private function administration() { /* Bail out if the user doesn't have SA permissions. */ if ($this->_realAccessLevel < ACCESS_LEVEL_DEMO && !$_SESSION['CATS']->hasUserCategory('careerportal')) { CommonErrors::fatal(COMMONERROR_PERMISSION, $this); } $systemInfo = new SystemInfo(); $systemInfoData = $systemInfo->getSystemInfo(); if (isset($systemInfoData['available_version']) && $systemInfoData['available_version'] > CATSUtility::getVersionAsInteger()) { $newVersion = true; } else { $newVersion = false; } if (isset($systemInfoData['disable_version_check']) && $systemInfoData['disable_version_check']) { $versionCheckPref = false; } else { $versionCheckPref = true; } if ($this->_realAccessLevel >= ACCESS_LEVEL_ROOT || $this->_realAccessLevel == ACCESS_LEVEL_DEMO) { $systemAdministration = true; } else { $systemAdministration = false; } // FIXME: 's' isn't a good variable name. if (isset($_GET['s'])) { switch ($_GET['s']) { case 'siteName': $templateFile = './modules/settings/SiteName.tpl'; break; case 'newVersionCheck': if (!$systemAdministration) { CommonErrors::fatal(COMMONERROR_PERMISSION, $this); return; //$this->fatal(ERROR_NO_PERMISSION); } $this->_template->assign('versionCheckPref', $versionCheckPref); $this->_template->assign('availableVersion', $systemInfoData['available_version']); $this->_template->assign('newVersion', $newVersion); $this->_template->assign('newVersionNews', NewVersionCheck::getNews()); $templateFile = './modules/settings/NewVersionCheck.tpl'; break; case 'passwords': if (!$systemAdministration) { CommonErrors::fatal(COMMONERROR_PERMISSION, $this); return; //$this->fatal(ERROR_NO_PERMISSION); } $templateFile = './modules/settings/Passwords.tpl'; break; case 'localization': if ($this->_realAccessLevel < ACCESS_LEVEL_SA) { CommonErrors::fatal(COMMONERROR_PERMISSION, $this); return; //$this->fatal(ERROR_NO_PERMISSION); } $this->_template->assign('timeZone', $_SESSION['CATS']->getTimeZone()); $this->_template->assign('isDateDMY', $_SESSION['CATS']->isDateDMY()); $templateFile = './modules/settings/Localization.tpl'; break; case 'systemInformation': if ($this->_realAccessLevel < ACCESS_LEVEL_SA) { CommonErrors::fatal(COMMONERROR_PERMISSION, $this); return; //$this->fatal(ERROR_NO_PERMISSION); } $db = DatabaseConnection::getInstance(); $databaseVersion = $db->getRDBMSVersion(); $installationDirectory = realpath('./'); if (SystemUtility::isWindows()) { $OSType = 'Windows'; } else { if (SystemUtility::isMacOSX()) { $OSType = 'Mac OS X'; } else { $OSType = 'UNIX'; } } $schemaVersions = ModuleUtility::getModuleSchemaVersions(); $this->_template->assign('databaseVersion', $databaseVersion); $this->_template->assign('installationDirectory', $installationDirectory); $this->_template->assign('OSType', $OSType); $this->_template->assign('schemaVersions', $schemaVersions); $templateFile = './modules/settings/SystemInformation.tpl'; break; default: $templateFile = './modules/settings/Administration.tpl'; break; } } else { $templateFile = './modules/settings/Administration.tpl'; /* Load extra settings. */ $extraSettings = array(); $modules = ModuleUtility::getModules(); foreach ($modules as $moduleName => $parameters) { $extraSettingsModule = $parameters[MODULE_SETTINGS_ENTRIES]; if ($extraSettingsModule != false) { foreach ($extraSettingsModule as $extraSettingsModuleData) { if ($extraSettingsModuleData[2] <= $this->_realAccessLevel) { $extraSettings[] = $extraSettingsModuleData; } } } } $this->_template->assign('extraSettings', $extraSettings); } if (!strcmp($templateFile, './modules/settings/Administration.tpl')) { // Highlight certain rows of importance based on criteria $candidates = new Candidates($this->_siteID); $this->_template->assign('totalCandidates', $candidates->getCount()); } if (!eval(Hooks::get('SETTINGS_DISPLAY_ADMINISTRATION'))) { return; } /* Check if careers website is enabled or can be enabled */ $careerPortalUnlock = false; $careerPortalSettings = new CareerPortalSettings($this->_siteID); $cpData = $careerPortalSettings->getAll(); if (intval($cpData['enabled']) || file_exists('modules/asp') && !$_SESSION['CATS']->isFree() || LicenseUtility::isProfessional()) { $careerPortalUnlock = true; } $this->_template->assign('careerPortalUnlock', $careerPortalUnlock); $this->_template->assign('subActive', 'Administration'); $this->_template->assign('systemAdministration', $systemAdministration); $this->_template->assign('active', $this); $this->_template->display($templateFile); }
document.getElementById(\'htmlExecutableOrg\').value = \'' . $html2textWithSlashes . '\'; </script>'; } if (UNRTF_PATH == '') { echo ' <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById(\'rtfEnabled\').checked = false; document.getElementById(\'rtfExecutable\').disabled = true; document.getElementById(\'rtfExecutable\').value = \'\'; document.getElementById(\'rtfExecutableOrg\').value = \'\'; </script>'; } else { $unrtfWithSlashes = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', UNRTF_PATH); include_once 'lib/SystemUtility.php'; /* Change Windows default command to UNIX default command hack. */ if (strpos(strtolower($unrtfWithSlashes), "c:\\") === 0 && !SystemUtility::isWindows()) { $unrtfWithSlashes = '/usr/bin/unrtf'; } echo ' <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById(\'rtfEnabled\').checked = true; document.getElementById(\'rtfExecutable\').disabled = false; document.getElementById(\'rtfExecutable\').value = \'' . $unrtfWithSlashes . '\'; document.getElementById(\'rtfExecutableOrg\').value = \'' . $unrtfWithSlashes . '\'; </script>'; } echo '<script type="text/javascript">showTextBlock(\'resumeParsing\');</script>'; break; case 'testResumeParsing': echo ' <script type="text/javascript">
/** * Executes a shell command in a platform-independent way and returns the * results in an array containing the exact system command executed, the * raw output of that command, and the command's return code. * * @param string command to execute * @return array command results */ private function _executeCommand($command) { /* Running on Windows? */ if (SystemUtility::isWindows()) { /* Generate a random temp file name. */ $tempFile = sprintf('%s/%s.txt', realpath(CATS_TEMP_DIR), FileUtility::makeRandomFilename()); /* Create a new COM Windows Scripting Host Shell object. */ $WSHShell = new COM('WScript.Shell'); /* Build the command to execute. */ $command = sprintf('cmd.exe /C "%s > "%s""', $command, $tempFile); /* Execute the command via the Windows Scripting Host Shell. */ $returnCode = $WSHShell->Run($command, 0, true); /* Grab the contents of the temporary file and remove it. */ $output = file($tempFile); @unlink($tempFile); } else { @exec($command, $output, $returnCode); } return array('command' => $command, 'output' => $output, 'returnCode' => $returnCode); }
/** * Attempts to convert a document document to plain text. * * @param string file name * @param flag document type * @return boolean True if successful; false otherwise.ful */ public function convert($fileName, $documentType) { /* (Re?)initialize variables. */ $this->_linesArray = array(); $this->_linesString = ''; $this->_rawOutput = ''; $this->_fileName = $fileName; /* If we are trying to parse a DOC file, is it really a DOC file or is * it an RTF file? */ if ($documentType == DOCUMENT_TYPE_DOC) { $handle = @fopen(realpath($fileName), 'r'); if ($handle) { $header = fread($handle, 5); fclose($handle); if ($header == '{\\rtf') { $documentType = DOCUMENT_TYPE_RTF; } } } /* Find the absolute path to the filename and escape it for use in a * system command. */ //$escapedFilename = escapeshellarg(realpath($fileName)); $nativeEncoding = ""; $command = false; /* Use different methods to extract text depending on the type of document. */ switch ($documentType) { case DOCUMENT_TYPE_DOC: if (ANTIWORD_PATH != '') { $escapedFilename = escapeshellarg(realpath($fileName)); $nativeEncoding = 'ISO-8859-1'; $command = '"' . ANTIWORD_PATH . '" -m ' . ANTIWORD_MAP . ' ' . $escapedFilename; } break; case DOCUMENT_TYPE_DOCX: break; case DOCUMENT_TYPE_PDF: if (PDFTOTEXT_PATH != '') { $escapedFilename = escapeshellarg(realpath($fileName)); $nativeEncoding = 'ISO-8859-1'; $convertEncoding = false; $command = '"' . PDFTOTEXT_PATH . '" -layout ' . $escapedFilename . ' -'; } break; case DOCUMENT_TYPE_HTML: if (HTML2TEXT_PATH != '') { $escapedFilename = escapeshellarg(realpath($fileName)); $nativeEncoding = 'ISO-8859-1'; $convertEncoding = false; if (SystemUtility::isWindows()) { $command = 'TYPE ' . $escapedFilename . ' | "' . HTML2TEXT_PATH . '" -nobs '; } else { $command = '"' . HTML2TEXT_PATH . '" -nobs ' . $escapedFilename; } } break; case DOCUMENT_TYPE_TEXT: return $this->_readTextFile($fileName); break; case DOCUMENT_TYPE_RTF: if (HTML2TEXT_PATH == '') { $this->_setError('The HTML format has not been configured, which is required for the RTF format.'); return false; } if (UNRTF_PATH == '') { $this->_setError('The RTF format has not been configured.'); return false; } $escapedFilename = escapeshellarg(realpath($fileName)); $nativeEncoding = 'ISO-8859-1'; $convertEncoding = false; $command = '"' . UNRTF_PATH . '" ' . $escapedFilename . ' | "' . HTML2TEXT_PATH . '" -nobs '; break; case DOCUMENT_TYPE_ODT: $this->_setError('The ODT format is not yet supported by CATS.'); return false; break; case DOCUMENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN: default: $this->_setError('This file format is unknown format and is not yet supported by CATS.'); return false; break; } if ($command === false) { $docObj = new DocumentReader($fileName, $documentType); if ($text = $docObj->convertToText()) { $commandResult = array('command' => "", 'output' => array($text), 'returnCode' => 0); } else { $commandResult = array('command' => "", 'output' => "", 'returnCode' => 1); } } else { /* Run the text converter. */ exec($command, $output, $returnCode); if ($returnCode !== 0) { $docObj = new DocumentReader($fileName, $documentType); //$docObj = new Filetotext("test.pdf"); if ($text = $docObj->convertToText()) { $commandResult = array('command' => "", 'output' => array($text), 'returnCode' => 0); } else { $commandResult = array('command' => "", 'output' => "", 'returnCode' => 1); } } else { $commandResult = array('command' => $command, 'output' => $output, 'returnCode' => $returnCode); } } //$commandResult = $this->_executeCommand($command); /* Store the return code for getReturnCode(). */ $this->_returnCode = $commandResult['returnCode']; /* Store the raw output for getRawOutput(). */ $commandResult['output'] = array_map('rtrim', $commandResult['output']); $this->_rawOutput = implode("\n", $commandResult['output']); /* Fix encoding issues. */ if ($nativeEncoding == 'ISO-8859-1' && function_exists('iconv')) { $this->_rawOutput = iconv($nativeEncoding, 'UTF-8', $this->_rawOutput); } /* If command returned non-zero or output is not an array, assume * failure. */ if ($commandResult['returnCode'] != 0 || !is_array($commandResult['output'])) { return false; } /* Store the output in string and array form. */ $this->_linesArray = $commandResult['output']; $this->_linesString = $this->_rawOutput; return true; }