public function carga_solicitud($id_contrato) { $consulta = "SELECT c.id_contrato AS contrato, s.importe AS importe ,s.importeCheque AS ImporteDeCheque,t.nombre AS nombre ,c.entrega_cheque AS FechaDeCheque, s.descuento AS descuento\n\t\t\t\t\t,(SELECT sindicato FROM catsindicatos WHERE cve_sindicato = t.sindicato) AS Sindicato,plazo as plazo,saldo_anterior as saldo_anterior,entrega_real as entrega_real\n\t\t\t\t\t,(SELECT COUNT(*) AS movimientos FROM movimientos WHERE id_tipo_movto = 2 and id_contrato = c.id_contrato) AS AbonosRealizados\n\t\t\t\t\t,(SELECT COUNT(*) AS movimientos FROM movimientos WHERE id_contrato = c.id_contrato) AS MovimientosRealizados\n\t\t\t\t\t,(SELECT (SUM(cargo) - SUM(abono) ) AS saldo FROM movimientos WHERE id_contrato = c.id_contrato) AS SaldoActual\n\t\t\t\t\t,s.descuento as descuento\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM contrato AS c\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN solicitud AS s\tON c.id_solicitud = s.id_solicitud\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN sujetos AS t ON t.numero = s.titular\t\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE c.id_contrato = :id_contrato "; $comando = $this->dbConexion->createCommand($consulta); $comando->bindValue(":id_contrato", $id_contrato); $result = $comando->query()->readAll(); if (count($result) > 0) { // ----------------------------,(SELECT (SUM(cargo) - SUM(abono) ) AS saldo FROM movimientos WHERE id_contrato = c.id_contrato) AS SaldoActual----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $plazo = $result[0]["plazo"]; $seguro = 0.0; $saldoAnterior = $result[0]["saldo_anterior"]; $this->txtContrato2->Text = $result[0]["contrato"]; $this->txtNombre3->Text = $result[0]["nombre"]; $this->txtSindicato4->Text = $result[0]["Sindicato"]; $this->txtPrestamo2->Text = $result[0]["importe"]; $intereses = THttpUtility::htmlEncode(round($this->txtPrestamo2->Text * $plazo * (1.0 / 100))); $this->txtImporteDeCheque3->Text = $result[0]["ImporteDeCheque"]; $this->txtDescuentoQuincenal4->Text = $result[0]["descuento"]; $this->txtInteres2->Text = $intereses; $cheque = $this->txtPrestamo2->Text - ($intereses + $saldoAnterior + $seguro); $this->txtImporteDeCheque3->Text = $cheque; $this->txtFechaDeCheque3->Text = $result[0]["entrega_real"]; $this->txtAbonosRealizados4->Text = $result[0]["AbonosRealizados"]; $this->txtSaldo4->Text = $result[0]["SaldoActual"]; } $consulta = "SELECT SUM(cargo) AS cargo, SUM(abono) AS abono FROM movimientos WHERE id_contrato = :id_contrato"; $comando = $this->dbConexion->createCommand($consulta); $comando->bindValue(":id_contrato", $id_contrato); $result = $comando->query()->readAll(); if (count($result) > 0) { $this->txtTotalDeMovimiento2->Text = $result[0]["cargo"]; $this->txtTotalDeMovimiento3->Text = $result[0]["abono"]; } }
public function callback2_Requested($sender, $param) { $parameters = $param->CallbackParameter; $this->labelParam1->Text = THttpUtility::htmlEncode($parameters->Param1); $this->labelParam2->Text = THttpUtility::htmlEncode($parameters->Param2); $this->labelParam3->Text = THttpUtility::htmlEncode($parameters->Param3); }
public function onLoad($param) { parent::onLoad($param); $this->dbConexion = Conexion::getConexion($this->Application, "dbpr"); Conexion::createConfiguracion(); $idcontrato = $_REQUEST['id']; $consulta = "SELECT c.id_contrato AS contrato, s.importe AS importe ,s.importeCheque AS ImporteDeCheque,t.nombre AS nombre ,c.entrega_cheque AS FechaDeCheque, s.descuento AS descuento\n\t\t\t\t\t,(SELECT sindicato FROM catsindicatos WHERE cve_sindicato = t.sindicato) AS Sindicato,plazo as plazo,saldo_anterior as saldo_anterior,entrega_real as entrega_real\n\t\t\t\t\t,(SELECT COUNT(*) AS movimientos FROM movimientos WHERE id_tipo_movto = 2 and id_contrato = c.id_contrato) AS AbonosRealizados\n\t\t\t\t\t,(SELECT COUNT(*) AS movimientos FROM movimientos WHERE id_contrato = c.id_contrato) AS MovimientosRealizados\n\t\t\t\t\t,(SELECT (SUM(cargo) - SUM(abono) ) AS saldo FROM movimientos WHERE id_contrato = c.id_contrato) AS SaldoActual\n\t\t\t\t\t,s.descuento as descuento\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM contrato AS c\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN solicitud AS s\tON c.id_solicitud = s.id_solicitud\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN sujetos AS t ON t.numero = s.titular\t\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE c.id_contrato = :idcontrato"; $comando = $this->dbConexion->createCommand($consulta); $comando->bindValue(":idcontrato", $idcontrato); $result = $comando->query()->readAll(); if (count($result) > 0) { $plazo = $result[0]["plazo"]; $seguro = 0.0; $saldoAnterior = $result[0]["saldo_anterior"]; $this->lblContrato2->Text = $result[0]["contrato"]; $this->lblNombre3->Text = $result[0]["nombre"]; $this->lblSindicato4->Text = $result[0]["Sindicato"]; $this->lblPrestamo2->Text = $result[0]["importe"]; $intereses = THttpUtility::htmlEncode(round($this->lblPrestamo2->Text * $plazo * (1.0 / 100))); $this->lblImporteDeCheque3->Text = $result[0]["ImporteDeCheque"]; $this->lblDescuentoQuincenal4->Text = $result[0]["descuento"]; $this->lblInteres2->Text = $intereses; $cheque = $this->lblPrestamo2->Text - ($intereses + $saldoAnterior + $seguro); $this->lblImporteDeCheque3->Text = $cheque; $this->lblFechaDeCheque3->Text = $result[0]["entrega_real"]; $this->lblAbonosRealizados4->Text = $result[0]["AbonosRealizados"]; $this->mostrarDatosGrid(); } }
/** * Renders the body content of the hyperlink. * @param THtmlWriter the writer for rendering */ public function renderContents($writer) { if (($imageUrl = $this->getImageUrl()) === '') { if (($text = $this->getText()) !== '') { $writer->write(THttpUtility::htmlEncode($text)); } else { if ($this->getHasControls()) { parent::renderContents($writer); } else { $writer->write(THttpUtility::htmlEncode($this->getNavigateUrl())); } } } else { $this->createImage($imageUrl)->renderControl($writer); } }
public function render($writer) { $writer->renderBeginTag("li"); if (null !== ($path = $this->getPath())) { $writer->addAttribute('href', $this->Service->constructUrl($path)); if ($path == $this->Page->getPagePath()) { $writer->addAttribute('class', 'active'); } } elseif (null !== ($url = $this->getUrl())) { $writer->addAttribute('href', $url); } if ($this->getTarget() !== null) { $writer->addAttribute('target', $this->getTarget()); } $writer->renderBeginTag("a"); $writer->write(THttpUtility::htmlEncode($this->getText())); $writer->renderEndTag(); $writer->renderEndTag(); }
protected function renderLinkButtonItem($writer, $item, $index) { if (!$this->_isEnabled || !$item->getEnabled()) { $writer->addAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } else { $this->_currentRenderItemIndex = $index; $writer->addAttribute('id', $this->getClientID() . $index); $writer->addAttribute('href', "javascript:;//" . $this->getClientID() . $index); $cs = $this->getPage()->getClientScript(); $cs->registerPostBackControl($this->getClientClassName(), $this->getPostBackOptions()); } if (($accesskey = $this->getAccessKey()) !== '') { $writer->addAttribute('accesskey', $accesskey); } $writer->renderBeginTag('a'); $writer->write(THttpUtility::htmlEncode($item->getText())); $writer->renderEndTag(); }
/** * Renders body content of the list control. * This method renders items contained in the list control as the body content. * @param THtmlWriter writer */ public function renderContents($writer) { $this->renderPrompt($writer); if ($this->_items) { $writer->writeLine(); $previousGroup = null; foreach ($this->_items as $item) { if ($item->getEnabled()) { if ($item->getHasAttributes()) { $group = $item->getAttributes()->remove('Group'); if ($group !== $previousGroup) { if ($previousGroup !== null) { $writer->renderEndTag(); $writer->writeLine(); $previousGroup = null; } if ($group !== null) { $writer->addAttribute('label', $group); $writer->renderBeginTag('optgroup'); $writer->writeLine(); $previousGroup = $group; } } foreach ($item->getAttributes() as $name => $value) { $writer->addAttribute($name, $value); } } else { if ($previousGroup !== null) { $writer->renderEndTag(); $writer->writeLine(); $previousGroup = null; } } if ($item->getSelected()) { $writer->addAttribute('selected', 'selected'); } $writer->addAttribute('value', $item->getValue()); $writer->renderBeginTag('option'); $writer->write(THttpUtility::htmlEncode($item->getText())); $writer->renderEndTag(); $writer->writeLine(); } } if ($previousGroup !== null) { $writer->renderEndTag(); $writer->writeLine(); } } }
public function testHtmlDecode() { $html = THttpUtility::htmlDecode('<tag key="value">'); self::assertEquals('<tag key="value">', $html); }
/** * Renders the literal control. * @param THtmlWriter the writer used for the rendering purpose */ public function render($writer) { if (($text = $this->getText()) !== '') { if ($this->getEncode()) { $writer->write(THttpUtility::htmlEncode($text)); } else { $writer->write($text); } } else { parent::render($writer); } }
public function textChanged($sender, $param) { $this->label2->Text = THttpUtility::htmlEncode($this->txt2->Text); }
/** * Renders the head control. * @param THtmlWriter the writer for rendering purpose. */ public function render($writer) { $page = $this->getPage(); $title = $this->getTitle(); $writer->write("<head>\n<title>" . THttpUtility::htmlEncode($title) . "</title>\n"); if (($baseUrl = $this->getBaseUrl()) !== '') { $writer->write('<base href="' . $baseUrl . "\" />\n"); } if (($icon = $this->getShortcutIcon()) !== '') { $writer->write('<link rel="shortcut icon" href="' . $icon . "\" />\n"); } if (($metaTags = $this->getMetaTags()) !== null) { foreach ($metaTags as $metaTag) { $metaTag->render($writer); $writer->writeLine(); } } $cs = $page->getClientScript(); $cs->renderStyleSheetFiles($writer); $cs->renderStyleSheets($writer); if ($page->getClientSupportsJavaScript()) { $cs->renderHeadScriptFiles($writer); $cs->renderHeadScripts($writer); } parent::render($writer); $writer->write("</head>\n"); }
/** * @param THtmlWriter writer for the rendering purpose */ public function renderHiddenFields($writer) { $str = ''; foreach ($this->_hiddenFields as $name => $value) { $id = strtr($name, ':', '_'); if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $v) { $str .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $name . '[]" id="' . $id . '" value="' . THttpUtility::htmlEncode($value) . "\" />\n"; } } else { $str .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $name . '" id="' . $id . '" value="' . THttpUtility::htmlEncode($value) . "\" />\n"; } } if ($str !== '') { $writer->write("<div style=\"visibility:hidden;\">\n" . $str . "</div>\n"); } }
/** * Removes the named stylesheet attribute from rendering * @param string name of the stylesheet attribute to be removed */ public function removeStyleAttribute($name) { unset($this->_styles[THttpUtility::htmlStrip($name)]); }
/** * Databinds a cell in the column. * This method is invoked when datagrid performs databinding. * It populates the content of the cell with the relevant data from data source. */ public function dataBindColumn($sender, $param) { $item = $sender->getNamingContainer(); $data = $item->getData(); $formatString = $this->getDataFormatString(); if (($field = $this->getDataField()) !== '') { $value = $this->formatDataValue($formatString, $this->getDataFieldValue($data, $field)); } else { $value = $this->formatDataValue($formatString, $data); } if ($sender instanceof TTableCell) { if ($this->getEncode()) { $value = THttpUtility::htmlEncode($value); } $sender->setText($value); } }
public function testAddStyleAttribute() { $writer = new THtmlWriter(self::$output); $writer->addStyleAttribute('font-size', '1em'); $writer->addStyleAttribute('background-image', 'url(image.gif)'); $result = self::readAttribute($writer, '_styles'); self::assertEquals('1em', $result['font-size']); self::assertEquals(THttpUtility::htmlEncode('url(image.gif)'), $result['background-image']); }
protected function renderMessage($log, $info) { $string = ''; $total = sprintf('%0.6f', $info['total']); $delta = sprintf('%0.6f', $info['delta']); $msg = preg_replace('/\\(line[^\\)]+\\)$/', '', $log[0]); //remove line number info $msg = THttpUtility::htmlEncode($msg); if ($this->getCssClass()) { $colorCssClass = $log[1]; $messageCssClass = $info['even'] ? 'even' : 'odd'; $string = <<<EOD \t<tr class="message level{$colorCssClass} {$messageCssClass}"> \t\t<td class="code"> </td> \t\t<td class="category">{$log[2]}</td> \t\t<td class="message">{$msg}</td> \t\t<td class="time">{$delta}</td> \t\t<td class="cumulatedtime">{$total}</td> \t</tr> EOD; } else { $bgcolor = $info['even'] ? "#fff" : "#eee"; $color = $this->getColorLevel($log[1]); $string = <<<EOD \t<tr style="background-color: {$bgcolor}; color:#000"> \t\t<td style="border:1px solid silver;background-color: {$color};"> </td> \t\t<td>{$log[2]}</td> \t\t<td>{$msg}</td> \t\t<td style="text-align:center">{$delta}</td> \t\t<td style="text-align:center">{$total}</td> \t</tr> EOD; } return $string; }
/** * Renders a javascript file * @param string URL to the javascript file * @return string rendering result */ public static function renderScriptFile($file) { return '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . THttpUtility::htmlEncode($file) . "\"></script>\n"; }
public function buttonClicked2($sender, $param) { $this->label2->Text = THttpUtility::htmlEncode($this->txt2->Text); }
/** * Renders the body content of the textbox when it is in MultiLine text mode. * @param THtmlWriter the writer for rendering */ public function renderContents($writer) { if ($this->getTextMode() === 'MultiLine') { $writer->write(THttpUtility::htmlEncode($this->getText())); } }
/** * Adds a stylesheet attribute to be rendered * @param string stylesheet attribute name * @param string stylesheet attribute value */ public function addStyleAttribute($name, $value) { $this->_styles[$name] = isset(self::$_styleEncode[$name]) ? THttpUtility::htmlEncode($value) : $value; }
protected function renderHiddenFieldsInt($writer, $initial) { if ($initial) { $this->_renderedHiddenFields = array(); } $str = ''; foreach ($this->_hiddenFields as $name => $value) { if (in_array($name, $this->_renderedHiddenFields)) { continue; } $id = strtr($name, ':', '_'); if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $v) { $str .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $name . '[]" id="' . $id . '" value="' . THttpUtility::htmlEncode($value) . "\" />\n"; } } else { $str .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $name . '" id="' . $id . '" value="' . THttpUtility::htmlEncode($value) . "\" />\n"; } $this->_renderedHiddenFields[] = $name; } if ($str !== '') { $writer->write("<div style=\"visibility:hidden;\">\n" . $str . "</div>\n"); } }
public function calculo($campos = null) { if ($this->txtTipoTit->Text == "JUBILADO") { $importeT = $this->txtImporte->Text; } else { $importeT = $this->txtImporte1->Text; } $this->lblNotaValCamposVacios->visible = "false"; $intereses = THttpUtility::htmlEncode(round($importeT * $this->txtPlazo1->Text * (1.0 / 100))); $importe = $importeT; $saldoAnterior = $this->lblSaldoAnterior->text; $seguro = $this->lblSeguro->text = 0.0; $descuento = $this->txtPlazo1->Text * 2; $LItemp = $importe / $descuento; $LItemp = $LItemp * 100; $importeDescuento = $LItemp / 100; $importeADescontar = $descuento * $importeDescuento; $DescQuincena = $importe / $descuento; $Redondeo = $importe - $importeADescontar; $this->lblIntereses1->Text = number_format($intereses, 2); $this->lblDescuentos->text = number_format($descuento, 2); $this->lblImpDescuentos->text = number_format($importeDescuento, 2); $this->lblImpPrestamos->text = number_format($importeADescontar, 2); $this->lblDiferencia->text = number_format($Redondeo, 2); $cheque = $importe - ($intereses + $saldoAnterior + $seguro); $this->lblImpCheque->text = number_format($cheque, 2); $this->lblImpChequeResp->text = $cheque; if ($cheque < 0) { $this->lblValImpSanAnterior->Text = "El importe: \$" . number_format($importeT, 2) . '<br/>' . "es menor al saldo anterior: \$" . number_format($saldoAnterior, 2); //.'\n\n'. } else { $this->lblValImpSanAnterior->visible = "false"; } if ($this->lblSolicitadasTit->Text > 0 or $this->lblSolicitadasAval1->Text > 0 or $this->lblAutorizadasAval1->Text > 0 or $this->lblSolicitadasAval2->Text > 0 or $this->lblAutorizadasAval2->Text > 0) { $this->btnGuardar->visible = "false"; } else { $this->btnGuardar->visible = "true"; } if ($this->txtTipoTit->Text == "JUBILADO") { if ($importeT > 0) { $this->lblNotaVal->visible = "false"; $this->btnImprimir->visible = "true"; $this->btnGuardar->visible = "true"; } else { $this->btnImprimir->visible = "false"; $this->lblNotaVal->visible = "true"; $this->lblNotaVal->Text = 'El importe tiene que ser mayor a:' . $importeTt; } } else { $MesesTrabajo = $this->txtAntiguedadNumTit->Text; switch ($MesesTrabajo) { case $MesesTrabajo >= 0.61 and $MesesTrabajo < 15.0: if ($importeT >= 7000.0 and $importeT <= 50000.0) { $this->lblNotaVal->visible = "false"; } else { $this->btnImprimir->visible = "false"; $this->lblNotaVal->visible = "true"; $this->lblNotaVal->Text = 'No cumple con la Antigüedad para el préstamo de 50000: $' . $importeT; } break; case $MesesTrabajo >= 15.0: if ($importeT >= 7000.0 and $importeT <= 100000.0) { $this->lblNotaVal->visible = "false"; $this->btnImprimir->visible = "true"; } else { $this->btnImprimir->visible = "false"; $this->btnGuardar->visible = "false"; $this->lblNotaVal->visible = "true"; $this->lblNotaVal->Text = 'No cumple con la Antigüedad para el préstamo de 100000: $' . $importeT; } break; } } }