Пример #1
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                        $pdf->writeHTML('<div style="padding-left:100"><font style="font-size:8pt;" color="#999999">For a list of references for each variant, please see the freely available VP on the Internet https://www.sustc-genome.org.cn/vp</font></div>', true, false, true, false, '');
                        $pdf->writeHTML($sentence, true, false, true, false, '');
$pdf->writeHTML('<br><Br><br><h1>The overview of VP</h1><br><br><div align="left"><b>VP</b> which is developed by He lab in the South University of Science and Technology of China is an online tool that interprets personal genome for the impact of genetic variation on drug response. Base on the carefully selected data from international and authoritative includinig PharmGKB, dbSNP and DrugBank,we can take high-throughput sequencing raw data or microarray SNP genotyping data as inputs, and reports to the users how the variants in their personal genomes impact the response to 193 drugs, including efficacy, dosage and toxicity. </div>', true, false, true, false, '');
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<br><br><br><br><div align="center">Prepared for: ' . $file_code . '</div>
<div align="center">' . date('M j, Y') . '</div>
<br><br><br><br><div align="center"></div> 
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