Пример #1
				loginAsUser = function() {
					if (confirm('<?=$loginAsUserConfirm?>')) { 
						location.href = "<?=$this->url('/dashboard/users/search', 'sign_in_as_user', $uo->getUserID(), $valt->generate('sudo'))?>";				

			<? } /*else { ?>
				<? print $ih->button_js(t('Sign In as User'), 'alert(\'' . t('You do not have permission to sign in as other users.') . '\')', 'left', 'ccm-button-inactive');?>
			<? }*/ ?>
		<? } ?>
		$cu = new User();
		$tp = new TaskPermission();
		if ($tp->canDeleteUser()) {
		$delConfirmJS = t('Are you sure you want to permanently remove this user?');
			if ($uo->getUserID() == USER_SUPER_ID) { ?>
				<?=t('You may not remove the super user account.')?>
			<? } else if (!$tp->canDeleteUser()) { ?>
				<?=t('You do not have permission to perform this action.');		
			} else if ($uo->getUserID() == $cu->getUserID()) {
				echo t('You cannot delete your own user account.');
			}else{ ?>   
				<script type="text/javascript">
				deleteUser = function() {
					if (confirm('<?=$delConfirmJS?>')) { 
						location.href = "<?=$this->url('/dashboard/users/search', 'delete', $uo->getUserID(), $valt->generate('delete_account'))?>";				
Пример #2
	public function delete($delUserId, $token = null){
		$u=new User();
		try {

			if(!($delUI instanceof UserInfo)) {
				throw new Exception(t('Invalid user ID.'));

			if (!PermissionKey::getByHandle('access_user_search')->validate($delUI)) { 
				throw new Exception(t('Access Denied.'));
			$tp = new TaskPermission();
			if (!$tp->canDeleteUser()) { 
				throw new Exception(t('You do not have permission to perform this action.'));

			if ($delUserId == USER_SUPER_ID) {
				throw new Exception(t('You may not remove the super user account.'));

			if($delUserId==$u->getUserID()) {
				throw new Exception(t('You cannot delete your own user account.'));

			$valt = Loader::helper('validation/token');
			if (!$valt->validate('delete_account', $token)) {
				throw new Exception($valt->getErrorMessage());
			$resultMsg=t('User deleted successfully.');
			$this->set('message', $resultMsg);
		} catch (Exception $e) {
			$this->set('error', $e);


defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
$searchInstance = Loader::helper('text')->entities($_REQUEST['searchInstance']);
if (!strlen($searchInstance)) {
    $searchInstance = 'user';
$form = Loader::helper('form');
$ih = Loader::helper('concrete/interface');
$tp = new TaskPermission();
$u = new User();
$sk = PermissionKey::getByHandle('access_user_search');
$tp = new TaskPermission();
if (!$tp->canDeleteUser()) {
    die(t("Access Denied."));
$users = array();
$excluded = false;
$excluded_user_ids = array();
$excluded_user_ids[] = $u->getUserID();
// can't delete yourself
$excluded_user_ids[] = USER_SUPER_ID;
// can't delete the super user (admin)
if (is_array($_REQUEST['uID'])) {
    foreach ($_REQUEST['uID'] as $uID) {
        $ui = UserInfo::getByID($uID);
        if (!$sk->validate($ui) || in_array($ui->getUserID(), $excluded_user_ids)) {
            $excluded = true;
        } else {
            $users[] = $ui;