  * Send all notification messages starting from the given ID
  * @param  int                                                                $firstMessageId
  * @param  string                                                             $apnURL
  * @throws \RuntimeException
  * @throws \RMS\PushNotificationsBundle\Exception\InvalidMessageTypeException
  * @return int
 protected function sendMessages($firstMessageId, $apnURL)
     $errors = array();
     // Loop through all messages starting from the given ID
     for ($currentMessageId = $firstMessageId; $currentMessageId < count($this->messages); $currentMessageId++) {
         // Send the message
         $result = $this->writeApnStream($apnURL, $this->messages[$currentMessageId]);
         $errors = array();
         // Check if there is an error result
         if (is_array($result)) {
             // Close the apn stream in case of Shutdown status code.
             if ($result['status'] === self::APNS_SHUTDOWN_CODE) {
             $this->responses[] = $result;
             // Resend all messages that were sent after the failed message
             $this->sendMessages($result['identifier'] + 1, $apnURL);
             $errors[] = $result;
             if ($this->logger) {
         } else {
             $this->responses[] = true;
     return $errors;
 public function send(MessageInterface $message)
     if (!$message instanceof WindowsphoneMessage) {
         throw new InvalidMessageTypeException(sprintf("Message type '%s' not supported by MPNS", get_class($message)));
     $headers = array('Content-Type: text/xml', 'X-WindowsPhone-Target: ' . $message->getTarget(), 'X-NotificationClass: ' . $message->getNotificationClass());
     $xml = new \SimpleXMLElement('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><wp:Notification xmlns:wp="WPNotification" />');
     $msgBody = $message->getMessageBody();
     if ($message->getTarget() == WindowsphoneMessage::TYPE_TOAST) {
         $toast = $xml->addChild('wp:Toast');
         $toast->addChild('wp:Text1', htmlspecialchars($msgBody['text1'], ENT_XML1 | ENT_QUOTES));
         $toast->addChild('wp:Text2', htmlspecialchars($msgBody['text2'], ENT_XML1 | ENT_QUOTES));
     $response = $this->browser->post($message->getDeviceIdentifier(), $headers, $xml->asXML());
     if (!$response->isSuccessful()) {
         $this->logger->err($response->getStatusCode() . ' : ' . $response->getReasonPhrase());
     return $response->isSuccessful();
  * Sends the data to the given registration IDs via the GCM server
  * @param  \RMS\PushNotificationsBundle\Message\MessageInterface              $message
  * @throws \RMS\PushNotificationsBundle\Exception\InvalidMessageTypeException
  * @return bool
 public function send(MessageInterface $message)
     if (!$message instanceof AndroidMessage) {
         throw new InvalidMessageTypeException(sprintf("Message type '%s' not supported by GCM", get_class($message)));
     if (!$message->isGCM()) {
         throw new InvalidMessageTypeException("Non-GCM messages not supported by the Android GCM sender");
     $headers = array("Authorization: key=" . $this->apiKey, "Content-Type: application/json");
     $data = array_merge($message->getGCMOptions(), array("data" => $message->getData()));
     // Chunk number of registration IDs according to the maximum allowed by GCM
     $chunks = array_chunk($message->getGCMIdentifiers(), $this->registrationIdMaxCount);
     // Perform the calls (in parallel)
     $this->responses = array();
     foreach ($chunks as $registrationIDs) {
         $data["registration_ids"] = $registrationIDs;
         $this->responses[] = $this->browser->post($this->apiURL, $headers, json_encode($data));
     // If we're using multiple concurrent connections via MultiCurl
     // then we should flush all requests
     if ($this->browser->getClient() instanceof MultiCurl) {
     // Determine success
     foreach ($this->responses as $response) {
         $message = json_decode($response->getContent());
         if ($message === null || $message->success == 0 || $message->failure > 0) {
             if ($message == null) {
             } else {
             return false;
     return true;