Пример #1
  * Calls the corresponding function in the block and executes the data retrieval function.
  * @return \SimpleXMLElement The XML data tree
 public final function callMemcacheBlock()
     $callback = $this->getCallback();
     $db = $this->getDatabase();
     $mem = new \System\Cache\Memcache\Memcache();
     $xml = null;
     if ($mem->keyExists($this->key)) {
         $xmlString = $mem->get($this->key);
         if ($xmlString) {
             //suppress warning here in case of malformed xml
             $xml = @simplexml_load_string($xmlString);
             if ($xml instanceof \SimpleXMLElement) {
                 return $xml;
             } else {
                 $errorLogger = \System\Log\ErrorLogger::getInstance();
                 $errorLogger->out('[MemcacheBlock] Could not read memcache key ' . $this->key . ' as XML. Regenerating.', \System\Log\LoggerLevel::LEVEL_WARNING);
     if (is_callable($callback)) {
         $xml = call_user_func($callback, $this);
         $mem->store($this->key, $xml->asXML(), $this->timeout);
     } else {
         throw new \System\Error\Exception\InvalidMethodException('The given callback cannot be called. Does it exist and is it public?');
     return $xml;
Пример #2
  * Provides functionality to check if a given IP is blocked by a common blacklist
  * Do note this system requires the use of the PERMABAN_* directives
  * @param string The IP Address to check.
  * @return bool True if the IP is allowed, false otherwise
 public static final function isIPAllowed($ipAddress)
     //if there is an explicit empty PERMABAN, we accept everything
     if (PERMABAN_HOST == '') {
         return true;
     $allowed = true;
     $mc = new \System\Cache\Memcache\Memcache();
     $key = self::MEMCACHE_KEY . $ipAddress;
     //we get the value from the memcache, and only recheck if the blocked user is on it.
     if (!($allowed = $mc->get($key))) {
         $query = new \System\Db\Query($db, \System\HTTP\Visitor\PermaBan\SQL_PERMABAN_CHECK_PERMABAN);
         $query->bind($ipAddress, \System\Db\QueryType::TYPE_STRING);
         $results = $db->query($query);
         $allowed = $results->count() == 0;
         $mc->store($key, $allowed);
     return $allowed;