public static function setUpBeforeClass() { // for error reporting (need to run with php5.3 to get no warning) //ini_set('display_errors', 1); //error_reporting(~0); // when running with php5.5, comment out below to skip the warning about // using @ to handle file upload //ini_set('display_startup_errors',1); //ini_set('display_errors',1); //error_reporting(-1); // enable debugging //Swagger\Client\Configuration::$debug = true; // skip initializing the API client as it should be automatic //$api_client = new Swagger\Client\ApiClient(''); // new pet $new_pet_id = 10005; $new_pet = new Swagger\Client\Model\Pet(); $new_pet->setId($new_pet_id); $new_pet->setName("PHP Unit Test"); // new tag $tag = new Swagger\Client\Model\Tag(); $tag->setId($new_pet_id); // use the same id as pet $tag->setName("test php tag"); // new category $category = new Swagger\Client\Model\Category(); $category->setId($new_pet_id); // use the same id as pet $category->setName("test php category"); $new_pet->setTags(array($tag)); $new_pet->setCategory($category); $pet_api = new Swagger\Client\Api\PetAPI(); // add a new pet (model) $add_response = $pet_api->addPet($new_pet); }
public static function setUpBeforeClass() { // for error reporting (need to run with php5.3 to get no warning) //ini_set('display_errors', 1); //error_reporting(~0); // new pet $new_pet_id = 10005; $new_pet = new Swagger\Client\Model\Pet(); $new_pet->setId($new_pet_id); $new_pet->setName("PHP Unit Test"); $new_pet->setStatus("available"); // new tag $tag = new Swagger\Client\Model\Tag(); $tag->setId($new_pet_id); // use the same id as pet $tag->setName("test php tag"); // new category $category = new Swagger\Client\Model\Category(); $category->setId($new_pet_id); // use the same id as pet $category->setName("test php category"); $new_pet->setTags(array($tag)); $new_pet->setCategory($category); $pet_api = new Swagger\Client\Api\PetAPI(); // add a new pet (model) $add_response = $pet_api->addPet($new_pet); }
//$pet_api = new Swagger\Client\PetAPI($api_client); $pet_api = new Swagger\Client\Api\PetApi(); $pet_api->getApiClient()->getConfig()->setTempFolderPath('/var/tmp/php/'); // test default header //$pet_api->getApiClient()->addDefaultHeader("TEST_API_KEY", "09182sdkanafndsl903"); // return Pet (model) $response = $pet_api->getPetById($petId); // to test __toString() print $response; // add pet (post json) $new_pet_id = 10005; $new_pet = new Swagger\Client\Model\Pet(); $new_pet->setId($new_pet_id); $new_pet->setName("PHP Unit Test"); // new tag $tag = new Swagger\Client\Model\Tag(); $tag->setId($new_pet_id); // use the same id as pet //$tag->name = "test php tag"; // new category $category = new Swagger\Client\Model\Category(); $category->setId(10005); // use the same id as pet //$category->name = "test php category"; $new_pet->setTags(array($tag)); $new_pet->setCategory($category); $pet_api = new Swagger\Client\Api\PetApi(); // add a new pet (model) $add_response = $pet_api->addPet($new_pet); // test upload file (should return exception) $upload_response = $pet_api->uploadFile($petId, "test meta", NULL);
public function testAddPetUsingByteArray() { // initialize the API client $config = (new Swagger\Client\Configuration())->setHost(''); $api_client = new Swagger\Client\ApiClient($config); $new_pet_id = 10005; $new_pet = new Swagger\Client\Model\Pet(); $new_pet->setId($new_pet_id); $new_pet->setName("PHP Unit Test 3"); // new tag $tag = new Swagger\Client\Model\Tag(); $tag->setId($new_pet_id); // use the same id as pet $tag->setName("test php tag"); // new category $category = new Swagger\Client\Model\Category(); $category->setId($new_pet_id); // use the same id as pet $category->setName("test php category"); $new_pet->setTags(array($tag)); $new_pet->setCategory($category); $pet_api = new Swagger\Client\Api\PetAPI($api_client); // add a new pet (model) $object_serializer = new Swagger\Client\ObjectSerializer(); $pet_json_string = json_encode($object_serializer->sanitizeForSerialization($new_pet)); $add_response = $pet_api->addPetUsingByteArray(unpack('C*', $pet_json_string)); // return nothing (void) $this->assertSame($add_response, NULL); // verify added Pet $response = $pet_api->getPetById($new_pet_id); $this->assertSame($response->getId(), $new_pet_id); $this->assertSame($response->getName(), 'PHP Unit Test 3'); }
$new_pet_id = 50001; // ID of pet that needs to be fetched for ($x = 0; $x <= $counter; $x++) { try { prof_flag("{$x}: NEW PETAPI"); $pet_api = new Swagger\Client\Api\PetApi(); // ~~~ ADD PET ~~~ prof_flag("{$x}: ADD PET"); // add pet (post json) $new_pet = new Swagger\Client\Model\Pet(); $new_pet->setId($new_pet_id); $new_pet->setName("profiler"); $new_pet->setStatus("available"); $new_pet->setPhotoUrls(array("")); // new tag $tag = new Swagger\Client\Model\Tag(); $tag->setId($new_pet_id); // use the same id as pet $tag->setName("profile tag 1"); // new category $category = new Swagger\Client\Model\Category(); $category->setId($new_pet_id); // use the same id as pet $category->setName("profile category 1"); $new_pet->setTags(array($tag)); $new_pet->setCategory($category); // add a new pet (model) $add_response = $pet_api->addPet($new_pet); // ~~~ GET PET ~~~ prof_flag("{$x}: GET PET"); $response = $pet_api->getPetById($new_pet_id);