/** * Returns the number of "new" items (based on passed criteria) * @param string id ID of folder * @param array criteria * expected: * array('field' => 'status', * 'value' => 'unread'); * @param array * @return int */ function getCountNewItems($id, $criteria, $folder) { global $current_user; $sugarFolder = new SugarFolder(); return $sugarFolder->getCountUnread($id); /* $sugarFolder = new SugarFolder(); return $sugarFolder->getCountUnread($id); /* $count = 0; // if dynamic query is for "My Drafts" run special count logic. if(!empty($folder['dynamic_query'])) { $folder['dynamic_query'] = from_html($folder['dynamic_query']); if(strpos($folder['dynamic_query'], "type = 'draft'") !== false) { $q = "SELECT COUNT(*) c " . substr($folder['dynamic_query'], strpos($folder['dynamic_query'], "FROM")); $r = $this->db->query($q); $a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r); $count = $a['c']; } } $q = "SELECT polymorphic_module, polymorphic_id FROM folders_rel fr JOIN folders f ON fr.folder_id = f.id WHERE f.id = '{$id}'"; $r = $this->db->query($q); $ins = ""; // IN () scope clause while($a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r)) { $table = strtolower($a['polymorphic_module']); if(!empty($ins)) { $ins .= ", "; } $ins .= "'{$a['polymorphic_id']}'"; } if(isset($table)) { $qC = "SELECT count(*) c FROM {$table} WHERE deleted = 0 AND id IN ({$ins}) AND {$criteria['field']} = '{$criteria['value']}'"; $rC = $this->db->query($qC); $aC = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($rC); return ($count + $aC['c']); } return $count;; */ }
/** * Returns the number of "new" items (based on passed criteria) * @param string id ID of folder * @param array criteria * expected: * array('field' => 'status', * 'value' => 'unread'); * @param array * @return int */ function getCountNewItems($id, $criteria, $folder) { global $current_user; $sugarFolder = new SugarFolder(); return $sugarFolder->getCountUnread($id); }