Пример #1
  * Append action buttons to the end of this form
  * @param bool|null $valid Whether the form was validated
 private function _addButtons($valid)
     $buttons = $valid === false ? $this->buttons : TIP_FORM_BUTTON_CLOSE;
     $group = array();
     if ($buttons & TIP_FORM_BUTTON_SUBMIT) {
         $group[] =& $this->_createElement('submit');
     if ($buttons & TIP_FORM_BUTTON_RESET) {
         $group[] =& $this->_createElement('reset');
     if ($buttons & TIP_FORM_BUTTON_OK) {
         $uri = TIP::modifyActionUri(null, null, null, array('process' => 1));
         $group[] =& $this->_createElement('link', 'ok', array('href' => $uri));
     if ($buttons & TIP_FORM_BUTTON_DELETE && $this->action_id == TIP_FORM_ACTION_DELETE) {
         $uri = TIP::modifyActionUri(null, null, null, array('process' => 1));
         $group[] =& $this->_createElement('link', 'delete', array('href' => $uri));
     if ($buttons & TIP_FORM_BUTTON_CANCEL) {
         $group[] =& $this->_createElement('link', 'cancel', array('href' => $this->referer));
     if ($buttons & TIP_FORM_BUTTON_CLOSE) {
         $group[] =& $this->_createElement('link', 'close', array('href' => $this->follower));
     if ($buttons & TIP_FORM_BUTTON_DELETE && $this->action_id != TIP_FORM_ACTION_DELETE) {
         $data =& $this->master->getProperty('data');
         $primary_key = $data->getProperty('primary_key');
         $uri = TIP::buildActionUri($this->id, 'delete', $this->_form->getElementValue($primary_key));
         $group[] =& $this->_createElement('link', 'delete', array('href' => $uri));
     // Append the group of buttons to the form
     $this->_form->addElement('group', 'buttons', null, $group, ' ', false);
Пример #2
  * Remove all comments linked to a master row
  * @param  array      &$row     The subject row
  * @param  array|null  $old_row The old row or null on no old row
  * @return bool                 true on success or false on error
 public function _onMasterDelete(&$row, $old_row)
     $data =& $this->getProperty('data');
     $master_data =& $this->master->getProperty('data');
     $primary_key = $master_data->getProperty('primary_key');
     if (!isset($row[$primary_key])) {
         return false;
     $filter = $data->filter($this->parent_field, $row[$primary_key]);
     return $data->deleteRows($filter);
Пример #3
 private function _render()
     if (!empty($this->_tree)) {
         return true;
     $filter = $this->master->getProperty('data')->order($this->date_field);
     if (is_null($view =& $this->master->startDataView($filter))) {
         return false;
     $rows =& $view->getProperty('rows');
     if (empty($rows)) {
         $this->_tree = array();
         return true;
     $tree =& $this->_tree;
     foreach ($rows as $id => &$row) {
         $action = str_replace('-id-', $id, $this->action);
         $row['url'] = TIP::buildActionUriFromTag($action, (string) $this->master);
         $row['title'] = $this->_renderField($this->title_field, $row);
         // Suppose the date is in SQL format
         $date = $row[$this->date_field];
         list($y, $m, $day) = sscanf($date, "%d-%d-%d");
         // Compute the year
         $year = sprintf('%04d', $y);
         if (!array_key_exists($year, $tree)) {
             $tree[$year] = array('title' => $year, 'url' => TIP::modifyActionUri(null, null, null, array($this->id => $year)), 'sub' => array(), 'ITEMS' => 0);
             isset($this->count_field) && ($tree[$year]['COUNT'] = 0);
         isset($this->count_field) && ($tree[$year]['COUNT'] += $row[$this->count_field]);
         // Compute the month
         $months =& $tree[$year]['sub'];
         $month = strftime('%B', mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $day, $year));
         $month_id = $year . sprintf('%02d', $m);
         if (!array_key_exists($month_id, $months)) {
             $months[$month_id] = array('title' => $month, 'url' => TIP::modifyActionUri(null, null, null, array($this->id => $month_id)), 'sub' => array(), 'ITEMS' => 0);
             isset($this->count_field) && ($months[$month_id]['COUNT'] = 0);
         isset($this->count_field) && ($months[$month_id]['COUNT'] += $row[$this->count_field]);
         $months[$month_id]['sub'][$id] =& $row;
         isset($this->count_field) && ($row['COUNT'] = $row[$this->count_field]);
     return true;
Пример #4
  * Update the history on a master row deletion
  * Updates the linked list by skipping the deleted history row
  * before deleting the row itsself.
 public function _onMasterDelete(&$row, $old_row)
     $master_data =& $this->master->getProperty('data');
     $id = $row[$master_data->getProperty('primary_key')];
     $engine =& $this->data->getProperty('engine');
     $query = $this->data->rowFilter($id);
     // Start the transaction here to avoid race conditions
     if (!$engine->startTransaction()) {
         // This error must be caught here to avoid the rollback
         return false;
     // Get the current version row
     if (!($view =& $this->startDataView($query))) {
         return false;
     $current_row = $view->current();
     if (empty($current_row)) {
         // No history found: return operation done (just in case...)
         return $engine->endTransaction(true);
     // Get the previous version row
     $query = $this->data->filter($this->next_field, $id);
     if (!($view =& $this->startDataView($query))) {
         TIP::warning("no row to delete ({$id})");
         return false;
     $previous_row = $view->current();
     // Perform the operations
     $done = $this->data->deleteRow($id);
     if ($done && is_array($previous_row)) {
         // Update the next_field of previous_row
         $new_previous_row = $previous_row;
         $new_previous_row[$this->next_field] = $current_row[$this->next_field];
         $done = $this->data->updateRow($new_previous_row, $previous_row);
     // Close the transaction
     $done = $engine->endTransaction($done) && $done;
     return $done;
Пример #5
 public function _onMasterEdit(&$row, &$old_row)
     if (is_array($old_row)) {
         // Check for the public flag
         $public = $this->master->getProperty('public_field');
         $old_public = !isset($public, $old_row[$public]) || $old_row[$public] == 'yes';
         $new_public = isset($row, $row[$public]) ? $row[$public] == 'yes' : $old_public;
         // Check for the parent
         $parent = $this->master_field;
         $old_parent = @$old_row[$parent];
         $new_parent = isset($row[$parent]) ? $row[$parent] : $old_parent;
         // If something rilevant has changed, update the counters
         if ($old_public != $new_public || $old_parent != $new_parent) {
             $old_public && $this->_updateCount($old_parent, -1);
             $new_public && $this->_updateCount($new_parent, +1);
     return true;