. It checks the database * to see if the specified username is there. If so, a BlogUser * object is created and initialized. * @param string the specified username * @return BlogUser the user object, null if username is invalid. */ public function createUser($username) { // use UserRecord Active Record to look for the specified username $userRecord = TblUsers::finder()->findBy_username($username); if ($userRecord instanceof TblUsers) { $user = new SToolsUser($this->Manager); $user->Name = $userRecord->name; $user->Surname = $userRecord->surname; $user->Active = $userRecord->active; $userRecord->currency_unit = TblCurrencyUnit::finder()->findBy_id($userRecord->tbl_currency_unit_id); $userRecord->weight_unit = TblWeightUnit::finder()->findBy_id($userRecord->tbl_weight_unit_id); $user->UserDB = $userRecord; $user->IsGuest = false; // the user is not a guest return $user; } else { return null; } }