Пример #1
 public function Footer()
     $txt = '';
     if ($this->footer_param['form']) {
         $txt = HTML2PDF::textGET('pdf05');
     if ($this->footer_param['date'] && $this->footer_param['heure']) {
         $txt .= ($txt ? ' - ' : '') . HTML2PDF::textGET('pdf03');
     if ($this->footer_param['date'] && !$this->footer_param['heure']) {
         $txt .= ($txt ? ' - ' : '') . HTML2PDF::textGET('pdf01');
     if (!$this->footer_param['date'] && $this->footer_param['heure']) {
         $txt .= ($txt ? ' - ' : '') . HTML2PDF::textGET('pdf02');
     if ($this->footer_param['page']) {
         $txt .= ($txt ? ' - ' : '') . HTML2PDF::textGET('pdf04');
     if (strlen($txt) > 0) {
         $txt = str_replace('[[date_d]]', date('d'), $txt);
         $txt = str_replace('[[date_m]]', date('m'), $txt);
         $txt = str_replace('[[date_y]]', date('Y'), $txt);
         $txt = str_replace('[[date_h]]', date('H'), $txt);
         $txt = str_replace('[[date_i]]', date('i'), $txt);
         $txt = str_replace('[[date_s]]', date('s'), $txt);
         $txt = str_replace('[[current]]', $this->PageNo(), $txt);
         $txt = str_replace('[[nb]]', '{nb}', $txt);
         $this->SetFont('helvetica', 'I', 8);
         $this->Cell(0, 10, $txt, 0, 0, 'R');
Пример #2
 public function testPdfOutput()
     // create new PDF document
     $pdf = new TCPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, 'UTF-8', false);
     // set document information
     $pdf->SetAuthor('Nicola Asuni');
     $pdf->SetTitle('TCPDF Example 027');
     $pdf->SetSubject('TCPDF Tutorial');
     $pdf->SetKeywords('TCPDF, PDF, example, test, guide');
     // set default header data
     // set header and footer fonts
     $pdf->setHeaderFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN));
     $pdf->setFooterFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_DATA, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA));
     // set default monospaced font
     // set margins
     // set auto page breaks
     $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);
     // set image scale factor
     // set some language-dependent strings (optional)
     // ---------------------------------------------------------
     // set a barcode on the page footer
     $pdf->setBarcode('2015-06-18 09:12:27');
     // set font
     $pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 11);
     // add a page
     // print a message
     $txt = "You can also export 1D barcodes in other formats (PNG, SVG, HTML). Check the examples inside the barcodes directory.\n";
     $pdf->MultiCell(70, 50, $txt, 0, 'J', false, 1, 125, 30, true, 0, false, true, 0, 'T', false);
     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     $pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 10);
     // define barcode style
     $style = array('position' => '', 'align' => 'C', 'stretch' => false, 'fitwidth' => true, 'cellfitalign' => '', 'border' => true, 'hpadding' => 'auto', 'vpadding' => 'auto', 'fgcolor' => array(0, 0, 0), 'bgcolor' => false, 'text' => true, 'font' => 'helvetica', 'fontsize' => 8, 'stretchtext' => 4);
     // CODE 39 - ANSI MH10.8M-1983 - USD-3 - 3 of 9.
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'CODE 39 - ANSI MH10.8M-1983 - USD-3 - 3 of 9', 0, 1);
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('CODE 39', 'C39', '', '', '', 18, 0.4, $style, 'N');
     // CODE 39 + CHECKSUM
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'CODE 39 + CHECKSUM', 0, 1);
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('CODE 39 +', 'C39+', '', '', '', 18, 0.4, $style, 'N');
     // CODE 39 EXTENDED
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'CODE 39 EXTENDED', 0, 1);
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('CODE 39 E', 'C39E', '', '', '', 18, 0.4, $style, 'N');
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'CODE 39 EXTENDED + CHECKSUM', 0, 1);
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('CODE 39 E+', 'C39E+', '', '', '', 18, 0.4, $style, 'N');
     // CODE 93 - USS-93
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'CODE 93 - USS-93', 0, 1);
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('TEST93', 'C93', '', '', '', 18, 0.4, $style, 'N');
     // Standard 2 of 5
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'Standard 2 of 5', 0, 1);
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('1234567', 'S25', '', '', '', 18, 0.4, $style, 'N');
     // Standard 2 of 5 + CHECKSUM
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'Standard 2 of 5 + CHECKSUM', 0, 1);
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('1234567', 'S25+', '', '', '', 18, 0.4, $style, 'N');
     // Interleaved 2 of 5
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'Interleaved 2 of 5', 0, 1);
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('1234567', 'I25', '', '', '', 18, 0.4, $style, 'N');
     // Interleaved 2 of 5 + CHECKSUM
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'Interleaved 2 of 5 + CHECKSUM', 0, 1);
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('1234567', 'I25+', '', '', '', 18, 0.4, $style, 'N');
     // add a page ----------
     // CODE 128 AUTO
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'CODE 128 AUTO', 0, 1);
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('CODE 128 AUTO', 'C128', '', '', '', 18, 0.4, $style, 'N');
     // CODE 128 A
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'CODE 128 A', 0, 1);
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('CODE 128 A', 'C128A', '', '', '', 18, 0.4, $style, 'N');
     // CODE 128 B
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'CODE 128 B', 0, 1);
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('CODE 128 B', 'C128B', '', '', '', 18, 0.4, $style, 'N');
     // CODE 128 C
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'CODE 128 C', 0, 1);
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('0123456789', 'C128C', '', '', '', 18, 0.4, $style, 'N');
     // EAN 8
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'EAN 8', 0, 1);
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('1234567', 'EAN8', '', '', '', 18, 0.4, $style, 'N');
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     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'EAN 13', 0, 1);
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('1234567890128', 'EAN13', '', '', '', 18, 0.4, $style, 'N');
     // UPC-A
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'UPC-A', 0, 1);
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('12345678901', 'UPCA', '', '', '', 18, 0.4, $style, 'N');
     // UPC-E
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'UPC-E', 0, 1);
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('04210000526', 'UPCE', '', '', '', 18, 0.4, $style, 'N');
     // add a page ----------
     // 5-Digits UPC-Based Extension
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, '5-Digits UPC-Based Extension', 0, 1);
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('51234', 'EAN5', '', '', '', 18, 0.4, $style, 'N');
     // 2-Digits UPC-Based Extension
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, '2-Digits UPC-Based Extension', 0, 1);
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('34', 'EAN2', '', '', '', 18, 0.4, $style, 'N');
     // MSI
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'MSI', 0, 1);
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('80523', 'MSI', '', '', '', 18, 0.4, $style, 'N');
     // MSI + CHECKSUM (module 11)
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'MSI + CHECKSUM (module 11)', 0, 1);
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('80523', 'MSI+', '', '', '', 18, 0.4, $style, 'N');
     // CODABAR
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'CODABAR', 0, 1);
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('123456789', 'CODABAR', '', '', '', 18, 0.4, $style, 'N');
     // CODE 11
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'CODE 11', 0, 1);
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('123-456-789', 'CODE11', '', '', '', 18, 0.4, $style, 'N');
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'PHARMACODE', 0, 1);
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('789', 'PHARMA', '', '', '', 18, 0.4, $style, 'N');
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'PHARMACODE TWO-TRACKS', 0, 1);
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('105', 'PHARMA2T', '', '', '', 18, 2, $style, 'N');
     // add a page ----------
     // IMB - Intelligent Mail Barcode - Onecode - USPS-B-3200
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'IMB - Intelligent Mail Barcode - Onecode - USPS-B-3200', 0, 1);
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('01234567094987654321-01234567891', 'IMB', '', '', '', 15, 0.6, $style, 'N');
     // POSTNET
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'POSTNET', 0, 1);
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('98000', 'POSTNET', '', '', '', 15, 0.6, $style, 'N');
     // PLANET
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'PLANET', 0, 1);
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('98000', 'PLANET', '', '', '', 15, 0.6, $style, 'N');
     // RMS4CC (Royal Mail 4-state Customer Code) - CBC (Customer Bar Code)
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'RMS4CC (Royal Mail 4-state Customer Code) - CBC (Customer Bar Code)', 0, 1);
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('SN34RD1A', 'RMS4CC', '', '', '', 15, 0.6, $style, 'N');
     // KIX (Klant index - Customer index)
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'KIX (Klant index - Customer index)', 0, 1);
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('SN34RDX1A', 'KIX', '', '', '', 15, 0.6, $style, 'N');
     // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
     // add a page
     // set a background color
     $style['bgcolor'] = array(255, 255, 240);
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     // Left position
     $style['position'] = 'L';
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('LEFT', 'C128A', '', '', '', 15, 0.4, $style, 'N');
     // Center position
     $style['position'] = 'C';
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('CENTER', 'C128A', '', '', '', 15, 0.4, $style, 'N');
     // Right position
     $style['position'] = 'R';
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('RIGHT', 'C128A', '', '', '', 15, 0.4, $style, 'N');
     // . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
     $style['fgcolor'] = array(0, 127, 0);
     $style['position'] = '';
     $style['stretch'] = false;
     // disable stretch
     $style['fitwidth'] = false;
     // disable fitwidth
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     $style['align'] = 'L';
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('LEFT', 'C128A', '', '', '', 15, 0.4, $style, 'N');
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     $style['align'] = 'C';
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('CENTER', 'C128A', '', '', '', 15, 0.4, $style, 'N');
     // Right alignment
     $style['align'] = 'R';
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('RIGHT', 'C128A', '', '', '', 15, 0.4, $style, 'N');
     // . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
     $style['fgcolor'] = array(0, 64, 127);
     $style['position'] = '';
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     // disable stretch
     $style['fitwidth'] = true;
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     $style['cellfitalign'] = 'L';
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('LEFT', 'C128A', 105, '', 90, 15, 0.4, $style, 'N');
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     $style['cellfitalign'] = 'C';
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     $style['cellfitalign'] = 'R';
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('RIGHT', 'C128A', 105, '', 90, 15, 0.4, $style, 'N');
     // . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
     $style['fgcolor'] = array(127, 0, 127);
     // Left alignment
     $style['position'] = 'L';
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('LEFT', 'C128A', '', '', '', 15, 0.4, $style, 'N');
     // Center alignment
     $style['position'] = 'C';
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('CENTER', 'C128A', '', '', '', 15, 0.4, $style, 'N');
     // Right alignment
     $style['position'] = 'R';
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('RIGHT', 'C128A', '', '', '', 15, 0.4, $style, 'N');
     // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
     // define barcode style
     $style = array('position' => '', 'align' => '', 'stretch' => true, 'fitwidth' => false, 'cellfitalign' => '', 'border' => true, 'hpadding' => 'auto', 'vpadding' => 'auto', 'fgcolor' => array(0, 0, 128), 'bgcolor' => array(255, 255, 128), 'text' => true, 'label' => 'CUSTOM LABEL', 'font' => 'helvetica', 'fontsize' => 8, 'stretchtext' => 4);
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'CODE 39 EXTENDED + CHECKSUM', 0, 1);
     $pdf->SetLineStyle(array('width' => 1, 'cap' => 'butt', 'join' => 'miter', 'dash' => 0, 'color' => array(255, 0, 0)));
     $pdf->write1DBarcode('CODE 39 E+', 'C39E+', '', '', 120, 25, 0.4, $style, 'N');
Пример #3
// set default monospaced font
//set margins
//set auto page breaks
$pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);
//set image scale factor
//set some language-dependent strings
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// set font
$pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 10);
// add a page
// NOTE: Uncomment the following line to rasterize SVG image using the ImageMagick library.
$pdf->ImageSVG($file = '../images/testsvg.svg', $x = 15, $y = 30, $w = '', $h = '', $link = 'http://www.tcpdf.org', $align = '', $palign = '', $border = 1, $fitonpage = false);
$pdf->ImageSVG($file = '../images/tux.svg', $x = 30, $y = 100, $w = '', $h = 100, $link = '', $align = '', $palign = '', $border = 0, $fitonpage = false);
$pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 8);
$txt = '© The copyright holder of the above Tux image is Larry Ewing, allows anyone to use it for any purpose, provided that the copyright holder is properly attributed. Redistribution, derivative work, commercial use, and all other use is permitted.';
$pdf->Write(0, $txt, '', 0, 'L', true, 0, false, false, 0);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
//Close and output PDF document
$pdf->Output('example_058.pdf', 'I');
Пример #4
 public function testPdfOutput()
     // create new PDF document
     $pdf = new TCPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, 'UTF-8', false);
     // set document information
     $pdf->SetAuthor('Nicola Asuni');
     $pdf->SetTitle('TCPDF Example 058');
     $pdf->SetSubject('TCPDF Tutorial');
     $pdf->SetKeywords('TCPDF, PDF, example, test, guide');
     // set default header data
     // set header and footer fonts
     $pdf->setHeaderFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN));
     $pdf->setFooterFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_DATA, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA));
     // set default monospaced font
     // set margins
     // set auto page breaks
     $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);
     // set image scale factor
     // set some language-dependent strings (optional)
     // ---------------------------------------------------------
     // set font
     $pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 10);
     // add a page
     // NOTE: Uncomment the following line to rasterize SVG image using the ImageMagick library.
     $pdf->ImageSVG($file = 'tests/images/testsvg.svg', $x = 15, $y = 30, $w = '', $h = '', $link = 'http://www.tcpdf.org', $align = '', $palign = '', $border = 1, $fitonpage = false);
     $pdf->ImageSVG($file = 'tests/images/tux.svg', $x = 30, $y = 100, $w = '', $h = 100, $link = '', $align = '', $palign = '', $border = 0, $fitonpage = false);
     $pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 8);
     $txt = '© The copyright holder of the above Tux image is Larry Ewing, allows anyone to use it for any purpose, provided that the copyright holder is properly attributed. Redistribution, derivative work, commercial use, and all other use is permitted.';
     $pdf->Write(0, $txt, '', 0, 'L', true, 0, false, false, 0);
     // ---------------------------------------------------------
Пример #5
// set some language-dependent strings (optional)
if (@file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/lang/eng.php')) {
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lang/eng.php';
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// set font
$pdf->SetFont('freeserif', 'B', 14);
// add a page
$cfg = erConfigClassLhConfig::getInstance();
// set some text to print
$txt = $cfg->getSetting('site', 'seller_attributes');
// print a block of text using Write()
$pdf->Write(0, $txt, '', 0, 'L', true, 0, false, false, 0);
// set some text to print
//$txt = "Buyer\nremdex@gmail.com";
$txt = erTranslationClassLhTranslation::getInstance()->getTranslation('instance/edit', 'Date Issued') . ": " . date('Y-m-d', $invoice->odate) . "\n";
$txt .= erTranslationClassLhTranslation::getInstance()->getTranslation('instance/edit', 'Invoice number') . ": " . date('Ymd', $invoice->odate) . $invoice->id;
// print a block of text using Write()
$pdf->Write(0, $txt, '', 0, 'R', true, 0, false, false, 0);
// set font
$pdf->SetFont('freeserif', '', 10);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
$pdf->writeHTML("\r\n\t\t\r\n<table  border=\"1\">\r\n<tr>\r\n\t\t<th><b>" . erTranslationClassLhTranslation::getInstance()->getTranslation('instance/edit', 'Desciption') . "</b></th>\r\n\t\t<th><b>" . erTranslationClassLhTranslation::getInstance()->getTranslation('instance/edit', 'Price') . "</b></th>\r\n</tr>\t\t\r\n<tr>\r\n\t<td>{$invoice->option_selection1}</td>\t\t\r\n\t<td>{$invoice->price_front}</td>\t\t\r\n</tr>\r\n</table>\r\n");
$pdf->Write(0, erTranslationClassLhTranslation::getInstance()->getTranslation('instance/edit', 'Total') . ": " . $invoice->price_front, '', 0, 'R', true, 0, false, false, 0);
$pdf->SetFont('freeserif', '', 14);
$pdf->writeHTML(erTranslationClassLhTranslation::getInstance()->getTranslation('instance/edit', 'Bill to') . ":<br/>" . $invoice->customer_name);
Пример #6
     * we redifine the original SetY method, because we don't want the automatic treatment.
     * It is HTML2PDF that make the treatment.
     * If language is RTL direction this method will call to parent (TCPDF class).
     * @param float   $y
     * @param boolean $resetx Reset the X position
     * @param boolean $rtloff 
     * @access public
    public function SetY($y, $resetx=true, $rtloff=false)
        if (!$rtloff AND $this->rtl) {
            parent::SetY($y, $resetx, $rtloff);
        } else {
            if ($resetx)

Пример #7
 $i = -1;
 while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false) {
     $i = ($i + 1) % $cellsPerPage;
     if ($i == 0) {
         //page change
         $x = $leftMargin;
         $y = $topMargin;
     if ($i % 2 == 0) {
         $x = $leftMargin;
     } else {
         $x = $leftMargin + $cellWidth;
     $pdf->Image('config/template.png', $x, $y, $cellWidth, $cellHeight);
     $pdf->MultiCell($cellWidth, $cellHeight, "", 1, 'C');
     $pdf->SetY($y + 27.5);
     $pdf->SetFont('freemono', '', 18);
     $pdf->MultiCell($cellWidth, 20, $line, 0, 'C');
     $pdf->SetFont('freemono', '', 9);
     $pdf->SetY($y + 42.5);
     $pdf->MultiCell($cellWidth, 20, $footer, 0, 'C', 0, 0, '', '', true, 0, true);
     if ($i % 2 == 1) {
Пример #8
 public function tax_continuous_type4($id = null, $year = null)
     if (Session::get('level') != '') {
         $y = Input::get('y3');
         if ($y != '') {
             $year = $y;
             $id = 'all';
         $pdf = new TCPDF();
         $n = DB::select('select * from s_general_data');
         foreach ($n as $k) {
             $name = $k->name;
             $address = $k->address;
             $address2 = $k->address2;
             $tax_id2 = $k->tax_id2;
             $director = $k->director;
         $sql = ' select concat(n.pname,"",n.fname," ",n.lname) as name, s.cid, s.tax_id,sum(s.salary+s.r_other) as salary, sum(s.r_c) as r_c, sum(s.special_m+s.pts+s.pts2) as special, sum(s.tax) as tax ,sum(s.kbk) as kbk from s_salary_ocsc_detail s left join n_datageneral n on n.cid=s.cid left join n_position_salary p on p.cid=n.cid where  s.cid=5350400051484  and  year(s.order_date)=' . $year . ' group by s.cid order by n.datainfoID asc ';
         $result = DB::select($sql);
         foreach ($result as $key) {
             $pdf->AddPage('P', 'A4');
             $pdf->SetFont('freeserif', 'B', 11, '', true);
             $pdf->MultiCell(185, 5, 'เลขที่ งป. ........................./ ' . ($year == 'null' ? $this->yearThai() : $year + 543), 0, 'R', 0, 1, '', '', true);
             $pdf->SetFont('freeserif', 'B', 16, '', true);
             $pdf->MultiCell(177, 5, 'หนังสือรับรองการหักภาษี ณ ที่จ่าย', 0, 'C', 0, 1, '', '', true);
             $pdf->MultiCell(177, 5, 'ตามมาตรา 50 ทวิ แห่งประมวลรัษฎากร', 0, 'C', 0, 1, '', '', true);
             //===== แนวตั้ง =====//
             $linever1 = array('width' => 0.1, 'cap' => 'butt', 'join' => 'miter', 'dash' => '', 'phase' => 0, 'color' => array(0, 0, 0));
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             $pdf->Line(18, 190, 195, 190, $linetop5);
             //======= text in box 1 ========//
             $pdf->SetFont('freeserif', '', 13, '', true);
             $pdf->MultiCell(62, 5, 'ชื่อและที่อยู่ของผู้มีหน้าที่หักภาษี ณ ที่จ่าย บุคคลคณะบุคคล นิติบุคคล ส่วนราชการ องค์การ รัฐวิสาหกิจ ฯลฯ ', 0, 'L', 0, 1, '', '', true);
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             $pdf->SetFont('freeserif', 'B', 13, '', true);
             $pdf->MultiCell(40, 5, $tax_id2, 0, 'L', 0, 1, '', '', true);
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             $pdf->MultiCell(62, 5, 'ชื่อและที่อยู่ของผู้ถูกหักภาษี ณ ที่จ่าย', 0, 'L', 0, 1, '', '', true);
             $pdf->SetFont('freeserif', 'B', 12, '', true);
             $pdf->MultiCell(59, 5, $key->name, 0, 'L', 0, 1, '', '', true);
             $pdf->SetFont('freeserif', '', 13, '', true);
             $pdf->MultiCell(62, 5, $address, 0, 'L', 0, 1, '', '', true);
             $pdf->SetFont('freeserif', 'B', 13, '', true);
             $pdf->MultiCell(62, 5, 'เลขประจำตัวผู้เสียภาษีของผู้ถูกหักภาษี ณ ที่จ่าย', 0, 'L', 0, 1, '', '', true);
             $pdf->SetFont('freeserif', '', 12, '', true);
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             //======= text in box 3 header content ========//
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             $pdf->MultiCell(32, 5, 'เงินได้ที่จ่าย', 0, 'L', 0, 1, '', '', true);
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             $pdf->MultiCell(30, 5, 'เงินเดือน ค่าจ้าง บำนาญ เบี้ยเลี้ยง โบนัส ตามมาตรา 40(1)', 0, 'L', 0, 1, '', '', true);
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             $pdf->MultiCell(31, 5, $year == 'null' ? $this->yearThai() : $year + 543, 0, 'L', 0, 1, '', '', true);
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             $pdf->MultiCell(30, 5, number_format($key->special, 2), 0, 'R', 0, 1, '', '', true);
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             $pdf->MultiCell(30, 5, number_format($key->tax, 2), 0, 'R', 0, 1, '', '', true);
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             $pdf->MultiCell(30, 5, number_format($key->tax, 2), 0, 'R', 0, 1, '', '', true);
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             $pdf->MultiCell(5, 5, '', 1, 'L', 0, 1, '', '', true);
             $pdf->MultiCell(30, 5, '(1) หัก ณ ที่จ่าย', 0, 'L', 0, 1, '', '', true);
             $pdf->MultiCell(5, 5, '', 1, 'L', 0, 1, '', '', true);
             $pdf->MultiCell(35, 5, '(2) ออกให้ตลอดไป', 0, 'L', 0, 1, '', '', true);
             $pdf->MultiCell(5, 5, '', 1, 'L', 0, 1, '', '', true);
             $pdf->MultiCell(35, 5, '(3) ออกให้ครั้งเดียว', 0, 'L', 0, 1, '', '', true);
             $pdf->MultiCell(5, 5, ' /', 1, 'L', 0, 1, '', '', true);
             $pdf->MultiCell(100, 5, '(4) เงินสบทบกองทุนประกันสังคม ' . '  ' . number_format($key->kbk, 2) . ' บาท', 0, 'L', 0, 1, '', '', true);
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             $pdf->MultiCell(177, 5, 'ข้าพเจ้าขอรับรองว่า ข้อความและตัวเลขดังกล่าวข้างต้นนี้ถูกต้องตามความเป็นจริงทุกประการ', 0, 'R', 0, 1, '', '', true);
             $pdf->SetFont('freeserif', '', 12, '', true);
             $pdf->MultiCell(170, 5, 'ลงชื่อ...........................................................ผู้มีหน้าที่หักภาษี ณ ที่จ่าย', 0, 'C', 0, 1, '', '', true);
             $pdf->MultiCell(140, 5, $director, 0, 'C', 0, 1, '', '', true);
             $pdf->MultiCell(140, 5, 'ทันตแพทย์เชี่ยวชาญ ปฎิบัติราชการแทน', 0, 'C', 0, 1, '', '', true);
             $pdf->MultiCell(140, 5, 'ผู้อำนวยการโรงพยาบาลโนนไทย', 0, 'C', 0, 1, '', '', true);
         $filename = storage_path() . '/report_tax_continuous_emp4.pdf';
         // Response::download($filename);
         $contents = $pdf->output($filename, 'I');
         $headers = array('Content-Type' => 'application/pdf');
         return Response::make($contents, 200, $headers);
     } else {
         return View::make('login.index');
Пример #9
 public function testPdfOutput()
     // create new PDF document
     $pdf = new TCPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, 'UTF-8', false);
     // set document information
     $pdf->SetAuthor('Nicola Asuni');
     $pdf->SetTitle('TCPDF Example 028');
     $pdf->SetSubject('TCPDF Tutorial');
     $pdf->SetKeywords('TCPDF, PDF, example, test, guide');
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     // set default monospaced font
     // set margins
     $pdf->SetMargins(10, PDF_MARGIN_TOP, 10);
     // set auto page breaks
     $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);
     // set image scale factor
     // set some language-dependent strings (optional)
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     $pdf->SetDisplayMode('fullpage', 'SinglePage', 'UseNone');
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     $pdf->SetFont('times', 'B', 20);
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     $pdf->setPage(2, true);
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'A4 test', 1, 1, 'C');
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     $pdf->setPage(4, true);
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'A5 test', 1, 1, 'C');
     $pdf->setPage(5, true);
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'A6 test', 1, 1, 'C');
     $pdf->setPage(6, true);
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'A6 test', 1, 1, 'C');
     $pdf->setPage(7, true);
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'A7 test', 1, 1, 'C');
     $pdf->setPage(8, true);
     $pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'A7 test', 1, 1, 'C');
Пример #10
        // set default font subsetting mode
        // Set font
        $pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 14, '', true);
        // Add a page
        // This method has several options, check the source code documentation for more information.
        $pdf->AddPage('L', 'A4');
        $sliders = getSliders();
        $notes = getNotes();
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        $gallery = getSliderGallery($sliders[2]["id_slider"]);
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            $pdf->Image("_temp/" . $filename . getExtension($gallery[0]["type_image"]), 25, 60);
        foreach ($notes as $note) {
            if ($note["note"] === "C&aacute;lculo del Precio de un Rubro") {
                $pdf->MultiCell(0, 5, $note["note_text"]);
        $pdf->Output('indice-general-de-la-construcción.pdf', 'I');
Пример #11
    function nonMelLoanPaperWorkPDF()
        $this->loan->LoanNumber = $this->loaninfo['LoanNumber'];
        $pdf = new TCPDF();
        // set document information
        $pdf->SetAuthor('Niels Klazenga');
        $pdf->SetTitle('non-MEL loan paperwork');
        $pdf->SetSubject('non-MEL loan paperwork');
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        $pdf->SetMargins(20, 30, 20);
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        $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, 10);
        // remove default header/footer
        $pdf->setViewerPreferences(array('FitWindow' => true));
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        $pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 10);
        // set cell padding
        $pdf->setCellPaddings(0, 0, 0, 0);
        // set cell margins
        $pdf->setCellMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
        // start loan cover letter
        $pdf->Image('images/mel-letterhead.jpg', 25, 0, '', '', '', '', 'T', true, 300, '', false, false, 0, false, false, false);
        $x = 20;
        $pdf->MultiCell(120, 5, $this->loaninfo['ShipmentDate'], 0, 'L', 0, 1, $x, 12, true, false, true);
        $pdf->MultiCell(120, 5, $this->loan->ShippedTo, 0, 'L', 0, 1, $x, 19, true, false, true);
        $pdf->MultiCell(140, 5, '<span style="font-size:16pt;font-weight:bold">MEL returning loan ' . $this->loan->LoanNumber . ' (MEL ref. ' . $this->loaninfo['MELRefNo'] . ')</span>', 0, 'L', 0, 1, $x, 60, true, false, true);
        $pdf->MultiCell(140, 1, '<hr/>', 0, 'L', 0, 1, $x - 2.5, $pdf->GetY() + 1, true, false, true);
        $w = 30;
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        $pdf->MultiCell($w, 5, 'Taxa:', 0, 'L', 0, 1, $x, $y, true, false, true);
        $pdf->MultiCell(130 - $w, 5, $this->loaninfo['TaxaOnLoan'], 0, 'L', 0, 1, $x + $w + 5, $y, true, false, true);
        $y = $pdf->GetY() + 1;
        $pdf->MultiCell($w, 5, 'Sent for study by:', 0, 'L', 0, 1, $x, $y, true, false, true);
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        $pdf->MultiCell($w, 5, 'Shipment details:', 0, 'L', 0, 1, $x, $y, true, false, true);
        $pdf->MultiCell(130 - $w, 5, $this->loaninfo['ShipmentMethod'], 0, 'L', 0, 1, $x + $w + 5, $y, true, false, true);
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        $y = $pdf->GetY() + 1;
        $pdf->MultiCell($w, 5, 'Loan summary:', 0, 'L', 0, 1, $x, $y, true, false, true);
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        $pdf->MultiCell(35, 5, (int) $this->loaninfo['QuantityReceived'] . ' received', 0, 'L', 0, 1, $x + $w + 5, $y, true, false, true);
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                $pdf->MultiCell(40, 5, '<b>' . $row['ShipmentDate'] . '</b>', 0, 'L', 0, 1, $x + $w + 35, $y, true, false, true);
                $pdf->MultiCell(35, 5, '<b>' . (int) $row['Number1'] . ' returned</b>', 0, 'L', 0, 1, $x + $w + 5, $y, true, false, true);
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                $pdf->MultiCell(40, 5, $row['ShipmentDate'], 0, 'L', 0, 1, $x + $w + 35, $y, true, false, true);
                $pdf->MultiCell(35, 5, (int) $row['Number1'] . ' returned', 0, 'L', 0, 1, $x + $w + 5, $y, true, false, true);
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        $pdf->MultiCell($w, 5, 'Outstanding:', 0, 'L', 0, 1, $x, $y, true, false, true);
        $outstanding = $this->loaninfo['Outstanding'] > 0 ? (int) $this->loaninfo['Outstanding'] . ' specimens' : 'This loan has now been fully returned';
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        $paragraphs = array();
        $paragraphs[] = <<<EOD
Please acknowledge receipt by returning the yellow copy of this form. Any damage should be noted on the form.
        $paragraphs[] = <<<EOD
For queries relating to loans, exchange or donations please email MEL at HerbMEL@rbg.vic.gov.au.
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            $pdf->Multicell(135, 5, $para, 0, 'L', 0, 1, $x, $pdf->GetY() + 1, true, false, true);
        $pdf->MultiCell(135, 5, $this->loaninfo['ShippedBy'] . '<br/>on behalf of the Collections Manager', 0, 'L', 0, 1, $x, 220, true, false, true);
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        $pdf->MultiCell(140, 5, '<hr/>', 0, 'L', 0, 1, $x - 2.5, $y, true, false, true);
        $y = $pdf->GetY() - 1;
        $pdf->MultiCell(45, 5, 'Number of parcels: ' . $this->loaninfo['NumberOfPackages'], 0, 'L', 0, 1, $x, $y, true, false, true);
        $pdf->MultiCell(75, 5, 'Number of specimens: ' . (int) $this->loaninfo['QuantityReturned'], 0, 'L', 0, 1, 75, $y, true, false, true);
        $pdf->MultiCell(125, 5, 'Material received in good condition.', 0, 'L', 0, 1, $x, $pdf->GetY() + 3, true, false, true);
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        $pdf->MultiCell(135, 5, '<hr/>', 0, 'L', 0, 1, $x, $pdf->GetY() + 1, true, false, true);
        $pdf->MultiCell(135, 5, '<hr/>', 0, 'L', 0, 1, $x, $pdf->GetY() + 1, true, false, true);
        $y = $pdf->GetY() + 1;
        $pdf->MultiCell(35, 5, 'Receiving officer:', 0, 'L', 0, 1, $x, $y, true, false, true);
        $pdf->MultiCell(60, 5, '<hr/>', 0, 'L', 0, 1, $x + 30, $y + 4, true, false, true);
        $pdf->MultiCell(15, 5, 'Date: ', 0, 'L', 0, 1, $x + 90, $y, true, false, true);
        $pdf->MultiCell(25, 5, '<hr/>', 0, 'L', 0, 1, $x + 100, $y + 4, true, false, true);
        $pdf->Output('nonmelloan.pdf', 'I');
Пример #12
 private function validate_position($width)
     $margins = parent::getMargins();
     if ($width == 0) {
         $width = $this->document_width - $this->last_width;
     $x_width = parent::GetX() + $width;
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         parent::SetY($this->last_height + $this->separator);
         $x_width = $margins['left'] + $width;
     if (parent::GetY() < $this->last_height) {
         $x_width = $this->last_width + $width;
     if (parent::GetY() >= parent::getPageHeight() - $margins['bottom']) {
     if ($x_width < $this->document_width) {
         $this->last_width = $x_width + $this->separator;
Пример #13
 public function detailNewPage()
     $this->arraydetail[0]["y_axis"] = $this->arraydetail[0]["y_axis"] - $this->titleheight;
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     $i = 0;
     if ($this->arraysqltable) {
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                     $this->variable_calculation($rownum, $this->arraysqltable[$this->global_pointer][$this->group_pointer]);
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                 $this->group_count["{$this->group_name}"] = 1;
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                     case "relativebottomline":
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Пример #14
    function create_account_pdf($name_ca, $edrpou, $type_account, $email, $tel, $session_user_uuid)
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Фізична особа - підприємець Чабан Олександр Сергійович
            $header_account_property = <<<EOD
р/р 26000054315095 , ЄДРПОУ 2579701431, № свід. 108703,
Платник єдиного податку III група. Не є платником ПДВ.
            $header_account_logotext = <<<EOD
            $header_main_supplier = <<<EOD
ФОП Чабан Олександр Сергійович
ЕДРПОУ: 2579701431
тел: (048) 794-51-37
            $footer_sign = <<<EOD
___________________  Чабан О.С.
            $footer_info = <<<EOD
Увага ! При сплаті рахунку УВАЖНО вказуйте номер та дату рахунку !
Виникли питання, телефонуйте : (044)3322440 (048)7945137 (0552)440530 (0322)539770 (0629)486910 (0412)551990
(068)7756837 (066)7980357 (063)8317948 (056)7850715 (0542)705991 (0612)201340  (0462)972990 (0352)400629
Або залишайте питання на сайті e911.com.ua {$session_user_uuid}
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Фізична особа - підприємець Чорноус Сергій Олександрович
                $header_account_property = <<<EOD
Банк АТ Укрсиббанк м.Херсон , МФО 351005  
р/р 26009274877100, ЄДРПОУ 2925212898,
Платник єдиного податку III група. Не є платником ПДВ.
                $header_account_logotext = <<<EOD
                $header_main_supplier = <<<EOD
ФОП Чорноус Сергій Олександрович
ЕДРПОУ: 2925212898
тел: (0552)44-05-30
                $footer_sign = <<<EOD
___________________  Чорноус  С.О.
                $footer_info = <<<EOD
Увага ! При сплаті рахунку УВАЖНО вказуйте номер та дату рахунку !
Виникли питання, телефонуйте : (044)3322440 (048)7945137 (0552)440530 (0322)539770 (0629)486910 (0412)551990
(068)7756837 (066)7980357 (063)8317948 (056)7850715 (0542)705991 (0612)201340  (0462)972990 (0352)400629
Або залишайте питання на сайті sonata.biz.ua
                $footer_sign_stamp = 'cher.jpg';
                $header_logo_png = 'header_logo_sonata.png';
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Фізична особа - підприємець Чабан Олександр Сергійович
                $header_account_property = <<<EOD
р/р 26000054315095 , ЄДРПОУ 2579701431, № свід. 108703,
Платник єдиного податку III група. Не є платником ПДВ.
                $header_account_logotext = <<<EOD
                $header_main_supplier = <<<EOD
ФОП Чабан Олександр Сергійович
ЕДРПОУ: 2579701431
тел: (048) 794-51-37
                $footer_sign = <<<EOD
___________________  Чабан О.С.
                $footer_info = <<<EOD
Увага ! При сплаті рахунку УВАЖНО вказуйте номер та дату рахунку !
Виникли питання, телефонуйте : (044)3322440 (048)7945137 (0552)440530 (0322)539770 (0629)486910 (0412)551990
(068)7756837 (066)7980357 (063)8317948 (056)7850715 (0542)705991 (0612)201340  (0462)972990 (0352)400629
Або ** залишайте питання на сайті e911.com.ua
                $footer_sign_stamp = 'chab.jpg';
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        // $tel = '';
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                $namelic = 'Супроводження ПЗ Соната 12 місяців';
                $sum = 500;
                $sum_prop = 'П\'ятсот';
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                $namelic = 'Супроводження ПЗ Соната 12 місяців';
                $sum = 200;
                $sum_prop = 'Двісті';
            case "ecp_s2":
                $namelic = 'Послуга цифрового підпису за договором доручення (тариф стандартний)';
                $sum = 322;
                $sum_prop = 'Триста двадцять дві';
            case "ecp_s3":
                $namelic = 'Послуга цифрового підпису за договором доручення (тар. стандартний)';
                $sum = 483;
                $sum_prop = 'Чотириста вісімдесят три';
            case "ecp_l1":
                $namelic = 'Послуга електронного цифрового підпису за договором доручення (тариф легкий)';
                $sum = 140;
                $sum_prop = 'Сто сорок';
            case "ecp_l2":
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                $sum = 280;
                $sum_prop = 'Двісті вісімдесят';
            case "w1":
                $namelic = 'Налаштування програмного забезпечення  ';
                $sum = 200;
                $sum_prop = 'Двісті';
            case "Kaspersky Internet Security 2016 - 2 ПК":
                $namelic = 'ПЗ  Kaspersky Internet Security 2016 - 2 ПК 12 міс.';
                $sum = 680;
                $sum_prop = 'Шістсот вісімдесят';
            case "Kaspersky Internet Security 2016 - продление 1 ПК":
                $namelic = 'ПЗ  Kaspersky Internet Security 2016 - 1 ПК продовження 12 міс.';
                $sum = 380;
                $sum_prop = 'Триста вісімдесят';
            case "Kaspersky Internet Security 2016 - продление 2 ПК":
                $namelic = 'ПЗ  Kaspersky Internet Security 2016 - 2 ПК продовження 12 міс.';
                $sum = 550;
                $sum_prop = 'П\'ятсот п\'ятдесят';
            case "avast! Pro Antivirus 2015 - 1 ПК":
                $namelic = 'avast! Pro Antivirus 2015 - 1 ПК 12 міс.';
                $sum = 275;
                $sum_prop = 'Двісті сімдесят п\'ять';
            case "avast! Pro Antivirus 2015 - продление 1 ПК":
                $namelic = 'avast! Pro Antivirus 2015 - 1 ПК продовження 12 міс.';
                $sum = 215;
                $sum_prop = 'Двісті п\'ятнадцять';
            case "avast! Internet Security 8 - 1 ПК":
                $namelic = 'avast! Internet Security 8 - 1 ПК 12 міс.';
                $sum = 290;
                $sum_prop = 'Двісті дев\'яносто';
            case "avast! Internet Security 8 - продление 1 ПК":
                $namelic = 'avast! Internet Security 8 - 1 ПК продовженя 12 міс.';
                $sum = 240;
                $sum_prop = 'Двісті сорок';
                $namelic = 'Супроводження ПЗ Соната';
                $sum = 500;
                $sum_prop = 'П\'ятсот';
        // $namelic = ' Прогорамма соната 12 месяцев';
        // $sum = '500 ';
        // $sum_prop = 'пятьчот';
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ЕДРПОУ: {$edrpou}
тел: {$tel}
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за інформаційні послуги
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        //  ___________________  Чабан О.С.
        //  м.п.
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Пример #15
     $numefftot = 0;
 //a secondo del tipo di effetto stampo il relativo modulo
 //questo è il modulo delle ricevute bancarie
 case "B":
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     $pdf->MultiCell(22,10,'Data di pagamento','LTB','L',1);
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Пример #16
// set some language-dependent strings (optional)
if (@file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/lang/eng.php')) {
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lang/eng.php';
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// set a barcode on the page footer
$pdf->setBarcode(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
// set font
$pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 11);
// add a page
// print a message
$txt = "You can also export 1D barcodes in other formats (PNG, SVG, HTML). Check the examples inside the barcodes directory.\n";
$pdf->MultiCell(70, 50, $txt, 0, 'J', false, 1, 125, 30, true, 0, false, true, 0, 'T', false);
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$pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 10);
// define barcode style
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// CODE 39 - ANSI MH10.8M-1983 - USD-3 - 3 of 9.
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$pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'CODE 39 + CHECKSUM', 0, 1);
$pdf->write1DBarcode('CODE 39 +', 'C39+', '', '', '', 18, 0.4, $style, 'N');
$pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'CODE 39 EXTENDED', 0, 1);
Пример #17
  * This function is call automatically by TCPDF at the end of a page
  * It takes no parameters
  * @access public
 public function Footer()
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Пример #18
 function printLabelNew($labeldata, $props, $start = 0)
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         $pdf->MultiCell($props['whtml'], 5, '<b>' . $labeldata[$i]['Geography'] . '</b>', 0, 'L', 0, 1, $labelbody_pos['x'][$x], $pdf->GetY() + 2, true, 0, true, true, 0, 'T', false);
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             $loc .= '<br/>';
             if ($labeldata[$i]['Latitude'] || $labeldata[$i]['Latitude']) {
                 $loc .= $labeldata[$i]['Latitude'] . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $labeldata[$i]['Longitude'] . '. ';
             if ($labeldata[$i]['Altitude']) {
                 $loc .= 'Alt.: ' . $labeldata[$i]['Altitude'] . '. ';
             if ($labeldata[$i]['Depth']) {
                 $loc .= 'Depth: ' . $labeldata[$i]['Depth'] . '. ';
         $pdf->MultiCell($props['whtml'], 5, $loc, 0, 'L', 0, 1, $labelbody_pos['x'][$x], $pdf->GetY() - 1, true, 0, true, true, 0, 'T', false);
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             $hab['Habitat'] = '<b>Habitat:</b> ' . xml_convert($labeldata[$i]['Habitat']);
         if ($labeldata[$i]['AssociatedTaxa']) {
             $hab['AssociatedTaxa'] = '<b>Associated taxa:</b> ' . xml_convert($labeldata[$i]['AssociatedTaxa']);
         if ($labeldata[$i]['Substrate']) {
             $hab['Substrate'] = '<b>Substrate:</b> ' . xml_convert($labeldata[$i]['Substrate']);
         if ($labeldata[$i]['Host']) {
             $hab['Host'] = '<b>Host:</b> ' . xml_convert($labeldata[$i]['Host']);
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             $pdf->MultiCell($props['whtml'], 5, '<b>Provenance:</b> ' . $labeldata[$i]['Provenance'], 0, 'L', 0, 1, $labelbody_pos['x'][$x], $pdf->GetY() + 1, true, 0, true, true, 0, 'T', false);
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             $not['DescriptiveNotes'] = '<b>Descriptive notes:</b> ' . xml_convert($labeldata[$i]['DescriptiveNotes']);
         if ($labeldata[$i]['Introduced']) {
             $not['Introduced'] = '<b>Natural occurrence:</b> ' . $labeldata[$i]['Introduced'];
         if ($labeldata[$i]['Cultivated']) {
             $not['Cultivated'] = '<b>Cultivated occurrence:</b> ' . $labeldata[$i]['Cultivated'];
         if ($labeldata[$i]['CollectingNotes']) {
             $not['CollectingNotes'] = '<b>Collecting notes:</b> ' . xml_convert($labeldata[$i]['CollectingNotes']);
         if ($labeldata[$i]['Ethnobotany']) {
             $not['Ethnobotany'] = '<b>Ethnobotany notes:</b> ' . $labeldata[$i]['Ethnobotany'];
         if ($labeldata[$i]['Toxicity']) {
             $not['Toxicity'] = '<b>Toxicity notes:</b> ' . $labeldata[$i]['Toxicity'];
         if ($labeldata[$i]['MiscellaneousNotes']) {
             $not['MiscellaneousNotes'] = '<b>Misc. notes:</b> ' . xml_convert($labeldata[$i]['MiscellaneousNotes']);
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         if ($labeldata[$i]['MixedInfo']) {
             $mixed = '<b>This is a mixed collection. The components are:</b><br/>';
             if ($props['type'] == 3 || $props['type'] == 4) {
                 $labeldata[$i]['MixedInfo'] = str_replace('<br/>', ' &ndash; ', $labeldata[$i]['MixedInfo']);
             //echo '<pre>' . str_replace('<', '&lt;', $labeldata[$i]['MixedInfo']) . '</pre>';
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         if ($dup || $this->input->post('labeltype') == 19 || $this->input->post('labeltype') == 21) {
             $dupl = '<b>This specimen is a duplicate of MEL ' . $labeldata[$i]['MelNumber'] . '.</b>';
             $pdf->MultiCell($props['whtml'], 5, $dupl, 0, 'L', 0, 1, $labelbody_pos['x'][$x], $pdf->GetY() + 1, true, 0, true, true, 0, 'T', false);
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         $storedunder = $labeldata[$i]['StoredUnder'];
         if ($labeldata[$i]['HortRefSet']) {
             $storedunder = str_replace('Main collection', 'Hort. Ref. Set', $storedunder);
         if ($props['footerpositionabsolute']) {
             if ($dup) {
                 $footer = '<div style="font-size: 7pt">Printed from MELISR, ' . date('d M. Y') . '</div>';
                 $melnumber = 'MEL ' . $labeldata[$i]['MelNumber'];
                 $pdf->MultiCell(40, 5, '<div style="font-size: 7pt">MEL specimen stored under:<br/>' . $storedunder . '</div>', 0, 'L', 0, 1, $labelfooter_pos['x'][$x], $barcode_pos['y'][$y] + 1, true, false, true);
                 $pdf->MultiCell(90, 5, $footer, 0, 'L', 0, 1, $labelfooter_pos['x'][$x], $labelfooter_pos['y'][$y] + 3, true, 0, true, true, 0, 'T', false);
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                 $pdf->MultiCell(55, 5, '<b>' . $melnumber . '</b>', 0, 'C', 0, 1, $barcodetext_pos['x'][$x], $labelfooter_pos['y'][$y] + 2, true, false, true);
             } else {
                 if ($labeldata[$i]['Continent']) {
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                 $footer = '<div style="font-size: 7pt">Printed from MELISR, ' . date('d M. Y') . '</div>';
                 $pdf->MultiCell(90, 5, $footer, 0, 'L', 0, 1, $labelfooter_pos['x'][$x], $labelfooter_pos['y'][$y], true, 0, true, true, 0, 'T', false);
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             if ($dup) {
                 $footer = '<div style="font-size: 7pt">Printed from MELISR, ' . date('d M. Y') . '</div>';
                 $melnumber = 'MEL ' . $labeldata[$i]['MelNumber'];
                 $pdf->MultiCell(40, 5, '<div style="font-size: 7pt">MEL specimen stored under:<br/>' . $storedunder, 0, 'L', 0, 1, $labelfooter_pos['x'][$x], $yy + 1, true, false, true);
                 $pdf->write1DBarcode($melnumber, 'C39', $barcode_pos['x'][$x], $yy, 55, 12, 0.1, $barcodestyle, 'N');
                 $pdf->MultiCell(55, 5, '<b>' . $melnumber . '</b>', 0, 'C', 0, 1, $barcodetext_pos['x'][$x], $yy + 11, true, false, true);
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                     $storedunder .= ' (' . $labeldata[$i]['Continent'] . ')';
                 if ($this->input->post('labeltype') != 19 && $this->input->post('labeltype') != 21) {
                     $storage = '<div style="font-size: 7pt">' . $storedunder . '</div>';
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                 $footer = '<div style="font-size: 7pt">Printed from MELISR, ' . date('d M. Y') . '</div>';
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     // move pointer to last page
     // ---------------------------------------------------------
     //Close and output PDF document
     $pdf->Output('mellabel.pdf', 'I');
Пример #19
function cetak_infohalaman2($label,$info){
	global $pdf,$dcPageW;
	$pdf->MultiCell(30, 0, $label, 0, 'L', 0, 0, $dcPageW-50, '', true);
	$pdf->MultiCell(100, 0, ': '.$info, 0, 'L', 0, 0, '', '', true);

// 4. Cetak info halaman: Sesuaikan Page Selection Bar >> Edit
cetak_infohalaman('Nama stock opname',$data_so['nama']);
cetak_infohalaman('Tanggal mulai',fftgl($data_so['tanggal1']));
cetak_infohalaman('Tanggal selesai',fftgl($data_so['tanggal2']));

cetak_infohalaman2('Total item',$data_so['nitem'].' item');
cetak_infohalaman2('Item dicek',$data_so['nceky'].' item');
cetak_infohalaman2('Item hilang',($data_so['nitem']-$data_so['nceky']).' item');

// 5. Header tabel: samakan di $xtable->head() >> Edit
Пример #20
 public function detail()
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Пример #21
 public function salary_sso_pdf_export()
     $m = Input::get('m_sso_1');
     $y = Input::get('y_sso_1');
     $pdf = new TCPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, 'UTF-8', false);
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     // set margins
     $pdf->SetMargins(10, 15, 10);
     $pdf->SetFont('freeserif', '', 14, '', true);
     $n = DB::select('select * from s_general_data');
     foreach ($n as $k) {
         $name = $k->name;
     $sql = ' select s.cid, concat(n.pname,"",n.fname," ",n.lname) as name, (s.salary+s.salary_other) as salary, s.salary_sso ';
     $sql .= ' from s_salary_detail s';
     $sql .= ' left join n_datageneral n on n.cid=s.cid';
     $sql .= ' where year(order_date)=' . $y . ' and month(order_date)=' . $m . ' ';
     $data = DB::Select($sql);
     $j = 0;
     $row = 0;
     $sum1 = 0;
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         if ($j == 30) {
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             $pdf->SetFont('freeserif', '', 12, '', true);
             $pdf->MultiCell(40, 5, 'สปส.1-10 (ส่วนที่ 2)', 0, 'R', 0, 1, '', '', true);
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             $pdf->MultiCell(190, 5, 'แบบรายงานการแสดงการส่งเงินสมทบ ', 0, 'C', 0, 1, '', '', true);
             $pdf->SetFont('freeserif', '', 13, '', true);
             $pdf->MultiCell(190, 5, 'การนำส่งเงินสมทบสำหรับค่าจ้างเดิอน ' . $this->get_monthyearThai($m, $y), 0, 'C', 0, 1, '', '', true);
             $pdf->SetFont('freeserif', 'B', 13, '', true);
             $pdf->MultiCell(40, 5, 'ชื่อสถานประกอบการ ', 0, 'L', 0, 1, '', '', true);
             $pdf->SetFont('freeserif', '', 13, '', true);
             $pdf->MultiCell(70, 5, $name, 0, 'L', 0, 1, '', '', true);
             $pdf->SetFont('freeserif', 'B', 13, '', true);
             $pdf->MultiCell(22, 5, 'เลขที่บัญชี', 0, 'L', 0, 1, '', '', true);
             $pdf->SetFont('freeserif', '', 13, '', true);
             $pdf->MultiCell(25, 5, '1090000219', 0, 'L', 0, 1, '', '', true);
             $pdf->SetFont('freeserif', 'B', 13, '', true);
             $pdf->MultiCell(22, 5, 'สาขา', 0, 'L', 0, 1, '', '', true);
             $pdf->SetFont('freeserif', '', 13, '', true);
             $pdf->MultiCell(25, 5, '300311', 0, 'L', 0, 1, '', '', true);
             $linever = array('width' => 0.1, 'cap' => 'butt', 'join' => 'miter', 'dash' => '', 'phase' => 0, 'color' => array(0, 0, 0));
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             $pdf->MultiCell(20, 7, 'ลำดับที่', 0, 'C', 0, 1, '', '', true);
             $pdf->MultiCell(40, 7, 'เลขประจำตัวประชาชน', 0, 'C', 0, 1, '', '', true);
             $pdf->MultiCell(70, 7, 'ชื่อ-สกุล', 0, 'C', 0, 1, '', '', true);
             $pdf->MultiCell(30, 7, 'ค่าจ้าง', 0, 'R', 0, 1, '', '', true);
             $pdf->MultiCell(30, 7, 'เงินสมทบ', 0, 'R', 0, 1, '', '', true);
         //end add header
         $pdf->SetY(50 + $j * 7.5);
         $pdf->MultiCell(20, 7, $row, 0, 'R', 0, 1, '', '', true);
         $pdf->SetY(50 + $j * 7.5);
         $pdf->MultiCell(40, 7, $k->cid, 0, 'C', 0, 1, '', '', true);
         $pdf->SetY(50 + $j * 7.5);
         $pdf->MultiCell(70, 7, $k->name, 0, 'L', 0, 1, '', '', true);
         $pdf->SetY(50 + $j * 7.5);
         $pdf->MultiCell(30, 7, number_format($k->salary, 2), 0, 'R', 0, 1, '', '', true);
         $pdf->SetY(50 + $j * 7.5);
         $pdf->MultiCell(30, 7, number_format($k->salary_sso, 2), 0, 'R', 0, 1, '', '', true);
         //end detail
         $sum1 = $sum1 + $k->salary;
         $sum2 = $sum2 + $k->salary_sso;
     // end data
     //sum all
     $pdf->Line(200, 50 + $j * 7.5, 10, 50 + $j * 7.5, $linever);
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     $pdf->MultiCell(70, 7, 'ยอดรวม', 0, 'C', 0, 1, '', '', true);
     $pdf->SetY(50 + $j * 7.5);
     $pdf->MultiCell(30, 7, number_format($sum1, 2), 0, 'R', 0, 1, '', '', true);
     $pdf->SetY(50 + $j * 7.5);
     $pdf->MultiCell(30, 7, number_format($sum2, 2), 0, 'R', 0, 1, '', '', true);
     //end sum all
     $pdf->SetFont('freeserif', '', 13, '', true);
     $pdf->SetY(62 + $j * 7.5);
     $pdf->MultiCell(90, 5, 'ลงชื่อ.............................................................', 0, 'R', 0, 1, '', '', true);
     $pdf->SetY(62 + $j * 7.5);
     $pdf->MultiCell(43, 5, 'นายจ้าง/ผู้รับมอบอำนาจ', 0, 'R', 0, 1, '', '', true);
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     $pdf->MultiCell(90, 5, '(.............................................................)', 0, 'R', 0, 1, '', '', true);
     $pdf->SetY(82 + $j * 7.5);
     $pdf->MultiCell(120, 5, 'ยื่นแบบวันที่.............เดือน..............................พ.ศ..............', 0, 'C', 0, 1, '', '', true);
     $filename = storage_path() . '/salary_sso_pdf_export.pdf';
     // Response::download($filename);
     $contents = $pdf->output($filename, 'I');
     $headers = array('Content-Type' => 'application/pdf');
     return Response::make($contents, 200, $headers);
Пример #22
$pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'A4 LANDSCAPE', 1, 1, 'C');
$pdf->AddPage('P', 'A5');
$pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'A5 PORTRAIT', 1, 1, 'C');
$pdf->AddPage('L', 'A5');
$pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'A5 LANDSCAPE', 1, 1, 'C');
$pdf->AddPage('P', 'A6');
$pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'A6 PORTRAIT', 1, 1, 'C');
$pdf->AddPage('L', 'A6');
$pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'A6 LANDSCAPE', 1, 1, 'C');
$pdf->AddPage('P', 'A7');
$pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'A7 PORTRAIT', 1, 1, 'C');
$pdf->AddPage('L', 'A7');
$pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'A7 LANDSCAPE', 1, 1, 'C');
// --- test backward editing ---
$pdf->setPage(1, true);
$pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'A4 test', 1, 1, 'C');
$pdf->setPage(2, true);
$pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'A4 test', 1, 1, 'C');
$pdf->setPage(3, true);
$pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'A5 test', 1, 1, 'C');
$pdf->setPage(4, true);
$pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'A5 test', 1, 1, 'C');
$pdf->setPage(5, true);
$pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'A6 test', 1, 1, 'C');
$pdf->setPage(6, true);
Пример #23
    public function make_pdf($order_id, $save_to_file = true)
        // 获取订单记录
        $order = M('loan_order')->find($order_id);
        if (!$order) {
            $this->error = '找不到此订单!';
            return false;
        $order_id = $order['id'];
        // 获取用户协议记录
        $contract = M('loan_user_contract')->find($order['uid']);
        if (!$contract) {
            $this->error = '找不到用户的认证资料!';
            return false;
        $order_auth = M('loan_order_auth')->where(['order_id' => $order['id']])->getField('auth_id,url');
        $pdf = new \TCPDF('P', 'MM', 'A4', true, 'UTF-8', false);
        $pdf->SetTitle('指尖分期协议-' . $order['realname'] . '-' . $order_id);
        $pdf->SetKeywords('指尖分期,' . $order['realname'] . ',' . $order_id);
        $pdf->setFooterData(array(0, 0, 0), array(122, 122, 122));
        $pdf->setFooterFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_DATA, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA));
        // set margins
        $pdf->SetFont('stsongstdlight', 'N', 9);
        // set auto page breaks
        $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, 9);
        // set image scale factor
        // ---------------------------------------------------------
        // set default font subsetting mode
        // Set font
        // dejavusans is a UTF-8 Unicode font, if you only need to
        // print standard ASCII chars, you can use core fonts like
        // helvetica or times to reduce file size.
        $pdf->SetFont('stsongstdlight', '', 11);
        // Add a page
        // This method has several options, check the source code documentation for more information.
        $cur_month = strtotime(date('Y-m-01', $order['created']));
        $next_month = strtotime('+1 month', $cur_month);
        $first_repay_day = date('Y-m-', $next_month) . date('d', $order['created']);
        $first_repay_day = min($first_repay_day, date('Y-m-t', $next_month));
        if (in_array($order['type'], [2, 3, 4])) {
            // 线下/现金/全网分期
            $html = '<p style="text-align:right;font-weight:bold;">协议编号:<span style="border-bottom:1px solid #000;">' . $order_id . '</span></p>
<h1 style="text-align:center">商品分期服务协议</h1>
<p>乙方:<span style="border-bottom:1px solid #000;">' . $order['realname'] . '</span><br>身份证:<span style="border-bottom:1px solid #000;">' . $contract['id_card'] . '</span><br>手机号:<span style="border-bottom:1px solid #000;">' . $order['mobile'] . '</span></p>
<h2>第一条 分期服务</h2>
<table border="1">
  <tr><td>商品/服务名称</td><td>' . $order['title'] . '</td><td>乙方分期金额</td><td>' . $order['loan_money'] . '元</td></tr>
  <tr><td>分期月数</td><td>' . $order['month'] . '个月</td><td>每月还款金额[本金+服务费]</td><td>' . $order['month_total'] . '元</td></tr>
  <tr><td>每月还款日</td><td>每月' . date('j', $order['created']) . '日</td><td>首期还款日</td><td>' . $first_repay_day . '</td></tr>
  <tr><td colspan="4">此订单为代购,指尖分期商城只提供分期服务,不对商品/服务质量负责。</td></tr>
<h2>第二条 甲方权利和义务</h2>
<h2>第三条 乙方权利和义务</h2>
<h2>第四条 违约责任</h2>
<h2>第五条 授权委托</h2>
</li><li>乙方同意,甲方作为受托融资人处理如下:<br />
(1)自主决定实现融资的理财平台,并确定有意向的资金提供方(“投资人”);<br />
(2)应理财平台或投资人的要求,在合理范围内向投资人和理财平台披露乙方资信材料,包括但不限于年龄,性别,锁在学校,专业等,并视情况引入增信措施。<br />
(3)代收乙方应向投资人及理财平台的融资款及融资成本费。<br />
(4)代收本条第(3)项的相关费用。<br />
(5)代收乙方从投资人出融到的款项,并向标的物销售方代付款项。<br />
(6)指定接收涉及本条第(3)项及第(5)项的账户。<br />
(7)以乙方名义签署和理财平台、投资人以及甲方作为保证人的《商品分期服务协议》;<br />
<h2>第六条 争议解决</h2>
<h2>第七条 合同的变更和解除</h2>
<h2>第八条 合同的生效</h2>
<h2>第九条 银行代扣</h2>
<br />
<p style="font-weight:bold;">乙方承诺:本人保证所提供的个人资料信息真实,有效。并依据详细了解所填合同章程,业务协议,功能说明及责任条款,同意接受相关业务章程和协议的约束,以上条款本人已经确认并知晓。</p>
<br />';
            $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, '', '', $html, 0, 1, 0, true, '', true);
            // $pdf->AddPage ();
            $img = $order_auth[9] ? '<img src="' . $order_auth[9] . '?imageMogr2/auto-orient/thumbnail/2000x2000" border="0" />' : '';
            $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, '', '', '<h2>第十条 附件资料</h2><div style="border:1px solid #000;padding:10px;margin-bottom:10px;"><p style="text-align:center;">(手持确认书)</p>' . $img . '</div>', 0, 1, 0, true, '', true);
        } else {
            // 线上代购
            $html = '<p style="text-align:right;font-weight:bold;">协议编号:<span style="border-bottom:1px solid #000;">' . $order_id . '</span></p>
<h1 style="text-align:center">商品分期服务协议</h1>
<p>乙方:<span style="border-bottom:1px solid #000;">' . $order['realname'] . '</span><br>身份证:<span style="border-bottom:1px solid #000;">' . $contract['id_card'] . '</span><br>手机号:<span style="border-bottom:1px solid #000;">' . $order['mobile'] . '</span></p>
<h2>第一条 分期服务</h2>
<table border="1">
  <tr><td>商品/服务名称</td><td>' . $order['title'] . '</td><td>乙方分期金额</td><td>' . $order['loan_money'] . '元</td></tr>
  <tr><td>分期月数</td><td>' . $order['month'] . '个月</td><td>每月还款金额[本金+服务费]</td><td>' . $order['month_total'] . '元</td></tr>
  <tr><td>每月还款日</td><td>每月' . date('j', $order['created']) . '日</td><td>首期还款日</td><td>' . $first_repay_day . '</td></tr>
<h2>第二条 甲方权利和义务</h2>
<h2>第三条 乙方权利和义务</h2>
<h2>第四条 违约责任</h2>
<h2>第五条 授权委托</h2>
</li><li>乙方同意,甲方作为受托融资人处理如下:<br />
(1)自主决定实现融资的理财平台,并确定有意向的资金提供方(“投资人”);<br />
(2)应理财平台或投资人的要求,在合理范围内向投资人和理财平台披露乙方资信材料,包括但不限于年龄,性别,锁在学校,专业等,并视情况引入增信措施。<br />
(3)代收乙方应向投资人及理财平台的融资款及融资成本费。<br />
(4)代收本条第(3)项的相关费用。<br />
(5)代收乙方从投资人出融到的款项,并向标的物销售方代付款项。<br />
(6)指定接收涉及本条第(3)项及第(5)项的账户。<br />
(7)以乙方名义签署和理财平台、投资人以及甲方作为保证人的《商品分期服务协议》;<br />
<h2>第六条 争议解决</h2>
<h2>第七条 合同的变更和解除</h2>
<h2>第八条 合同的生效</h2>
<h2>第九条 银行代扣</h2>
<h2>第十条 退换货政策以第三方销售商退换货政策为准。</h2>
(1)乙方提供的购物信息不实或者有误;<br />
(2)乙方未及时签收标的物;<br />
<br />
<p style="font-weight:bold;margin:0 20px;">乙方承诺:本人保证所提供的个人资料信息真实,有效。并依据详细了解所填合同章程,业务协议,功能说明及责任条款,同意接受相关业务章程和协议的约束,以上条款本人已经确认并知晓。</p>
<br />';
            $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, '', '', $html, 0, 1, 0, true, '', true);
            // $pdf->AddPage ();
            $img = $order_auth[9] ? '<img src="' . $order_auth[9] . '?imageMogr2/auto-orient/thumbnail/2000x2000" border="0" />' : '';
            $pdf->writeHTMLCell(0, 0, '', '', '<h2>第十一条 附件资料</h2><div style="border:1px solid #000;padding:10px;margin-bottom:10px;"><p style="text-align:center;">(手持确认书)</p>' . $img . '</div>', 0, 1, 0, true, '', true);
        // ---------------------------------------------------------
        $base_dir = THINK_PATH . '../../static.zjfq';
        $save_dir = '/order/contract/' . date('Ymd') . '/';
        $filename = md5('order' . $order_id . 'contract') . '.pdf';
        $save_dir_all = $base_dir . $save_dir;
        is_dir($save_dir_all) or mkdir($save_dir_all, 0777, true);
        if ($save_to_file) {
            $pdf->Output($save_dir_all . $filename, 'F');
            return $save_dir . $filename;
        } else {
            $pdf->Output($save_dir_all . $filename, 'I');