Пример #1
 /** Counts number of semantic relations filtered by language code and type of semantic relation.  
  * @return int */
 public static function countRelations($lang_code, $relation_type_name)
     $link_db = Piwidict::getDatabaseConnection();
     $lang_id = TLang::getIDByLangCode($lang_code);
     $relation_type_id = TRelationType::getIDByName($relation_type_name);
     $query = "SELECT meaning_id from relation, lang_pos, meaning where lang_pos.id=meaning.lang_pos_id and meaning.id=relation.meaning_id " . "and relation_type_id=" . (int) $relation_type_id . " and lang_pos.lang_id=" . (int) $lang_id;
     $result = $link_db->query_e($query, "Query failed in file <b>" . __FILE__ . "</b>, string <b>" . __LINE__ . "</b>");
     return $link_db->query_count($result);
Пример #2
 /** Gets TRelation object by property $property_name with value $property_value.
  * @return TRelation or NULL in case of error
 public static function getRelation($property_name, $property_value, $meaning_obj = NULL)
     global $LINK_DB;
     $query = "SELECT * FROM relation WHERE `{$property_name}`='{$property_value}' order by id";
     $result = $LINK_DB->query_e($query, "Query failed in " . __METHOD__ . " in file <b>" . __FILE__ . "</b>, string <b>" . __LINE__ . "</b>");
     if ($LINK_DB->query_count($result) == 0) {
         return NULL;
     $relation_arr = array();
     while ($row = $result->fetch_object()) {
         	    if ($meaning_obj == NULL)
         	  	$meaning_obj = TMeaning::getByID($row->meaning_id);
         $relation_arr[] = new TRelation($row->id, $meaning_obj, TWikiText::getByID($row->wiki_text_id), TRelationType::getByID($row->relation_type_id), $row->meaning_summary);
     return $relation_arr;
Пример #3
use piwidict\Piwidict;
//use piwidict\sql\{TLang, TPage, TPOS, TRelationType};
//use piwidict\widget\WForm;
require '../config_examples.php';
require '../config_password.php';
include LIB_DIR . "header.php";
// $pw = new Piwidict();
Piwidict::setDatabaseConnection($config['hostname'], $config['user_login'], $config['user_password'], $config['dbname']);
$link_db = Piwidict::getDatabaseConnection();
$wikt_lang = "ru";
// Russian language is the main language in ruwikt (Russian Wiktionary)
$pos_name = "adjective";
$lang_id = TLang::getIDByLangCode("ru");
$pos_id = TPOS::getIDByName($pos_name);
$syn_id = TRelationType::getIDByName("synonyms");
$fh1 = fopen('synset_synonyms_only_' . $pos_name . '.txt', 'w');
$fh2 = fopen('synset_all_relations_' . $pos_name . '.txt', 'w');
$query = "SELECT page_title as first_word, meaning.id as meaning_id\n          FROM lang_pos, meaning, page \n          WHERE lang_pos.id = meaning.lang_pos_id \n            AND page.id = lang_pos.page_id\n            AND page_title NOT LIKE '% %'\n            AND lang_id = {$lang_id}\n            AND pos_id={$pos_id}\n          ORDER BY page_title";
$result_meaning = $link_db->query_e($query, "Query failed in file <b>" . __FILE__ . "</b>, string <b>" . __LINE__ . "</b>");
while ($row = $result_meaning->fetch_object()) {
    $query = "SELECT wiki_text.text as relation_word, relation_type_id\n              FROM wiki_text, relation \n              WHERE relation.wiki_text_id=wiki_text.id \n                AND wiki_text.text NOT LIKE '% %'\n                AND relation.meaning_id = " . $row->meaning_id . " ORDER BY wiki_text.text";
    $result_relation = $link_db->query_e($query, "Query failed in file <b>" . __FILE__ . "</b>, string <b>" . __LINE__ . "</b>");
    $num = $link_db->query_count($result_relation);
    if ($num > 1) {
        $synonyms = array();
        fwrite($fh2, $row->first_word);
        while ($row_relation = $result_relation->fetch_object()) {
            fwrite($fh2, ' ' . $row_relation->relation_word);
            if ($row_relation->relation_type_id == $syn_id) {
                $synonyms[] = $row_relation->relation_word;
Пример #4
require '../../../vendor/autoload.php';
use piwidict\Piwidict;
use piwidict\sql\{TLang, TPage, TPOS, TRelationType};
use piwidict\widget\WForm;
require '../config_examples.php';
require '../config_password.php';
// $pw = new Piwidict();
Piwidict::setDatabaseConnection($config['hostname'], $config['user_login'], $config['user_password'], $config['dbname']);
$link_db = Piwidict::getDatabaseConnection();
$wikt_lang = "ru";
// Russian language is the main language in ruwikt (Russian Wiktionary)
$lang_id = TLang::getIDByLangCode("ru");
$pos_ids = array(TPOS::getIDbyName('noun') => "сущ", TPOS::getIDbyName('adjective') => "прил", TPOS::getIDbyName('verb') => "глаг", TPOS::getIDbyName('adverb') => "нареч");
$relation_type_id = (int) TRelationType::getIDByName("synonyms");
$fh = fopen('ru.wiktionary.with.synonyms.json', 'w');
$query = "SELECT page_title, lang_pos.id as id, pos_id  FROM lang_pos,page WHERE lang_pos.page_id = page.id AND lang_id={$lang_id} order by page_title";
print "<p>{$query}";
$result = $link_db->query_e($query, "Query failed in file <b>" . __FILE__ . "</b>, string <b>" . __LINE__ . "</b>");
while ($row = $result->fetch_object()) {
    $def_arr = $synonyms = array();
    $is_exists_syn = 0;
    $query = "SELECT text, meaning.id as meaning_id FROM meaning, wiki_text WHERE lang_pos_id=" . (int) $row->id . " and meaning.wiki_text_id=wiki_text.id order by meaning_n";
    $result_meaning = $link_db->query_e($query, "Query failed in file <b>" . __FILE__ . "</b>, string <b>" . __LINE__ . "</b>");
    if ($link_db->query_count($result_meaning)) {
        while ($row_meaning = $result_meaning->fetch_object()) {
            $def_arr[] = PWString::escapeQuotes($row_meaning->text);
            $query = "SELECT text FROM relation, wiki_text WHERE relation.wiki_text_id=wiki_text.id AND relation.meaning_id=" . (int) $row_meaning->meaning_id . " AND relation_type_id=" . (int) $relation_type_id;
            //print "<p>$query";
            $result_relation = $link_db->query_e($query, "Query failed in file <b>" . __FILE__ . "</b>, string <b>" . __LINE__ . "</b>");
Пример #5

<form action="<?php 
echo $php_self;
" method="GET">
    <p>Language: <?php 
echo TLang::getDropDownList($lang_id, "lang_id", '');
    <p>Part of speech: <?php 
echo TPOS::getDropDownList($pos_id, "pos_id", '');
    <p>Relation type: <?php 
echo TRelationType::getDropDownList($relation_type_id, "relation_type_id", '');
    <p>Word: <input type="text" name="page_title" value="<?php 
echo $page_title;
    <p><input type="submit" name="view_list" value="search"></p>
if (isset($view_list) && $view_list) {
    $query_lang_pos = "SELECT lang_pos.id as id, page_title FROM lang_pos, page WHERE lang_pos.page_id=page.id";
    if ($lang_id) {
        $query_lang_pos .= " and lang_id=" . (int) $lang_id;
    if ($pos_id) {
Пример #6
    // 2. get meaning.id by lang_pos_id
    $query_meaning = "SELECT id FROM meaning WHERE lang_pos_id=" . $lang_pos_id;
    $result_meaning = mysqli_query($LINK_DB, $query_meaning) or die("Query failed (line 58) in list_hypo.php: " . mysqli_error() . ". Query: " . $query_meaning);
    while ($row_m = mysqli_fetch_array($result_meaning)) {
        $meaning_id = $row_m['id'];
        // 3. get relation by meaning_id
        $query_relation = "SELECT wiki_text_id, relation_type_id FROM relation WHERE meaning_id=" . $meaning_id;
        $result_relation = mysqli_query($LINK_DB, $query_relation) or die("Query failed (line 64) in list_hypo.php: " . mysqli_error() . ". Query: " . $query_relation);
        while ($row_rel = mysqli_fetch_array($result_relation)) {
            $relation_type_id = $row_rel['relation_type_id'];
            $wiki_text_id = $row_rel['wiki_text_id'];
            // 4. filter by relation type
            if ($relation_type_id != $relation_type_id_hyponyms && $relation_type_id != $relation_type_id_hypernyms) {
            $relation_type_name = TRelationType::getNameByID($relation_type_all, $relation_type_id);
            // 5. get relation word by $wiki_text_id
            $query_rwt = "SELECT text FROM wiki_text WHERE id=" . $wiki_text_id;
            $result_rwt = mysqli_query($LINK_DB, $query_rwt) or die("Query failed (line 76) in list_hypo.php: " . mysqli_error() . ". Query: " . $query_rwt);
            if ($row_rwt = mysqli_fetch_array($result_rwt)) {
                $relation_wiki_text = $row_rwt['text'];
                print "" . $lang_pos->pos->name . ";" . $lang_pos->page->page_title . ";" . $relation_type_name . ";" . $relation_wiki_text . "<BR>";
        // eo relation
    // eo meaning
    // if($counter > 100)
    //    break;
Пример #7
    <p><input type="submit" name="view_list" value="search"></p>
if (isset($view_list) && $view_list) {
    $query_lang_pos = "SELECT lang_pos.id as id, page_title, relation_type_id, wiki_text.text as wiki_text FROM lang_pos, page, relation, meaning, wiki_text " . "WHERE lang_pos.page_id=page.id AND relation.meaning_id=meaning.id AND meaning.lang_pos_id=lang_pos.id AND relation.wiki_text_id=wiki_text.id AND wiki_text.text is not null";
    if ($relation_type_id) {
        $query_lang_pos .= " and relation_type_id=" . (int) $relation_type_id;
    if ($lang_id) {
        $query_lang_pos .= " and lang_id=" . (int) $lang_id;
    if ($pos_id) {
        $query_lang_pos .= " and pos_id=" . (int) $pos_id;
    if ($page_title) {
        $query_lang_pos .= " and page_title like '%{$page_title}%'";
    $query_lang_pos .= " order by page_title, id";
    //print $query_lang_pos;
    $result_lang_pos = $link_db->query_e($query_lang_pos, "Query failed in file <b>" . __FILE__ . "</b>, string <b>" . __LINE__ . "</b>");
    $numAll = $link_db->query_count($result_lang_pos);
    print "{$numAll} semantic relations (with these parameters) are found";
    $result_lang_pos = $link_db->query_e($query_lang_pos . " LIMIT {$start_rec},{$limit}", "Query failed in file <b>" . __FILE__ . "</b>, string <b>" . __LINE__ . "</b>");
    print "<table border=1>\n";
    $counter = $start_rec;
    while ($row = $result_lang_pos->fetch_object()) {
        print "<tr><td>" . ++$counter . ".</td><td>" . TPage::getURL($row->page_title) . "</td><td>" . TRelationType::getNameByID($row->relation_type_id) . "</td><td>" . $row->wiki_text . "</td></tr>\n";
    print "</table><br />\n" . WForm::goNextStep($numAll, $limit, $php_self . "?lang_id={$lang_id}&pos_id={$pos_id}&relation_type_id={$relation_type_id}&page_title={$page_title}&view_list=1", 2, "Go to", $step_s);
include LIB_DIR . "footer.php";
Пример #8
use piwidict\Piwidict;
//use piwidict\sql\{TLang, TPage, TPOS, TRelationType};
//use piwidict\widget\WForm;
require '../config_examples.php';
require '../config_password.php';
include LIB_DIR . "header.php";
// $pw = new Piwidict();
Piwidict::setDatabaseConnection($config['hostname'], $config['user_login'], $config['user_password'], $config['dbname']);
$link_db = Piwidict::getDatabaseConnection();
$wikt_lang = "ru";
// Russian language is the main language in ruwikt (Russian Wiktionary)
$php_self = "antonym_synsets.php";
$lang_name = "ru";
$lang_id = TLang::getIDByLangCode($lang_name);
$ant_id = TRelationType::getIDByName("antonyms");
$out_file_name = SITE_ROOT . preg_replace("/^\\/src(\\/.+)\\.php\$/", "data\$1", $php_self);
$pos_name = "noun";
//$pos_name = "verb";
//$pos_name = "adjective";
//$pos_name = "adverb";
$pos_id = TPOS::getIDByName($pos_name);
//$fh = gzopen($out_file_name.'.txt.gz','wb9');
$fh = gzopen($out_file_name . '_' . $lang_name . '_' . $pos_name . '.txt.gz', 'wb9');
gzwrite($fh, '## Database version: ' . NAME_DB . "\n\n");
$query = "SELECT page_title as first_word, meaning.id as meaning_id\n          FROM lang_pos, meaning, page \n          WHERE lang_pos.id = meaning.lang_pos_id \n            AND page.id = lang_pos.page_id\n            AND page_title NOT LIKE '% %'\n            AND lang_id = {$lang_id} " . "  AND pos_id={$pos_id} " . "ORDER BY page_title";
$result_meaning = $link_db->query_e($query, "Query failed in file <b>" . __FILE__ . "</b>, string <b>" . __LINE__ . "</b>");
while ($row = $result_meaning->fetch_object()) {
    $query = "SELECT wiki_text.text as relation_word\n              FROM wiki_text, relation\n              WHERE relation.wiki_text_id=wiki_text.id \n                AND wiki_text.text NOT LIKE '% %'\n                AND relation_type_id = {$ant_id}\n                AND relation.meaning_id = " . $row->meaning_id . " ORDER BY wiki_text.text";
    $result_relation = $link_db->query_e($query, "Query failed in file <b>" . __FILE__ . "</b>, string <b>" . __LINE__ . "</b>");
    $num = $link_db->query_count($result_relation);
Пример #9
 /** Gets TRelationType object by ID
  * @return TRelationType or NULL in case of error
 public static function getByID($_id)
     $relation_arr = TRelationType::getRelationType("id", $_id);
     return $relation_arr[0];