Пример #1

require "strus.php";
$queryphrase = "city";
$config = "path=storage";
$ctx = new StrusContext();
try {
    # Get a client for the storage:
    $storage = $ctx->createStorageClient($config);
    # Define the query analyzer to use:
    $analyzer = $ctx->createQueryAnalyzer();
    $analyzer->addSearchIndexElement("word", "word", "word", array(array("stem", "en"), "lc", array("convdia", "en")));
    # Define the query evaluation scheme:
    $queryeval = $ctx->createQueryEval();
    # Here we define what query features decide, what is ranked for the result:
    # Here we define how we rank a document selected. We use the 'BM25' weighting scheme:
    $queryeval->addWeightingFunction("BM25", array("k1" => 0.75, "b" => 2.1, "avgdoclen" => 1000, ".match" => "seek"));
    # Now we define what attributes of the documents are returned and how they are build.
    # The functions that extract stuff from documents for presentation are called summarizers.
    # First we add a summarizer that extracts us the title of the document:
    $queryeval->addSummarizer("attribute", array("name" => "title"));
    # Then we add a summarizer that collects the sections that enclose the best matches
    # in a ranked document:
    $queryeval->addSummarizer("matchphrase", array("type" => "orig", "sentencesize" => 40, "windowsize" => 60, ".match" => "seek"));
    # Now we build the query to issue:
    $query = $queryeval->createQuery($storage);
    # First we analyze the query phrase to get the terms to find in the form as they are stored in the storage:
    $terms = $analyzer->analyzeField("word", $queryphrase);
    if (count($terms) == 0) {
        throw new Exception("query is empty");