Пример #1
  * @param TableRow $row
 public function addRow(TableRow $row)
     $this->rows[] = $row;
     if (!$row->getTable()) {
Пример #2
  * @param TableRow|null $row
  * @return $this
 public function setRow(TableRow $row = null)
     $this->row = $row;
     if (null !== $row && !in_array($this, $row->getCells())) {
     return $this;
Пример #3
 protected static function consumeTableRows(&$text)
     $tableRows = array();
     while (!is_null($tableRow = TableRow::consume($text))) {
         $tableRows[] = $tableRow;
     return $tableRows;
Пример #4
 public function addFoot(array $cells = array(), $attributes = array())
     $row = new TableRow('th');
     if (empty($cells)) {
         if (!isset($this->head_row)) {
             trigger_error("Cannot add tfoot - no cells passed and no thead set.");
             return null;
         $cells = $this->head_row->getCells();
         if (empty($cells)) {
             trigger_error("Cannot add tfoot - no cells passed and thead has none.");
             return null;
     $this->foot_row = $row;
     return $this;
Пример #5
 /** @return void */
 private function removeHelpers()
     $this->z2 = NULL;
     $newrows = array();
     foreach ($this->rows as $row) {
         $newrow = array();
         foreach ($row->getSet() as $v => $c) {
             if ($v[0] !== 'y') {
                 $newrow[$v] = $c;
         $newrows[] = new TableRow($row->getVar(), $newrow, $row->getB());
     $this->rows = $newrows;
     $newz = array();
     foreach ($this->z->getSet() as $var => $coeff) {
         if ($var[0] !== 'y') {
             $newz[$var] = $coeff;
     $this->z = new TableRow($this->z->getVar(), $newz, $this->z->getB());
Пример #6
  * แทรกแถวของ tbody
  * @param array $rows
  * @param array $attributes
 public function addRow($rows, $attributes = array())
     $tr = TableRow::create($attributes);
     foreach ($rows as $td) {
     $this->tbody[] = $tr;
Пример #7
        // TODO create a link to access the old websites (clone in temp if not yet there)
        $desc = new VersionDescriptor($version, $output);
        $versions[] = $desc;
$page = PageContent::getInstance();
$page->addComponent(new Title("À propos...", 1));
$page->addComponent(new Title("Historique des versions", 2));
$table = new Table();
$row = new TableRow();
$head = new TableHeader("Version");
$head = new TableHeader("Déscription");
$head = new TableHeader("Aperçu");
foreach ($versions as $desc) {
    $row = new TableRow();
    $row->addComponent(preg_match('#^[0-9]+(\\.0+)*$#', $desc->getVersion()) ? '<b>' . $desc->getVersion() . '</b>' : $desc->getVersion());
    $row->addComponent(WEBSITE_VERSION == $desc->getVersion() ? 'Version actuelle !' : $desc->getUrl() == null ? 'Non dispo' : Link::newWindowLink($desc->getUrl(), "Utiliser cette version"));
 public function tableToJSON($url, $firstColIsRowName = TRUE, $tableID = '', $ignoreCols = NULL, $headers = NULL, $firstRowIsData = FALSE, $onlyColumns = FALSE, $arrangeByRow = FALSE, $ignoreHidden = FALSE, $printJSON = TRUE, $testingTable = NULL)
     $ignoring = FALSE;
     $excluding = FALSE;
     if (NULL != $onlyColumns) {
         if (!is_array($onlyColumns)) {
             echo 'onlyColumns must be an array. Did not ignore any columns.<br />';
             $onlyColumns = NULL;
         } else {
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($onlyColumns); $i++) {
                 if (is_int($onlyColumns[$i])) {
                     $excluding = TRUE;
                     $ignoreCols = NULL;
     } else {
         if (NULL != $ignoreCols) {
             if (!is_array($ignoreCols)) {
                 echo 'ignoreCols must be an array. Did not ignore any columns.<br />';
                 $ignoreCols = NULL;
             } else {
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($ignoreCols); $i++) {
                     if (is_int($ignoreCols[$i])) {
                         $ignoring = TRUE;
     if (NULL != $headers) {
         if (!is_array($headers)) {
             echo 'headers must be an array. Will not change any headers.<br />';
             $headers = NULL;
     if (NULL == $testingTable) {
         // Get html using curl
         $c = curl_init($url);
         curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
         $html = curl_exec($c);
         if (curl_error($c)) {
         // Check return status
         $status = curl_getinfo($c, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
         if (200 <= $status && 300 > $status) {
             echo 'Got the html from ' . $url . '<br />';
         } else {
             die('Failed to get html from ' . $url . '<br />');
     } else {
         $html = $testingTable;
     // Remove newlines, returns, and breaks
     $html = str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "\t"), '', $html);
     $html = str_ireplace("D", '', $html);
     $html = str_ireplace("<br>", '', $html);
     $html = str_ireplace("<br />", '', $html);
     $html = str_ireplace("<br/>", '', $html);
     // Pull table out of HTML
     if (strcmp('', $tableID)) {
         $table_str = '<table';
     } else {
         $table_str = '<table id="' . $tableID;
     $start_pos = stripos($html, $table_str);
     $end_pos = stripos($html, '</table>', $start_pos) + strlen('</table>');
     $length = $end_pos - $start_pos;
     $table = substr($html, $start_pos, $length);
     $permanent_table = $table;
     // Set up arrays
     $column_array = array();
     $row_array = array();
     if (!$firstRowIsData) {
         if (FALSE !== stripos($table, '</th>')) {
             $cell_tag = '<th';
             $end_tag = '</th>';
         } else {
             $cell_tag = '<td';
             $end_tag = '</td>';
         $header_start = stripos($table, $cell_tag);
         if (false !== $header_start) {
             $header_end = stripos($table, '<thead>');
             if (false !== $header_end) {
                 $header_start = stripos($table, $cell_tag, $header_end + 1);
             $header_end = stripos($table, '</tr>');
             $header_end += strlen('</tr>');
             $header_length = $header_end - $header_start;
             $header = substr($table, $header_start, $header_length);
             for ($i = 0; false !== $header_start; $i++) {
                 $header_start = stripos($header, '>') + strlen('>');
                 $header_end = stripos($header, $end_tag, $header_start);
                 if ($header_end != $header_start) {
                     $header_length = $header_end - $header_start;
                     $cell_name = substr($header, $header_start, $header_length);
                     $cell_name = str_replace('"', '\\"', $cell_name);
                     $cell_name = trim($cell_name);
                     array_push($column_array, new TableColumn($cell_name));
                 } else {
                     array_push($column_array, new TableColumn('Column' . $i));
                 // Cut out
                 $header_end = stripos($header, '</tr>');
                 $header_end += strlen('</tr>');
                 $header_start = stripos($header, $end_tag);
                 $header_start += strlen($end_tag);
                 $header_length = $header_end - $header_start;
                 $header = substr($header, $header_start, $header_length);
                 // set up next pass through loop
                 $header_start = stripos($header, $cell_tag);
             // Trim out the header row
             $start_pos = stripos($table, $end_tag) + strlen($end_tag);
         } else {
             $start_pos = stripos($table, '<tr');
     } else {
         $start_pos = stripos($table, '<tr');
     $table = substr($table, $start_pos, $length - $start_pos);
     if (NULL != $headers) {
         foreach ($headers as $key => $value) {
             for ($m = 0; $key > count($column_array); $m++) {
                 array_push($column_array, new TableColumn('Column' . $m));
             if (count($column_array) == $key) {
                 array_push($column_array, new TableColumn($value));
             } else {
     // Set up array for skipping columns that don't show up in HTML
     // due to rowspan > 1 in the previous row
     $skipped_columns = array();
     // Loop through the rows
     $start_pos = stripos($table, '<tr');
     for ($j = 0; false !== $start_pos; $j++) {
         // Create temp string with JUST the row we're currently looking at
         $end_pos = stripos($table, '</tr>', $start_pos);
         $end_pos += strlen('</tr>');
         $length = $end_pos - $start_pos;
         $temp = substr($table, $start_pos, $length);
         if (!$ignoreHidden || FALSE === stripos($temp, "style=\"display: none;\"")) {
             // If this row doens't have a skipped array, add one
             if (count($skipped_columns) <= $j + 1) {
                 $row_with_skipped_columns = array();
                 array_push($skipped_columns, $row_with_skipped_columns);
             if ($firstRowIsData && FALSE !== stripos($temp, '<th')) {
                 $cell_tag = '<th';
                 $end_tag = '</th>';
             } else {
                 $cell_tag = '<td';
                 $end_tag = '</td>';
             if ($firstColIsRowName) {
                 // Get Header from column 1 and trim out column 1
                 $inner_pos_start = stripos($temp, $cell_tag);
                 $inner_pos_start = stripos($temp, '>', $inner_pos_start) + strlen('>');
                 $inner_pos_end = stripos($temp, $end_tag);
                 $inner_len = $inner_pos_end - $inner_pos_start;
                 $row_header = substr($temp, $inner_pos_start, $inner_len);
                 $row_header = trim($row_header);
                 $inner_pos_start = $inner_pos_end + strlen($end_tag);
                 $inner_pos_end = stripos($temp, '</tr>') + strlen('</tr>');
                 $inner_len = $inner_pos_end - $inner_pos_start;
                 $temp = substr($temp, $inner_pos_start, $inner_len);
                 $table_row_object = new TableRow($row_header);
                 $i = 1;
             } else {
                 $row_header = 'Row ' . $j;
                 $table_row_object = new TableRow();
                 $i = 0;
             // Loop through the columns
             $inner_pos_start = stripos($temp, $cell_tag);
             for ($i; false !== $inner_pos_start; $i++) {
                 // Skip over columns in the array created by rowspans
                 while (in_array($i, $skipped_columns[$j])) {
                 // Skip over user specified columns
                 if ((NULL == $ignoreCols || !in_array($i, $ignoreCols)) && (NULL == $onlyColumns || in_array($i, $onlyColumns))) {
                     $inner_pos_start += strlen($cell_tag);
                     $inner_pos_end = stripos($temp, $end_tag, $inner_pos_start) + strlen($end_tag);
                     $inner_len = $inner_pos_end - $inner_pos_start;
                     $cell = substr($temp, $inner_pos_start, $inner_len);
                     $inner_pos_end = stripos($cell, $end_tag);
                     $inner_pos_start = stripos($cell, '>') + strlen('>');
                     if ($inner_pos_end != $inner_pos_start) {
                         $inner_len = $inner_pos_end - $inner_pos_start;
                         $cell_name = substr($cell, $inner_pos_start, $inner_len);
                         $cell_name = str_replace('"', '\\"', $cell_name);
                         $cell_name = str_replace('&nbsp;', '', $cell_name);
                         $cell_name = trim($cell_name);
                         $link_start = stripos($cell_name, '<a href=\\"');
                         if (false === $link_start) {
                             $link = null;
                         } else {
                             $link_start += +strlen('<a href=\\"');
                             $link_end = stripos($cell_name, '\\">', $link_start);
                             $link_len = $link_end - $link_start;
                             $link = substr($cell_name, $link_start, $link_len);
                             $link = trim($link);
                             $link_start = stripos($cell_name, '</a>');
                             $link_end += strlen('\\">');
                             $link_len = $link_start - $link_end;
                             $cell_name = substr($cell_name, $link_end, $link_len);
                         // Remove Font tag
                         $link_start = stripos($cell_name, '<font');
                         if (false !== $link_start) {
                             $link_start = stripos($cell_name, '\\">', $link_start) + strlen('\\">');
                             $link_end = stripos($cell_name, '</font>', $link_start);
                             $link_len = $link_end - $link_start;
                             $cell_name = substr($cell_name, $link_start, $link_len);
                         $other_pos = stripos($cell, ' rowspan-');
                         if (false === $other_pos) {
                             $spans_one = true;
                         } else {
                             $spans_one = false;
                         if (!$spans_one) {
                             $inner_pos_start = stripos($cell, ' rowspan-') + strlen(' rowspan-');
                             $inner_pos_end = stripos($cell, '">');
                             $inner_len = $inner_pos_end - $inner_pos_start;
                             $span = substr($cell, $inner_pos_start, $inner_len);
                             $span_number = intval($span);
                             $span_no = $span_number;
                             // Set up skipped columns to skip over columns missed in HTML in future rows due to rowspan > 1
                             for ($k = $j + 1; $span_no > 1; $span_no--, $k++) {
                                 if (count($skipped_columns) <= $k) {
                                     $another_row_with_skipped_columns = array();
                                     array_push($skipped_columns, $another_row_with_skipped_columns);
                                 array_push($skipped_columns[$k], $i);
                         } else {
                             $span_number = 1;
                         for ($m = 0; $i > count($column_array); $m++) {
                             array_push($column_array, new TableColumn('Column' . count($column_array)));
                         if (count($column_array) == $i) {
                             array_push($column_array, new TableColumn('Column ' . $i));
                         $column_array[$i]->addCell($cell_name, $row_header, $span_number, $link);
                         if ($arrangeByRow) {
                             $column_header = $column_array[$i]->getName();
                             $table_row_object->addAttributePair($column_header, $cell_name);
                             if (NULL != $link) {
                                 $link_header = $column_header . ' URL';
                                 $table_row_object->addAttributePair($link_header, $link);
                 // Cut out
                 $inner_pos_end = stripos($temp, $end_tag) + strlen($end_tag);
                 $inner_pos_start = stripos($temp, '</tr>') + strlen('</tr>');
                 $inner_len = $inner_pos_start - $inner_pos_end;
                 $temp = substr($temp, $inner_pos_end, $inner_len);
                 // set up next pass through loop
                 if (FALSE === stripos($temp, '<th')) {
                     $cell_tag = '<td';
                     $end_tag = '</td>';
                 $inner_pos_start = stripos($temp, $cell_tag);
             if ($arrangeByRow) {
                 array_push($row_array, $table_row_object);
         $start_pos = stripos($table, '</table');
         $start_pos += strlen('</table');
         $length = $start_pos - $end_pos;
         $table = substr($table, $end_pos, $length);
         $start_pos = stripos($table, '<tr');
     if ($printJSON) {
         $outfile = 'output.json';
         if (false == ($out_handle = fopen($outfile, 'w'))) {
             die('Failed to create output file.');
     // Create the JSON formatted output
     if ($arrangeByRow) {
         if ($firstColIsRowName) {
             $output = "{";
         } else {
             $output = "[";
         foreach ($row_array as &$row) {
             if ($row->hasCells()) {
                 $output = $output . $row->writeJSON() . ",\n";
         $output = trim($output, ",\n");
         if ($firstColIsRowName) {
             $output = $output . "\n}";
         } else {
             $output = $output . "\n]";
     } else {
         $output = "{";
         foreach ($column_array as &$col) {
             if ($col->hasCells()) {
                 $output = $output . $col->writeJSON() . ",\n";
         $output = trim($output, ",\n");
         $output = $output . "\n}";
     if ($printJSON) {
         fwrite($out_handle, $output);
         echo 'JSON Created<br />';
     } else {
         $output = str_replace("\n", "", $output);
         $output = str_replace("\t", "", $output);
         return $output;
 public function setAutoData($data)
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
         $row = new TableRow(null);
         for ($j = 0; $j < count($data[$i]); $j++) {
             $cell = new TableCell("s59", $data[$i][$j]);