public static function num($min = 0, $max = 2147483647) { if (self::$RSeed == 0) { self::seed(mt_rand()); } self::$RSeed = self::$RSeed * 125 % 2796203; return self::$RSeed % ($max - $min + 1) + $min; }
} $body_string = '<strong>Total Elections in the Next ' . $max_cycles_ahead . ' Transaction Cycles :</strong> <font color="blue"><strong>' . $total_elections . '</strong></font><br>' . $body_string . '<br><br>'; home_screen('Crypto Currency Generation', $text_bar, $body_string, $quick_info); exit; } if ($_GET["generations"] == "show") { $body_string = NULL; $total_generations = 0; $max_cycles_ahead = 288; for ($i = 1; $i < $max_cycles_ahead; $i++) { $current_generation_cycle = transaction_cycle($i); $str = strval($current_generation_cycle); $last3_gen = $str[strlen($str) - 3]; $current_generation_block = transaction_cycle($i, TRUE); TKRandom::seed($current_generation_block); $tk_random_number = TKRandom::num(0, 9); if ($last3_gen + $tk_random_number < 6) { $body_string .= '<br><font color="blue">Generation Event</font> at ' . transaction_cycle($i) . ' - ' . unix_timestamp_to_human(transaction_cycle($i)); $total_generations++; } } $body_string = '<strong>Total Generations in the Next ' . $max_cycles_ahead . ' Transaction Cycles :</strong> <font color="blue"><strong>' . $total_generations . '</strong></font><br>' . $body_string . '<br><br>'; home_screen('Crypto Currency Generation', $text_bar, $body_string, $quick_info); exit; } home_screen('Crypto Currency Generation', $text_bar, $body_string, $quick_info); exit; } //**************************************************************************** if ($_GET["menu"] == "send") { $my_public_key = my_public_key();