Пример #1
  * Propagate data in xml property to other articles if necessary
  * @param string $oldText contains text being replaced
  * @param String $text which we never touch when propagating places
  * @param bool $textChanged which we never touch when propagating places
  * @return bool true if propagation was successful
 protected function propagateEditData($oldText, &$text, &$textChanged)
     $result = true;
     // determine current parents and type and lat and lng
     list($alsoLocatedIn, $type, $lat, $lng, $fromYear, $toYear) = Place::getPropagatedData($this->xml);
     // determine original parents by retrieving current version
     list($origAlsoLocatedIn, $origType, $origLat, $origLng, $origFromYear, $origToYear) = array(array(), null, null, null, null, null);
     if ($oldText) {
         $origXml = StructuredData::getXml('place', $oldText);
         if (isset($origXml)) {
             list($origAlsoLocatedIn, $origType, $origLat, $origLng, $origFromYear, $origToYear) = Place::getPropagatedData($origXml);
             // maintain place_abbrevs
             if (!isset($this->xml) || Place::placeAbbrevsChanged($origXml, $this->xml)) {
                 if (isset($this->xml)) {
                     Place::placeAbbrevsAdd($this->titleString, $this->xml);
         } else {
             // new place comes here or below
             // add to place_abbrevs
             Place::placeAbbrevsAdd($this->titleString, $this->xml);
     } else {
         // add to place_abbrevs
         Place::placeAbbrevsAdd($this->titleString, $this->xml);
     //		$delAlsoLocatedIn = StructuredData::mapDiff($origAlsoLocatedIn, $alsoLocatedIn, 'place');
     // don't remove from X if this place is locatedIn X
     //		if ($this->locatedIn) {
     //		   $key = StructuredData::mapSearch($this->locatedIn, $delAlsoLocatedIn, 'place');
     //		   if ($key!==false) {
     //		      array_splice($delAlsoLocatedIn, $key, 1);
     //		   }
     //		}
     //      if ($type != $origType || $lat != $origLat || $lng != $origLng) {
     //         $updAlsoLocatedIn = $alsoLocatedIn;
     //      }
     //      else {
     //         $updAlsoLocatedIn = array_diff($alsoLocatedIn, $origAlsoLocatedIn);
     //      }
     // remove from original parent if necessary (don't remove from X if this place is now prevLocatedIn X)
     //		if ($origLocatedIn && $origLocatedIn != $locatedIn && array_search($origLocatedIn, $alsoLocatedIn)===false) {
     //            $parentArticle = StructuredData::getArticle(Title::newFromText((string)$origLocatedIn, NS_PLACE), true);
     //            if ($parentArticle) {
     //                $content =& $parentArticle->fetchContent();
     //                $updatedContent =& $this->updateContainedPlace(null, null, null, null, $content);
     //					if ($updatedContent) {
     //						$updateResult = $parentArticle->doEdit($updatedContent, self::PROPAGATE_MESSAGE, PROPAGATE_EDIT_FLAGS);
     //						$result = $result && $updateResult;
     //					}
     //            }
     //		}
     $isRedirect = StructuredData::isRedirect($text);
     if ($isRedirect) {
         // add alt name to redirect target
         list($prefName, $locatedIn) = Place::getPrefNameLocatedIn($this->titleString);
         $prefName = StructuredData::mb_str_replace($prefName, '_', ' ');
         // convert _'s back to spaces
         $newTitle = Title::newFromRedirect($text);
         $targetArticle = StructuredData::getArticle($newTitle, true);
         $targetContent =& $targetArticle->fetchContent();
         $targetXml = StructuredData::getXml('place', $targetContent);
         $found = false;
         foreach ($targetXml->alternate_name as $an) {
             $altName = (string) $an['name'];
             if ($altName == $prefName) {
                 $found = true;
         if (!$found) {
             $altName = '<alternate_name name="' . StructuredData::escapeXml($prefName) . '" source="from redirect"/>';
             $targetContent = StructuredData::mb_str_replace($targetContent, "<place>", "<place>\n" . $altName);
             $targetArticle->doEdit($targetContent, 'Add alternate name from redirect', PROPAGATE_EDIT_FLAGS);
         // edit wlh pages to point to the target title
         $job = new PlaceRedirectJob(array('old_title' => $this->titleString, 'new_title' => $newTitle->getText()));
     // update type, lat, or lng if changed, or this place has been redirected or this place is new
     if ($this->locatedIn && ($isRedirect || !isset($origXml) || $type != $origType || $lat != $origLat || $lng != $origLng || $fromYear != $origFromYear || $toYear != $origToYear)) {
         $parentArticle = StructuredData::getArticle(Title::newFromText($this->locatedIn, NS_PLACE), true);
         if ($parentArticle) {
             $content =& $parentArticle->fetchContent();
             if ($isRedirect) {
                 // remove from parent
                 $updatedContent =& $this->updateContainedPlace(null, null, null, null, null, null, $content);
             } else {
                 $updatedContent =& $this->updateContainedPlace($this->titleString, $type, $lat, $lng, $fromYear, $toYear, $content);
             if ($updatedContent) {
                 $updateResult = $parentArticle->doEdit($updatedContent, self::PROPAGATE_MESSAGE . ' [[' . $this->title->getPrefixedText() . ']]', PROPAGATE_EDIT_FLAGS);
                 $result = $result && $updateResult;
     // remove from deleted previous parents
     foreach ($origAlsoLocatedIn as $pli) {
         if ($this->locatedIn != (string) $pli['place'] && StructuredData::mapArraySearch((string) $pli['place'], $alsoLocatedIn, 'place') === false) {
             $parentArticle = StructuredData::getArticle(Title::newFromText((string) $pli['place'], NS_PLACE), true);
             if ($parentArticle) {
                 $content =& $parentArticle->fetchContent();
                 $updatedContent =& $this->updateContainedPlace(null, null, null, null, null, null, $content);
                 if ($updatedContent) {
                     $updateResult = $parentArticle->doEdit($updatedContent, self::PROPAGATE_MESSAGE . ' [[' . $this->title->getPrefixedText() . ']]', PROPAGATE_EDIT_FLAGS);
                     $result = $result && $updateResult;
     // add to new previous parents or update type, lat, lng on same previous-parents
     foreach ($alsoLocatedIn as $pli) {
         $origKey = StructuredData::mapArraySearch((string) $pli['place'], $origAlsoLocatedIn, 'place');
         if ($origKey !== false) {
             $origPli = $origAlsoLocatedIn[$origKey];
         if ($this->locatedIn != (string) $pli['place'] && ($origKey === false || $type != $origType || $lat != $origLat || $lng != $origLng || (string) $pli['from_year'] != (string) $origPli['from_year'] || (string) $pli['to_year'] != (string) $origPli['to_year'])) {
             $parentArticle = StructuredData::getArticle(Title::newFromText((string) $pli['place'], NS_PLACE), true);
             if ($parentArticle) {
                 $content =& $parentArticle->fetchContent();
                 $updatedContent =& $this->updateContainedPlace($this->titleString, $type, $lat, $lng, (string) $pli['from_year'], (string) $pli['to_year'], $content);
                 if ($updatedContent) {
                     $updateResult = $parentArticle->doEdit($updatedContent, self::PROPAGATE_MESSAGE . ' [[' . $this->title->getPrefixedText() . ']]', PROPAGATE_EDIT_FLAGS);
                     $result = $result && $updateResult;
     if (!$result) {
         error_log("ERROR! Place edit/rollback not propagated: {$this->titleString}\n");
     return $result;