Пример #1
    require "modules/landing.php";
if (empty($_POST['currency'])) {
    flash_error("Please pick a valid currency.");
    require "modules/landing.php";
if (empty($_POST['amount']) || preg_match("([0-9]*[.,][0-9]+|[0-9]+)", $_POST['amount']) == false) {
    flash_error("Please enter a valid amount.");
    require "modules/landing.php";
try {
    $exists = false;
    Subscription::CreateFromQuery("SELECT * FROM subscriptions WHERE `EmailAddress` = :EmailAddress AND `Confirmed` = 0", array(":EmailAddress" => $_POST['email']));
    $exists = true;
} catch (NotFoundException $e) {
    $exists = false;
if ($exists) {
    flash_error("That e-mail address has subscribed before and is currently awaiting confirmation.");
    require "modules/landing.php";
try {
    $exists = false;
    foreach (Subscription::FindByEmail($_POST['email']) as $sSubscription) {
        if ($sSubscription->sCampaignId == $sCampaign->sId && $sSubscription->sIsActive == true) {
            $exists = true;
            $sExistingSubscription = $sSubscription;
Пример #2
 public function UpdateStatistics()
     global $database, $cphp_config;
     if (!empty($cphp_config->debugmode) || $this->sLastStatisticsUpdate < time() - 60 * 5) {
         /* Update subscriber count */
         if ($result = $database->CachedQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM subscriptions WHERE `CampaignId` = :CampaignId AND `Confirmed` = 1 AND `Active` = 1", array(":CampaignId" => $this->sId))) {
             $this->uSubscriberCount = $result->data[0]["COUNT(*)"];
         /* Update total monthly donations */
         try {
             $sSubscriptions = Subscription::CreateFromQuery("SELECT * FROM subscriptions WHERE `CampaignId` = :CampaignId AND `Confirmed` = 1 AND `Active` = 1", array(":CampaignId" => $this->sId));
             $sTotalDonations = 0;
             foreach ($sSubscriptions as $sSubscription) {
                 $sTotalDonations += Currency::Convert("usd", $sSubscription->sCurrency, $sSubscription->sAmount);
             $this->uMonthlyTotal = $sTotalDonations;
         } catch (NotFoundException $e) {
             $this->uMonthlyTotal = 0;
         /* Update donation rate */
         try {
             $sDonationsAsked = LogEntry::CreateFromQuery("SELECT * FROM log_entries WHERE `CampaignId` = :CampaignId AND `Type` = :Type AND `Date` > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH)", array(":CampaignId" => $this->sId, ":Type" => LogEntry::DONATION_ASKED));
             $have_data = true;
         } catch (NotFoundException $e) {
             /* We don't have any data to work from yet. */
             $sDonationsAsked = array();
             $have_data = false;
         if ($have_data) {
             try {
                 $sDonationsMade = LogEntry::CreateFromQuery("SELECT * FROM log_entries WHERE `CampaignId` = :CampaignId AND `Type` = :Type AND `Date` > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH)", array(":CampaignId" => $this->sId, ":Type" => LogEntry::DONATION_MADE));
                 $this->uDonationRate = count($sDonationsMade) / count($sDonationsAsked) * 100;
                 $this->uHaveData = true;
             } catch (NotFoundException $e) {
                 $sDonationsMade = array();
                 $this->uDonationRate = 0;
                 $this->uHaveData = false;
         } else {
             $sDonationsMade = array();
             $this->uDonationRate = 100;
             $this->uHaveData = false;
         /* Update projected monthly donations */
         $this->uMonthlyProjection = $this->uMonthlyTotal * ($this->uDonationRate / 100);
         /* Update past-month subscription count */
         if ($result = $database->CachedQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM log_entries WHERE `CampaignId` = :CampaignId AND `Type` = :Type AND `Date` > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH)", array(":CampaignId" => $this->sId, ":Type" => LogEntry::SUBSCRIPTION_CONFIRMED), 0)) {
             $this->uPastMonthSubscriptions = $result->data[0]["COUNT(*)"];
         /* Update past-month unsubscription count */
         if ($result = $database->CachedQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM log_entries WHERE `CampaignId` = :CampaignId AND `Type` = :Type AND `Date` > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH)", array(":CampaignId" => $this->sId, ":Type" => LogEntry::UNSUBSCRIPTION), 0)) {
             $this->uPastMonthUnsubscriptions = $result->data[0]["COUNT(*)"];
         /* Update past month donation count */
         $this->uPastMonthDonations = count($sDonationsMade);
         /* Update past month non-donation count */
         $this->uPastMonthNonDonations = count($sDonationsAsked) - count($sDonationsMade);
         $this->uLastStatisticsUpdate = time();
Пример #3
$_APP = true;
require "includes/base.php";
if (php_sapi_name() !== "cli") {
/* This cronjob will send out donation reminder e-mails for every user
 * that hasn't received an e-mail in the past month. It will also 
 * re-generate statistics for every campaign, and store them in the
 * historical statistics logs.
/* First, we will update the exchange rates. */
/* Then, we'll start out sending reminder e-mails. */
try {
    $sSubscriptions = Subscription::CreateFromQuery("SELECT * FROM subscriptions WHERE `Confirmed` = 1 AND `Active` = 1 AND (`LastEmail` IS NULL OR `LastEmail` < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH))");
} catch (NotFoundException $e) {
    $sSubscriptions = array();
foreach ($sSubscriptions as $sSubscription) {
/* Now, we'll log a historical statistics snapshot for every campaign. */
try {
    $sCampaigns = Campaign::CreateFromQuery("SELECT * FROM campaigns");
    $found = true;
} catch (NotFoundException $e) {
    /* No campaigns are in the database yet. */
    $found = false;
if ($found) {