public function actionAdmin() { $model = new Student('search'); $model->unsetAttributes(); if (isset($_GET['Student'])) { $model->setAttributes($_GET['Student']); } $this->render('admin', array('model' => $model)); }
public function actionVerifyStudents() { $model = new Student('search'); $model->unsetAttributes(); if (isset($_GET['Student'])) { $model->attributes = $_GET['Student']; } $dataProvider = $model->searchInactive(); $this->render('verifyStudents', array('model' => $model, 'dataProvider' => $dataProvider)); }
public function actionAdmin() { $model = new Student('search'); $model->unsetAttributes(); // clear any default value $class_id = Yii::app()->user->class_id; $model->class_id = $class_id; $model->is_check = 1; $this->render('admin', array('model' => $model)); }
/** * Prepares dataproviders for models and jstree open nodes. * @return array Contains the dataproviders for the models,open nodes for the tree and the model to search for. * @since 1.0 */ private function prepare_dataproviders() { //create an array open_nodes with the ids of the nodes that we want to be initially open //when the tree is loaded.Modify this to suit your needs.Here,we open all nodes on load. $categories = Classroom::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'lft')); $identifiers = array(); foreach ($categories as $n => $category) { $identifiers[] = "'" . 'node_' . $category->id . "'"; } $open_nodes = implode(',', $identifiers); $cat_dataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider('Classroom'); $prod_criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $prod_criteria->with = array('assignments' => array('on' => '', 'together' => true, 'joinType' => 'INNER JOIN', 'params' => array(':cat_id' => $_GET['cat_id']))); //for search $model = new Student('search'); $model->unsetAttributes(); if (isset($_GET['Student'])) { //if searching $model->setAttributes($_GET['Student']); $search_criteria = $model->searchCriteria(); $prod_criteria->mergeWith($search_criteria); } $prod_dataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider('Student', array('criteria' => $prod_criteria, 'pagination' => array('pageSize' => self::PAGING_SIZE_CAT))); return array('cat_provider' => $cat_dataProvider, 'prod_provider' => $prod_dataProvider, 'open_nodes' => $open_nodes, 'model' => $model); }
/** * Manages all models. */ public function actionIndex() { if (!isset($_GET['cID'])) { $this->redirect(array('classmanager/index')); } else { $_SESSION['cID'] = $_GET['cID']; } $model = new Student('search'); //$model = Student::model()->findAll('ID_Class=:idClass', array('idClass'=>$_SESSION['cID'])); $model->unsetAttributes(); // clear any default values $model->ID_Class = $_SESSION['cID']; if (isset($_GET['Student'])) { $model->attributes = $_GET['Student']; } $this->render('admin', array('model' => $model)); }
/** * Manages all models. */ public function actionAdmin() { $model = new Student('search'); $model->unsetAttributes(); // clear any default values if (isset($_GET['Student'])) { $model->attributes = $_GET['Student']; } $this->render('admin', array('model' => $model)); }
/** * Manages all models. */ public function actionAdmin($assignment = null) { $model = new Student('search'); $model->unsetAttributes(); // clear any default values if ($assignment) { $dataProvider = new CArrayDataProvider($this->loadStudentsFromAssignment($assignment), array('keyField' => 'id', 'pagination' => array('pageSize' => 1000))); } else { if (isset($_GET['Student'])) { $model->attributes = $_GET['Student']; } $dataProvider = $model->search(); } $this->render('admin', array('model' => $model, 'dataProvider' => $dataProvider)); }