public function unsubscribe($id) { $subscriber = Subscriber::find((int) $id); if ($subscriber) { $subscriber->active = 0; $subscriber->save(); $configs = Setting::getSiteSettings(); return View::make('frontend.unsubscribe', ['subscriber' => $subscriber, 'configs' => $configs]); } else { echo 'User not found.'; } }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param $post * @return Response */ public function postDelete($subscriber) { // Declare the rules for the form validation $rules = array('id' => 'required|integer'); // Validate the inputs $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules); // Check if the form validates with success if ($validator->passes()) { $id = $subscriber->id; $subscriber->delete(); // Was the blog post deleted? $subscriber = Subscriber::find($id); if (empty($subscriber)) { // Redirect to the blog posts management page return Redirect::to('admin/subscribers')->with('success', Lang::get('admin/subscribers/messages.delete.success')); } } // There was a problem deleting the blog post return Redirect::to('admin/subscribers')->with('error', Lang::get('admin/subscribers/messages.delete.error')); }
public static function now($pin, $uid, $method = 'pin') { $coupon = self::where('pin', $pin)->first(); if ($coupon == NULL) { throw new Exception("Invalid PIN."); } if ($coupon->user_id != NULL) { throw new Exception('Invalid/Used Voucher.'); } $subscriber = Subscriber::find($uid); switch ($subscriber->plan_type) { case PREPAID_PLAN: $recharge = DB::table('user_recharges as r')->where('r.user_id', $uid)->join('prepaid_vouchers as v', 'r.voucher_id', '=', '')->join('user_accounts as u', '', '=', 'r.user_id')->leftJoin('voucher_limits as l', 'v.limit_id', '=', '')->select('', 'v.plan_type', 'v.limit_id', 'r.expiration', 'l.aq_access', 'u.uname')->first(); if (is_null($recharge)) { throw new Exception("Cannot refill, account never recharged."); } if (strtotime($recharge->expiration) < time()) { throw new Exception("Cannot recharge account, validity expired on: " . date('d-M-y H:i', strtotime($recharge->expiration))); } if ($recharge->plan_type == UNLIMITED) { throw new Exception('Cannot refill Unlimited Account.'); } return self::refillPrepaid($coupon, $recharge); break; case FREE_PLAN: $balance = Freebalance::where('free_balance.user_id', $uid)->join('user_accounts as u', '', '=', 'free_balance.user_id')->select('free_balance.plan_type', 'free_balance.limit_type', '', 'free_balance.aq_access', 'free_balance.aq_invocked', 'free_balance.time_balance', 'free_balance.data_balance', 'free_balance.expiration', 'u.uname')->first(); if (strtotime($balance->expiration) < time()) { throw new Exception("Cannot refill account, validity expired on: " . date('d-M-y H:i', strtotime($balance->expiration))); } if ($balance->plan_type == UNLIMITED) { throw new Exception("Cannot refill unlimited account."); } return self::refillFree($coupon, $balance); break; } }
public function getSessionHistory() { $sess_history = Subscriber::find(Auth::id())->sessionHistory()->orderby('acctstarttime', 'desc')->paginate(10); return View::make('user.prepaid.session_history')->with('sess_history', $sess_history); }
public function postEdit() { $input = Input::all(); $rules = Config::get('validations.accounts'); $rules['uname'][] = 'unique:user_accounts,uname,' . $input['id']; $v = Validator::make($input, $rules); $v->setAttributeNames(Config::get('attributes.accounts')); if ($v->fails()) { return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($v); } try { if (!Input::has('id')) { throw new Exception("Required parameter missing: ID"); } $account = Subscriber::find($input['id']); if (!$account) { throw new Exception("No such user with id:{$input['id']}"); } $account->fill($input); if (!$account->save()) { throw new Exception("Failed to update account."); } if ($account->status == DEACTIVE) { Subscriber::destroyAllSessions($account); } $this->notifySuccess("Account successfully updated."); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->notifyError($e->getMessage()); return Redirect::route(self::HOME); } return Redirect::route(self::HOME); }
public function getEdit() { $profile = Subscriber::find(Auth::user()->id); return View::make('admin.my_profile.edit')->with('profile', $profile); }
public function unsubscribe($id) { $browser = new Browser(); $userbrowser = $browser->getBrowser() . ' ' . $browser->getVersion(); $userplatform = $browser->getPlatform(); $userIP = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $tracker = Tracker::find($id); $tracker->unsubscribed = 1; if ($tracker->IP_address == '') { $tracker->IP_address = $userIP; } if ($tracker->browser == '') { $tracker->browser = $userbrowser; } if ($tracker->platform == '') { $tracker->platform = $userplatform; } if ($tracker->read == 0) { $tracker->read = 1; } if ($tracker->read_at == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $tracker->read_at = new Datetime(); } $tracker->save(); $sub_id = $tracker->subscriber_id; $subscriber = Subscriber::find($sub_id); $subscriber->active = 0; $subscriber->save(); echo "You have been successfully unsubscribed."; }
public function add_subscribers_to_list($id) { $subs_array = Input::get('subsarray'); $list = Addressbook::find($id); $count = 0; foreach ($subs_array as $key => $value) { $list->subscribers()->attach($value); if ($list->active == 0) { $subscriber = Subscriber::find($value); $subscriber->active = 0; $subscriber->save(); } else { if ($list->active == 1) { $subscriber = Subscriber::with('lists')->find($value); $check = 1; foreach ($subscriber->lists as $alist) { if ($alist->active == 0) { $check = 0; } } if ($check == 1) { $subscriber->active = 1; } else { $subscriber->active = 0; } $subscriber->save(); } } $count++; } return Response::json(array('success' => $count . ' subscribers successfully added to ' . $list->name)); }
public function restore($id) { $subscriber = Subscriber::find($id); $subscriber->is_deleted = 0; $subscriber->save(); return Redirect::to('dashboard/subscribers/trash')->withSuccess('Subscriber restored.'); }